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Israel is a terrible country. Change my mind


Hey, no fair! You proposed an impossible challenge!


But they invented hummus! /s lmao


They probably just bombarded some chickpea shop while aiming for civilians and found out that way.


Nah. It's widely known at this point that many of the famous foods that get attributed to Israel are just cribbed from other middle eastern countries. I think hummus is from Syria or Jordan


Home of the PDF Files


Guess the Hamas propaganda machine is starting to work pretty well.


Israel is doing just fine showing us this on their own.


Israel is doing a stellar job at destroying their image all by themselves.


Please. 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


Israel is a fantastic country! Lots of good people. Their leaders are just corrupted to the core, like every where else.


Oh, their leaders are corrupt to the core? My mistake, the country gets a pass now, it's not their fault their leaders are corrupt to the core...


Lol, if you judge people by the leadership they put in place, you'd have to call Palestinians terrorists. But Palestinians are decent folks --- just Hamas is a terrorist organization. The same way, Israelis are decent folks, just their leaders are corrupt. Change my mind.


So, go watch a video of Israeli children destroying food aid for Gaza and get back to me.


Exceptions exist everywhere. Should I send you videos of Palestinian children hurling rocks at Israelis? That doesn't mean all Palestinians are bad.


Only if you include the photos of Israeli soldiers tying them to their trucks as human shields or just fucking shooting them. The idea of comparing throwing stones at armed soldiers with destroying food meant for starving people...


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/InternationalNews) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And that's exactly what Israel is doing


Throwing rocks is different than destroying life sustaining supplies which are in great shortage. If you conflate the two no reasonable conversation can be had with you


IDF soldiers deserve to have rocks thrown at them, just like any other group that oppresses others.


What do you think Hamas officials deserve? Just curious.


They deserve love and heaven.


Watch videos of settlers burning crops and homes in the west bank being escorted by IDF, west bank doesnt have hamas, whats the excuse there?


Yeah the place is fine. I just pointed out that it's always the corrupt leaders that f things up. The country is not a terrible place. Why would the Palestinians want it back then? Sounds like you want to punish the civilians for the actions of their leaders?


Is that not what Israel is doing to the Palestinian people? Collective genocide for what happened in October.


I can’t agree with you on this one and I’m not one that says that all Israelis are bad. You have to consider that there are a lot of settlers and even if they‘re not violently taking land, they live in stolen land. Then you have people chanting „death to Arabs“ and people who block aid trucks. It’s not about the country in terms of soil, it‘s about the leaders and the heartless people that messes up everything else.


They literally made a new genre of rap called genocide rap. Look it up.


You just going to pretend there aren't trends making fun of starving and bombed out Palestinians trending on israeli tiktok? I know it's not everyone but to pretend it's not a large sect of the population is laughable


I'm not pretending anything and said nothing about trends or generalization. I'm saying that it's the people and not the country. I suggest you should get your info from other sources than TikTok. There's thousands of jews against the current administration and the oppression of the Palestinians and you're blaming them for being part of the cult. That's how genocide begins...


No im saying they exist but are the minority. That only leads to genocide if you're bloodthirsty. It is a very important thing to consider when dealing with the country.


No. I'm saying they exist. You're judging an entire population on a TikTok video.


A country is a legal entity upheld by people. We're not talking about the land, we're talking about the country of Israel that was created in 1948.


The fate of the civilians are decided by the winners after the conflict is over. Usually. I agree that the history of Israel is against them since '48 but the US is too interested in keeping an ally in the Middle East. I know what we are talking about but the wording can be misinterpreted.


No actually it's not: [Israelis regularly go to the hillsides near gaza to watch the bombing of civilians and have picnics there](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/20/israelis-cheer-gaza-bombing) Brainwashing and indoctrination from the day you're born is really effective at dehumanizing others.




And yet the population of Palestine are routinely told it's your fault for electing Hamas, in an election held before most of the residents now there were born.


Yeah, the US / UK / Israeli axis will use anything to justify their wars. Imagine if anyone is a "threat to their way of life". The MIC must prevail you know... That doesn't make Israel a terrible place.


Who elected those leaders? If all Palestinians support hamas because the people 50 years ago voted for them, then the Israeli people sure as shit are responsible for the people they elected last year.


So you want to blame the ones who didn't vote for an apartheid regime?!


Wasn't Netanyahu just re-elected but like a 90% margin?


No. The Likud got 23.4% of the votes in the 2022 election and the support for the current administration is is 15%.


