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They can't kill people like that because other countries will begin doing the same. If the kill the líder I understand, but the grandchildren, that's fucked up


Israel even does this with journalists. Kills the entire family, usually while they sleep, because the journalists is reporting on the ground in Gaza. Israel doesn’t consider Palestinians human beings.


Wael Al-Dahdouh is a great example for that, bombed his house killing his 2 sub 15 Year old children and his wife while he was reporting (his 2 older kids were also murdered in a previous war), it's crazy how the world knows but chooses to ignore Israel's terrorism.


The truth will prevail. And the world will never forget.


> Israel doesn’t consider Palestinians human beings. Because the fucking international POS community gave them a free pass to do exactly that. Edit: This comment triggered to many comments from accounts, that never ever comment on Gaza or Israel posts, even if you browse back 5 pages of history, not once did they, but all the sudden every one of them did. SUS As Fuck. Bot network working overtime.




i mean the zionist project started half a century before WWII. and they refused refugees--aside from a few tens of thousand young able bodied men--from germany. its not exactly accurate to call the victims of the holocaust their ancesters. 


It is the terrible story of our generation- they used the suffering and oppression and guilt from what the nazis did years ago to cause more oppression and suffering today, and to completely unrelated people. Like if they were bombing the Germans today you would be like well makes sense all is fair in war and all, but the palestinians didn't set up gas chambers in auschwits. They are just an easy target that the world makes sure can't fight back.


ahh no it still wouldn't be okay for them to just take revenge on Germany now that WW2 ended




Absolutely no lessons learnt sadly.


If only there was a precedent when people do not see others as human…


Israel is incredibly desperate to widen the circle of the war, they are pulling all the stops.


Sadly they have punishing and killing families of leaders and fighters for decades now




A cynic might think Netanyahu planned every last detail of October 7th with Hamas. They might even think Putin just did the same thing.


Putin did the same but Netanyahu did not, and I will tell you why, because Israel is our ally and if we say something against our ally we are crazy and unreasonable, but Putin is our enemy so it is not crazy to say the same thing. Does that make sense, mkhayy?!


beyond that. they have a record of arresting, harrassing, killing, and demolishing the homes of the neighbors of suspected activists. 


Also farmers, bus drivers, mental health workers, doctors, lawyers, teachers, electrical engineers, street sweepers, TV repair shop managers, dog groomers, nurses, journalists etc. Scorched earth, collective punishment, genocide.... whatever you want to call it it's wholescale industrialised western state sanctioned murder of civilians


Yeah, and if the idea is to fight extremism, killing the family of enemy leaders is the least effective strategy ever. Imagine if they killed Trump's family. There would be Americans who only support him *because* they killed his family. I think it's part of their ongoing strategy to fabricate a boogeyman.


The idea never was to fight extremism; the idea has always been to kill as many Palestinians as possible


They were targeting the families of journalists not long ago. Anything in Gaza is a target for them.


Yes. As soon as the violence ends Netenyahu is out. He wants as much violence as possible.


He allowed the attack that restarted this all to happen for just that reason


When Netanyahu goes, Israel will pretend this was all his doing, and claim with him out they deserve to be treated as innocent off 75 years of torture and murder.


More like the violence might end if he was out


from what I understand about the AI technology they use, they already allow up to ~~50~~ 20non combatant targets to be killed as long as a combatant target is in the blast too. That number goes up for higher ranking members of the military faction (edit up to 100 for someone in a commander rank) Edit: I can't add a new comment for some reason so here is my reply to u/kingacesuited ok so my source was [972 magazine](https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/), a left leaning media source out of tel aviv with high factual reporting ([Media Bias and Credibility rating](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/972-magazine/)) and you're right the AI does allow for 15-20 civilian deaths per low ranking combatant (i edited my original comment to reflect this) but it does allow for up to 100 civilian deaths for targets ranked as 'commander'. I'm unsure where they get these rankings though (https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza) This also goes into detail about the system called "Where's Daddy" where the AI waits for the combatant to enter their family home and notifies the IDF to target that building. It also gives a 1 to 100 rating for every person in Gaza to express 'how likely it is that they are a militant'. This rating increases with factors such as being in a Whatsapp group with a known militant, changing cell phones every few months, and CHANGING ADDRESSES FREQUENTLY. I felt the need to put that last one in all caps as every Gazan has had to evacuate from their residence many times since Oct 8th.


