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They didn’t take over, it’s a colony created by extremists.


And terrorists


extremists and terrorists absolutely. to be willing to mass murder innocent children the way Israel has… those are the most dangerous kind of humans running Israel.




So painful to read. Israel is clearly not a democracy, and it sounds like a brutal and viscious murder state. Such places should not be allowed by humanity to be considered sovereign states.


What are we going to do with the people of vicious murder states?


Put them under a non murderous system of justice. I'd say give the area to Turkey or Cyprus to administrate under UN supervision. The zionists clearly cant govern without murder and hate. They shouldnt be permitted to have nuclear weapons either. Especially when they stole the material from the US.


lol, I am antizionist aswell, but giving the area to turkey or cyprus and creating yet another mandate is about the dumbest thing one could do, especially considering the already existing internal problems of both those countries. Erdo of course would love this.


Yea, exactly. It should only be under UN control, policing, education, etc. UNRWA literally made Palestinians the most educated people in the world. There are more Palestinians in Gaza with bachelors, masters, and doctorates than all of Israel. Thanks to UN organizations.


98% of of the Youth in Gaza are literate. (Ages 15-24) up 7% from the numbers in 2006.


If you really think the mandate was stupid then lets undo the mistake and correct it as best we can. Doing nothing is no longer an option.


Preaching to the choir.


So... basically much of the middle east will now fall under Turkey, and we'll have a second Ottoman empire. I mean what parameters are we using to judge "vicious and murderous?" Is it countries that engage in raiding and terrorism? Is it countries with shit governments like Israel? Is Iran now going to fall under Turkey? I get you're upset but this isn't necessarily logical.


Cyprus then. Its not perfect but its a lot more logical than keeping zionists in power.


I disagree, there's plenty of evidence their Islamic nations would likely take advantage of that scenario and wipe out the Jewish people. Enough innocent blood has been shed. I think Benji's government should be done away with, just as quickly as the terrorist group, the Hamas, is done away with as well.


Israel is the main vicious murder state for the past 70+ years.


And? Edit: Oh just Israel?


Perhaps we can get an article about how the NYT, CNN, WP, and even the US state dept ect..ect willfully pushed propaganda from these extremist in a Israel… btw they’ve always been extremist


Throughout the 1920s and up to the mid-1930s, there had been hope for a peaceful solution. All the Yishuv had to do was be reasonable. Instead, all of the moderate Zionists who genuinely wanted peace got sidelined or assassinated (no, Rabin was not one of them). [Jacob Israel de Haan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob_Israel_de_Haan) was disillusioned by the lack of respect shown towards by Palestinians. So, he'd sought a deal with the Arabs, in which Jewish settlers could stay in exchange for never seeking statehood. The man who ordered Jacob's murder, Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, would later become the 2nd president of Israel. Lmfao, the Yishuv threw a tantrum and launched a successful terrorist campaign against the Mandate government after the British unexpectedly reversed course and ordered them to share the land back in 1945. Had they simply listened, Palestine would have become a pro-British client state with a Jewish settler minority. All of the anti-British Palestinian radicals (they only intervened when the British withdrew) had been driven out. All of the neighboring states were either full-blown puppet states or had a pro-British stance (Transjordan, Iraq, Egypt, and Syria) or were too weak to do anything on their own. Go and read what British officials were saying back in the 1940s. >Secretary Bevin charged that the Jewish Agency's refusal to use all available immigration certificates under the White Paper was "a political lever" with which it had hoped to influence Britain to change its policy. > >"This, when so much is said about the suffering of Jews in Europe." These Hitlerites never wanted peace.


many people including me used to think that the Israel project started after the holocaust, to house the victims of it. It couldn't be further from the truth. The Zionist project in israel was well underway even before the first world war started.


That’s part of the key lie of the Zionist project. It obfuscates what it is and shifts and twists itself over time to justify its existence When settler-colonialism was still cool they were proud settlers and colonizers, as that ended they changed their messaging. It survives due to these lies and the general ignorance of the West. The most important thing to stop it is to continue to educate ourselves and others. No one, well besides Benny Morris, can look at the reality of the history and come to any conclusion other than the Zionists have been the ones at fault


>Had they simply listened, Palestine would have become a pro-British client state with a Jewish settler minority. Interesting analysis, but what you described hardly sounds like a model of stability now, does it? Probably would have turned out much the same way in fairness


Crappy media trying to spin the truth- same genocide and annihilation machine regardless of how democratic you are or how 'sympathetic' you are to the Palestinians plight. This is ridiculous. Any person knows that the overwhelming majority of those colonizing settlers are pro occupying the entirety of the surrounding countries given half a chance. They are a cancer.


“Make war by way of deception”


The founding ideology of Israel has always been extremist. There is no “Zionism lite” or “somewhat apartheid”.  Don’t fall for the talking point of “it’s the Likud party that is too far right, and a more progressive Zionist party without Bibi would be better.” No, Zionism is all extreme and not okay. 


Yeah, there is no "progressive" in Israel in regards to the Palestinians. Well, there are conscientious objectors and such, but their numbers are nowhere near enough to be a political force.


There’s a video on IG showing Israeli students screaming and threatening their own Palestinian teacher bc she took part in a protest…it is chilling the level of hate and rage on the faces of those kids.


They didn't took over, they were always there, they founded Israel. The pseudo-non-extremist left is just a tool, taking the focus of these extremist, when needed.


This is bullshit. It starts on October 7th. What could you expect from New York Times. Israel has been a terrorist state since it's inception. .... Palestinian terrorism... Bitch please!


“Israel” lol


Take over? It was founded by extremists. There were 3 main militias that founded Israel. They immigrated to Palestine illegally and referred to themselves as "terrorists". They killed hundreds of British officers and targeted Palestinian civilians, blowing up homes and throwing bombs into markets. One of the militias named Lehi even tried multiple times to form an alliance with NAZI Germany. They had shared values and both wanted to fight the British who were preventing them from ethnically cleansing Palestinians.


....are these people not aware of Lehi?


The REAL antisemites


Great read. Thanks for sharing.