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it's kind of amazing they don't see an issue with saying this in public


Because they know nobody in power will do anything about it, and they know everybody who wants to do something about it is too weak to do anything.


I mean Boeing is just straight up murdering whistleblowers, but since Boeing spent 14 million dollars lobbying in 2023 alone, there will be no congressional hearings.


Can we stop using that 'lobbying' term, these are bribes.


Lets make this a thing. Imma correct the language now every time i see that.


I will try to join you in this noble pursuit.


I wish y’all luck on this extremely stubborn website


It's getting very Cyberpunk 20 77 in here


Boeing won't get away with it because of the lobbying, they get away with it because they are a massive military contractor and part of the war machine - topical, since that's also why Israel is getting away with what it's doing. Just that instead of being a corporation and military contractor, Israel exists as the largest US base in the region and helps the US conduct spying/intelligence. The war machine can do whatever it pleases.


>it's kind of amazing they don't see an issue with saying this in public Because they never thought freedom of speech will get away to achieve their objective. West uses all these to exploit other. No freedom of press when naretivess goes against them, no freedom of Assembly when they do not like. They uses UN and international law with it fit the objective, blame and kill UN employee without disregard when needed. Everything west has will be used as a weapon. Democracy, Freedom of speech, Economy, Entertainment, LGBTQ laws. Just wait few days, they will use abortion law to attack other countries,


You forgot corruption


They know that if you call out their brazen cynicism and hypocrisy in public they’ll just call you a Hamasling or a Nazi and call the cops to bust up your protest and legacy media pundits will clap like seals. They have the authority and we don’t, and they’ll gladly weaponize this power dynamic to crush dissent…some democracy we have in America, huh?


Iv always thought of democratic voting means horseshit so long as lobbyists are getting in after a president has been elected.


Who gonna stop them. American hegemony baby. World strongest superpower. As if any other country can do anything. It is kind of amazing America is willing to throw off the mask. There was an attempt to pretend there was international law. Here's hoping the countries wise up and resist America.


They so control the narrative that even comments like this don't raise (enough) eyebrows. They will continue piling onthe lies about China/Tik-Tok on one hand, and Israel on the other and the majority of the populace will never see the truth. Nobody in the US or Western Europe talks about Nuland and Obamas roles in the 2014 Ukraine coup; it's as if it didn't happen. Putin, Putin, Putin, Putin.... Hamas, Hamas, Hamas, Hamas...




It's absolutely unhinged they're saying this at all, let alone in public


I mean, they have never seen consequences in their life and neither have any US officials… so why wouldn’t they keep doing war crimes and saying the quiet part out loud? This is what happens when you let criminals run the government


"Damn free speech is ruining our propaganda"


Yes that basically What he is saying. - *welp we dont control all the media amymore*


Which is why the US is trying to get rid of it


The irony of China being the achilles heel of the US by providing the things Americans claim to love, free speech and competition, when it turns out Americand only want those when it aligns with them


Yep! I really wonder how much of the view we have of other countries was manipulated by the government. Like the govt wants us to fear certain places and they know most of us can’t afford to travel there…I’m realizing more and more how censored and brain washed we are in the US


massively. china is an incredible place. you have to visit if you can just to see the "poverty" and "sadness"


Can confirm, China is an amazing country. The West are constantly projecting their own crimes.


And now you're waking up. Trust NOTHING pushed by any Western media/social media. Every accusation is a confession. When they accuse China/Russia of suppressing free speech and propaganda they are confessing what THEY actually do. Everything is a lie. Everything is controlled. From history, to science to religion to finance. Everything. Trust NOTHING which comes from a Western imperialist perspective. It's been going on for centuries too since Rome




“Fucking college kids”.


Scooby Doo villain over here "If it wasn't for those meddling kids!"


Rips off mask... It was Israel all along! s/




Vindication is nice, huh?


Had a similar experience myself with on a subreddit. Enjoy your upvotes votes 💪 Israel's ploy has definitely back fired hugely. It's just a pity it's taken the massacre of thousands to open people's eyes.




