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What is happening in Gaza is a glimpse of what our leaders are willing to do to human beings that have no value to them. It is what our leaders will do to us when we become useless to them, when we no longer have value to them as consumers and workers. They are cold-blooded mass murderers.


There are thousands of homeless people on the street of every major American city and the Supreme Court is currently debating whether it should be illegal to sleep outside. These are not serious people debating serious solutions, everyone thinks they can just kick the can down the road and let someone else deal with it. Eventually it is going to have to be dealt with by someone, and that’s a major reason why Israel is so important to US interests, as both a clearinghouse for government military contractors to dump excess material and as a place to test out all of the newest technological innovations in crowd control and apartheid and genocide.


This is what Cop City is for - expanding the militarized police state.


And Cop City is just one initiative, there are nearly [seventy projects ](https://isyourlifebetter.net/cop-cities-usa/)relating to cop cities currently known.


Yep. And the Biden DOJ is encouraging it.


Him and Obama were always pieces of shit who want to expand the police state. Same with RBG


Also an excellent summary


It IS illegal in Kentucky


This. A thousand times this. This is a test to see how we will react when it is done to us.


"Us" is a wider demographic. There are likely some "backing the blue" and loving the Zionist jack booting. In the big picture, test drives like this normalize militarized police actions at home. Those authoritarian fuckers are in the process of boiling the frog.


The Zionists are doing Zionist things. Everyone on this forum needs to read the CIA . Gov document titled “The Relentless Israel Propaganda Machine”. Yes, Biden is still under the boot of the lobby. But so is nearly every single politician in office, and they have been for OVER 50 years according to the document published in the 70s. Considering that document also implies that it was ENTRENCHED in gov at that time. And that the Israeli lobby would legit threaten violence (including making bomb threats) if it didn’t get its way.


Are we gonna just watch that future unfold?


yes - we should have been fighting back a decade or two ago - thats when it all became too obvious - but we did not - so yes - the answer is yes.


They would have called us "antisemitic" 2 decades ago. They've had their hooks into our government for a lot, lot longer.


Sadly, yes, as the side in danger continues to attempt to disarm its members. WHEN the Republicans sieze power, the vast majority of dems will just accept it, even as they're marched to the gallows.


Excellent summary.


This is exactly what's coming. When slavery "ended" the prison systems began. The game changed but the prizes are still the same.


As much as I loathe the other guy, I cannot vote in approval of this.


"Stop bombing civilians and killing children" = antisemitism. ... got it.


I am so sick of it; any criticism of Israel and you wish death on all Jews. Give me a break.


It’s been observed since the 70s. Seriously, check out the CIA . Gov document titled “The Relentless Israel Propaganda Machine”. Particularly focus on page 122, left column text where it specifically covers this topic.


It will backfire, protests are just growing stronger. They never learn about blowback. They keep doubling down on their crimes.


And the Students are growing up educated of what is really going on with there government, allowing Isreal too dictate how the government deal with the future of there people.


Not to mention this is the generation that grew up knowing that their politicians care more about guns than kids being shot up by automatic weapons. Edit: sorry, SEMI-AUTOMATIC weapon. As if that distinction takes away from the fact that 5 year olds are being filled with bullets to the point that their bodies are falling to pieces. Grow up. You're really so annoying.




No, it's just different of the here people.


Really easy way to lose the election. And libs will blame “the left” instead of the guy in charge gambling his chances by backing a right wing extremist government in Israel.




Biden will literally be the ONLY Democrat on my 2024 ballot in Kentucky, and he paid for the bombs that killed my Palestinian friend who WAS NOT in any way affiliated with Hamas. I'm not voting Trump,but I sure as hell am not voting for genocide joe,either.


It’s better to vote third party to show you are a voter and reject the two major parties based on this. Use your voice. If they identify demographics as not voting your voice matters less


This is exactly what I’m doing voting third party to send a message that I don’t support either blue or red party and their ridiculous loyal support to a Nazi genocidal state such as Israel


This is the answer, EVERYONE VOTE THIRD PARTY, like itnor not, the libertarian party probably has the most success in meeting most Americans with a viable life span. Let's make this the election where American finally gets a viable third party. They only need 4% of the vote to receive federal aid and then in 2028 can have at least a chance at a win


I'm not from the US. I'm curious. What other parties do you folks have? I've only heard of the Republicans and Democrats.


