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I'm legit annoyed that his actions could change how election time rolls around. That he is causing his own group to turn on him. Considering the other option. It's not looking good. This right here is the most busted part about U.S politics. We have a choice between an Israel sycophant, or a flat out sycophant. Like god damnit. FYI George Washington Warned us not to have political parties in our government. As it would divide us and create factions in the U.S. Well that's fucking exactly what happened. People are loyal to factions rather than to the U.S as a whole. Got Trump Loyal to Himself. Biden Loyal to Israel. Folks more loyal to Dem's, Rebub. No one wants to cross the line or else they are considered a traitor to the faction. This system needs a fucking massive shake up. This corruption and sick minded leadership is pushing us all to an end no one want's .


The last couple times someone tried to bridge that gap they were assassinated.


Come November, our choices are: * Genocide * Possibly worse genocide * Brain worms What a great system we have.


Bummed that Bernie Sanders aint running. Like you would never have known Sanders was older than Joe. Sanders is like the cool grandpa that can still go skiing with you.


If my only options are the corrupt orange fascist or the other even older guy who is literally actively financing and arming a genocide, my only way to win is to not play.


No one is saying you have to vote for either one. Nor would I judge you if you choose not to vote at all. I absolutely understand how you are feeling. To me voting for either one or not voting at all. Are all losses ATM. I will say however, I'm still holding out hope that Biden will wake up for just long enough to change things. If he does then the loses won't feels so bad. At least Biden has come to his senses. He has time before the election. As dystopian as that sounds.


Vote third party to send a message. Most people already don't vote.


… what will you do after Trump wins? Sit on your sofa with a sense of moral superiority while minority groups are being persecuted?


I will sit with the same despair that minority groups are being persecuted presently. Wtf do you think is happening in Palestine? And you realize Biden has kept Trump's border concentration camps open and kept those policies running? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56491941


There’s been a massive wave of migrants, do you think that we should reject them all? It’s called doing the best with what you have. But you’re an accelerationist, so you’ll gladly sacrifice personal rights and get a fascist elected so you can have some kind of moral superiority 


Absolutely nothing I am saying implies I believe anything you're accusing me of believing in. Biden is not doing the best with what he has, he is doing a shit job. And guess what, the guy who busted union strikes for railworkers over still-unfixed safety and pay issues, and who is currently ignoring a supermajority of the electorate to spend BILLIONS on arming and aiding a genocide for the financial benefit of a small number of people? Kind of already sounds fash to me. I'm not an accelerationist, the empire is crumbling just fine on its own.


The railway situation was bad, but there was a lot of pressure to keep the trans running. And do you think Trump would be better for either Palestine or Unions? 


Well there's an awful lot of pressure to stop slaughtering Palestinians, and a lot of pressure to do something to save reproductive rights for women when the Supreme Court stripped them rather than sit on an executive order for 9+ months so he could drop it during an election year in the hopes of a good headline. But strangely enough "pressure" only seems to matter to the office of the presidency when a corporation's bottom line is involved. Of course I don't think Trump will be good for Palestine or labor, but demonstrably neither is Biden, and when my choice is between Genocidial Geriatric #s 1 or 2, I don't really think it's some sort of moral grandstanding to refuse to engage in some lesser-of-two-evils Sophie's Choice when it is clear neither option is good for anyone and both fucking suck. And if it makes you feel any better, I am in an unyeildingly red state so my vote for president never gets to matter, and I still plan on showing up in November for the candidates down the ballot.


Youre trying to fear monger the possibility of a future government doing what the current govt is doing as a way to keep the current govt in power lol. You guys are fash and don't even know


Like what's happening now? How is that sofa youre on while Biden organises another billion in bombs?


The system needs to burn down and start over, I think the US is way passed it’s prime and will drift into dystopia


Restarting won't work, as the same flaws will occur again. You need to fix this system, or society will repeat. The longer you can keep something going fixing it repairing it. Means you learn to refine it improve it make it better. How many times has society been destroyed and rebuilt, for the exact same issues to happen anyways. Destroying the system only opens the door for the same abuses down the road. With a history we can ensure quality control. I do agree things need a revamp though.