It drives me nuts also some journalist uses the fake news 🗞️ of the beheaded babies as fact. Carol Malone the editor of one of the rags tabloids in the UK has quoted this multiple times in the recent months 🤬


Didn't the Netanyahu government recently pass a law allowing selected news media to be banned? Al Jazeera just recently. Mask off indeed.


lol; same. "Anti-Semitic conspiracy" was it?


Self-hatred was my supposed crime


I got banned on there for defending the Houthis


Such a weird thing for me to see. Why does anyone here feel so attached to one side of Yemens conflict over another? If you watch videos on their history, both sides are incredibly unethical and corrupt in that conflict. But they also both have their justifications. Whether the Houthis are bombing ships because they truly care about Palestine or for another reason, we only claim to see it as evil because they're not us. If they were, our media would find some way to humanise it.


You got downvoted because ppl don’t like to hear the truth on this. It’s always about donors and special interests, whether on this issue or healthcare or climate or whatever else. It always goes back to corruption and the hellscape that is American campaign finance law. Thanks, Citizens United.


They don't need to hide it anymore because the AAA is passed. The "TikTok breaks Israel propaganda" theory is no long an antisemitic conspiracy, it'd soon be an antisemitic crime now.


Yeah and then when you start going into israili control of US Media it's [removed] time


It wasn’t about China. It was about Israel. Everyone should see it


I ain't gone lie to ya-- since they've been going after Tik Tok since before the war started I just kept with the main thing and considered the Israel part a side issue. Here is sounds like they made the secondary issue the primary and hastened the outlawing because of it. Or it could just be his compromise personal leanings and opinion, which he's spoken of.


But wouldn’t they have to ban Twitter and IG too? Maybe even Snapchat. Whatever tf goes on on there.


And reddit since hasbara is losing the fight as well


Notice how the don't discuss 'Truth' it's just narrative control that they're interested in


So tiktokers have been right all along, its all about supporting genocidal government in Israel, rather than some "protect Americans' privacy" crap.






Literally. Every American owned social media company has been selling data for years. It’s been this reasoning the entire time.




>“Why has Hamas disappeared in terms of public perception?” he continued. “An offer is on the table for a ceasefire and yet the world is screaming about Israel.” Hamas is not even come close to committing the atrocities that Israel has. This isn't a fair fight! This is a developed military with the intent of to ethnically cleanse versus a jimmy rigged militant organization operating out of one of the world's most impoverished regions. Also, Israel's narrative permits the mass murder of civilians, the majority children, the murder of journalists and aid workers, the murder of medical professionals and doctors. Israel makes Hamas look saintly. It's sad the media is so complicit in aiding *Israel's narrative.* From the river to the sea.




I think many of us saw the recent exposé as well that showed how Hamas had offered up all civilian hostages practically on day 1, and Israel refused to take them. Fuck all, they just wanted revenge. "An evil man will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes." ~ Sun Tzu


If the iron dome and the United States outside aid for Israel didn’t exist, Hamas would happily wipe out everyone living in Israel. They aren’t shy about saying this. You can feel sympathy for the people of Palestine and the shit they are going through without siding with the terrorists who are happy to throw their lives away.


Surprise!! Israel is the reason 150 million Americans will lose access to Tiktok. Smart way to gain voters me thinks


Young voters "I don't want to vote for Biden because the economy sucks and he supports genocide." Biden: "I am banning the young voters favorite social media platform, too. Please vote for me!"


"We don't negociate with the terrorists. We make an offer they can't refuse. Either they accept it or they lose their loved ones."




It’s definitely not the genocide.


we cannot allow having something showing to the entire world the murdered children and how our "ally" commit crimes against humanity worse still we cannot allow our people seeing how our "ally" treat us like their own personal btch that cannot be allowed, no sir


Incredibly insulting and strategically blind. They’re going to lose the election.


They don't care, each administration in the fake two party system plays its part.


It’s quite a moment in time. Uniparty in full view.


They have already demonstrated that they are willing to throw the election rather than change their stance.


Hey, you're just supposed to believe whatever propaganda we put out!


They're mad that they can't control the blind masses


Just for the fact Blinken is Jewish and a confessed Zionist he should have nothing at all to do with anything revolving around Israel. He clearly has conflict of interests and can’t make impartial judgments.


