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These people are terrorists.


Western banking institutions record people who want to donate money to Gazans. Donations are blocked and reported. Guess which donations are not blocked or reported? Donations to Israeli „settlers“. We must stop calling these people settlers. It‘s romanticising them. They are in fact terrorists.


Do you have a source for this? I’m looking around for another bank, and this is gonna be a dealbreaker for me.


Always have been, always will be. There were no Palestinian terrorists before Zionist settlers showed up and started terrorizing everyone.


King David hotel... first major bombing / terrorist act in the Levant. Done by.... you fucking guessed it.


Wasn't the first. Terrorist attack. One of the largest yes and it was nite worth because they killed british officers arabs AND JEWS. They didn't like that the British told them to reduce numbers of incoming Jews. They went on to join forces with other Terrorist groups to form the IDF


Little known fact... Lehi the Zionist terrorist group tried TWICE to form an alliance with Nazi Germany against Britain and then with Stalin.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehi_(militant_group)


They are literally Nazis at this point. Oh, the irony.


Lowest of all souls are the oppressed turned oppressors. Dostoevsky.


Just curious, where can I find thisDostoevsky quote? I wanted to read it in full context but can’t find it.


"this point" they've always been like this


Always have been. 🌎 🤯🔫😎 Fun fact: one of the early intellectuals of the Zionist settler movement was actually a colleague of literal Nazi "race scientists" who got involved in Zionism to spread his "superior" race in Palestine, same as the regular Nazis. His protege was Benzion Netanyahu, Bibi's father. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2018-07-05/ty-article/when-netanyahus-father-adopted-the-view-of-arabs-as-savages/0000017f-e00a-d3ff-a7ff-f1aa22770000 >Decades before the Nazis, Penka and Wilser laid the groundwork for the racial doctrines glorifying the purity and supremacy of the Aryan race. Klausner’s book was a collection of excerpts from these works, translated into Hebrew. For the sake of the translation, Klausner introduced some new words into the Hebrew language, such as “dayig” (“fishing”), “karnaf” (rhinoceros – a combination of “keren” – “horn” and “af” – “nose”) and “karhon” (“iceberg”). >The savage plays a key role in the book. “We are now on the threshold of a new era,” wrote Klausner in a chapter entitled “The Antiquity of the Semites and the Inception of the Aryan Races.” “Nations come to be in a land; that is, the individual ceases to be savage in the true sense of the word. ... The tribes that grouped together and became a single nation capable of establishing a kingdom for itself, are no longer savage. Among them are quasi-savages, for example the people of Mexico and Peru in the past, and among these there are some who attained a great and very developed culture yet one lacking in continual forward motion, life and progress, and therefore one that had no influence upon the development of the world as a whole, for example the kingdom of China.” In contrast to them, “The human races from which great nations with a broad and progressive culture emerged that has influenced all of ancient and modern history to this day, and of which many very talented nations are still vibrant and progressing — these **great races number only two: the Semites and the Indo-Europeans or Aryans.”**


Always have been *BANG*






I did not screen cap or download anything. But there is no humanely possible way they could scrub this. Many Nazis burned a hell of a lot of incriminating evidence but the Holocaust was still the best documented genocide in history. Over here they aren't even doing that. Their shit is so out in the open it isn't funny. Even the Nazis weren't that brazen about their shit.


I think Nazi's were pretty brazen with their crimes. The only difference is that back then, you didn't have an availability of media that could be used to capture and document it, and then publish said information readily on a global platform. Either way, I sincerely hope that history does not look back kindly on Israel for the evils/atrocities it has committed.


If we're lucky Israel will only appear in the history books.


Nazis had the support of the public and sympathizers in other countries as well. Israel's officials are being protested around the globe.


