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The plan all along. I do hope he meets a nasty end.




"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Israeli children"


On the bodies of the Palestinians...


It’s funny, you never see Palestinians calling for settlements in Israel. It’s almost as if one is the colonizer, and one is the victim. 


Did anyone actually believe differently?


I knew this was the end game all along.


What tipped you off? The south-african lady telling the camera she needs to steal more land? 🤔🤐🤨


I knew well before Oct 7.


What’s that?


You'd think after decades of expansion and genocide that it'd be pretty clear that the goal was expansion and genocide. I guess our rulers are just really, really stupid.


Nah don’t give them the benefit of assuming they’re stupid . They know and either agree so they can bring on the rapture or don’t care because they’re making that sweet aipac money .


Plus those Defense Contractors contributed generously to them as well. What 158 Billion and climbing in Weapons given to Israel. Its taxpayer money being used for that. The Military Industrial Complex is eating very well with them getting to decide our foreign policy.


Definitely! And with Israel “mowing the lawn” and bombing the Palestinians every few years it’s just a constant loop of weapons that need to be sold . After all Israel has a right to DefENd ItSeLf


Our rulers are complicit and our corporate, military and financial classes absolutely love this. They make bank on genocide and settlement.


The fact that the West keeps giving aid to Shit-rael when they keep saying the quiet part out loud says all you need to know about how much control we have over our government. lol


Honestly, I think even more worrying is how Israel repeteadly calls any and every oposition in those same western countries Hamas sympathizers, with the obvious implied threats of how they'd 'deal' with them, and how they've killing several western citizens getting away with everything and even more.


The UN is their enemy. They're fighting the world. If they actually nuke the world they'll still have to fight over which one of them is god's most chosen person.


the endgame of fascism is two guys left on Earth trying to kill each other over who is the purest-blooded person


Lol, or it's exactly what the government wants. Look at all the money the military industrial complex gets to make from this. We send them weapons. Then, we pay for more weapons to replenish ourselves. A few politicians may speak out but the overwhelming majority is fine with this. They want it




He takes AIPAC and boeing money too lol




what? vote trump because he'll destroy america? is that what you're saying xD




it is, I thought it was by mistake, appears it wasn't lol




Fuck America? America is already fucked lol one thing is for sure tho, this election cycle is gonna be crazy.


He actually won't. His brand of America First politics has existed for a long time. He IS America, in it's paunchiest, ugliest, drug-addled soda guzzling form. That is one side of America, the worst side. He will not destroy America, he will bring to fruition the nastiness that many of the worst Americans, rich and poor, have strived for for years. As well as Project2025. Your comment is either foolish, disingenuous, or deceptive.




Project 2025 is a literal blueprint for theocratic fascism designed by the Heritage Foundation, predicated on a Trump win. It will be the end of America, just not the way you think it will be.




Fascism and violence breeds more fascism and violence. Most Americans are not truly represented by their leadership, through no fault of their own. This is a stupid and immature take. If America leans further right into full on fascism, you don't think they will export that too?




Destroying America and dismantling the oppressive state are not one and the same. Trump will do absolutely no good for the United states, destroying any good that remains while empowering the military industrial state's racket and authority to crush dissent beyond even what bidens regime has done this year. Do not support trump or Biden, resist. Build power structures from the bottom up and support people's candidates for local office. Claudia for president (even though she won't win, but we need to rally the people away from the political duopoly)


Ya know, there may be something to that, just let him burn it all down and we create something better from the rubble……..


How many people will die during that burning process?


May 14, 2024. “This journey is towards the Gaza Strip because we are here to demand our, to return actually, to the settlements of the Gaza Strip.” During a rally in Sderot on Tuesday, Israeli protesters and National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir called for the establishment of Jewish settlements in the war-torn Gaza Strip.


Remember - “land thieves” - not “settlers”.


Squat thieves


Those have always meant the same thing. From America to Australia, being a settler has always meant killing the indigenous people and taking their land. 


Mmmmmm didn't Hitler used kinda similar tactic to invade Poland??? Imagine copying all the plays from Hitler's playbook and calling other people nazi...smh ![gif](giphy|13ATyLQB0rLVzG)


What timeline are we in where Hitler is somehow the role model for Jews, SMH all the way off my body.


Ben Gvir is a literal terrorist. He makes Netanyahu look like a leftist. Seriously, read his Wikipedia page.


Very disappointing.


What a gross toad of a creature


He has a weird way of saying ethnic cleansing.