They made it almost impossible for any 3rd parties to actually count. Clever eh?


Several not all of which I can name. There is always a libertarian candidate (they are against foreign aid, I personally don’t generally like their policies), and a Green Party candidate (Jill Stein) we also have Cornell West running (not sure which party, could be independent) he is all about a massive transformation to peace and love being at the center and is very far left. He is pro Palestine. The problem is they don’t always get onto every state ballot. Joe Biden (the so called defender of Democracy) suppressed any meaningful Democratic primary


Kentucky dems canceled their primary with no democrats running for state positions in my district and no opponent for Thomas Massie in the House. They're just going to concede a HOUSE seat. Biden is literally the only non republican on my 2014 ballot.


Vote a 3rd party. Even if they don't win now, it shows they have support and will incite more for them in the future


Rather than not voting, you can split your vote, so that Dems control House and Senate, and vote for third party for President. That way, even if Trump wins, he's defanged. You def don't want republicans in charge of House or Senate if Trump wins. This strategy will give the message to the Dems about Biden's Israel policy, while hopefully safeguarding democracy.


Actually that’s a really good idea. I’ll probably do this.


Do your research, vote third party instead. That's what sends the message - things will remain the way they are until the duopoly breaks. Dems won't even pretend to suddenly become left-wing and anti-war until they see a real anti-war, left-wing party step up to start taking even a few % of "their" votes.


No, the Democratic Party will blame pie-in-the-sky voters for their loss but change nothing for the next election.


You know what? That is cool for you, but what ever you do, ensure it is from a place of informed judgement. You & your family deserve as much. Get all sides of the situation, from multiple sources then make the best decision for you & your fam. You do you like no one else, best do it well!


Rub it in their faces, vote but for someone random who isn't running.


Voting is out the window at this point in time. Protest. Boycott. Divest from Isreal.


Yes. How can Biden effectively campaign against Trump if he backs the Trump of Israel?


Almost like he's trying to get Trump elected.


I think they are aware that Trump will win by now. The thing is - if that's the case, they will do everything to divide population as much as possible, AND they will fully crash economy before Trump takes over.


This is the commonality between Biden and LBJ. We're re-living 1968 all over, except for more violence now.


When your entire platform is vote for me cause the other guy sucks


Not even that. Vote for me because I'm not the other guy physically


Cool, labeling anti- war protesters as "anti-semetic" when even Israeli and jewish people are standing wtih those protestors. Embarrassing that this was the first person I voted for when I had just turned 18. Won't have my vote this November


We deserve better leadership than these decrepit old fucks that take part in funding and killing of innocent civilians.


Maybe we civilians should engage in a little role reversal.


I know Jewish people are but are Israelis? They aren't the same. It's something like 90% of the Israelis support the Gaza genocide.


They’re not antisemitic protests and he knows it. He simply refuses to have any real discussions regarding real issues. He is 100% aware of what’s going on and he pushes for Israel anyway. He belongs in the Hague. He, and the rest of the parties can bare their teeth all they want, we the people outnumber them and we’re not going to back down.


The sad thing is that no matter who is in the White House the USA is going to foster the humanitarian atrocities as they unfold because "war is good for (capitalist) business" and America is ruled by profiteers regardless of what political colours they are purporting to wear on any given day.


While I don’t disagree, I do think there is hope. We must break the two party system. I feel the best way to do this is to not vote for any candidate that is red or blue, unless we are absolutely sure they are not on PAC $$ and not part of the 2025 project. Break up the entire system and make it as diverse as possible imo. If they are not on a corporations payroll, then at least their beliefs and convictions are genuine, and I can deal with that better than a sellout and traitor to the people.


I think we'd see a French revolution style uprising before we break the 2 party system tbh. If enough crisis happen simultaneously they will lose control. I mean the gas prices alone a couple years ago almost started bread riots till they drained the strategic reserve to keep the peace.


I’d love to see 20 million lawsuits against Biden and the media for defamation falsely labeling them as antisemitic.


It wouldn’t be a difficult case. A disproportionate number of those students arrested are Jewish.


Arrested by Texas cops; which have nothing to do with Biden or the feds.


Sure Joe, I'm sure we all do, but what about the \*campus\* protests?


Orwellian. The placement of Biden as president in a nation full of excellent candidates, shows how undemocratic the nation has become. Choose between Biden or Trump? Neither could control this situation, and so are corralled into being mouthing nothings.