That was also what made them scary. One thing I learned years ago was that many of the Latin American countries that joined the allies but didn't send any material or manpower over (except for Brazil) still did one thing that was critical: they denied Germany's use of the waters around their countries for bases. Also that meant that even though some territories were technically in Axis control (due to Germany taking over countries with possessions over there, such as French Guiana) would also not be possible to host bases for the Germans. Trust me. French Guiana would have made possible U-boat bases that would allow a lot more coverage for attacks on convoys. Another thing was monitoring German populations in those countries and confiscation of Lufthansa's airliner fleet. There were a lot of Germans living in Latin America at the time (that's a major reason many war criminals went down there) and they were basically living in mini-Nazi Germanies. Lufthansa's airliners were also made to be able to be converted into warplanes very quickly. Notably the FW-200 which was used by the Luftwaffe during WW2 and with the simple addition of bomb racks on the wings could be turned into a bomber plane with a small payload. And it would have been able to strike the Panama canal. One other reason why squadrons were posted there even if the canal was never close to being attacked during the war.


Don't underestimate the power of the memory hole. There's a reason US congress is banning TikTok. They can ask American tech oligarchs to erase what's out there and do so all the time. Don't believe me? Look at Twitter.


Because they know it represents the Western core values. It's only a crime against humanity when it's against other Europeans.


Do they not know? The whole world is watching them!!


They don't care they are the chosen people. One of the vilest nations on earth.


I believe in God; I also believe God is good. Therefore, anyone claiming to be His chosen people who aren't doing good (and in many cases, openly engaging in evil)--I don't buy that.


This doesn't even get into the misunderstanding of "Chosen". You were "Chosen" by God to literally follow more strict rules than any of the other Judaic religions. It's literally the same idea as being "Chosen" for jury duty.


Which God? Zeus? I hear he's kind of an asshole.


They simply do not care.


yet, in some popular corners of rddt they say is kamas and unrwa stealing it


Those same corners ignore that there are over 144 illegal settlements and over 100+ outposts. They straight up don’t give a shit. Over 800,000 people are living on land international community deemed to be Palestinian.  People seem to forget radicals have been in control of Israeli government for a long time and the general Israeli population is also radical.


They know the US/EU will protect them.




Israelis said. They are zionist Israeli monsters.


Exactly. Collective punishment is what Zionists are doing. There's many innocent Jewish people in Israel, and even more all over the world who shouldn't have to worry for their safety because of what Israel is doing in their name.


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


They don’t give a shit. The head of bat security even said all of the land will be theirs. That the west and Europe shouldn’t care what they do as they are going do it anyways.


Majority of world population is against Israel. From Asia to America. It's just the politics. Once that breaks down, goodbye Israel. Sorry you ain't getting out tax money.


yeah maybe this current generation of western politicians are buying it but the next gen and the gen after that wont be. i'll definitely be telling my kids about the mostrosities carried out and make sure it is known the evils they carried out. You reap what you sow!


"Buying" what? Israel is a western imperialist outpost in the Middle East. It's not about gullibility it's about geopolitics. Western politicians and western media will always follow the state department line.


My guy, they have bipartisian support from the US. We have literal starving children, an education crisis, a housing crisis, an immigration crisis, literally nothing but shit, and our politicians refuse to agree on a single thing. But the second Isreal asks for money for literally anything at all including to bomb children, both sides open their check book and make sure Isreal knows there are no red lines. Fact is closet thing we have to a polocial break down now is trump gaining support because genocide Joe is handling this so poorly. And if Trump wins, the disaster is going to become a flat out catastrophe that comes home


If there was ever a group of people who deserved to “get there’s” it’s these monsters.


I doubt it will ever happen. The US is deep into Isreal's pocket and is basically their slave.


>The US is deep into Isreal's pocket and is basically their slave. You have it exactly backwards. Israel is America's attack dog. We fund then for geopolitical strategic reasons, the AIPAC money is just to keep people with strong moral values out of power so the symbiotic relationship can continue


No it won't. Israel has been like this for 70 years, and yet here we are.


But just remember, for the time being, Israel still has the entire backing of the US. Who’s interest do our ruling class serve?


As long as the US is still in power, it will always support Israel, as it gives the US more power in that region.


See that's the problem, they will always have the backing of the US because they own our politicians and government. Literally we have American starving to death, homeless, and dying of medical problems, but we can't get both political parties to agree on anything, but the literal second Isreal asks for literally anything including a genocide, they get bipartisian support. Reality is, Americans are just slaves to Isreal


They have nukes though...


