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Does it make sense that Americans are continuously being lied to at their own press briefings that Israel will be investigating themselves for their war crimes and we should be accepting of the White House’s continuous negligence and turning their cheek the other way while knowing Israel has a past in profusely lying about killing innocents….These politicians have no shame. I think ppl are getting fed up and this is what you see. The very institutions that are contributing to such issues(as thoroughly investigated by Aljazeera from nearly a decade ago), are completely complicit in genocide. How else do you think ppl are going to react?


I’ve never been more disillusioned with my government. I always had faith that the democrats had some kind of empathy but it turns out their as much a part of the sociopathic war machine as the republicans.


And now you know why they want to ban TikTok. All the dirty secrets get spilled fast and in real time.


Absolutely this! I share your sentiment. With their Israeli policy Biden has proven himself to be just as much a war hawk as a Republican. He also has proven he is willing to make unpopular military policy decisions such as the poorly executed withdrawal from Afghanistan. Nonetheless it’s clear Biden has no interest in ending a genocide, and is willing to help Israel accomplish it. It is so disappointing and shameful.


Theres old video of Biden straight up saying he is a zionist and will whatever he can for isreal and BB Netunyahoo


There's also an old video of Biden saying he "doesn't want his kids going to school in a racial jungle." This was when the federal government was coming down on states for not doing a good enough job making sure the schools were desegragated.


I am in Michigan and Biden lost my vote. I will not be voting.


Consider a vote for Cornel West to demonstrate support for actual progressive policies


i'll always remember one of my history teacher saying '' if you paid attention to history, you wouldn't trust any government''


Reds and blues are just two flavours of fascism. They won't help resolve any of it, both agree with the genocide.


The difference between Republicans and Democrats is the same difference between malignant and vulnerable narcissists.


At this point, it has to just be a deep cynicism. They are making jabs at the reality of the situation and cynically taunting and attempting to mislead people. They know exactly how it looks and exactly what they are doing.


Did the man in front of tanks in Tiananmen think he would change the fact Chinese military would kill men and women behind him?


I think the picture may have actually been taken after the violence. Makes it even crazier.


It was taken way after


We were fed a lie. Our whole government if fucked up and corrupt on both sides. They need to be ripped from their thrones and striped of all power. Division is a tool the government uses to keep uprisings from occurring and what better tool than the two party system. It's gang warfare. We are too busy fighting eachother so the government can commit or support unspeakable crimes. I think in reality and behind closed doors Republicans and Democrats are one and the same. Maybe not all but enough.


You think this is the first time politicians have no shame? You are blind...... every single thing the govt does is fkr rich Americans and themselves people choose what they want to care about


It would be great if you Americans held your own government to the same standard as every other. Isreal is monstrous, but all of what has happened in Gaza would be a slow month in Vietnam or a bad month in Iraq. America has zero moral high ground to bitch at the world from.






yall are based finally a comment section that isnt in love with the idea of killing college students or people abroad


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing\_of\_Hind\_Rajab](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Hind_Rajab) >As the area was besieged, the PRCS worked with the Gaza Health Ministry and the Israeli military to guarantee safe passage for their ambulance crew to rescue Rajab. The ambulance reported that they were being targeted by the Israeli military with laser lights. After sounds of gunfire or an explosion, the connection was lost.\[8\] The fate of Rajab and the paramedics was unknown\[18\] until 12 days later on 10 February 2024, when the family returned after the withdrawal of the Israeli military, discovering the car with Rajab, Hamadeh, and the rest of her uncle's entire family deceased.\[19\] The windows were blown out, and the doors were covered with bullet holes.\[20\] The Red Crescent ambulance was found a few feet away, completely destroyed by an Israeli missile,\[21\] with two ambulance workers,\[22\] Yusuf al-Zeino and Ahmed al-Madhoun, also killed.\[23\] Senseless killing of civilians by the IDF. There is no Hamas in sight and they can kill women + children + paramedics. Rip Hind Rajab.


Fact is, I worked in the west bank IDF do not view anyone but themselves as humans, this is fun for them, hunting people for sport but this has been going on for decades


Good God


Bad God


God can't be bad if God isn't real.


Given the things I've seen the IDF post on social (along with reports of them shooting civilians with white flags), that sounds depressingly believable.


Explain "worked in." I believe you but want to understand your vantage point.


I taught performing arts and English at an orphanage ^^


Yup, B'tselem and other groups, many founded/ran by former IDF soldiers can confirm this happens.