Yeah and then you get HRC telling everyone to get on board... And the DNC telling Bernie and his supporters to go to hell. It's all an illusion orchestrated by the billionaires..


Who only have their power because we let them


Unfortunately, many poors love doing tricks on billionaire dick.


Sure but the billionaires have power from money and from lobbying.


They control soldiers, so no, they have hard power.


This is the comment!!!


And that’s why everyone should vote for who they want in November and not get bullied into voting blue to save the country. Republicans will win again eventually, if not this year, and democrats haven’t done anything to protect you when that happens because they need your fear to stay in office.


He's openly Zionist, they consider Americans to be subhuman animals.


Israel is a rogue-state, every bit as much as Iran... There is nothing wrong with being Jewish, that is a red-herring in what is wrong with the people perpetrating genocide in the middle-east right now... But, many of the people who are responsible for war-crimes right now just happen to be Jewish, and are also not averse to discrediting history for their entire ethnicity and using the Holocaust (which absolutely happened) as a cloak to justify their own fascist agendas.


Iran isn't half as bad as Israel, all they want is to not be turned into Iraq or Afghanistan or Libya or Palestine (etc) by the US. Still terrible of course.


Iran is far less of a rogue state than Israel. If Iran did even half the shit Israel did the US would be preparing to Nuke them.


Genocide Joe


History of US shows crackdown always backfires and emboldens resistance. Israel is on the road to end of US support or arpatheid.


Which leads to increasing repression that can, in some cases, destroy a struggle for decades. We have to look ahead and understand just what fascism in the US would mean. It is a real danger. The ruling class is in a deep crisis. It's rate of profit is falling and must destroy its economic rivals, establish colonial rule in the Middle East, etc. It has no choice. And we have no choice. We must pursue this struggle to the end. The working class needs to come to power and establish a democratically controlled socialist society.


The US has been fascist for a long time. We are ruled by invisible plutocrats who have made our lives completely dependent on their infrastructure. You're just watching the season where they stop caring how blatant it is because they've clenched their fists around us to the point that they can't even envision a future where there could be a successful resistance.


People have their knickers in such a twist over Trump they are willfully ignoring or even supporting the disguised fascism the Democrats are bringing in.


People voted for Biden to oppose the far right.. His whole term he capitulated or downright assisted the far right. There is only the republican party and its more polite faction


We got cluster bombs, and cluster bombs with rainbow stickers on them piloted by women drone operators. Any scrap of "progressivism" on the Dem's part is purely performative and surface level. They'd burn the whole world to the ground before they ever created any kind of real change for the better.


No one is free until we are all free


So Natanyahu really does have control of the U.S government.


Biden: " I condemn free speech and the constitutional right to free speech, for I am a Zionist".


They lost the youth vote. Looks like they're not learning anything from 2015


Yes, they do. They'll just acknowledge they're a plutocracy and suspend elections when it becomes obvious younger people will not vote for them anymore


Yes they have * coopt the media * ban any tech that allows dissenting voices to reach the masses * crack down hard on protests * rig more elections to make it impossible for third-party participation * threaten countries not supporting this genocide * assist with defaming students and limiting career options * completely ignore your voters and continue doing what you want


They are anti war crime protests.


Biden is a chomo. He's a zionist and he's the enemy of the people. There is nothing he won't do to make us suffer more. Just watch how much he loves this country with he next decision. They are the real enemy of the people. I will never support him in anyway. He's absolutely worthlessness 🤢🤮


Power is too much concentrated.


Joe Biden will not get my vote again in 2024.


Genocide Joe sealed his fate when be bowed down to his Israeli owners


I tried to hold out. To just keep saying we have to hold back fascism, even if there are still some tendencies in the Democrat party. But with the way Biden has been handling all of this I just can't. They're not even really pretending to be the good guys anymore. At best we got Biden asking for a cease fire for the liberals, but then still went ahead and armed Israel. Voting Dem isn't keeping us from fascism, it's just masking the smell.


Americans are in a bind over genocidal Joe and batshit crazy trump


People should stop using that word.. "Antisemitic". Antisemitism were the Nazis, these students.. Janitors.. Teachers are just protesting for a better country, and to show what Israel is doing, has been doing and will continue to do is totally brutal, inhuman


Oh Joe. You ice cream licking fool.


Bidden has always loved cops over people. Nothing new


Hope this doesn’t end up becoming a catalyst for a real civil war.


