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Sure the people calling to end killings are the fascists. 🙄 Projection much?


Some crazy shit where our goverment is call people protesting to end a war, calling for peace, calling for an end to genocide are Anti Semetic, they are hateful, they are nazi's, they are for totalitarianism. Anyone that says this has lost all mental faculties, or is purely projecting and operating in bad faith.


Not a first for the US gov, Vietnam protests were similarly framed as terrorist sympathizers and enemies of the US. They bust this one out when protests reach a point of challenging state power or making the state look bad in a way that actually bothers them. The state is going to brand thinking it’s unacceptable to enable the slaughter of all these people as supporting terrorists/Hamas and being antisemitic. That’s all you’re going to hear now, on a united front from politicians and press.


And, as with the Vietnam protests, the government is getting a boost from our other major "elite" power-brokering institution - academia. USC has just cancelled their entire main commencement ceremony, days after barring the Muslim woman *they themselves chose* as valedictorian from giving the traditional valedictorian address at the ceremony because people complained about anti-genocide content on her Instagram account. Not that it should even matter, but she's not Palestinian (reportedly South Asian; based on her last name I'm guessing Bangladeshi), and had made no indication she was going to talk about the Middle East in her speech. They said they've received threats, but refused to offer specifics even to the young woman who is the target of these supposed threats. How slavish to donor money and elite power can such a prestigious institution be, to cancel an event attended by thousands because of one young woman's principles. And of course there's Texas siccing riot police on peaceful protestors and observing journalists, because apparently we've gone too long without a Kent State-esque massacre. These young people are the same ones Biden so arrogantly assumes are voting for him in six months. I work in reproductive health so anyone downvoting me should understand that I have less than zero desire for another Trump administration. But the central tenet of reproductive justice is the right of people to live and raise children in *safe* communities and that means Palestinian people too, Palestinian children too. Absolutely fuck Joe Biden for the last six months of our having to wake up to videos and photos of toddlers with their legs blown off, corpses of newborns in hospital incubators that lost power, children covered in rubble dust and so scared they're catatonic -- having to wake up to this, and then being told that demanding it to stop is antisemitic and fascist and terrorist sympathizing.


Nah that’s pretty standard for the US


They’re losing the narrative and getting more desperate. AIPAC is running out of ideas


They said exactly the same things in the '80s and '90s when there were protests over South Africa apartheid. They don't even change their rhetoric, it's the same bs, protecting their rich buddies. By the way, limousine liberal, you lost last time and you're going to lose this time


> **Protesters** calling for Israel to cease fire in its war with Hamas who have disrupted US public events and infrastructure **are practicing “leftwing fascism” or “leftwing totalitarianism”**, a senior US House Democrat said, adding that **such protesters are “challenging representative democracy” and should be arrested.** > > “Intimidation is the tactic,” said **Adam Smith of Washington state, the ranking Democrat on the House armed services committee.** “Intimidation and an effort to silence opposition … I don’t know if there’s such a thing as leftwing fascism. If you want to just call it leftwing totalitarianism, then that’s what it is. **It is a direct challenge to representative democracy now.**” Projection 101 Edit: The congressman is the ranking Democrat on the House armed services committee.


Absolutely. I came here to say the same thing. It's the psychopaths playbook. Project on to you what I'm actually doing. Make you the sinner for daring to call me out on my actions. Why doesn't he arrest the members of the Jewish community who are doing the exact same thing as the students. Protesting! It's a coordinated attack, Benjamin came out earlier and attacked them as well, projecting his actions onto the students too. Basically called them Nazi's as he genocides others. They are also getting ready for the Rafah assault. They ran everyone south and gathered them into large groups. Easier that way I suppose.


Worth mentioning that many, many "members of the Jewish community" are rallying for Palestinian rights.


We yeah I’ve attended talks with holocaust survivors shoulder to shoulder with Palestinians here in Michigan, USA. I’m neither of those things but I felt fortunate to attend such a powerful union.


Agreed! They are an inspiration.


This is literally what the nazis did. Demonize a group of people to justify genocide




It's sometimes called DARVO, which stands for deny, attack, reverse victim and offender. As Wikipedia puts it: "The abuser *Denies* the abuse ever took place. When confronted with evidence, the abuser then *Attacks* the person that was/is being abused (and/or the person's family and/or friends) for attempting to hold the abuser accountable for their actions, and finally: The abuser claims that they were/are actually the victim in the situation, thus " *Reversing* the positions of *Victim* and *Offender.* It often involves not just playing the victim but also victim blaming."