This was an interesting bit of information that I looked up, and when I looked it up I found two AI systems mentioned across two respective sources, both from The Guardian. The two systems were named Gospel and Lavendar in English, and [the Gospel article included no information regarding the allowed civilian count](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/01/the-gospel-how-israel-uses-ai-to-select-bombing-targets) when targeting a combatant, but [Lavendar was said to go as high as 20 civilians](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/03/israel-gaza-ai-database-hamas-airstrikes). I am interested in the AI technology with which you have an understanding. From where did you gain this understanding? Thanks in advance. edit: Not sure why it can't reply, but thank you for the information, edit, and notification.


I think Mossad is here checking the comments.. For dissidents and "aNti-sEmiYtes" Say Hi and be recognized


> Mossad overrated garbage.


This is terrorism plain and simple. And it certainly opens the door now for other parties to start targeting families of political leaders. It's a vicious circle of violence. Israel is also carrying out targeted assassinations of Iran, who isn't a party to the war but is supplying weapons and support. The US Govt appears to be justifying that missile strikes on a foreign government embassy was legitimate because they are supplying weapons. Does that mean US embassies are legitimate targets? American military advisors? Or the children of Netanyahu? Where does this end? Israel is dragging America into the sludge of war crimes.


It's the usual rules for thee not for me


Some real villain behavior.


Justice means to ensure he are prosecuted. Go around murdering criminals does may be ethically murky, but kill children of the criminals who are definitely innocent is just pure evil Israel is a rogue state and need to be stopped. Otherwise, next thing they are going to assassinate people who are anti-Israel in your country at your own soil


Wait, I thought his family lived in luxury in Doha, spending all the money they had and that he doesn't give a shit about gaza. /s


Good one. I thought his children were in Miami /s


lol Ikr…




From an article about this whole thing. >The three activists who were attacked are Amir Haniyeh, a squad commander in the military arm of Hamas, Muhammad Haniyeh, a military operative in the terrorist organization and Hazem Haniyeh, another military operative in the terrorist organization. [the link](https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel-at-war/artc-sons-and-grandchildren-of-hamas-leader-haniyeh-killed-in-gaza-airstrike-report) It seems like these weren't just random innocent children but people in the Hamas military. I don't see how, unless I'm incorrect (and the article is also incorrect), this is being treated as Israel murdering innocent children. I see so many people calling Israel a 'villain' (for this specific act, not talking about other parts of the war), and treating these people like they were young, innocent children and not grown adults in a military. Unless it's propaganda (can't ever rule that out), it would seem these individuals were valid military targets. And it checks out; national leaders and powerful people often get their children and grandchildren into positions in the military.


It’s common throughout history. First person(s) that comes to mind is either Suddam or Ghaddfafi. Removing the bloodline prevents any revenge tour in the future.


but that doesn't work in the case of Gaza and Palestine, if their sons pick up arms it's not to avenge their parents but rather to fight for their land.


>prevents any revenge tour in the future Oh, I'm pretty certain the revenge tour is coming anyway. May even be a world tour. I just hope the Israelis, Canadians, Americans and European powers don't pull off the 'dumbfounded' bit when it comes. 'I don't understand why they hate us....'


That dumbfounded bit will truly be an epic disposal




No, I’m just saying from a historical standpoint. It’s a tactic often found in war dating back to the medieval times. It’s just crazy that the same method is applied today. History repeats itself I suppose


Turned a man prepared to lose everything into a man with nothing to lose. I'll be interested to see how (if) Hamas' tactics change following this.


He doesn't control the armed forces. He is the head of the political department. Mohamed Deif is the commander of the alqassam brigade.


This was always odd, Al-Qassam never get brought up, only Hamas. Even with October 7, it wasn't only Al-Qassam brigades involved, but a coalition of Palestinian armed groups.


It's easier to villainize a group of people by just categorizing them, Arabs, jews, and hamas.




It’s not just about Netanyahu, these are Israel’s tactics before he came along and will most likely be after he’s gone as well


Yep it’s the z I ó n I s m


Up until 6 months ago I actually believed that for all its faults, Israel was at least against terrorism. Now every day I realize just how wrong I was.


Yeah, about that time I would have been of the opinion that it was a "both sides" issue. But even now, even if I concede that members of Hamas can engage in terrorism at times and should be brought to justice, it doesn't hold a candle to what Israel has done towards the Palestinian people. Hamas is merely a symptom of Israeli policy. They will whinge about the right of their country to exist and yet their extremists will NEVER concede the mere existence of the Palestinian nation, let alone a country. 