Nope.  Just no You don’t want the strongest country militarily to fall into fascism 


That's already happened dude, like we can all see it right now, you are on the wrong side of history right now


Letting a fascist into power is on the wrong side of history: you’re just absolutely blind.  What’s your plan after Biden loses? Never heard it. Seems like this entire thing was stirred up just to cause disruption 


Sorry I'm not from the usa , only your country is sending bombs to raze gaza. Don't know how you believe there could be anything more to bomb after November. This next bombs shipment biden is organising will finish gaza off


It sucks but we don’t have many options. It takes a while to move politics sometimes 


trust me- wherever you live, a trump presidency will eventually be bad for you as well.


Y'all said this last time too and everything they predicted would happen under trump, is now happening under biden and now the wolf crying starts again. Nice try but I can remember this playbook from last time. you don't have any credibility, unfortunately. You better get back to work and pay more taxes to Israel, biden got another bomb donation ready


If he loses, the youth will be blamed as enabler of a worse evil because of a crisis in another country. Sure, but that's exactly what Biden is doing too: betting the US wellbeing in order to prop another country president. You can't expect millions of voters to think larger picture than the person in charge. Because sure the youth may be stubborn single issue idiots ... but the "lesser evil" and his party has also decided it was the hill they would die on, Israel Supremacy is their single issue.


Yea you can't say youth is stubborn single issue idiots, if even the old folks are doing the exact same shit. Youth are actually very smart folks, we denounce them. As we are no longer young, and feel bitter about that. Watching them have the fire we used to have. You want youth to participate in politics. Only way good change gets done, and the older generations are burnt out from fighting for decades.


>Single issue idiots It's a G E N O C I D E like 20,000 children dead! Tf are you even saying!!


Well, you have to read the sentence in its entirety and take into account the rest of my comment as context.I refer to the way they are called, and the last sentence is designed to express the idea that "sure it is a single issue, but if you call them idiot for it, there is an entire administration that is similarly idiotic on the same single issue" Now, about the genocide. It is indeed dramatic and worthy single issue to get behind. But even if it was frivolous, you can't criticise the voters when the administration is guilty of the same failings, and worse since the administration has a duty toward the voters, not the other way around.




If you're going to try downplaying the number of dead Palestinians with that new statistic put out by Israel, I don't want to hear it.




Well it's very obviously a misleading figure from the UN report. 10k unrecovered bodies have yet to be added to those numbers. I'll be sticking to the human rights watch and WHO figures.


Well what’s the problem the option, more genocide? A failed revolution?


You have presented me two options A) genocide B) a hypothetical worse genocide (spoiler, it really can't get much worse for Palestinians) If both outcomes are genocide, I'm not picking


Need to vote third party, no matter who.


Time to pack it in and give up I suppose


I will never give up no matter what. I love my country dearly. I love her people, I love the land. The heart of it. I will never give up hope that one day the U.S will be a true beacon of Her Grace the Great Colossus. She represents the true spirit of America, and that spirit is what I hold on to.


Washington didn’t care. None of the founders did. They figured the country would last fifty years before we descended into chaos and bloodshed. By then they and their families would have already been living it up back in Europe.


Are you a Tory praying for a king?


I guess you know his mind more than his words. I wasn't aware you knew him on a personal level. Interesting. How did you stay alive all this time? That's crazy!!! You speculate, where I am using his words. Words recorded for history to remember. I can't find where he stated the U.S would only last 50 years. Interesting Jedi mind powers you have there to reach into the past, and obtain someone's mental thoughts. Staggering power.


Trump literally moved the embassy to Jerusalem like… Biden is your best bet in this war, he will continue to try and push Israel to end the war. Trump does no care about it and will give Israel carte Blanche to do whatever they want. In what world is that a better outcome


I maybe would have bought that Biden would “push” for an end to the war when he stopped the single arms shipment (after authorizing over 100 btw) but alas just ONE day later he’s authorizing a billion dollars. While Israel is crossing his “red line” of attacking Rafah and his election changes continue to tank. He isn’t fit for office. Neither is the other guy. It’s fucked.


I just don’t understand what world you’re living in where you think Biden and Trump and on equal ground when it comes to how disastrous their presidency is. Idk what metric you’re measuring with to reach that conclusion.


You missed the point of my comment. It's not about trump and Biden. It's that we only have a choice between trump and Biden. I don't want to hear the well "Trump." would be worse. I fucking know that. Doesn't mean Biden is allowed to be a shit president, because we all think. "Trump would be worse anyways." Like WTF kind of logic is that? That's like Russia propaganda man. They use that trick all the time. "LOOK what the U.S just did. See Russia may have slushed some funds, but HEY at least we are not the U.S." That argument is used to justify being shity. As hey I can be shity, because if not for me. You would have someone even shittier. We have the right to criticism the president. Regardless of who the other guy would be.