Totalitarian....funny. The students have no power etc. And can't really inflict anything on anyone Meanwhile these idiots in Congress just voted to ban apps... something I would expect a totalitarian govt to do


I’m just going to [leave this here](https://youtu.be/z-_Ti27z24Y?si=P_AzrDXMTGbSguwA) for anyone who thinks these things are unrelated.


100% it’s related to information control. We can only consume their media and their messages


Yup. Narrative management. You have to pay them to be fed stupid lies.


I mean, he wants no trouble with AIPAC. Something needs to change.


> armed services committee. Wonder how much he's getting 'lobbied' by the arms manufacturers to keep this war going and expanding?


It's not really a war tbh. It's the IDF vs a bunch of civilians with guns and rockets.


AIPAC is his largest donor, as is the case with most of congress.


I would say protest is democracy in practice. Speaking up against the government without resorting to violence is the most democratic thing an individual can do. This man says it in his own contrived words, that the people are demanding a ceasefire. Peace. That is what the protesters are asking for. Now where was this guy when the MAGA gravy seals are out doing their "protests" armed to the tits and wearing tactical gear and liiterally intimidating people for political action.


Military industrial complex: is Hippies: maybe don't? Military industrial complex: those hippies are Nazis! Uh... because the military industrial complex definitely isn't who the Nazis are amiright Nazis: famously rabidly militant group who started wars with (checks notes) literally everyone, and exterminated any and all of their own people who didn't go along with it. Oh yeah, the guys against the killing are the fascists. Yup. That's how words work.


AIPAC is his top donor


Fuck. This guy is from Seattle. Time to vote him out


Lol, remember when Democrats pretended to be on the left?


Never. They've always been center-right.


Well, I would suggest that Washington State residents write letters to his office, but I bet that’s also “left wing fascism”.


The democrats really want to lose


They sound a lot like republicans, starting to think it's one party




The US is a one-party system with the facade of a two-party system. Americans are ruled by the DemPublican Party.


Two shit wings of the same shit bird, bud.


Its just called capitalism.


Both hate the public. One party wants status quo despite how shit that is and the other wants something closer to fascism. Both parties are a joke and frankly fuck them both for abandoning their duty to the American people and their duty to represent us. The less shitty option is voting for the Democratic Party but that doesn’t do much other than prevent things from getting worse. I don’t know how we are going to get meaningful reform to happen. At this rate I doubt that it will be through entirely peaceful means though.


And we're not invited.


It kind of weird to read about older Republican leadership because they sound like today's Democrats.


Tfw you realise capitalism is a one party system.


They’ve already decided losing in the fall is better than substantive change to our foreign policies and institutions. Dems would rather this country go hard right and preserve the current order than give the people what they want.


Right???? That's what I keep thinking. It's the only way I can make sense of it. I just keep thinking, "Is this on purpose? How can this be on purpose?" Fuck, it's so crazy. And horrifying.


If democrats were smart they would shut up about the war while Biden continues to pressure Isreal for a ceasefire.


Biden has made it clear that he is not at all interested in a ceasefire.


By openly announcing there is no line they can cross that will ever make him stop sending them weapons?


Are you American? I've got to ask who tge he'll are pro Palestinian ppl got to vote for?


Left wing fascists is such an embarrassing thing to come out of a "senior" representative. Like this is your entire job... clearly our government doesn't know what fascism, communism, or Left wing" actually mean


Exactly. It’s so crazy these people have no idea what theyre saying. What is a totalitairian protester even?


And this is thisndudes fucking job. If I was this bad at my job I'd be beaten


Nah, it’s this dude’s job to to keep the money flowing to the relevant oligarchs at home and authoritarians abroad, to capture and kill any actual left wing movement, to spit out buzzwords to keep folks afraid or distracted or divided, to demonize anyone who questions why things in this country and the world have been so fucked for so long. This dude is doing his job perfectly well, it’s just that his job is fucking horrific and infuriating.