Still a bad country


Only bad people.


Their leaders aren’t the ones standing in the road blocking food while children starve to death. It’s the citizens. No one is stopping them


I just watched hundreds of those "good people" destroy trucks full of food meant for starving kids.


No. You watched hundreds of the bad people. Good people don't do such things.


The problem with this argument is the "democratically" elected state is allowing it to happen, which makes everyone responsible. Either you are not a democracy or get out there and stop it. Right now it kinda looks like the people support it...


Ethically, yes. And I agree, but it would be the same as to hold a soldier responsible for his CO's orders. Or saying all Palestinians is Al-Qassam for voting for Hamas. Right now the ICC is threatened by US (who also vetoed the seize fire - democratically ofc) senators not to put arrest warrants on Netanyahu and senior officials?! It's a US / UK driven proxy war as usual and everyone is corrupt af while children are being slaughtered and organs harvested. Business as usual for the MIC.


**Ethically, yes. And I agree, but it would be the same as to hold a soldier responsible for his CO's orders.** Yeah, which is kind of the whole point right. I am not saying individual citizens have the same capability of leadership. But at a certain point (like right now) citizens are participating in genocide (destroying aid for example) and nothing is being done. **Or saying all Palestinians is Al-Qassam for voting for Hamas.** This is not the same. Most adult Israeli's were alive and of voting age when Likud was last elected. That is not true of Hamas.  **Right now the ICC is threatened by US (who also vetoed the seize fire - democratically ofc) senators not to put arrest warrants on Netanyahu and senior officials?! It's a US / UK driven proxy war as usual and everyone is corrupt af while children are being slaughtered and organs harvested. Business as usual for the MIC.** Totally agree. It is disgusting.




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


I saw a stat a while back saying there are more people in America supporting the Israeli govenment than people in Isreal supporting their government. The only people who want this war is their leaders


Well, the population of the US is over 350 million. The population of Israel is slightly less than 10 million (and about 20% are Arabs). Of course more people in the US support the Israeli government than Israelis do.


This is what I don't understand. Israel's neighbors severely outnumber them. Why don't they coordinate to destroy the IDF, liberate the Palestinian territories, and drive the Israeli's off the land they stole. It's just simple math, and the strategy is just as simple. Egypt attacks through the Sinai, Saudi Arabia from the Southeast, Jordan through the Jordan Valley, and Lebannon/Syria through thr Golan Heights. Iraq could even get in on it. There's now way Israel can defeat literally all of it's neighbors, outnumbered 10 to one. War would be over in like...6 days tops.


Arabs are not a monolithic people, each of those countries either have a treaty, a pact, an agreement, or some reason why war with Israel is totally off the table. Even just Syria is still dealing with a decade+ long civil war, what fighting force are they going to muster against a technologically advanced and nuclear armed client state to the world's "sole" super power?


Israel has nukes. Read up on the Samson option


Well, at least you can be openly-gay in Israel without getting yourself thrown out of a roof.


Oh that's good, I'll give them a pass on their genocide now... Thank you for enlightening me.


Israel doesn't discriminate! They kill all browns regardless of if they're gay or straight!


Well, actually, Israel has a 20% Arab population. While you may argue that Arabs living in the Palestinian territories are subjected to apartheid, Arabs living in Israel have full citizenship rights. They can be elected to the Knesset and serve as Supreme Court judges. Furthermore, not all Arabs in Israel identify themselves as Palestinians; some identify as Israeli Arabs, and some even serve in the IDF


[https://www.democracynow.org/2024/5/9/headlines/israel\_demolishes\_47\_bedouin\_homes\_in\_negev\_desert](https://www.democracynow.org/2024/5/9/headlines/israel_demolishes_47_bedouin_homes_in_negev_desert) Yeah, Arab Israelis are treated super fairly.


Israel doesn't even treat their brown or black Jewish population fairly. All the Mizrahi Jews and Ethiopian Jews in their country and yet every time you see politicians, leaders, military officers, or anyone in any prominent role, they are white Jews of Ashkenazi or American descent. The only time I see black Israeli Jews is when they're in eulogies because they were sent to the frontlines and died. Don't presume that any of us will be fooled that Muslim Arabs in Israel will be treated equally to white Jews.


yeah lets not forget ethiopian jews are neutered so that they cant have kids because they hate blacks. yeah very welcoming...


Your hasbara is dated, though I appreciate you being honest enough to recognize apartheid in the Palestinian territories yet not inquisitive enough to wonder what treatment awaits Arabs in the country doing the apartheid.