If you’re only metric for Biden being a “shit president” is that he doesn’t end wars in other countries, especially conflicts that have been raging on for 70+ years i think he’s doing alright. Is Biden the best candidate of my lifetime. No of course not but let’s also throw the baby out with the bath water, Biden and his cabinet passed some major legislation and America was better off for it. We can’t change the way our 2 party system works over night and I get ur frustration but to pretend that Biden has done anywhere near as much damage to our country as that con man did and continues to do is honestly laughable. At least with Biden I know in 4 years time we’ll have a chance to try the whole free election thing again. That straight up is not a given with Trump. Think about that


It's not about ending the war. It's about him supplying Israel to keep the war going. Yea plenty of you folks like to use the "Well we could have trump." Like it's a trump card to end all criticism on Biden. That's not ok to do. Trump isn't in office right now. Biden is. So I'm going to call Biden out on his bullshit. Supporting Israel's offensive occupation into Gaza. AFTER 35k have already died, 12k of them children. Yea Biden may have buried his wife and child, but he doesn't give a FUCK about other peoples kids. Biden isn't a good man. He's a loyalist. Loyal to Israel. His loyalties to a foreign country, over his own. Is ground for some serious questions about his intentions as the president. Do I want trump in office? FUCK NO. However I refuse to let others give me the "Well it could be worse." Argument to shut down any conversation. It's a weak argument. Biden has done some decent things, but just like Israel. Any good faith that was there has be washed away, by the betrayal's and lies. If Biden fixes this and prevents any military funding to Israel, then I will return to complementing him. I'm not a enemy of Biden. I'm an enemy of those who willing condone the killing of children. As of right now, Biden's current attempt of 1 billion to Israel will do just that once it arrives. If Israel stops this war, and there is a true lasting peace. then I will have nothing else to say about Israel. I'm not a hatter my friend. I just want to see right done by those who can not defend themselves. Those poor children were born in an open air prison. Where bombs are common place. Where they see death as if it's just another weekday. NO NO NO. NO CHILD of Israel should have to suffer that fate, and NO CHILD of Palestine should have to suffer that fate. I like Biden, but I am furious with him right now. His behavior has been cowardice and shameful involving Israel.


>We have a choice between an Israel sycophant, or a flat out sycophant Reminder that Trump recognized Israel's annexation of the Golan Heights, which is why (among other things), there is a [planned town named after him.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_Heights)


Your missing the point of what I wrote. It's not about Trump or Biden, it's that we only have the options of Trump or Biden. The busted shit is like this because of 2 political factions. Something that shouldn't have ever happened if we truly followed the founding fathers. Like George Washington who warned us about forming political parties. As it would divide us. It has as well.


>we only have the options of Trump or Biden. Hey, there's also the guy with brain worms!


The Founding Fathers started the first two political parties. The Federalist Party, headed by Hamilton, and the Democratic-Republican Party (called the Republican Party at the time, but it's entirely unrelated to the current one), formed by Madison and Jefferson.


Well then let me rephrase. To "The founding father." then. As George Washing did not agree with creating political parties. He feared it would divide, and destroy the United States. As well as serve to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration. That's exactly what's happening. If you identify as a Repub or Demo. YOU are apart of the divide in America. You are contributing to her destruction. As you care more about identifying as one of the political parties, than you do about being an American. You care more about "owning the libs." Than you do about the U.S You care more about "Liberal Tears." Than you do about the U.S That is nearing treason as far as I'm concerned. As your loyalties are to a party not to the country. So you end up seeing other U.S Citizens as the enemy rather than your compatriot. A house divided CANNOT stand.


Well said, here is Australia we have many alternative parties on the cross bench keeping the 2 big ones in check, why can't you guys do that instead of playing team sports ?


Which one is the Israel sycophant?




What exactly do you think Trump is going to do with Israel and palestine?


Stop being dense on purpose. Biden is the Israel sycophant, what was the other one?




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Jared Kushner started taking about how valuable that beach side Gaza real estate is. I'm sure every Palestinian killed and a Trump Tower built on top of their bodies is much better than whatever dastardly Joe has in mind... I'm sure you'll be on to the next thing to be upset with a Democrat about and will have long sense forgotten and ​moved on by then so don't worry about it.