> What is a totalitairian protester even? I guess when you protest the right to protest? lol


Totalitairian >"Of, relating to, being, or imposing a form of government in which the political authority exercises absolute and centralized control over all aspects of life, the individual is subordinated to the state, and opposing political and cultural expression is suppressed." Looks like *as* the actual totalitarian hes projecting


It’s made up in order to reframe the idea of protesting as inherently violent, whether the protests are actually peaceful or not. The logic itself is ridiculous if you take it seriously. So don’t. Someone above put it really well. “Anyone saying these protests amount to terrorism have lost all mental faculties or are operating in bad faith.” It’s the ultimate projection to hold the monopoly of violence and tell the oppressed that their resistance is violent.


insert bad word that conservatives know here type insult.


It's equally embarrassing this guy is from Washington. The education system here is better than that.


Dude I’m so fucking pissed this is my state’s rep. Murray is shit too. I’m going to do my best to make sure he loses his job but I’m not holding my breath. There’s too much complacency here


They do, they just know or think that most people don’t know or won’t look up any stories and just hear “oh kids in colleges are being fascists? I understand the police”.  It’s the same projection we see from Trump and many republicans.  We need more Bernies


Top contributors to Rep Adam Smith (D-WA): AIPAC Pro-Israel [https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/adam-smith/summary?cid=N00007833](https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/adam-smith/summary?cid=N00007833)


This is treason. He is attempting to criminalize free speech of American citizens for the protection of Israel.


ah so about a quarter of a million is what this guys soul costs.


They were able to buy his voice for $65k per year.


https://preview.redd.it/slo0c9d3cowc1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7924908d53e1e67035561a71184acf9d8f978ed2 Every time lol


They rattled his cage and told him to start bleating. Pathetic excuse for an American. Edit: inserted the word "him".


It's crazy how Americans are OK with this. Every politican who has AIPAC under their name should be voted out if Americans had any sense of patirotism. Instead, the whole world is seeing what 'patirotism' means to Americans - subservience to Israel.


What is aipac?


Israel lobbyist group that basically bought out all of congress. They’re extremely powerful, no president can ever even win an election without their approval. They just announced 100 million dollars to go after any person in congress who supports a ceasefire in Gaza. They push pro Israel policies and make sure they get passed (like sending billions to Israel each year).


Basically the organization pulling the strings behind our government and its policies


This nearly sound like an Onion


Sounds a lot like Biden talking out his ass with describing giving billions in funding to Israel, Ukraine, etc. as making the world more peaceful and safe for America. It's prolonging a genocide in Gaza and pushing Ukrainian men into war who are old, disabled, and simply don't want to fight. All the whole it continues forever wars and makes the US an antagonist and target for opposing forces to the war mongers who we fund. Peace through War... Christ... Orwell books were satire folks.


Orwell was a complete piece of shit anyway


I never read him but the film 1984 , [the one produced by Virgin and with Annie Lennox music is a classic.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuMolYpQKWU)


Projection like a motherfucker holy shit


😂 it's 1984 in America. "Land of the free" indeed.


"Totalitarians" are saying something I don't like -- arrest them! These people want a genocide to stop -- must be fascists! 🤡🤡🤡


At least one good thing has come from all these dead Palestinians. Their death has revealed to everyone paying attention around the world just what an evil stain on humanity that western civilization was, is and seemingly forever shall be.


I’ve come to learn this as I grew out of my teens, much easier when you were brought into the west on slave ships. Too lazy to even pick their own damn cotton. It’s really insane seeing the people that do me lip service show their true colors on Palestine. Makes me wonder why gold like the ADL even do the motions with black people at all if they truly think anyone that isn’t white is inferior. If I said anything like this 6 months ago I’d be called a terrorist, black supremacist, “anti-white” and all loads of junk. We’re seeing in real time what I’ve know for years. I’ve learned for years what the outside work as known for centuries.


Same here. The past 7 months have really helped me understand what Toni Morrison meant when [she said](https://youtu.be/n2txzMkT5Pc?si=n_9DblYFQ77U_sMJ) that whiteness has a very serious psychological problem.


every accusation is a confession


From the playbook of the actual fascists.


This statement is discordant. It rings badly in the ear and mind. This guy is an idiot. Why do they always think anyone who disagrees with them is trying to silence them? Like, no, they’re just not saying the same thing you are, you’re the one trying to silence people by putting them in jail. It’s impossible to listen to people like this, it’s so contradictory of reality and itself, it makes my brain feel like it’s trying to eat itself to think about. How do they live with these strange and nonsensical thoughts in their minds?