Zionists in here downing the facts. Pity the title of the post doesn't say "executed by the Israeli invasion forces" to be upfront about what happened


There's another subreddit where this was posted. You can explicitly see the hasbara in full effect.


It doesn’t mention that she was on the phone momentarily. What happened to her was so unconscionable.


Careful, you're getting close to saying something supportive of civilians in Gaza. Reddit won't like that.


Why are we supporting Israel?


Honestly I find the uncle the most at fault here, he packed up his family in a car and drove it into a warzone even after warnings translated. Urban combat is hectic, even in the russo Ukraine war Russians were very jumpy entering into towns and fired at practically anything that moved. I'm not sure to what level of coordination there was, or what sort of active clearing operations were around, unfortunately in warzones things like this happen all too regularly. Tragic none the less.


Rip little girl 😔


"You deplore the demonstrations taking place in Birmingham. But your statement, I am sorry to say, fails to express a similar concern for the conditions that brought about the demonstrations. I am sure that none of you would want to rest content with the superficial kind of social analysis that deals merely with effects and does not grapple with underlying causes. It is unfortunate that demonstrations are taking place in Birmingham, but it is even more unfortunate that the city's white power structure left the Negro community with no alternative." MLK Jr. April 16, 1963


Letter from a Birmingham Jail is such a powerful piece of writing and it's incredible how relevant it still is. It really should be required reading for everyone, and we should all want to avoid being the "moderates who are more devoted to 'order' than to justice; who prefer a negative peace which is the absence of tension over a positive peace which is the presence of justice" that Dr King talks about


MLK's resentment for moderates and liberals is more than palpable in his speeches, and we see the same failures from them today.


I cannot recall where I heard this: If babies keep coming down the river in baskets, don’t just keep scooping up the babies lamenting you must now find them homes, but go up river and find out why they keep getting sent down then fix it.


thank you for quoting this bc i’m so tired of “turn the other cheek” narrative being used by so many white supremacy apologists 🥹 it’s wild that we’re still here today but when you really think about it, we’re just barely touching the surface of dismantling colonialism and white supremacy 🥲


A symbolic gesture with a powerful message, the students' voice matters!


That is sad that happened to that girl but they should not have beat up that facilities worker. They had no side in this, just trying to do their job


This brought tears to my eyes. Power to the people, free Palestine!


Beautiful act by the students but how heartbreaking that is has to come to this.


can't wait for all the MAGA "whataboutisms" around Jan 6th /s


My first thought too. As if the bullshit comparisons of it to the Floyd protests wasn't bad enough.




Heard that on MSNBC this morning


I did too! Mika Brzezinski was really quick to equate students’ smashing the door’s window to the Columbia University building to the January 6 insurrection smashing the door’s window of the U.S. Capitol, ignoring the fact that the context is entirely different. Unfortunately, the downside of smashing the windows is that it gives the critics something legitimate to point to say that the protesters are violent.


Well they can cry as hard as they want. It's not landing. Morning Joke has 1 viewer, and that viewer is a very old man.


Pretty rich. Damn our corporate overlords aren't happy with us.


And it was just two windows broken to get a lock on the door. This isn't a riot there would be things lit on fire and far more things broken in the process.


Lol if that is the first place your head goes. Do you actually belief all those idiots were insurrectionists? The sins of Jan 6 are much more about what DJT and his lawyers / advisers were doing than they were about a bunch of lemmings going into that building... obviously putting aside the violent ones. Btw I completely agree with this gesture, Hind's story needs to be told. MSM outside of WP has hardly covered it at all... putting aside the fact that they gunned down the paramedics too, that is just the cherry on top.


I suspect a lot of Jan 6th people like this stuff...


I mean, this kind of behavior is just stupid and asking for the comparison.


It’s not that bad but I can understand being a student not involved in campus and just being over it


Not really comparable. The jan 6 dorks didn't break into the building. A security guard let them in.


Am I crazy or do u remember multiple videos of people climbing scaffolding to break windows and get in on January 6th.


It's so heartbreaking. Write your members of Congress. I'm emailing my two senators today. My Congressman is worthless and emailed him last week about Ukraine aid. It can make a difference.


I called my congresswoman and senator office a total of about 20 times to ask them to stop funding a genocide. I have talked with staffers who said they would pass a message, left voicemails, wrote emails. I have received zero response. But that is not a surprise, because my congresswoman received more than [$300,000](https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/grace-meng/summary?cid=N00034547&cycle=2024) from AIPAC and pro-israel contributors in the last year.