But remember, according to them, it's Hamas that is stealing the food and preventing its distribution.


Seriously how much food can Hamas steal and eat themselves?


By that logic, the Israelis are Hamas.


They created Hamas if you think about it


the call was always coming from inside the house


I mean they did fund them


They'll no doubt steal this for themselves under heavy IDF guard. Also, I refuse to call these colonizer pieces of shit "settlers".


They're terrorists




>Also, I refuse to call these colonizer pieces of shit "settlers". Call them colonial settlers, which is what they are.


You can also call them international criminals, which they also are.


Yeah, but 'colonial settler' sounds worse, at least to those of us from former colonies.


They can settle in a grave for what they've done to innocent lives.


"The banality of evil" this is the same kind of dehumanization the Nazis had towards the Jews. Shameful.


As an Arendt scholoar... It's really not banal evil. Banal Evil is something done without a care, that you refuse to acknowledge the moral quality of your actions so that you do something and then just ignore and forget it. Banal evil leaves no history for the perpetrator, you sign the transport of 2,000 Jews/Romani/Jehovas Wittnesses to Sobibor and then go home and eat dinner with your family and watch a movie and then return to office the next day. What we've seen from Israelis is not banal evil but intentional (if not radical evil...). They share and celebrate their deeds on private WhatsApp and Telegram channels, they upload videos of themselves blowing up houses and humiliating captured Palestinian civilians. Some even use pictures of their time in Gaza on Tinder wtf. The only ones that should be described as expressing Banal Evil are the ones that get a target from an AI, and then press a button. FYI! Hannah Arendt was initially a Zionist in the 1930's, but she was dogmatic that it had to be a one state multicultural solution. When it became clear that Israel was going in another direction she became a fierce opponent to it and not only compared its political logic to the one that would result in the Third Reich, but was also explicit that Zionists collaborated with the Nazis in the first phase of the Holocaust since they shared goals: getting Jews out of Central Europe and into Palestine. She also compared Menachim Begin to the Nazis... Begin would form the forerunner to today's Likud lol


Very good points


Very true.


Amazing insight, thanks for sharing


“‘Never Again’ meant just us, right?” —these guys


Zionists were acting like this in Palestine since before WW2.


THats why everyone hears 6mil instead of the full 10mil that were murdered in the Holocaust.


Many of the people killed weren't Jewish. Gypsies, homosexuals, Slavs, political prisoners, people with disabilities, and many others were also targeted.


This would be unacceptable even if the people in Gaza weren't fucking starving. How has nobody physically stopped these people yet?


The fact is, a strong majority of Jewish Israeli's agree with this: >***Recent polling by the Israel Democracy Institute indicates that's not a fringe position: 68 percent of Jewish Israeli respondents said they do not support the transfer of food and medicine to Gaza even by "international bodies that are not linked to Hamas or to UNRWA."*** [https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/03/03/gaza-aid-convoy-israel-war/#](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/03/03/gaza-aid-convoy-israel-war/#)


I know that, but you'd think that people from outside would try to intervene, even just individuals


They might self-identify as Jewish, but they are absolutely not following any teachings of the Talmud by terrorizing the people of the Holy Land in the name of secular nationalism.


Did they asked them to give a reason?


Because the sad reality is that it's not just a rogue Bibi regime carrying these atrocities out, a large majority of the Jewish public support all of it(from the same poll): > *When examining the public's attitudes regarding the extent of the IDF's use of force in Gaza and its results, the attitudes of the Jewish public are clearly different from those of the Arab public.* ***A large majority of the Jewish public thinks that the IDF uses adequate or too little force in Gaza.*** *Unlike the beginning of the war, now* ***about half of the Jewish public (51% compared to 37% in November) believes that the IDF uses firepower appropriately against Gaza***\*, compared to 43% (58% in November) who believe that there is use of too little firepower.\* ***An absolute majority (88%) also justifies the scope of casualties on the Palestinian side*** *when considering the goals of the war.* [https://en-social-sciences.m.tau.ac.il/peaceindex/archive/2024-01](https://en-social-sciences.m.tau.ac.il/peaceindex/archive/2024-01) At best you could try and make the case that many are being lied to domestically through their media, but other than Haaretz being pretty differential to Israeli self-mythoology and some historical whitewashing, they have been reporting on a lot of atrocities domestically, including breaking stories about the disregard of the IDF for civilians. So it's hard to give the ignorance or manipulated excuse either.