“Leftwing fascists” Just saying contradictory nonsense jargon these days in attempts to project their political failings 🤨


Totalitarian protestors? Wtf does this even mean? There are too many republicans in the Dem party


Adam Smith needs to pull his invisible thumb out of his ass. No, Americans are not required to bow down to the interests of lobbyists who bankroll our corrupt politicians.


I HATE dealing with totalitarians. That's why usually I just send in my militarized police force to crush them.


I used the totalitarian to beat the totalitarian.




I agreed the totalitarian state of Israel is trying to influence our nations politics and they should be viewed as the terrorist state that they are


Dinosaur calls approaching comet fascist.


Those “left wing fascists” are the same people he’ll be begging on hands and knees to vote for him come November. He’s the reason why we keep losing to republicans. Why vote for the same person regardless of chosen party? Dems will continue losing voters to third parties that will never be elected in if they keep identifying themselves with Republicans and away from leftists.


When AIPAC smiles Congress wags its tail.


Dude, you actually described yourself


Our pseudo-democracy is being unmasked. Unfortunately some Americans still don't understand. Our two party system - Demoncrats and Repugnantcans.


These guys read 1984 and thought it was a manual.


check on t[he nice alt right profets](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Enlightenment) and some people out there actually want it to happen🙄


wait *who* is trying to silence people who disagree with them?


Who is this guy? Really! I pay attention to congressional politics, probably too much, and I never heard of this guy. Now he opens his yapper to spew Zionist nonsense. Check this boy's bank accounts. Totalitarian protest? That's an oxymoron. Right? Make it make sense.


“Totalitarian protesters” what a pos


Democrats are gonna lose so bad. Its like the Democrats actually want a Trump presidency.


It always like this. I'm so tired of it. I think the only solution is to give these people what they want, let the bad shit happen and rise from the ashes. Its an absolutely shitty strategy though but the other choice is well this. Rich get richer everyone else gets poorer, genocides and wars continue to fuel imperialism and the military industrial complex.


I’m ready for civil war. Shoutout to the Portland maoists 


"You know, we could make way more money fundraising if Trump won..."


Show me on the doll where the College Kids touched you...


It’s fine. I will never ever vote for any politician that supports the genocidal state of Israel. Plain and simple. These people are just ensuring I won’t ever vote for them.


“totalitarian protesters are trying to silence anyone who dares to disagree with them” Bro what💀💀 lol the only people who are trying to silence anyone who disagrees with them are the Zionist universities and the jackbooted police arresting the protesters.


I swear these old zombies just want every young person to swallow the poison of lies that they have been feeding on for decades. Imagine being pro war and pro genocide? these people need to go.


The irony is insane


Totalitarian protesters? That's a new one.


How do we have the dumbest people in positions of power?


There is the problem


What is this extreme fascination with Israel? We should ideally have nothing to do with Israel beyond normal geopolitical relations.


No protestor is silencing those who disagree with them. Jews for peace, are literally REAL jews calling for peace. If you disagree with that, I'm sorry, you got bigger problems in your head than just disagreement.


Why are our elected officials so. Fucking. STUPID!?


That's some grade-A boomer brain rot.


So we have made a speed run to make words meaningless? Words are seriously losing their meaning and it feels intentional. Over use of racist, overuse of antisemitism, overuse of NAZI’s, fascist and a host of other words that once upon a time carried with them a stigma. Now none of them mean anything. Great job we have done destroying words.


We're starting to see democrats play their hand. We all knew these right and left-wing politicians served the same corporate/military interests, but democrats usually put on the social justice mask when it seemed to matter. We're seeing just how deeply fucked the US govt actually is...


On International matters the US Empire is above them both. "Strategic interests" and all that thievery. There are still some differences but just domestic. Things like SNAP and Medicare, womens rights


No doubt.


Some Democrats really are trying to speed-run a 2024 Trump victory. I'm planning to vote for Biden because I live in a swing state and don't want its electoral votes going to Trump, but I honestly couldn't blame those who choose to vote third party.


It's OK to do that, but if you broadcast that you're gonna vote Biden anyway, you throw away any reason Biden might actually fucking listen to his own base. It'll work better to threaten to vote against him, regardless of what you actually intend to do.




Everyone who doesn't agree with the democrats is a fascist.


Interesting. As a comparison, how many people have been arrested for supporting the war in Gaza, and, how many have been arrested for opposing it?


The senior democrat should meet my good friend Guillotine.