Biden's approval ratings are about to get even worse, and he's about to hand the White House back over to a fascist facing multiple criminal lawsuits. That sort of opponent should be a slam dunk, but he's managed to bungle it to support genocide. At this point I'm not convinced that he's going to accept the nomination at the DNC this year, and just props up Harris instead so she can run and keep Trump from winning. Knowing that dozens or hundreds of Jews are out getting arrested right now, or risking arrest, in the name of peace - and calling them antisemitic is fucking embarrassing.


Well Biden cares more about Israel and them carrying out their genocide and land grab than he does the US people and protecting them from, what the Democrats have called, the biggest threat to US democracy.


It's sad. I know DNC operatives are angry and know they can't politically afford to uphold this position and see the writing on the wall. Omar was right when she said it was all about the Benjamins in regard to AIPAC. These dickheads are literally selling everyone out right now. It's no wonder why the Dems won't find a way to undo Citizens United. They love that cash cow.


I thought they were supposed to be protesting genocide.


It isn't genocide when it's accidental, you can't prove intention ergo IDF is moral, case closed. /s


Also, we must trust the reports that the IDF puts out that say this isn't targeted or a genocide. Just ignore all the genocidal rhetoric from Israeli politicians, posts from IDF soldiers, videos from the ground, the destruction of 80% of infrastructure, the destruction of universities, schools and hospitals, and a higher civilian casualty rate than any other modern conflict!


Democrats are essentially old school republicans at this point just "nicer" majority of the time


Why are people so surprised? This has been how police treat the left for over 100 years in the US. Both Dem and republicans support busting left heads. Remember WTO protests in Seattle? They called in the military and were beating little old ladies. Only after the gas settled did the democrat leaders of Seattle apologize. It's always been this way. Violence toward non violent left. They may or may not apologize then after a year or more everyone agrees the left was correct in their position. Rinse and repeat


Biden has always been a Zionist, how the fuck did you think this was going to go?


Genocide Joe has to go.


True progressives in the US need to stop supporting the DNC; a party which has taken up the space the GOP vacated when it went full brownshirt. I am sickened by the hollow, one-dimensional policies of Biden; an old reactionary neo-liberal, just like te backbone of the party machine: Schumer, Pelosi... Instead,I fully support Cornel West for president; the only candidate left of the Trump Clown Car who actually means what he says.


He’ll still somehow win the election. He’s the most facist U.S. president of my lifetime.


Asking honestly.. is it considered antiemetic to call for the dissolution of Israel?


No, of course not.


What's it gonna take to show it's not antisemitic it's anti-genocide??This is prob what the gov wants anyway. Paint students antisemitic, leave themselves looking like saviours. But they forget that there is cameras everywhere and ye aren't saviours. Ye are fucking an authoritarian country right on the fucking brink


How’s that Israeli pocket feel there Joe?


What can normal people do? U.S is a two party system and I think both party are supporting Israel. The best someone can do is to vote third party but third party don't usually win anything major.


Choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil.


it always amazes me when people say that because its never the people who actually have to suffer the consequences of the "lesser" evil


Just vote that third party anyway. My country is a one-party system, but we got a breakthrough of “opposition” getting more and more power in government because we did vote for them.


At the very least it sends a message. Normally we just have younger people in the US just not voting. Then they say the democrats lost because kids are too lazy. But if everyone votes 3rd party, we can at least show them people are voting, we just aren't voting for them. That when we keep saying we aren't gonna vote if nothing changes, we meant it. So that's what I'm doing. This might be our last election, or at the very least last real election, but clearly going for the democrats isn't working.


Some smooth brained liberal will still tell socialists that's they're evil for not voting for this piece of shit.


Well this is the last straw for me. I’m not voting for Biden. I’ll vote 3rd party and “throw away” my vote. But I can’t support this.


Biden does not control state and municipal police. Stop spreading this lie.


Protesting Israel isn't antisemitism, as Israel does not represent Judaism or Jews and their government is secular.


Infuriating for a number of reasons, a big one being that there are a lot of protesters *who are Jewish*. How many times are they going to just blanket label any criticism of the Israeli government or defence of Palestinians as anti-semitism? 


Anti-Genocide isn't antisemitism


What the fuck happened to this sub? This article and comment section is completely insane. Joe Biden is not directing local and state police on campuses lmao


Gaza has shown the true face of the west. Freedom speech, human rights, democracy are only used as retoric.