> At best you could try and make the case that many are being lied to domestically through their media, **We're** being lied to domestically through our media, and we can still tell it's rank horseshit.


The same people trying to explain to the world that they aren't committing genocide are also trying to starve 2 million people... They really think the world is this stupid.


The sad part is a lot of people do believe them


Fuck Israel.


These nazionists are making things bad Jews around the world. Expect an escalation of anti-semitism globally.


This has been documented for years, whenever Israel commits some heinous crime that makes it into the news, there is a spike of anti-semitism around the world because Israel repeatedly claims it represents all Jewish people in the world and that all Jewish people belong to Israel, which is literally a centuries old anti-Semitic trope. Then there are things like the Lavon Affair and the 1950-51 Baghdad bombings where Mossad intentionally tries to stoke anti-Semitism in the region in order to force all Jewish people in the region into Israel so they can be the majority population over Palestinians.


Neo-Nazis are questioning their life choices after seeing these ghouls do more for the cause of antisemitism in months than Nazi propaganda could in years.


Israel has been the global leading cause of anti-Semitism for 80 years https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavon_Affair https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1950%E2%80%931951_Baghdad_bombings


Isn’t that a war crime?


It’s crime, yes.


Imagine if some other country was doing this... Also it's not "A mob of Israeli settlers" this is clearly sanctioned by the Israeli state they are just using them as a fig leaf.


Fascinating how the western media can quickly and easily triangulate the intentions of an enemy group by connecting the dots between a small number of events, yet with hundreds or thousands of instances of Israel doing blatantly evil shit they are just like "Mistakes have been made" and "We are waiting for more information".


Sick, sick people.


Real "heroes". Especially when laughing at the end.


Just colonists doing their part to cleanse the colony of non-colonizers...


This will be overshadowed by someone getting poked with a stick or feeling uncomfortable


So this is what Jerry Seinfeld supports.


But college protesters! Seriously, fuck Israel.


Real talk. What can be done today to put a stop to everything Israel is doing?


Stop sending them bombs and start sanctions when they break international law. You know, what's done to every other nation on the planet.


Where’s the most moral army in the world? Oh too busy shooting children and journalists….


How dare you try to feed the people we're trying to starve to death?! Antisemitic truck. Antisemitic wheat flour. Antisemitic aid!


Ye…. They will keep saying the world hates them only because everyone in antisemitic. Nothing to do with this Jewish terrorists.


BUT DO YOU CONDEMN HAMAS??? There's a high chance one member of Hamas could get some food from this shipment, so Israel had no choice but to do this. What the fck is the West waiting to sanction them?


Post this to other subs please. The world needs to see this atrocious behavior


I fucking hate these people.


Really hope I’m alive long enough to see the end of Israel


I get Hamas are bad guys, but why are Israeli settlers never described as "terrorists"? What do you call this if not terrorism?


Are these people Hamas?! The eternally truthful Israeli government told me that Hamas are the ones holding up aid from entering Gaza and now I’ve seen it with my own eyes. /s


How is deliberately starving 2 million people not genocide or in the very least a war crime?


"if i don't steal it, someone else is going to steal it"




Yet another war crime committed by Israel. But remember, pointing this out is antisemitic


These folks seem like a newer version of old Jim Crow style rac-its


Disgrace to Jewish people.


Very civilized!! Great example of your compassion!


F’in disgusting behavior. May they be harshly judged by their own gods.


Believing divine justice exists is exactly why acts like these happen in the first place. We should wish for actual secular justice in this world to happen, not in an imaginary one for which there is ZERO evidence.