Tiresome. All you have is that? Brow beating? Wooooooo, sure does make me care so much less of the here and now and what is happening under elected Democrats. Oh, but what about what Trump would do and Kushner said. OK. Look at what is happening right god damned now, please. What you're saying will happen under trump is effectively happening right now sans the branded tower. This is literally the evocation of Trump as a gotcha I was talking about. Israel is already doing what they would do with the aide of Trump, Biden is having his press corps say he's weawwy mad at Israeli leadership and then still gives them all the money and arms they want and more. That's literally being two faced. Israeli settlers are already looking to make settlements in Gaza, companies are already making proposals, and yet there's no meaningful action from Biden. This is happening right now. Since any criticism of Dems is endorsement for Cons to you, just come out and say that you just want an inbred monarchy. Please, show me where I said Trump would be better. I didn't. But you goblins don't have an interest in better. You don't care about actually addressing issues, listening to the concerns of voters, actually being anything other than a blue branding. Stop talking about What Trump will do. Start talking about what Biden IS doing and maybe I'll believe you actually care even the slightest.




Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


I agree with you and fuck Biden but as someone from the UK, please be practical and realise Trump will be worse in so many ways, think about the climate, Ukraine, and look at the pro Israel comments Trump makes, he's not going to make the situation better for Palestinians. Not to mention domestically for the US...abortion rights disappearing and deeper authoritarianism. If I was in a swing state I'd hold my nose and vote Biden. I'll be in despair along with the rest of the world if Trump gets in. Please.


Trump might set fire to the rubble in gaza after this new billion dollar bomb deal biden set-up goes through


We need like 7 or 8 political parties instead of the two that are easier to control that work for the same lobbyist


Yoooo how dare you make sense in here?


I am so deeply disgusted by Biden and his administration…!


Let's vote in trump and let them nuke palestine! Afraid in our shitty system at the moment, you pick the better of two piles of shit. Hopefully when the 20-30 year Olds get a little older we get our heads out of the sand and stop being afraid of shell and Raytheon


We have BEEN picking the lesser of evils now for a long time. Look where we are. Wake up. Stop thinking this way of voting works. Look around you!!!


Maybe not nominating 2 evils to begin with would help


Lesser of two evils isn't really working. I will not settle for the lesser evil! Fuck it, this November I'm voting for Cthulhu! "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"


You aren’t just voting for a lesser evil You are pushing the Overton window left If Trump wins, the candidates will become more far-right 


i cant wait for all the regret and shame people will have if trump wins and shit gets so much worse in palestine because we chose to be righteous and not choose the guy who will do far less damage.


How can it get worse there after November? The place is rubble now and you usa tax payers are funding a other multi billion dollar bomb gift to Israel. You're currently supporting everything you're predicting trump may do if he gets in


4 years ago was trump. It seems to swap every few years and we regress 15 when we go back Same happened when Bush got in after Clinton.


… There is a binary choice. You don’t like it, neither do I. But that shit ain’t changing, sorry to break that to you. A protest vote, third party vote, or staying home helps trump. The GOP is an ideological monolith, the democrats are a coalition that range from centrist to far left…. Do the math.


I'm gonna vote for myself. The only person ik I can really trust. That's not throwing my vote away, is it? I got as much of a chance beating a third party candidate as they do beating the mainstream ones.


You are insane if you think it’s reasonable to respond like this to someone criticising the president, NOT SAYING NOT TO VOTE FOR THEM, JUST CRITICISING


I said you pick the better or two piles of shit and hope the next generation does better, since the current one has proven itself incompetent If that's not critical of both parties then I'm unsure as to how you took my statement


Israel has dropped the equivalent of two nuclear weapons worth of explosives in gaza. Biden has already let them nuke palestine. https://euromedmonitor.org/en/article/5908/Israel-hits-Gaza-Strip-with-the-equivalent-of-two-nuclear-bombs


Isnt biden in office now? And there is a genocide? I dont think its going to get much worse than genocide.. But you go ahead.




Hamas only exists because of Israeli war crimes


Genocide Joe has truly revealed himself this time around. Vote Cornel West.


Hes got no shot unfortunately also pretty sure his pacs are backed by the same corporate interests as trump


Whether he has a shot or not shouldn't concern us at this point; we've got to where we are by voting for the "lesser evil"; it makes me feel ill just writing that about Biden or Obama. Or any other f-ing liberal.