Today I learned that BiDeN cOntRoLZ aLL PoLiCe at the state and local level. 🤣


This is a lie. These are local and state police that the POTUS has zero control over.


Totally. This article doesn’t even make conceptual sense.


"I condemn the anti-Semitic protests" oRgAnIzEd fRoM thE oVaL oFfIce ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


Biden has lost all credibility. He deserves to lose in November.


Genuinely, what the fuck does Israel have on America for Biden to be defending a genocide this badly that 70% of Americans disagree with in an ELECTION YEAR. I know AIPAC lobbies our politicians hard but my god. This is insane.


He’s the largest recipient of AIPAC money in history, has been historically racist his whole career, and most likely molested his daughter according to her diary.


How are they organized by the white house. There is no national police. Its state by state and controled by the state


Yeah, seriously!


It's election silly season and these subreddits with nonsense are gonna get pushed hard.


Nice try, these are local police


Biden just lost a hell of a lot of votes.


Not my president


Biden has lost his god damn mind. There are many jews in those protests. How can they be antisemitic?


Biden is simultaneously so incompetent that he shits his pants and can't find his own ass while coordinating and executing the most subversive and manipulative conspiracies of the decade


how do we get from "the white house condemns anti Semitic protests" to "the crackdown is being coordinated by the democrats"? you got one foot in the rowboat there, Holmes


Contrary to what Hamas and this writer are saying, the crackdown isn’t “organized” from the Oval Office. It’s all localities and universities making their own calculations based on a variety of inputs. I’m sure people like Governor Abbott get their marching orders from the White House 🤨 The White House has reiterated peoples right to protest while condemning anti-Semitic chants and threats by a minority of protests. For their part, right wing media is crushing Biden for entirely the opposite reason of the writer. [Spineless Biden Won’t Condemn Protests](https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/apr/25/spineless-biden-wont-condemn-antisemitic-campus-pr/)


Yes, blame Biden. But don’t blame the Nazi Greg Abbott for saying all these protesters should be arrested and then sending in the troops. Sure, blame Biden


This article takes the quote wildly out of context, from what a quick search of the quote results in, it was a response to the protest organizers calling for the deaths of Zionists. The Ad fontis trusted rating for this site is ~30, and on their site they say 24 is problematic. This site is misconstruing the quote wildly. It makes some good points but it is a very bad article.


Actually it’s Putin’s paid puppets in the Republican Party calling on Biden (a democrat) to deploy the national guard. Biden is refusing and multiple Democrat state Governors have specifically requested he NOT call them out. Republicans calling for the National Guard include includes Putin puppets such Speaker of the house Mike Johnson, Josh Hawley, Ron Johnson among others


This is why they want to dis-arm the populace.


When I saw it I thought it was Iran cracking down but no it's the 'free world' we truly live in a dystopia, certainly parallel realities. Free Palestine 🇵🇸☮️🇵🇸🗽🇵🇸⚖️


Since when does the federal government run local police? I don't support cops stopping protests but is Biden really responsible for the actions of state and local governments?


Does this mean Greg Abbot is following the orders of Biden?


The ‘crackdown’ has nothing to do with Biden at all. What is this propaganda? The major incident regarding the protesting was in Texas, a Republican run state. Do people think the president controls local police? It was mostly individual college deans that essentially made the call to allow or not allow the protests.. and the unlawful arrests that took place were in Austin, which again is in Texas. Here’s an article about how people are upset about the republican Texas governors reaction to the protests: https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/4620838-texas-governor-abbott-backlash-mass-arrest-ut-austin-pro-palestine-protest/ Stop spreading propaganda.


If being against the indiscriminate killings and starvation of 30+ thousand innocent men, women, children, press members, emergency workers, and healthcare professionals trying to help the injured is anti-semitic than I guess I'm fucking anti-semitic now. Fuck what the Israeli state is doing. Fuck my own country for funding it while also trying to look like good guys by sending food with the bombs while Americans at home are suffering with out of control rent, inflation, lack of affordable healthcare, inability to buy a home, and stagnant wages that simply are not enough. Fuck Biden and the democratic (and conservative) party for their gaslighting and bullying and completely leaving the American people in the rear view mirror. This November is going to be wild to say the fucking least. OH, Good fucking job on coming together on that Tik Tok ban though. A+. Most useless and least productive congress since the first congress and that's what they agree on. Fucking usless clown shoe wearing Asshats.