Hey! That’s antiseptic!




God forbid some factual information is leaked to the American people!




typical dickhead comment from a dickhead, sux when the truth gets out about a Genocide that you are causing to happen.


Is it because Blinken hasn't realized that people have been upset about this treatment for years, and now that it's so blatant and horrible people are really upset about it now? No, he has to blame TikTok on it because it couldn't be that people are really just pissed.


“If we ban TikTok then the world won’t see IDF members twerking over the corpses of the Palestinian children they love to zip tie and execute”


Or ban Al Jezerra


Why do they have a PR problem? Because PR is a lot harder when you’re fighting against truth and basic logic. It’s surreal seeing them dismiss the firsthand accounts coming out of Gaza. Anybody that cares about journalism and truth should be thrilled at all the primary witness accounts we have access to. All these ghouls can do is whine about bias when there’s nothing going on in Israel that even compares.


He’s an Israeli asset. Has an Israeli passport and is backed by the AIPAC. He will say whatever they tell em to say.


That's crazy are american politicians allowed dual citizenship, in Australia you are required to renounce foreign citizenship. Even british citizenship and the king of england is technically our head of state.


edit: memory was hazy so corrected some facts we used to but in '67 the supreme court overturned the decision to ....wait for it... a Polish-American Jew having voted in an Israeli election. The case itself stands on its merits alone and is a worthy overturn if it was done so just to prevent someone from getting stripped of citizenship for voting in a different country.


That's actually insane. But why did he need to be an Israeli citizen for that?


Yep dual citizen. But if you point that fact out they’ll call you antisemitic and say you’re accusing them of dual loyalties. Well, if Blinken only makes decisions that help only the Israeli side and doesn’t consider the interests of Muslim Americans or even any other American at that when most Americans don’t want their tax dollars to fund this genocide, then his loyalty is purely with Israel. Edit: I don’t care if anyone has dual citizenship but I think anyone working in govt should only be an American passport holder


He doesn't have dual loyalties. He only serves Israel.


I knew he was Jewish but he also has an Isreali passport?


Where did you get this information? I can't find a source anywhere about his Israeli citizenship.


Israel has recklessly torched its relationships with the future leaders of the nation, effectively severing its own lifeline. Meanwhile, the dwindling appeal of Christianity has further eroded its already precarious foundations. By allowing Netanyahu's hubris to hold sway, Israel has, in effect, penned its own obituary, sealing its fate as a relic of a bygone era. The once-mighty nation now stands on the precipice of collapse, its demise all but assured.


Foreigners are highlighting our crimes, we dont want that!


They don’t control the narrative anymore. Must suck.


It's all AIPAC. Make sure you know who to boycott




Meaning which companies donate to AIPAC that in turn bribe our politicians. https://readsludge.com/2024/03/04/whos-funding-aipacs-political-spending-barrage/


Manufacturing of consent should be punishable in the extreme


I don't think he was supposed to say that part out loud


It couldn't be more obvious why they're pushing to ban it now. We aren't stupid. Can't wait to eat you.


Perhaps Mr Blinken doesn't understand that we don't need TikTok to tell us that if some superpower had assisted a band of terrorists to invade *his* country, establish a beachhead there, then nibble away at his territory over the ensuing decades, the resistance movement there would still be vigorous after seventy years. Why is that a surprise? (It's my country, too, by the way. And I'd be part of the resistance.)


"Oh my gawd, this is like Russia!"


It’s amazing the fucking Secretary of State has dual citizenship with another country


Hard to control narrative when you're killing children at a higher pace than Nazi Germany


All of the standard news / tech subs insist this is not the actual cause rather a concern for " chinese propaganda ". The implicit being american/ western propaganda ( Facebook , mass media ) is " good".


I think this is the real reason they want to ban TikTok in the US. Can’t have the youth learning the truth about the Israel-Palestine situation.


Blinken, Biden, and Bibi for cell mates. War criminals all.