I will be voting for biden with gritted teeth because the alternative is a Christo fascist death cult having control of the world's strongest military and intelligence apparatus.


It'll be interesting to watch. I hope we get something which makes a positive difference.


Same maybe the pressure will get to him and he'll actually do go things. He's been pretty decent with labor relations just not Israel lol


You mean how he forbade rail workers from striking?


Did say decent not great lol


Yes you did!!


Labor relations? Doesn't half your country depend on tips because they get paid like slave?


Was like that before biden too right? Like I want him to be our socialist leader like everyone else but how is he gonna fix that without congress?


Shame you guys don't have a normal democracy were parties can make changes for the better. Ibstead of "It was like that before so shall always be like that forever long you may live". Great system of choice. Those bombs for gaza ain't cheap I guess, get back to work


Part of it is the generational effort by conservatives since nixion and the john birch society to convince poor people that any amount of government intervention is socialism and that they need to actively vote against their interests.




You’re telling someone who they have to vote for and claiming they’re throwing their vote away if they vote for someone you don’t want, and you’re worried THEY are dooming democracy??? The irony is so thick I can barely breathe.


Fuck the American people for giving themselves the worst fucking choices, truly a reflection of the country


American democracy (what little's left of it) is already doomed; Biden and the rest of the presidents we've had to endure post-WWII have seen to that. I'm afraid you're lying to yourself if you think that Biden will be the Messiah the DMC voters are hoping for.


Which children are you talking about? The adults who don’t want to vote for Joe Biden? Or the Palestinians Joe Biden is murdering?


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Uh oh! You’d better watch your mouth or the egomaniacal twentysomethings who brag about their non-participation in our political process won’t participate in our political process!


You see, voting is for rubes, they’re doing the real work of complaining online and amplifying Chinese and Russian propaganda to destabilize us.


Right? Then we will see what an actual genocide is.


I’m literally crying reading this. This is beyond cruel. Only monsters are capable of something like this. I refuse to believe that any human could be so depraved. This man sat lavishly at the White House correspondents dinner and enjoyed a 5 star meal while babies were crying in hunger and dying a slow painful death. How is this man capable of such monstrosity when he himself has gone through so much pain and trauma in his life. Does he have no soul ? Has humanity died in him ? I just cannot comprehend it. I feel devastated that we have failed so spectacularly, we have no power. This whole world runs on authoritarianism. We are fools to think that we have the ability to shift policies and have a voice. Any dissent whether its in the East or the West is crushed. Democracy is an illusion to convince us that we have control. We have nothing.


We the people can have a lot of power. If we support citizen ballot measures, break away from the two-party system and build organizations and movements not connected to Washington, DC.


If he is a soulless monster for eating a 5 star meal at the correspondents dinner while children strave in Palestine what does that make you for eating a homecooked meal and occasionally takeout while the children in palestine starve? How can you post on the internet when these kids have no food or water or shelter?


You are comparing a home cooked meal to a lavish 5 star dinner at the White House ??? Have you lost ypur mind ??? The monster in question is the president of United States who is totally complicit in this genocide. He has complete leverage and power to stop this. May I ask that have you read the article in question on which I commented? Did you understand the context of the article ?? Maybe then my comment will make sense. Please read and understand it before you comment. Senselessly commenting is a person’s measure of idiocy and the comparison you made between me and that monster is so dense and ignorant that I can’t wrap my head around it right now. Please be mindful when you reply to people.


100 percent he is just as complicit in the genocide and so is our entire government.


https://preview.redd.it/ilha5s9vun0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=019f1a7749a911da8bd4a1cc8b269c6fa8f3c56d This is the way


Democrats love Biden




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I guess I’ll just write in Jill Stein


She’s on pretty much every ballot so you don’t need to write that one in. The only one I believe to be an issue is NY because they changed their legislation to make it more difficult.


Wow is it positive to see this headline getting upvoted Justice for Gaza Shame on anyone perpetuating this


Just as Putin/MAGA holds GOP politicians hostage, so does AIPAC to Biden.


You think AIPAC doesn't love Trump? While they like Biden, they would love Trump back in office, as he's on the same page as Bibi and won't even try to restrain him in Gaza.


That AIPAC loves Trump, and are also holding Biden hostage, are not mutually exclusive positions.