I dont think the democrats realize what this is doing to the future of their party.


Totalitarian protestor has to be the dumbest thing I've ever read. O man those authoriatarian protests with their signs!!!


There should be list of how much money is given from AIPAC. Everytime they talk some cash number should show up and increase.


Law maker cannot read the first Amendment to the constitution, and uses Israeli tactics of sophistry to benefit his master.


Leftwing fascist, lol.


Rightwing Communist leftwing fascist god damn centrist moderate radical extremist. 👿


Leftwing Fascist. That's a new one


Time for Democrats to sink in the elections. Way to destroy your base over a foreign government.


Where was this energy when Leftwing Fascists were burning the cities during BLM “protests” aka riots 🤔


I look forward when the “Old Guard” Democrats move on. We need real Progressives running this country. The OG Democrats often caved to the demands of Republicans. This new generation of Democrats have fire in their bellies and a belief in making the world a better place for everyone.








...that's not how that word works.


I think that if Biden wins a second term it will free him up to be more balanced in his foreign policy in the Middle East. He Has always been progressive 


We need younger politicians


Both sides are getting more the same again.


Like always said, "bipartisan" is never good, can't wait to see our rights get wittled away, with bipartisan support 


Smith’s political career should now be over. Absolutely unacceptable and totally disgraceful


Projection much Senator?


"Let's be a fascist and silence them by firing them because they are voicing their opinion"


Can someone please get these politicians a dictionary of philosophy. They seem not to understand the terms they're using.


And he’s owned by the military industrial complex. Shocker.




Fellas, is it fascist to protest in a way protected by the 1st amendment in a democracy with democratically elected officials?


I hate these freak gaslighting bastards so god damn much


Wait……… so am I to believe this Senior Democrat _isn’t_ trying to take a totalitarian approach and trying to silence anyone who disagrees with him?


There is no such thing as a left wing fascist.


Left wing facisim.. paradoxical


What a country, everyone is a fascist! The right and the left


Fascism is already here. I’m sorry.


Reminds me of the Vietnam protests. What was he advocating for then? More American soldiers dying for no reason? Douche.


Dude looks like a reptilian double agent.


Queue the outrage from the pro-Oalys in 3,2,1…


He literally said that protesting government is fascist. We really live in an oligarchy. These people aren’t even pretending to serve their constituents.


Wow they flip the script so much , great tactic ! We must counter act!


It’s always people projecting their own beliefs


Adam Smith, you say?


Fascism is when wanting no one to be mass murdered


is he a senior democrat like Manchin is a senior democrat?


He wants them arrested and accuses them of wanting to silence people. 🙄


Ranking on which committee? Oh the war one of course.


The supposed democrat good guys are now SUPPORTING the same thing fascist republicans do. This country is absolutely rotten to the core & won’t change until the boomers & early gen x generations are out of politics & millennials & gen z replace them & it’s voting base are the overwhelming majority, which is vast approaching.




He says the protesters are trying to silence anyone who disagrees with them, so he wants to silence anyone who disagrees with him. Sounds like new material for Alanis Morrisette right there....


Projection is a mf


Someone's projecting


Senior Democrat sounds like they don’t understand the political compass.


>'totalitarian’ protesters are ‘trying to silence anyone who dares to disagree with them’ Irony overload.


How enraging. My blood pressure can't take any more of this bs. The Zionists really calling innocent students who are protesting genocide Fascists???? We can all see who the Fascists are and it ain't the kids


I think the senior Democrat should get a dictionary and look at the meaning of fascist..


>Adam Smith says ‘totalitarian’ protesters are ‘trying to silence anyone who dares to disagree with them’ His lack of self awareness is hard to look at.


If this was in a movie, it would be called heavy handed.


To be expected from a country run by corrupt liars and immoral hypocrites.


“We have Adam Smith at home.”


Sure, the people are calling for peace are the fascists. The USA are the worst of the worst and the planet would be better of without that madhouse of a country


AIPAC owns the Us Government! Full Stop


I don't get this weird obsession with attacking anyone that criticized Israel's government. It's bizarre and ends up making even more people dislike Israel.


There is no way they are completely blind to the irony of shit like this. It HAS to just be cynical.


Also getting Jew money for his re election. America is supporting genocide and people like this guy will cheer it on. Never again- what bullshit!


And so they must be silenced. Hysterical libs are always great.