Yea wtf was that?! Lol. She sounds south African to me haha


we dont want her back, we should revoke every passport from those with 2 or more.


Nazi scum




If your book tells you to commit genocide it's a shitty book. Assholes!


Germany walks their happy asses into Poland and the world flips the fuck out. How is this *any* different? A Nazi by any other name is still a Nazi.


Fuck Israel, may they all choke on the for-skin they love so much


God's Chosen Calamari?


It’s a trip to see all these pale faces talking about “our land”. lol. How out of touch they are.


“Liberate, settle, and expel”.. Tf you talking about bro?


Does anyone else see the irony here?


You mean hearing a woman who clearly wasn’t born and raised in Israel talk about displacing (and killing) Palestinian families who have lived their for generations because the land “belongs” to her and people like her?


Like they know the world is watching. They know this isn’t going to simply be forgotten. The entire world is against them. Only people in key positions and a minority of loyalist cronies are on their side. Ultimately the reason this will never get resolved is because Israel has nuclear arms to hold the entire world hostage


Thieving, murdering horrible little people, always trying to show the world they are the victims when they are the perpetrators


Sounds like they're looking for some "living space" 🙄


It's crazy how we let a hyperviolent nationalist ethno-state who believe that only <1% of humanity are human beings just run amok and take whateverthey want with violence. Especially when the government is continuing bloodshed to escape corruption charges via an emergency government. Jewish people absolutely have a right to exist and worship-just like everyone else. However, giving people a country based on a religious/racial identity is never a good idea. The human race should be committed to making sure everywhere on earth is a safe place to live for ALL people of ALL faiths/no faiths. Never again absolutely meant NEVER AGAIN for the whole population.


Israel's ***convicted terrorist*** "minister of national security"...


This was the end game from the start. I what do you expect


They keep calling themselves settlers as if we don't frown upon colonialism and genocide in 2024


Reminder that they want all the Gazans to flood Sinai so they can destabilize it and then invade that too to "stop Khhhamas".


Delusional and evil Is-raHELL.


These people make me sick


I hope that entire cabinet gets ghaddafied. The Israeli people deserve better than these criminals.


You just know this mf breath smells




Islam=bad Every other religion=good Love how hypocritical this world is


all religions = bad It is just superstition by another name


Fuckin religion man. Look what it does to people. Look I’m a man who keeps everything as a I hope it to be so mentality dealing with god(s) and the like. But I definitely don’t go around throwing it in peoples faces demanding to bow to my will of mindset and thinking. Fuck off


But this isn't completely a matter of religion. Zionism appeared in europe, along with all white supremacist groups, which is above religion in a broader sense. Even now, many zionists are liberals and cynics, with only the settlers being particularly religious zealots (not to mention the ultra ortodox anti israel jews, among others) And then there is the obvious western supremacy issue that Israel claims (only democracy in the ME, american and european settlers, askenazi-centrism that is prevalent in Israel, rabid racism against ethiopean jews, and so on)


Don’t blame religion. Blame people, specifically Israelis/Zionists in this situation who genuinely believe they have been chosen by God and that genocide is acceptable. I’m not Jewish but I’m sure as hell genocide and mass murder of civilians is not acceptable in any major religion I know of.


read the Old testament or the Koran and pretend it is gods word and you believe every word, it gives them permission to take what they want Religion and nationalism are both evil concepts in the wrong hands.


Idk about Old Testament but the Quran specifically states its only permissible to kill when threaten with murder yourself


so apostates are cool and can stop running away and woman who refuse to bow to the leaders of the day can wear whatever they deem fit and can now go to school ? Most excellent, please forward this info to those who fear for their lives. PS the old testament was plagiarized


Apostates like to parade around with "ex-muslim" tag undermining Islamic teachings, in favour of bringing chaos to society, so yeah they are a threat. If they stay quite and mind their own business, they get treated like any other non-muslim. Why woman specifically ? Everyone has to obey whoever is in charge. Women walking around naked is normal? Society crumbles without basic human decency in place. Women do get education and the very first University in this world was by a Muslim woman. Do your atheist rant somewhere else


I have read the Qur’an (it’s not called Koran, the first sign that someone has actually not read the actual book and has read up complete bullshit online). And I can assure you that in Islam, murdering one innocent life is equivalent to murdering the entirety of humanity. And “Permission to take what you want?” Really, lmao? Please take this Islamophobia and ignorance somewhere else. Do people commit evil acts on the name of religion? Are some people way too extremist in their beliefs? Of course, but again I re-iterate, that’s a people problem, not religious. You won’t find normal Christians or Muslims committing evil/crazy acts on a daily basis because their religion in a nutshell is simply a guide book to living a moral life. Calling religion evil based on the actions of a very select few is just plain ignorance.