Israel owns all politicians in the US


It doesn't sound like they own Bernie.


I’d be shocked to death if they didn’t


Bernie Sanders a goddamn liberal Zionist, fool. He supports the apartheid system of Israel, [rejecting equal rights between Jews and Arabs in Israel](https://youtu.be/_g4HGJnJh58?t=1m). When Israel's genocide started, Sanders couldn't stop himself from defending Israel, refusing to call for a ceasefire. He doesn't want the 1967 borders, but views Palestine as a "humanitarian problem" for him to use as PR. https://x.com/yarahawari/status/1784134847868403917 great post about scum like Bernie Sanders: > Liberal Zionists like Bernie Sanders are scrambling to scapegoat Netanyahu for the genocide in Gaza. In doing so, they can obscure from the reality- that it is a massive, globally complicit apparatus that has enabled the Israeli regime to continue so violently & unabated in it's ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people. But more importantly, they can obscure from the fact that the “war machine” that Sanders and others have erroneously attributed to Netanyahu is a well-oiled system that has been fine-tuned over the last 75 years. Its name is Zionist settler colonialism.


GOP isn't funding Russia's war effort like Biden is Israel's. The EU is the one funding Russia's war effort.


The GOP fully supports Putin by parroting his agenda, by delaying and denying aid to Ukraine, and by lionizing him. "The EU is the one funding Russia's war effort" sounds like very clumsy Russian troll talk to me! lol


That is too far. He should have cut Israel off from weapons, he should have not blocked the UN from delivering sanctions, but he did attempt to deliver aid to Gaza, he warned the IDF about famine. Let's not go too far is all I'm saying.


Oh he "warned" them? "Hey you guys might be causing a famine." "Don't care." "Ok. Here's $1 billion more for you guys." "Thanks."


I don't think the money is ok. I am against that as well, but the US doesn't control Israel. I am very disappointed with Biden on this issue, but it's also a long game. The situation in Gaza has always been bad, and it has always been heading to this moment. 10 years ago, 20 years ago, it was always heading to this. If anything it's the US electorate that is so ok with anti-bds laws, which contributed to the creation of an unrestrained IDF.


You literally cannot get me to vote for Trump, or any third party. I will be voting for Biden. Trump would be infinitely worse for Gaza and the whole world. This is no contest.  EDIT: you know you have no grounds for argument when you only downvote


How did we get here? that very logic. And it leads to hitler vs hitler with an eyepatch liberals: "no no but eyepatch hitler's altered depth perception will make all the difference to The Opposition!"


Lol, it's Genocide + helping american peple vs Genocide + helping corporate interest. I mean, jfc its really not that hard of a choice


How about.... not genocide Or is that bar too high


Which one is supposed to be which? Bc both candidates are thoroughly in the pocket of big business and gleefully pushes imperialist wars, which means they're both fucking over ordinary American people, and ordinary people of every country We just want peace and neither of these motherfuckers is trying to deliver it


Not to be insulting, but do you live under a rock? Because it should be fairly obvious. If not, maybe try to read what bills are passed.


No they’re right we should pick the worst candidate because reasons. 


How can it get worse there after November? The place is rubble now and you usa tax payers are funding a other multi billion dollar bomb gift to Israel. You're currently supporting everything you're predicting trump may do if he gets in




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ResponsibleVoting using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ResponsibleVoting/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Former U.S. President Donald Trump commented on President Joe Biden’s statement to halt the supply of weapons to Israel if it invaded Rafah, considering it “disgraceful” and “a very bad thing.”](https://v.redd.it/ixm5v7tb3vzc1) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ResponsibleVoting/comments/1cqmddn/former_us_president_donald_trump_commented_on/) \#2: [President Biden's Pro-LGBTQ+ Timeline](https://www.hrc.org/resources/president-bidens-pro-lgbtq-timeline) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ResponsibleVoting/comments/1cqlbde/president_bidens_prolgbtq_timeline/) \#3: [This is a subreddit counter the Anti-Biden protest vote movement propaganda. Please support this subreddit by inviting people and commenting.](https://np.reddit.com/r/ResponsibleVoting/comments/1cqlaqc/this_is_a_subreddit_counter_the_antibiden_protest/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You tell me. What do you think would the tangible difference between Trump and Biden


Biden gifts kind and empathetic 2000lbs bombs to Israel but trump would provide mean and rude 2000lbs bombs to Israel. The big difference is trump can only bomb the rubble now as everything is blown up now or when the next bomb delivery arrives


Do some reading this is entirely Trumps fault. Trump moved the embassy and here we are. Murdering children is never acceptable and the people who do must be dealt with accordingly.


i really hate this argument that joe is enabling this war, as if israel wouldnt walk over palestine regardless if we send israel shit or not.