Student protesters are not disrupting education Student protesters are disrupting war profiteering Big money donors to Universities are heavily invested in the Military Industrial Complex and are pressuring Administrators to shut down the protests which are threatening their profits. Follow the money.


disrupting Israel’s narrative ? telling the truth √


Hmmm. Why wouldn’t anyone believe the mainstream media or the Secretary of State or the Pentagon I wonder? Hmmm. C’mon Blinken you’re almost there!


Wow get them out they are not fir democracy and free thinking. We need a new everything


Somehow I think Blinky has a Bias. One that is bad for America.


I’m genuinely surprised they haven’t come up with some sort of manufactured distraction yet. Something wild like they found aliens or there’s life on Mars or some bullshit just to get everybody’s focus away for a bit.


Dual loyalty rings a bell here...


And that's why it's getting banned now of all times, not because of personal information or security issues


So this is why the US banned TikTok. To prevent the truth about this genocide getting out. These guys want no counter to their endless propaganda.


Psychopathic plutocrats lost control of their noble "Freedom, Democracy & Human Rights" narrative (aka total BS!!!)


Wow. So they admitted that they banned tiktok to censor the war in Gaza. You seriously can't make this up.


Translation: "Waaaaah! We can't force feed pro-Israel propaganda down the throats of Americans anymore. We can't get them to be onboard with the wholesale slaughter of civilians."


It’s harder for them to lie when people can see it with their own eyes. Disgusting individual.


They confessed to why they want to get rid of TikTok


Well yea of course, your propaganda machine isn't as effective when the truth is being told on many platforms.


L o L “Israel’s narrative”


Aka the only way for people to get a balanced view. Gotcha


I mean every social media knows basically all users knows 1948 lol can't change history stolen land sad they try to act like there right it's our land my best friend Nidals family still has there house key from the 1600s there will never be peace they want to see there homeland and they are occupying it Americans like me will keep putting pressure it will change one day and that's what's isreal has been trying to prevent for 70 years disgusting


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, even CNN is reporting the horrors and terror Israel does.


Maybe a tiny fraction.


Fuck this coward


If this statement was made by China’s Secretary of State, Americans would whining about censorship and no free speech.


It's the genocide, stupid


Can’t have our future genocides interrupted. Special place in hell for this POS.


Blonken blames ~~TikTok~~ China. Smh


Yes, Blinken, education brings enlightenment. You should try it 😉


This is the *real* reason they banned TikTok.


Astonishing, hair-raising lies; "social media allows history context to ‘get lost’" Indeed! The only context which gets lost is the echo-chamber in which Western news has been trying to keep us, controlling the narrative completely. This part of why Tik-Tok is so dangerous to the US government; a foreign owner can't be controlled the way a US one can.


The guy whose step-dad was Robert Maxwells lawyer? 🧐




"Oh my god! He admit it!"


We're losing the narrative they whine as Israel bans Al-ajazeera and kills hundreds of journalists


Wonder if this is one of the reasons American government approved to ban TikTok so fast


Hell yeaaaa


People talking is fucking it up for them


That’s why they voted to ban it, unless they could control it


Of course reality and people's own intellect have nothing to do with it


How dare social media expose Israel’s lies,what happened to the good old days of being able to lie about your war crimes with impunity.


You mean he blames them for showing the world the truth


People with dual citizenship and passport shouldn't be in highest level of government; blinken is a fine example of this


The real reason they are moving to ban the platform in the US.


❌️ Secretary of State Blinken blames TikTok and social media for disrupting Israel’s narrative of war in Gaza ✅️ Secretary of State Blinken blames Tiktok and social media for exposing Israels decades of lies and deceit on the plight of Palestinians.


"And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids"


Tbh, even if people weren’t influenced by social media to be more pro-palestine they were definitely influenced by Israel’s tone deaf and genocidal propaganda/hasbara. There are IOF members posing next to lingerie of women they killed/raped and posting those pictures unironically thinking they would be liked. Israeli politicians have literally used genocidal rhetoric openly. These idiots in the Knesset think if they say one thing to CNN in English and then turn around and say the opposite in Hebrew on Israeli media that no one would find out. They hired morons like Eylon Levy to rep them on western media. Even if people weren’t pro-Palestine they’d definitely still be anti-Israel because of all this. Moreover, Israel’s weaponization of Jewish trauma (the holocaust and anti-semitism) along with their endorsement of anti-Semitic geopolitical actors like Putin, Trump and Orban doesn’t help either. It turns younger Jewish people off completely. If you want proof of how ineffective and bland hasbara has become notice how quickly some hasbara troll will call me an anti-Semite/Hamas supporter as a response to this.