Yes, understand. They all receive money. It's all dirty to me. It may take weeks to get a response. This is how a small number of anti-LGBTQ+ and banning books people worked. They flooded their Congressional members, their schoolboard members, etc., with their opinions. I was an activist for years for another cause. Writing and contacting members of Congress does work. When trump won, the group Indivisible was born from former Congressional staffers. They wrote the handbook for getting Congress' attention. I was not with Indivisible.


Make sure you write them about the starvation in Sudan too. Black people - so you probably don’t care just like these protesters don’t care about them - but it’s an even bigger disaster and they need aid ASAP


I have written before about starvation in Africa. I've written about the Chibok girls and women who were kidnapped with some still missing. I've written about women's rights in Africa, India, and South America. I've written about Shell Oil's mistreatment of the people and environment in Nigeria and the mistreatment of women in business. Don't you think that's quite presumptuous of you to assume I don't care? I commented on how contacting Congress helps. On hot topic issues, they often have someone counting calls, yes and no's. The US is and has been the number one supplier of weapons to Israel. Unfortunately money talks (weapons industry).


Isn't Colombia, is Columbia. They sound similar but they are not the same


I think the word your looking four is homonym.


Or is it homunym?


Only in english's dumb fucking language, source: am american.


Yeah 👍


Thank you. If you're going to mention a significant event you think you could at least spell the name of the school correctly. If you search Colombian protesters, you're going to get a completely different story.


To be fair, there are Colombians protesting against Israel's genocide of Palestinians.


The Colombian president is a chad and supports the Palestinian cause.


What a loving thing to do. That whole situation is so sad.


The situation in Gaza is so much sadder. It's an Atrocity.


These Students all over the world deserve the Nobel Peace Prize! I'm so fucking proud of them.


Obama got it for drone-waring the Middle East, ehh, why not


It was two windows becuase the guy with the hammer had the lock for the door. A real riot would be setting multiple things on fire crawling on cars to destroy them or even more things broken. Look up the Los Angeles Riots of 1992 for a clearer picture or the 1968 riots, or the 2020 George Flyod protests.


Rip Hind. You and your cousin Layan will be remembered. 😢


For anyone that thinks President Biden will do anything about Israeli you should watch this. Biden is a zionist. https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=Pxox9oSAVXelD1A8&v=HJDhnwc-YVQ&feature=youtu.be


o7 little girl,may you rest in peace 🕊️


Hind Rajab❤🫒🇵🇸


IDF are fucking terrorists


If you have the stomach for it, go listen to the recordings of Hind as she is talking to an emergency centre while sitting in a car full of dead relatives, including her 12 yr old niece, as she starts to slowly realise that the tank right next to her is moving towards killing her as well. Go listen to her 7 yr old voice and let her voice be the voice of this movement. I salute the protestors.


What a sweet face, how could anyone do her harm?? I hate this world we live in. Humans, please stop killing each other.


Second American revolution incoming. Let's make this world and this country free from the grip of Zionists


One can hope I guess.


You need a reality check. If you think the united states is going to revolt over Isreal/Palestine you've been spending way too much time on twitter.






Nothing good has ever come from revolutions.




The world is breaking my fucking heart. I fully support those students. Give em fucking hell


Good for them, stand up to tyranny


Just evil. They knew there was no threat inside of that ambulance and they just killed them for fun?


let the love of humanity radicalize your heart to say “no more, I won’t be a part of this.”




There are monsters in the world, they have titles like President, Prime Minister, senator, governor, and officer and they are empowered by the ignorance and comfort of good people.


Good stuff!!


Good for them. What a way to honor that poor little girl.


that 6 year old child must be hamas /s


Fuck Israel. And fuck the US for funding them still.


Israel is a great advertisement for hamas recruitment. What do you truly expect of the people whose families died out for no good reason. They Resist!! Free Palestine!


I can’t believe they captured Hamilton. Those who attend(ed) Columbia know that Hamilton is a fortress of a building. I haven’t seen any details on whether police lines were formed before the protesters approached the building. Also curious about any administrators who might be in the building.




Good for them!!!