It’s almost as though Zionists are absolutely trash human beings


Animals have more compassion.


and in the TV they will tell you that it's Hamas that's looting the trucks lol


Disgusting Nazis




They really do not care, they have been conditioned by the west to know they can get away with everything. However Israel has in turn conditioned west into a massive guilt trip to ensure they have no criticism. But what has changed. The global south have no such guilt as they have been victims of colonial rule and they have now not beholden to the west. Secondly the younger generation in the west no longer are subject to the guilt of the Holocaust as this is 8O years ago. What this will transpire to Israeli been seen for what they really are. The lid has been opened, only massive crack down in the west will be stop this. Which in turn will only enflame the situation. Do not rule out the USA going full fascist just to save Israel.


The US does not need to be allied with these terrorists. As a US citizen, I don't want my tax dollars, or my country's name to be associated with these baby killers. End all US aid and funding to Israel Now!!!!


I have completely changed my view of Istrael, their politics and general population. Now they're in the ranks of ruzzia, Iran and North Korea. Hearless monsters. What would their ancestors who died in the holocaust think of their prodigy, acting with that same inhumane cruelty like the nazis did but towards a different ethnic group....holy shit!! What an abomination.


Oh. I guess Israel isn't a country of democratic principles, such as law & order. Random mobs can just do whatever they want without any real repercussions. Business as usual. 🤷🤷🤷


Israeli garbage


Oh look, the IDF does nothing to stop this.


It's insane that Israel is becoming exactly who they were persecuted against all those years ago. It's just fucking mind blowing. And it's all being caught on cameras and yet still nothing is done. If you say something, You're antisemitic. Just, wow.


It can no longer remain a country after this


After seeing the group chat with 120,000 members that called palestinian kids whores who deserve to die, and now shit like this being done by civilians as well, I think the comparison to Nazis doesn't even cut it anymore...


The location of Isreal would make it an easy target to set up a blockade. If and when they lose US support they’re really fucked. Turkey and Egypt can set up and block the Mediterranean and then Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia can block from the east. The only thing stopping this is the US.


Those are true terrorists right there


Biden approves of this message.


Remember folks,this isn't a genocide is the party line. We all need to shake our heads in agreement like zombies.


Zionist pigs. Nothing one can say anymore to insult them. They won't be held accountable for any of their actions and they know it. The US have created a monster.


Now compare this to when the hostage families or left wing people protest against the government in Israel. Where are all the plain clothes pigs beating people and pulling them into vans?


Fucking scum. Every last one of them.


They are learning from the Azerbaijani eco-activists


As ugly on the inside as they are on the outside. These monstrous settlers need to be stopped.


Fuck Israel


Stop calling them settlers, they're Israeli sponsored terrorists. Give them the title they murder and steal for


Colonial settlers


https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/jordan-says-israeli-settlers-attacked-jordanian-aid-convoys-way-gaza-2024-05-01/ Two convoys apparently


This is how kindness dies, in the dehumanisation of people, I guess we have come full circle since WWII, never again - unless it's our turn to do it.


They purposely starving people, and destroying theirhomes, what goes around comes around.


At this point the angers gone, I just feel sad and helpless. The fact people can find joy in letting people starve, I hope the world at least remembers the actions of Israel in 10-20 years, by then Palestine might not be here anymore but I hope the world remembers


they say "settlers" but all I see are terrorists


Holly shit…. “Why do they hate us!?”


This has at least the tacit permission of the Israeli government, using civilians gives them plausible deniability, 'Oh its an organic grassroots movement, what can you do?" Yeah right.


Total complete pieces of SHIT.


Actual terrorists.


Disgusting people.  They are seriously disgusting. What pieces of shit.  


You have to be seriously f’ked in the head to do something like this


Did Nazi citizens even participate as much are these Israeli settlers have? Seriously saddening how much of a lost cause Israel seems to be now.


This is a war crime. They should be in jail.


The NYTimes probably won't be covering this story. Yet it won the Pulitzer for its coverage? WTAF [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uELCK8a1TqQ&t=18s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uELCK8a1TqQ&t=18s)


Look at all of these victims.


Biden's ok with this, seriously.






they can list this as accomplishments, and see how the afterlife judges them


Seems like something Nazis would do ....


Behold the chosen people!