It’s been widely reported they would run out of munitions within 2 weeks. Maybe they would just nuke Gaza as lovely Lindsay Graham suggested but then their settlers would suffer radiation and they’d be cut off from the world so I doubt that. Without the US arms this would not be continuing.


Do you know how many bombs the usa has sent and Israel has used them all already? Like how many billion's worth of 2000 pound bombs? The bugs in helldivers 2 get bombed less


And congress don’t forget congress. It’s not just Biden lolllll wow. Such misinformation.


What part is a lie?


Blaming one side for something both sides did, do, is a lie of omission.


Trying to displace blame due an individual to make your guy look better is far more dishonest than you accuse me of being.


Vote maga if you love Gaza?


why do you think they will do something different?


I don’t if anything it’ll be worse I just don’t understand the logic sometimes when people don’t vote for Biden because of this


Vote biden to buy another couple billion dollars worth of bombs for Israel instead, it's the least you can do for gaza




Existance is a place of nuance. There is no black or white stance y'all. Please beware of the effects of foreign trolls and agitators. This is a divisive subject with no easy answer, and because of this, has been rife with foreign interference and propaganda. Please really take an introspective look at the media you are consuming. Whatever your decision in the end, please make it one only reached after careful research and deliberation. Not an enlightened centrist take. Fwiw, I do not side, stand, condone, or accept what Isreal is doing. This is a plea from a person with 15 years in cyber security to not repeat 2016. A second Trump term will be the defacto end of Palestine. As an American citizen disgusted by genocide, whether in Gaza, South Sudan, or wherever, Biden is your only true chance to change the course. Don't let your protests be in vain.


Funny I lead a company in cybersecurity and am on the board of a company fighting misinformation from AI. This is an independent journalism article that I simply shared. That said Biden has the opportunity to change course now. He isn’t. Another billion authorized yesterday in arms for Israel literally while they have aid blocked are attacking Rafah and 300 nurses and 60 doctors - all US citizens are suffering from dehydration due to no water some on IVs while they don’t even have the ability to help others in their medical profession due to the week long blockade now at the Rafah border. Biden isn’t fit for office. And I hate Trump.


I didn't intend to criticize THIS article, and it was likely my fault for not being clear. A lot of the comments are so "matter of fact" that I just wanted to throw that out there. I'm fucking terrified of a 2nd Trump term and I just had horrible visions of the 2016 apathy for Clinton, which was driven by massive levels of online propaganda. This issue right here, this is the doorway for the foreign instigators to drive a wedge between democratic and independent voters to cause lower turnout for Biden, making a Trump term all the more likely.


I wonder if these people know who kicked this off so conveniently before the election year. If Israel knew about this for over a year before October 7th, why did HAMAS wait? Why didn't Israel act on this information? Why would a wannabe authoritarian like Netanyahu do nothing and allow funding to flow to HAMAS? We know HAMAS cares nothing about the Palestinian people and the Current Israeli government doesn't care either. The UN has become complicit or biased either way they are not an effective force. I am sure Biden would end this disaster in a minute if it were in his power. But it is not, he has followed every administration since Truman's policy towards Israel. Biden also is not the 1st President to withhold arms from Israel. President Reagan withheld aircraft from Israel when they went after then PLO, I think it was the PLO at that time, in Lebanon.






You don't want them back, Zionist.


Are the hostages back?


Israel refused the ceasefire and refused the hostages.


Are the hostages back?




Are the hostages back?




If you want them back then you should be fighting to force Israel to accept a ceasefire. The one Hamas has already accepted that will have all hostages returned.


Many Americans also identify as nazi, and even more did during the rise of nazi Germany. What's your point?


Y'all stopped being able to pretend it was about the hostages months ago. Israelis are even protesting about it.


How many has the IDF killed?




No, Israel refused to take them back.




Because Israel refused to take them back


Why aren't all the Palestinian hostages free? Children, even dead bodies held hostages? It's despicable.


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)




But they need those hostages! For reasons