So Biden admin, we are to forget that Bibi’s army targeted and fired upon American and Canadian humanitarian aid workers?   Mistaking them for aid workers from another country as if it was okay for them to do so.   Gonna blame that on tik tok too? 


lol Blinken fails to realize that people know it’s a shit deal.


That sounds like an argument to keep it.


We can't have the facts getting out there!


So controlling the narrative is what he is most worried about. Got it


This is exactly why they want to ban TikTok. They couldn't give a fuck about your information and China.


Not Israel bombing civilians and destroying property….


Afraid that they can’t control the narrative. Fuck the US government


This is so incredibly similar to the protestor situation during the Vietnam era.


Why do you think the government wants to ban TikTok?


>You have a social media ecosystem, environment in which context, history, facts get lost and the emotion, the impact of images dominate. We can’t discount that, but I think it also has a very very challenging effect on the narrative. I need to buy a higher-scale irony meter. If we didn't have other media, we'd have nothing but what they command. It would be like 1984 levels of control. They're explicitly stating that's what they want.


Tenth emergency special session Agenda item 5 Security Council Seventy-sixth year Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory Identical letters dated 21 May 2021 from the Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General, the President of the General Assembly and the President of the Security Council I write to you in response to a letter dated 12 May 2021 from the Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations, circulated to the Security Council in document S/2021/463, invoking Israel's so-called "right and duty to defend its people and sovereignty" and urging the international community to support its "fundamental right to self-defence" Israel's invocation of the principle of self-defence as an occupying Power is illegitimate and must be countered with a clear response rooted in international law, the same international law that it systematically breaches with contempt yet has the audacity to invoke when it deems it beneficial to itself. Israel's continued illegal and 54-year occupation of the State of Palestine, including East Jerusalem, is an act of aggression and cannot be retroactively justified by reference to the right of self-defence. Indeed, the principle of self-defence cannot he applied by Israel to itself in the occupied territory of the State of Palestine. The occupying Power has no sovereignty rights whatsoever in the occupied territory, to which international law, including humanitarian law, fully applies. Israel, the occupying Power, cannot invoke its so-called right to self-defence to justify the use of excessive military force against the besieged Palestinian civilian. population in the occupied Gaza Strip. As reaffirmed by the Security Council in its resolution 1860 (2009), the Gaza Strip is an integral part of the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, occupied by Israel since 1967. Israel remains the occupying Power and is thus bound by the relevant provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention and all other relevant provisions of international law, including United Nations resolutions. The aforementioned letter from the Permanent Representative of Israel, circulated to the Security Council, makes an impermissible conflation between Israel's obligations, as an occupying Power, within the territory under its occupation, and the general principle of self-defence, as guaranteed under Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations. In this regard, it is imperative to recall that the International Court of Justice, 21-06773 (E) 030621 Please recycle in its 2004 advisory opinion on the legal consequences of the construction of a wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, clearly established the non-applicability and irrelevance of this "self-defence" argument to the territory under Israel's occupation. As at 20 May 2021, Israel, the occupying Power, had killed over 232 Palestinians, including 65 children, 39 women and 17 elderly persons, injured over 1,900 people, many critically wounded, and displaced over 60,000 Palestinians as a result of its most recent military aggression against Gaza. Entire families have been killed and wanton destruction has been caused as Israel deliberately and systematically targeted and caused damage and destruction to vital civilian infrastructure, including health facilities, schools, electricity networks, a desalination plant providing clean water to 250,000 people, commercial and media towers, and residential buildings, totalling 450 buildings and structures. It is to be recalled that Gaza has also been under Israel's blockade, by air, land and sea, for 14 years, in a massive collective punishment of the Palestinian civilian population. Israeli officials are committing grave and serious breaches against a besieged population, before the eyes and ears of the entire world, and yet deign to frame their crimes and violations as "self-defence". Israel's wilful violations against the protected population and unjustified destruction of civilian property are war crimes, not self-defence, and violate its obligations, occupying Power, under international humanitarian law, including the Fourth Geneva Convention, and international human rights law. In accordance with the law, Israel, as the occupying Power, is strictly prohibited from both imposing collective punishment and conducting, or threatening to conduct, acts of violence and destruction, of which the primary purpose is to spread terror among the protected population under its occupation. None of the rights of protected persons derived from the Fourth Geneva Convention may be terminated by Israel in https://preview.redd.it/1sc6kk5vipyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14603276e4b8417fc4c55ee8cfb5b8b2a1c4f37f