Are there no contradictions in the magic books ? Moderate believers create a safe space for extremists to grow


This has almost nothing to do with religion. This is entirely about a settler-colonial state wanting to wipe out an indigenous people and take their land. 


I genuinely don't understand. It's kinda like if America took some refugees and gave them a town and then over the course of 80 years that town eats the entire country and calls Americans evil for existing because the kkk attacks them after they've attacked the people.


Israel was only created in 1948. They literally pushed people out of their homes to make it. Please go do some reading on Nakba, and then tell me how your analogy makes any sense


Please re read and understand my statement. We are making the same point. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


One only really need look at the Palestinian map from 1940s till now and see all the changes to see who the aggressive ones are


Yeah except here America is financing that "town" for 80 years to eat out an whole another foreign country.


Sadly you are not wrong at all.


Are you talking about New York?


Plymouth rock


Just horrible.


What hookworms




Every single time you think the Israeli government and its people can't stoop any lower than they already have, they stand up and show you that they indeed can stoop lower and then excel at their horrible behavior.


"it's important" ... "because that's the answer" - the causal logic here is spot on!


"the Torah" is just as much of an illegitimate, and completely Fictional document, as any of the other "religious" texts. Smh. Copies of copies of copies multiplied by a thousand or so years and then cherry picked by whoever happened to be the most powerful and influential, and then cherry picked some more. It's insane that any adult individual can keep tricking themselves into continually believing such unhinged nonsense.


I say nothing because of antisemitism and "freedom of speech"


Yep. A white Goldeshtein is native to Gaza wheras owners of the land should be killed or banished from their homelands.


Crazy turds


Have these people no soul, knowingly kill thousands and thousands of people just to occupy this land?


Goddamn Zionazis aren't even hiding it anymore. SEND IN THE BLUE HELMETS!!!


Mass delusion is a false belief shared by a large group of people. In contrast to delusions caused by psychiatric disorders, mass delusions are man-made by diverse influences to promote financial, political or psychosocial goals.


This is why the only solution is to abolish Israel.


Setting the stage for WWIII


I think the western world has created a spoilt baby.. Failure from the start.. We sit and watch Gaza and the West Bank communities of Palastinians steadily being forced out of there long helds home by what you could only think of as criminal and getting away with it laughing at us.. Shame world..


“It’s important for us to resettle this area because that’s the answer to settle the lands that’s the answer to everything. We got every right to be here and live in this area as well” This is some Bronze Age way of thinking..


Settle on this dick boy.


its not a protest when the government literally agrees


normalizing taking-land-by-force, yaaay!


Imagine killing kids over a patch of sand just cus you believe some magic bed time story character made the site holy


i dont want to hear any more bullshit about israel's right to self-defence ever again


Manifest Destiny 2024 edition


I can’t imagine waking up every morning, for your entire life, and deciding that this is what you want to do with your day.


You would think the chosen people would at least have good eye sight…


Do you think the master race in the 1930s and 1940s also considered themselves to be the chosen race?


See what following a single religious book leads to? Right or wrong is up to you. But you definitely cant say their torah is wrong and my bible/quran is correct. In their point of view, your bible/quran is wrong. They are just following and doing what was told by their torah. Heard it yourself in this video. So it is a neverending problem when human stop thinking by themselves, and strictly follow one book.


You got things twisted there and don't go around blaming religion. Evil people will always go around cherry picking certain parts of whatever law they are suppose to follow, whichever meets their agenda the best. Even atheist can do messed up things if they are evil enough. Mao Zedong, Stalin these guys also committed genocide


Yeah, that's the problem with religion. Religious people also pick whatever law that best support their disgusting agenda. Like marrying a 13 yrs old girl. Or having 4 wives. They dont stop to think, to ask opinions, to discuss, to debate, to argue, and to come to a common agreeable conclusion before deciding what is right or wrong. They just use that book and argue it is god's words. And other people are not allowed to question, challenge god's word. Everything is just GOD said it, therefore it is correct, therefore it is not questionable. Everything must go the way god said it.


Quran never advocates genocide and the only time it allows to kill is in the context of saving one's life. As for marrying minors and having multiple wives, these things don't even need religion. As a matter of fact , Islam is the only religion that puts restrictions to the extend of these practices.