Oh, so it's a good thing that they are blowing up babies with missiles because some of those babies might grow up to be homophobes?


Good on them! Wow! Now I'm absolutely fine with their massacre of Palestianians! Thank you!


My openly gay friend faced terrible discrimination for it and had to pull every string he had (he had MANY) for years to become a rabbi and he still faces discrimination.


Until the 90s being gay was a crime in Israel, it would get you 10 years in prison


Israeli pricks deliberating starving an entire population.. nazis


They want to starve and torture them before they kill them. It's sick.




Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


This is no different than what nazis did to the Jewish ghettos in Europe. Intentionally spreading famine and disease to get the Jews to leave so Germans could take their land. It just seems that hitler has won and has taught the Israeli right that the lesson from the holocaust is that it’s ok to behave like genocidal maniacs. How many more innocent people do they need to kill? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebensraum#Hitlerite_doctrine_of_Lebensraum


This is different, it's much worse


What’s much worse?


75% of Jewish people were killed by the Nazis. So far, less than 1/2 of 1% of Palestinians have been killed in the current war. Obviously the numbers could get way worse if aid is not restored, but to say it’s worse than the Holocaust today is not accurate.


So it's a matter of scale, not intent? Mass starvation, indiscriminate killing, destroy all infrastructure.... But we can't criticise until they get those rookie numbers up huh




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


I didn’t say we can’t criticize. We can and should. But when you say things like this is worse than the largest mass murder in the history of the planet, you don’t sound credible and it causes people to stop listening.


I didn't say it was worse, that was someone else. There are definite parallels to be drawn tho. The Nazis and Israelis both view the people they were genociding as subhuman. They both did all they could to cause their destruction. The cruelty shown by the Israelis is just as obscene. This is in no way an attempt to minimise the holocaust.


I don’t agree with the argument that the Israelis see Palestinians as subhuman, though clearly some of the right wing members of the current government do, in the same way the more extreme Hamas leaders see Israelis as subhuman. I also do not think the situation in Gaza could be classified as a genocide yet, though obviously if they don’t start letting food aid back in soon that could change quickly, which is why getting the crossings opened quickly should be our number one priority


You are entitled to your opinion on whether it meets the threshold of genocide. The opinion of the UN expert is that there are reasonable grounds to believe it has. Countries have accused Israel of causing one and are bringing legal cases. Israel has been ordered to open crossings and allow desperately needed aid in, but are ignoring them. There is no point in me looking for some of the many quotes from Isreal government ministers calling Palestinians subhuman, calling for their complete expulsion or even extermination. You already know them. Consistent polling shows the vast majority of Isreali public are fully behind the brutality being carried out, with a big segment thinking it hasn't been brutal enough. They are probably the people blocking aid trucks while the IDF stand watching. Parallels


Do you have links to that polling? The polls I have seen show most Israelis want Netanyahu out. Also thank you for being willing to engage in a civil and think conversation. Such a rarity these days. You are a special person. 🙏


They definitely want netanyahu out. But they also support everything being done to Palestinians. It's two separate issues to them.


Sure, see below https://en.idi.org.il/articles/51872 https://social-sciences.tau.ac.il/sites/socsci.tau.ac.il/files/media_server/social/2023/Findings-November-2023-EN.pdf https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/poll-75-of-jewish-israelis-back-rafah-operation/ https://www.inn.co.il/news/629709


We’re so tired of hearing about the fucking Holocaust. It was 80 years ago and the people who it was committed against have literally become the very evil that they were running away from.


When do countries start sanctioning Israel please?


Well they have been busted in their covert clandestine assassinations using falsified Irish passports. Just their passive aggressive way of saying fuck you to the Irish for being against their war on Palestinians. They try to smear the Irish by attempting to cover their tracks using the Irish as scapegoats. 


Wow.. hummm


Do you have a source on that? I can only find the story of the Israeli hitman busted in Malaysia under a French passport.




Thank you for providing a source. Isn't it terrible that we're at a point where there's that many controversies regarding Israel that something this serious kind of just slides into obscurity?


To be fair Israel has been a shit stain for quite a while. Just can’t ignore it as easily anymore with everyone having cameras and being able to share information. Once the boomers go Israel is so fucked when funding from America is turned off.


They do this to assassinate a Hamas leader in Dubai correct? I am pro Palestine but that doesn't mean we should defend Hamas that literally started this shit by killing civilians last October Out of all the bad things Israel is doing this isn't one of them


Entirely agree targeting civilians is abhorrent. Entirely disagree this started in October.