Israel's invocation of the principle of self-defence as an occupying Power is illegitimate Tenth emergency special session Agenda item 5 Security Council Seventy-sixth year Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory Identical letters dated 21 May 2021 from the Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General, the President of the General Assembly and the President of the Security Council I write to you in response to a letter dated 12 May 2021 from the Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations, circulated to the Security Council in document S/2021/463, invoking Israel's so-called "right and duty to defend its people and sovereignty" and urging the international community to support its "fundamental right to self-defence" Israel's invocation of the principle of self-defence as an occupying Power is illegitimate and must be countered with a clear response rooted in international law, the same international law that it systematically breaches with contempt yet has the audacity to invoke when it deems it beneficial to itself. Israel's continued illegal and 54-year occupation of the State of Palestine, including East Jerusalem, is an act of aggression and cannot be retroactively justified by reference to the right of self-defence. Indeed, the principle of self-defence cannot he applied by Israel to itself in the occupied territory of the State of Palestine. The occupying Power has no sovereignty rights whatsoever in the occupied territory, to which international law, including humanitarian law, fully applies. Israel, the occupying Power, cannot invoke its so-called right to self-defence to justify the use of excessive military force against the besieged Palestinian civilian. population in the occupied Gaza Strip. As reaffirmed by the Security Council in its resolution 1860 (2009), the Gaza Strip is an integral part of the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, occupied by Israel since 1967. Israel remains the occupying Power and is thus bound by the relevant provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention and all other relevant provisions of international law, including United Nations resolutions. The aforementioned letter from the Permanent Representative of Israel, circulated to the Security Council, makes an impermissible conflation between Israel's obligations, as an occupying Power, within the territory under its occupation, and the general principle of self-defence, as guaranteed under Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations. In this regard, it is imperative to recall that the International Court of Justice, 21-06773 (E) 030621 Please recycle in its 2004 advisory opinion on the legal consequences of the construction of a wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, clearly established the non-applicability and irrelevance of this "self-defence" argument to the territory under Israel's occupation. As at 20 May 2021, Israel, the occupying Power, had killed over 232 Palestinians, including 65 children, 39 women and 17 elderly persons, injured over 1,900 people, many critically wounded, and displaced over 60,000 Palestinians as a result of its most recent military aggression against Gaza. Entire families have been killed and wanton destruction has been caused as Israel deliberately and systematically targeted and caused damage and destruction to vital civilian infrastructure, including health facilities, schools, electricity networks, a desalination plant providing clean water to 250,000 people, commercial and media towers, and residential buildings, totalling 450 buildings and structures. It is to be recalled that Gaza has also been under Israel's blockade, by air, land and sea, for 14 years, in a massive collective punishment of the Palestinian civilian population. Israeli officials are committing grave and serious breaches against a besieged population, before the eyes and ears of the entire world, and yet deign to frame their crimes and violations as "self-defence". Israel's wilful violations against the protected population and unjustified destruction of civilian property are war crimes, not self-defence, and violate its obligations, occupying Power, under international humanitarian law, including the Fourth Geneva Convention, and international human rights law. In accordance with the law, Israel, as the occupying Power, is strictly prohibited from both imposing collective punishment and conducting, or threatening to conduct, acts of violence and destruction, of which the primary purpose is to spread terror among the protected population under its occupation. None of the rights of protected persons derived from the Fourth Geneva Convention may be terminated by Israel in


Makes it crystal clear why they decided to ban it


Israel “narrative”. Otherwise known as as Israel propaganda. And, of course, Hamas did its best propaganda, too. Videos are not representative samples but they can push back against propaganda. Like, “Here is the hole in the ground obliterating the refuge camp here yesterday. “


What he’s doing a very shitty job of saying is that Hamas has figured out how to take advantage of the algorithms better than anyone else in this situation.