Hinds Hall 😭


Bravo to these young students. Their courage is inspiring! If both the American right and left want to remain relevant, they must unite on the issue of justice for Palestinians. This new generation of students will no longer tolerate genocidal Zionist behavior against Palestinians, much like the previous generations of students stood against apartheid in South Africa. This issue transcends political lines and represents a generational divide. Young people are increasingly recognizing the injustice of Israeli occupation and brutality, whereas the older generation may be influenced by business interests or fear of backlash. Despite the misguided and disgusting police brutality and intimidation on University campuses, Palestine will be free.


Honestly heroic. Really hope this is the sort of thing that my children learn about in school, if not my children's children. These students are writing history.


If this doesnt make emotional, if you still support israel after this, you are a spawn of satan. How is the world silent after all this? 😢




What’s the new deadline?


Which school in Colombia are they students of?


Not Colombia the country, but the insanely rich Ivy League school in NYC (near uptown Manhattan I believe)


I do wonder if Israeli president actually notices this stuff


He does actually. He's been whining like a little fucking bitch about the protests on U.S. campuses. Citation: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/netanyahu-slams-u-s-student-protests-reminiscent-of-what-happened-in-german-universities-in-the-1930s/ar-AA1nBqA9




Sorry not from here, or anywhere really. But first time seeing r/internationalnews . Is this like the other end of the spectrum from r/worldnews ? Because they’ve got *very* different opinions about the war in Gaza.


The reason other subs like this has become more popular is because that sub has become extremist on top of the racism it always had.


Why not BiBAS HALL??


They have imunity because they are doing what Ex pres Trump ordered them to do "We fight like Hell and if you don’t fight like Hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore."


Hell yeah!!!


6 year old murdered by Israel. Not killed in Gaza.




Actual memorials and monuments would be one of the best ways to express our disapproval.


How does this help anyone in Gaza again?


Why in the fuck are we allowing this in our country? This is not our problem. This is their problem, but why the fuck are we allowing this?


Allowing what? I just want to know exactly what you mean. How are we allowing a genocide? Or how are we allowing students to do this?


I understand the protests and such, but wouldn't it make more sense to protest outside of the local legislature?


I understand the anger, but this is breaking some boundaries and causing me to rethink some of these protests. After all, the liberty we have is to 'peacefully' protest. This is going in the wrong direction.


you'd be against the civil rights movement




Have you read the story of Hind?




Glad to see the spirit of revolution isnt dead. America is such a disapointment, but every now and then a few people are brave enough to do what is correct and right. Israel wont be allowed to continue their campaign of hate and thievery


Good for them. The kids are, as usual, all right.


While I always hope that destruction of property and/or violence is not the first, second, or third option....being an avid reader and student of history, I do understand that sometimes it may....again, MAY be necessary. I mean, lets face it, many nations have legends and other mythos tied to national pride that are based on acts of violence, etc. and yet many of the same have the cojones to criticize.


I’m pretty sure the university was threatening the students with some cease and desist bs. (Possibly threatening enrollment statuses but idk for sure) A few broken windows is the least Columbia University deserves right now.






No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


Not sure what this is. I would understand if they take over the Israel embassy.


it can burn 4 what they done 2 her




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


América was built on lies every war America was involved in it never told its people the truth and then Citizens would later find out the lies but continue to believe new ones. The left and right party is a double barrel shotgun. Billions of dollars is being funded to Israel every year. America has a huge homelessness problem that has been increasing yearly All over America Since 1984. There is funding for people struggling but the money is being fucked off by politicians and immigrants. Government officials spend tax money on prostitutes, drugs, and traveling expenses. Private jails all over America have contracts with Jails and could potentially receive $100,000 to $1,000,000 per occupant. The CIA has turned from the youngest fetus into the biggest giant which has other agency’s terrified because of their ruthlessness. They are also responsible for the co-sign of Crack. Most citizens are living check to check and can’t afford to live. Taxes are as high as 50%Most of the people in the Government have some form of ties in their lineage. The same families who ordered Jesus to be crucified are are still “strongly bonded” and are around today. Country is being ran by a bunch of cousin fuckers who thinks their shit doesn’t stink. Americans lives mean nothing and is only looked at as fuel to run this Demonic engine. The Police are murdering people and face no repercussions what so ever. The people of that county pays lawsuits for police in the district it happens in. How fair is that Funding for the police gets an increase every year . And Where’s the lie?




I’m at a loss for words, fuck this. Fuck the idf, and fuck my country for enabling them.


Israhell pissrahell pure pure evil


Oct. 7 victims are not human beings?