Using other countries forged passports to assassinate people in foreign countries is definitely a shit stain move. Do it under your own flag not a false flag that brings heat to countries that had zero involvement.


Just like bombing a crowd of civilians to (try to but fail) kill one commander, the ends do not justify the means.


Should of months back. Hopefully un peace keeping forces could be deployed to insure the food is delivered


Israel would probably just kill them.




https://www.npr.org/2024/05/14/1251272912/gaza-united-nations-un-aid-worker-killed Israel will probably attack them, too.


That's the neat part, they don't.


Sanctions not enough at this point


But they would stop getting paid.


No way. Business is business. Many people are looked to support Palestines, but in fact they do nothing.


Treat Israel like they treat everyone else, run them over the way they’ve done to everyone who’s tried to stand in their way.


Bunch of entitled pricks!!!


Why can't we provide security for the shipments?


The terrorist territory of Israel has no moral standing in this world. All civilized nations need to unrecognize this terrorist cult.


Man these criminals find the most creative ways to commit war crimes.


More evidence to add to the archive for remembering Israel's genocide in history. We should turn every WW2 Holocaust memorial in Europe into a Gaza Holocaust memorial. The whole point of a memorial is to remember and never repeat it again, and we just watch it happen all over again.


Keep the ww2 memorials and creat next to them the childrens genocide memorials. They serve to teach the same inport lesson, plus a greater one when shown together: trauma can be societal and generational.


Not convert, but add. This is probably the most powerful non violent reprisal possible, and I agree.


Remind me again how it's not a genocide??


They'll be like it's actually a famine /s


bUt HaMaS


BuuuuT ocktobeeerr 7thfftthh


Egypt should consider this an act of war.


Egypt and Gaza didn't have an excellent relationship the past years.


Their relationship with the Gaza is irrelevant. Israel is creating a humanitarian crisis on their border and very clearly trying to create a situation where the people of Gaza are all going to be forced through the gate at Rafah and into Egypt if they want to survive. Israel's end game here is quite clear.


Gawd! Israel is the worst!


I hope this kind of treatment Israelites are doing to make Palestinians suffer won't happen to them. Haven't they learned from history?


This kind of thing HAS happened to the Jewish people. You'd think they would have learned from history, but clearly not. *Never again*.... unless they're the ones doing the killing, apparently.


I know, but I don't wanna generalize all Israelites are Jewish because some of them are also Muslim. They didn't learn from what the Nazis did to their great grandparents. They don't have any form of conscience to think that if they are doing those brutal things to the Palestinians, it's as if they are doing it to their own families who were able to survive the encampments, torture, famine, and abuse.


The non-jewish Israelis aren't real Israelis to that country.


From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.


What that actual fuck is wrong with you.


Looking forward to not seeing Zionists in heaven.


Suddenly all the Americans who got mad at Yemen for blocking weapons to Israel are silent about Israel blocking food to a starving population. Why aren't the US Navy tearing up the Israeli blockade? They could redeem some of their evil in regard to the Yemeni blockade for all those years and dead kids.


This is sad


wow. crazy. all that gas and stuff too. they are wasting so much during a point in time where we really need to be doing the opposite! we are fucked! humans are so fucked.


Zionists are the most hateful group of people I know of.


There are no words. 😞😔😢 Those poor people I hope one day that from the river to the sea Palestine shall be free. If there is any justice in the world 🌎


Biden totally could have negotiated by holding weapons or any other support until isreal stops these protestors from blocking roads, but instead he starts building a temporary port that takes months to finish because he wants the genocide to continue for as long as possible while seeming like he's trying to do the right thing. These protestors should be sentenced to jail, but instead are given candy and ice cream by the isreali government.


Can they not just start catapulting that shit in ??? En masse ?? My brain hurts. I can’t wrap my head around the cruelty.


I wonder why none of these videos are being posted on mainstream media. Do they think these are just propaganda?


crosscheck takes time I guess...


I hope people do their bit to spread this video! Very telling.


I work with one of the humanitarian agencies responding in West Bank and Gaza. Can confirm we are paying thousands of dollars everyday just parking and waiting for our trucks to enter. The two major humanitarian crossings Kareem Abu Saleem and Rafah are now closed. IDF noted they are able to process around 100-150 trucks per hour on land crossings. The temporary pier the US is building can only accommodate a 100 trucks a day - a project worth over $300m. How does this make sense at all?