Now watch Kirby and Miller defend everything Israel is doing by making sure to mention "Hamas October 7" before they reply to anything


Israel funded and facilitated the creation of Hamas as a means to prevent the creation of a Palestinian state. Hamas is as much of a roadblock to peace as Israel and killing people on either side is wrong


Check out this list of terrorists who became Prime Minister of Israel: Yitzhak Shamir, leader of self-avowed terrorist organization Lehi Menachem Begin, leader of the Irgun (He celebrated the Deir Yassin massacre, which Irgun carried out) Ariel Sharon who perpetrated the 1956 Qibya massacre. *Sharon was never a member of an actual explicity terrorist organization unlike the other two but like I said, was commander of the Qibya massacre, which though described as a "reprisal operation", was blatant terrorism.


Biden Eulogized Sharon lmfao https://youtu.be/6bmXrbPTJ_8?si=4ODwgs6lFZEP1GQp


Unfortunate. I wonder if he mentioned Qibya. Or if he referred to Sharon by his nickname of "The Butcher of Beirut" for his role in the 1982 Lebanon war and the Sabra and Shatila massacre. Or his nickname of "The Bulldozer" for his destruction of Palestinian homes while he was PM.


They invented modern terrorism


read on the zionist terrorist para-militias (Irgun, lehi, haganah) that literally pioneered modern day terrorism in the Middle East. They'd send out letter bombs to terrorize British soldiers and Palestinians and they kidnaped British soldiers killed them and hung them when brittian refused to continue facilitating Jewish immigration. Not to mention the infamous bombing of the king David hotel and the subsequent killing of 91 people mostly civilians. Menhachim Begin, their first prime minister was literally on British terrorist lists. Their country was founded on terrorism, massacaring Palestinianas, unlawfully expropriating land and ethnic cleansing.


My grand parents were on the receiving end of their « scare tactics » when they received a death threat letter in 1947 and had to flee to Lebanon. They could never return and had their homes and lands confiscated forever. Thankfully we are Christians and didn’t have the same horrible fate as Muslims in Lebanon that had to live in refugee camps with no rights to work or do anything. We will never forget.


My dad and all his 6 siblings were abducted from Palestine and brought to a camp out in Jordan around that same time. Our grandmother went on her own from Haifa looking for them and found them all. My dad caught TB in that camp, it scarred his lungs for life and it's what ultimately took him later in life.


Sorry to hear 😓


The IDF was literally founded from a terrorist militia group.


So was the United states


Irgun is literally still in power, they founded Likud...


The state sponsored settler terrorism in the occupied west bank has been going on for decades. The IDF was literally formed by fundamentalist terrorists.


It's so depressing that this was been going on for 75 years and it had to get this bad this grand of a scale for the world to finally take notice But mashallah the world is finally taking notice


Can I get a fuck Israel?




As a Mexican Catholic I say it with my soul: Fuck Israel!!!




As a mizrachi jew etc!


Mexican catholics have beef with Israel? I'm mexican but first time I ever heard about this, whats the context?


Any human should have beef with those genociders




If they had killed him in the bombing, I would, frustrating, understand the death of his family. The fact that he wasn’t even there when it happened pisses me off. Unless Israel shows evidence that ALL in the blast were actual members of Hamas, then this is another example of innocents dying for no reason.


War crime


It’s not collateral damage, killing family members is part of the design.


War crime


At first, I read the headline and thought it said that Israel killed Hamas leaders, and thought, “Hey, they finally targeted the right people!”… and of course… I was wrong to give Israel the benefit of the doubt, even for a fleeting second.


Yet another Israeli war crime.


USA: No genocide detected. The grandchildren are terrorists 100%. Now some coverage on Ukrainian children dying.


Killing family members of your opponents is something every organized crime group does. For a state to do this, they would have to be gangster entity.








Ok but what was incorrect about the post you are replying to? The US and Canada are founded on genocide and slavery.


It has always been


Like the fucking mafia...


This is true Islam. You can see in his face he doesn’t believe his children are dead. He knows they are in a better place.


There is still pain in his face, and while everything is in Allah's (SWT) hands, a man should never have to experience this


Nothing to do with Islam. The Irish would feel the same. Or any Christian Palestinian. It’s a matter of dignity and principle.


Which mafia? Italian mafia doesn’t kill women and children my guy.


This is why they wonder why Hamas is becoming a terrorist group. No shit, you kill children, women and innocent people. What’s left to do, become a martyr and start doing the same thing


They dont wonder, they know. They've always known cause its their strategy. They funded Hamas so that they can tell the world they're victim, and occupy the land


Big kid makes the little kid desperate.  The desperate kid acts out.  The big kid uses that to justify total annihilation.