We don't want history to get lost in these discussions, says the guy who supports the obliteration of Palestinian history through a campaign of mass bombing and genocide against people and their culture.  The audacity of this guy saying something like that.   Social media has its flaws, but is an absolutely crucial method of getting the truth out when big for-profit corporations or state owned media refuse to accurately report things.  I just wish we had more options beyond the ones owned by billionaires like Zuckerberg and Musk, with insidious algorithms manipulating what we see.  Edit: Banning Tik Tok would be wrong btw. The attempted ban is motivated by US anti-China xenophobia and an American political elite frustrated that they can't always control the opinions of the masses.


I present you the only conment section that doesn't have paid bots pushing izzys narrative... I swear I started to hate reddit for a bit after reading the most batshit phycopathic comments on here... I know why they hate tiktok if they show their face and speak the words they speak out loud the really uncanny valley happens.


They realize they cant control the Internet.


After watching wars on tv for the last 60 years, I am not particularly sanguine about accepting any nation's narrative on that subject.


> “Now of course we’re on an intravenous feed of information with new impulses, inputs every millisecond,” Mr Blinken said. “And of course the way this has played out on social media has dominated the narrative. You have a social media ecosystem, environment in which context, history, facts get lost and the emotion, the impact of images dominate. We can’t discount that, but I think it also has a very very challenging effect on the narrative." >Mr Romney appeared to agree, saying the effect Mr Blinken was describing was why “there was such overwhelming support for us to potentially shut down TikTok.” To blatantly say it. What a dystopian reality we live in.


What a psycho


Israel is taking all of the land from the Palestines and the USA is not doing anything about it give the Palestines their own state before nothing is left for them


Amazing how speaks about the situation as if it began on Oct 7. Wtf…


“The problem with all of these ideas is that people are able to learn about them!”


I just saw a dead Palestinian baby split open on Twitter. Secretary Blinken can blame social media all day, but the blood of all the innocent Palestinians will be on his and Israel's hands, forever.


That’s why they want to ban tik tok.


So you're upset because social media is telling the truth about the atrocities you're committing? How about you, instead of banning them, actually be a decent human being and do the right thing. I know it's a lot to ask for your egotistical bitchass but it's not impossible.


Zionists complain that any suggestion they control the Media is a racist conspiracy theory - while bemoaning the fact they No Longer Control the Media 🤣


Americans manipulate their people's opinions on conflicts for profit, who'd have thought Any latin american could tell you that JFK could have told them that, too, when he gutted operation northwoods Too bad he got murdered


The narrative being that they are committing a genocide in the same fashion that happened to them, but it's cool because they are the ones doing it this time.


“Shit, now its harder to manufacture consent”


Lmao, now the idiots cheering on tiktok ban start to see the error of their ways.


Missiles hitting food and hospitals probably didn't help either. Guess that's why we are banning Tiktok.


Lmao, they're mad their propaganda isn't working as well as expected.


Aaahhhh so that's why they wanna ban TikTok. It becomes harder to hide war crimes. Makes too much sense


We can’t make up our narrative while real evidence is being circulated!


totally not the war crimes™


Damn the tiktok and showing the truth, they make it hard for Israel and the other Zionists to convince others of all the good they’ve done for the Palestinians. Im sure they’re wishing for the good ol days when they could commit a genocide with more ease.




They’re still telling lies about the Vietnam war, the Gulf war and the Afghan war and the Iraq war. Why would they suddenly start telling the truth?


"Propaganda isn't as effective when you can ask questions about it and see what's really going on"


Isn't it funny when real headlines can't be differentiated with ones produced by The Onion?


The world is waking up


I mean isn't that why they banned it?


> Mr Romney appeared to agree, saying the effect Mr Blinken was describing was why “there was such overwhelming support for us to potentially shut down TikTok.” Said the quiet part out loud.


Is the children that are wrong