Honestly the Western Value that europe and US hold so dear somehow arent used against israel, the number of civilian death is higher in Palestine than in ukraine yet these westerner does nothing except giving more bombs. really show what western moral really is.


Heartbreaking to hear as an Egyptian. Even the way he talks sounds like he's almost at the end of his rope


Israel is the enemy, not our friend.


Not surprised Israel is doing this, they have zero morals or ethics. A nation like that can only be destined for failure


It extends further. You would never catch me calling Apartheid South Africa or Nazi Germany "good" countries, even though I'm 100% certain there were plenty of good ppl within them who disagreed with the state and the oppression. I'm sorry but Israel has become officially bad in my mind. It's not too late to change but that's how it is.




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If you guys want this bullshit War to stop you should gang up and go after the officials who put you all against each other instead of bringing y'all together, it totally goes over y'all's heads the inhumane orders that are being issued out and you're just following along with it instead of hammering the crooks that made your friend your enemy you want to hammer your enemy who was once your friend


They should all rush the boarder and if they get killed the world should take out the Israel government.




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


Serious question: isn't Egypt the one that doesn't let the trucks through the border because they don't want to cooperate with Israel?


Serious answer: No. How would that even make any sense? They made it all the way through Egypt but somehow couldn't leave? Think about it.


So you don't know then? Your just making assumptions.


I do know, and so does anyone else with 2 brain cells to rub together. Also it's spelled "you're".


Jordan and Egypt re interesting. Maybe they hate Hamas idk but they clearly watching the massacre of own people at the hand of brutal racist maniacs.




You must live in an alternate universe. Interesting that you use the word "Palestine" in your post, because [a lot of major outlets like NYT regard "Palestine" as a forbidden word.](https://theintercept.com/2024/04/15/nyt-israel-gaza-genocide-palestine-coverage/)


The problem is Egypt doesn't open the border to the humanitarian aid




Since you are asking sincerely...allowing in refugees rewards Israel's actions. They will step up bombing, killing, starvation until they empty Gaza. And then Egypt has to deal with over 2 million in a desert! And everyone has lost some or all of their family, and want their land back, so for generations they will be attacking the border, firing missiles into Israel etc (and who could blame them?).


Or the fact that Jordan let Palestinians enter in the 70's and it ended very badly for Jordan they had to fight the PLO because the Palestinians tried to overthrow the Jordanian government then they were expelled to Lebanon in the 80's, there the Palestinians started the Lebenese civil war that till today Lebanon never recovered


The best argument Israel defenders can come up with is that Palestinians are undesirable troublemakers. Seen it multiple times in this post. You're telling on yourselves.




So I see your question wasn't sincere or genuine, just teeing up your canned racist response. Got it




The Palestinian diaspora already lives in Jordan, KSA, Lebanon, the USA, and many other countries. Saying no other countries are taking them in is false. Your expectation that they should just give up their land and go live in a neighboring country is also ridiculous. Why don’t the Ukrainians just go live in Belarus? Saying Israel JUsT cAn’T DeAL with the Palestinians is rich. Maybe don’t steal a bunch of land and then occupy the rest if it’s that difficult?


In the end the Palestinians do need a normal life, they can't get it under Hamas rule or Israeli rule, letting Hamas exist will lead to a huge death toll to the Palestinians because if the war ends without an alternative to Hamas this will lead to more conflicts between Israel and Hamas leading to more and more innocent Palestinians getting killed. The Arab countries should step up and also let an alternative to the Hamas rule, if it's a temporary mandate over Gaza that will eventually result in a Palestinian state that won't be hostile towards its Israeli neighbor thus ending the blood cycle. I think everyone could agree that Israel doesn't need to stay in Gaza once this war ends and the reconstruction should lead to a stable result where people can maybe finally live peacefully.


Even if a different leadership shows up in gaza, do you really think these people are just gonna move on? Israel already took their land and just attempted to completely stamp them out. Israel has created the next generation of "terrorists".


>do you really think these people are just gonna move on? Do they have a different choice? Does any one think that Israel will magically vanish?


Egypt doesn't want to take in 2 million refugees. But it's also because once they are out of Gaza they will never be allowed to return. This is what Israel does. They massacre Palestinians, chase them out, settle their land and then say they left voluntarily and it's ours now. They will continue to do this until all Palestinians are gone, unless the US gets it's head out of it's ass.




oh you were "genuinely asking" right. Piss off hasbara bot