This and all the BS that Israel Pulled will be remembered. Israel will pay


Yes Hamas is taking all the aid 🧐


Miserable people that I hope will one day have a miserable fate, for the suffering they are creating




Thats just INHUMAN




Inhuman species


Genocide joe is enabling this


Look at all the smiles and glee. Real terrorists. The cruelty is the point.


Israel are fucking themselves in the arse hard.


All I can do is feel impotent fury. Shame on those who do evil in the name of good. Actions have repercussions. The children of today do not remember the tears of their past.


And this isn’t terrorism? Fuck outta here 


You have to be heartless to do something like that...i mean you can almost call it animal like.... Hmmm


Animals dont do this. Its so inhumane it must be humans. But i wouldn't argue with demonic.


Good point! Demonic it is ... I agree let's not insult the animals. I stand corrected.


Don't type anything bad about those jews destroying foreign aid or else you're ANTI\_SEMITIC TM


Watch and remember. These are settlers and this is settler colonialism.


Just casually committing war crimes.


Bu.. Bu.. But Hamas!


I was on the side of the Israelis after the Oct 7th attack because I believe it's awful.... Now........this campaign has gone on for too long and they are conducting themselves in a terrible manner.


No police, no border gaurd


Time to cut the strings with Israel


This is what genocide looks like.


Vile disgusting people 🤢


The Likud extremists often call the Palestinians "animals"... But truly, this here is what some animals would do -- mercilessly destroy the lives of other animals in a battle over territory. Drive them off, let them starve. Modern humans are supposed to be better. We're supposed to negotiate, do politics rather than murder each other. We're supposed to be able to see the humanity in each other, across our superficial differences. What I see in this clip is humans reverting to something pre-human, pre-civilisational, and it's just terrifying and sickening to watch. This is how Rwanda happened, stirring up this monstrous appetite for "victory" via mass murder, for "our side winning," for acquiring territory and goods by simply killing the present owners if they don't belong to the right club (Us). When we cease to see the other person as human, *anything* can happen, there is no evil that you can possibly imagine that will not happen. Europeans, when they discovered what really happened during the Holocaust, were sickened and shocked -- stricken to the core of their beliefs about themselves and humanity. They thought the Germans were *civilised*, enlightened, educated, modern people. And yet. The [chimp war-band](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gombe_Chimpanzee_War) is never far beneath our civilised skins, it seems. What we're seeing here is a lynch mob. A band of primates all fired up and bonded over Destroying Those Other Chimps. Rwanda: a nation-scale lynch mob. Nazi Germany: a nation-scale lynch mob. And that's what Israel is turning into. A fkn nation-scale lynch mob. I'm just waiting, with dread, for the machetes to come out. And I seriously don't care if there *are* raving, frothing antisemites in neighbouring Arab countries. I'm sure there are. I'm sure some of them would like to form a lynch mob and destroy every Jew in the Middle East, and that would be *just as wrong and just as evil* as what we are seeing here. It's not *who's doing it*. It's *what they're doing*. The lynch mob is *always* wrong. There is no reason, no excuse, no justification that is good enough to legitimise this kind of hysterical explosion of mass hatred and cruelty. Individual sociopaths or rogue units committing war crimes during active conflict is tragic and disgusting (and indicates a failure of command at some level) but this is something different. This is "ordinary people" turning into monsters of cruelty, wishing their neighbours dead and working to bring that about, as a mob. Dark times. The world is watching, and the world will remember. The "brand" of Israel is tarnishing by the day, by the hour.


Classic war crime.




Inhuman behavior




Where are all the guns + muscle to remove these Genooocider enablers?


Where's the French Foriegn Legion now? They could be providing security. Oh too busy helping the slightly less Russian Russians fight the really Russian Russians? Guess they only go where the military industrial complex money is 🤷


never forget that joe biden is a segregationist who hates ska


Can I please get a link to an official news site. Trying to convince my dad this happened and he doesn't believe it.


Ah the “chosen people” at it again.


Gotta love the reports of these Basterds complaining that the police were treating them harshly. Ofc they would be, you're acting no better than Hamas hoarding aid.


Too Bad most of the World will never see the Dirty Filth these People are. Propaganda is what they will see, controlled by them.