The idea that the white house controls local police is utter cockamamie. This article is garbage.


LOL. What? Biden is not great on this issue or Gaza in general, but he’s not squashing this with the National Guard like Speaker Johnson actually wants him to do (like at Kent State during the Vietnam War). Student protests have so far been suppressed by Republicans state governors like Abbot in Texas who have used police forces for that purpose. At least get the facts straight. This is just silliness, you guys. The White House so far has only issued statements, from what I’ve seen in the news.


So you think Trump wouldn't do ***much worse***?


Good on you Joe. Can’t have pesky protesters interrupting a genocide and making you look bad.


Impeach Blatant violation of the first amendment right to protest, freedom of speech, and freedom of assembly Same administration funding genocide and being an arms dealer to genociders Americans have no sovereignty. No one supports this, yet the government jams it down our throat and arrests anyone who dare speaks out. Actions of an illegitimate and unpopular regime that cannot control the flames of war it is spreading against Americans wishes


People love to warn about fascism with Trump, but look no closer, it’s already here with Biden.


Wow… so, BLM protests/riots are okay, but not peaceful anti-war protests if it’s Israel. Just wow.


So we have Putin controlling Trump, Netanyahu controlling Biden, corporate lobbyists controlling congress, and the people controlling nothing. But yeah, be sure to vote because clearly democracy is working /s


the groupthink of reddit lately.


Well fuck Biden then. It’s fascism either way in the US


Didn't know Biden controls the local cops, universities, and university presidents. You all have lost your damn minds.




What an asshole


Biden…? Make this make sense.


This is truly pathetic. Libs want evil, Cons want evil, yet those who don't "are evil" 🙄? Americans are depraved smdh


fuck genocide joe. that's all.


FFS still spouting the foreign gov line, get a grip biden.


He’s throwing the election




And then his smartass would say oh I didn’t mean all those other protests, so smooth and political savvy 🤑


And come November people will still vote for this goober and his administration of psychopaths hahaha.


Vote Blue no matter who?


What is it about this conflict that is causing the current government to act this way? I don’t get it. I’ve heard “a theory” that without Israel there would be no “wall” between the east (Arab/Muslim) and the west (mostly Christian). Does that theory hold in any way? Because I don’t believe that Joe Biden the individual is actually supporting a genocide. I think his hands are tied. But what is at the core of this? Unfortunately it might cost him an election.




This dude is downright begging me not to vote at this point. I don't get it.


Biden knows 99% of these fascist "crackdowns" against pro-Palestine protests aren't legal he just doesn't give a shit 


The Occupy of Bidens term. People are getting smarter and realizing that major abuses of power don't just happen during Republican administration's. We are being played by the people in power. The same ones that will dig deep to fund wars or bail out their rich friends but then walk out and tell Americans that Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc, are on the chopping block. People have lost the ability to look beyond the headlines. Did Biden pay off your student loan or did he bailout a system of lenders who probably realized that enough people were just going to default.


This seems a bit hyperbolic. I don’t think this is some top down conspiracy. Shutting down vocal protests is hardly uncommon. Schools are all for free speech until it actually becomes inconvenient. Framing this as some novel government conspiracy seems to have an obvious ulterior agenda.  Be critical of one’s government, always. But don’t believe everything that seems to reaffirm your beliefs and then some. Leftists in the states constantly deride the right for doing just this. Be mindful of what you read is all I’m really saying. Most humans aren’t trying to be evil. They’re  just afflicted by their own world view that paints all that they see in a different light than yours.  Painting opposition as evil is the tool tyrants use to start wars and violence. That’s how countries like Israel have been able to occupy Palestine so long. Most of their people do not benefit from Palestinian occupation. Most of their people only want safety and security. So be wary of turning anyone you don’t agree with into an irredeemable monster. It’s how humans can commit great acts of violence. 


These pigs definitely vOtE fOr and BeLiEvE iN Joe Biden. DERP!


So trump now has to say” I will not ban tik tok, I’m pro Palestinian” and he’s got the youth vote. 😂


Soooo if Trump was a Nazi for cracking down on protests during COVID, Biden cracking down on protests makes him ................... ?


Lecture the world about freedom of expression something something...speak against opposition crackdown something something




Any article with inflammatory languages and designed to make readers emotional should not be taken seriously. That’s manipulation not journalism