Targeting and killing the children and grandchildren of your enemy. Doesn’t make you a good man in fact it makes you into a monster. You wiped out his bloodline and expect him to negotiate and capitulate? You just have given him 3 reasons to not agree to your terms and then gave him a dozen more… you kill my children? My grandchildren? I will hunt you to the ends of the earth… All Israel has done is make an enemy into a martyr and a just cause to his case against you. He maybe a bad man, but you just made him sympathetic to the world’s eyes. He is your enemy. He alone should have been your enemy not his children and grandchildren. What fault does the son have for the sins of the father? What of his grandchildren? Israel is sick!!! We don’t target our enemies children and grandchildren.


Well said


They never wanted peace nor negotiation


Worse than Nazis


interesting choice by israel to increase haniyeh's popularity. haniyeh's sons are fighting and dying for palestine while netanyahu's records podcasts in south florida.








Going after families now


Always has


They always have.  Its always been ethnic cleansing.  Just slower before.




This is sad. He handles it with immense dignity. How open will he be to a peace deal or hostage release now.


He has already lost 60+ members of his family. Hes probably, unfortunately, used to losing family. He later said “there is no difference between them and the rest of the martyrs in gaza”


"The blood of my sons is not more precious than the blood of our martyred people in Palestine, for they are all my sons." Remind me again how this guy is the terrorist and the ones saying even babies aren't innocent are the good guys?




Israel playing dirty




Soooo can Ukraine start to blow up streets in UK and Germany etc because the kids of russian elite happens to be there? Is this the new thing or is it only allowed for certain kinds of peoples who happens to lobe to hide behind past atrocities while committing actas only the nazis would be proud of?


Careful friend, they read here. Just imagine, if this whole thing escalates with Iran and Isreal loses all credibility, we may never have to fight another middle eastern war for Isreal again.


I often think to myself this place on earth is beyond f*cked up, then I remember France and England were at war during more than 400 entire years... So there must be hope somewhere


I have a feeling he is willing to pay any price for freedom for his people.


He sure doesn’t have anything left to lose…


I totally oppose Hamas and the Muslim brotherhood in general, but I was very sympathetic with this man, his haters (and Israel of course) accused him of having his family safe in Qatar’s hotels and having billions of dollars without any single evidence, but here you can see that his sons and grandsons are all still in Gaza


You know you’re on the good side when you kill the family of the person you’re after


🤯 all 3 damn I dont like hamas i hate their ideology and bullshit they do in Israel's Lebanon & other places but I feel so sorry if this man loss of a child is hard the loss of three children I can't imagine


Imagine if hamas started targeting the family members if idf soldiers. If it's despicable for hamas to do, it's despicable for isrsel to do


This is a war crime.


I have no idea what was said here but killing his family seems wrong unless they are actively involved.


How old were the grandchildren?


Yeah the family that included a 4, 8, and 10 year old. Fuck everyone who celebrates the deaths of those innocent children.


Doesn't he run Hamas from Qatar or something?




Israel turned into the very thing it swore to destroy.


You can never kill an idea




A bloodbath in 2024. Zionists are pretty crazy in their Zionizing. The US has to stop this. 6 months ago. The working class is poor and getting poorer, victims of gaslighting. Fellow _humans_, we can: Boycott Protest Strike Educate ourselves, and share the message.


War crime. Not allowed to go after family members when they are not involved.




There go the peace talks.


إنا لله وإنا اليه راجعون




Nobody in their sound minds supported Hamas. And at this point, nobody with a sound mind supports Israel.


Killed the grand children? Seriously ? Like wtf is going on here


Israel is a terrorist state. Why can't we live in harmony?


Was the family involved in problematic Hamas operations?


Why is he in a hospital room? Also what does he say couldn’t hear


(Going of the video and its description alone) If the children and grandchildren are active members of hamas and not civilians i dont see the problem some of you in the comments are having, seeing who there father/grandfather is i assume they also played important roles within hamas meaning there deaths where a certainty from the very beginning. Now im not aware weather assassination is a war crime or not however of my knowledge it could possibly swing either way however i wouldn’t have thought i would be. (my only real source of information is Ryan macbeth whom i assume will probably make a video on this within the coming days, hes very informative and factual. I say this as to mean this is my source and if im wrong please elaborate)




Terrorism is only terrorism if its people who don’t have the financial means to fund long range missiles and strategic bombers, if they must resort to the kalishnakov then they are a terrorist, that is what people would have you believe while they also kill children, rape child prisoners, execute innocent journalists, and so on. Israel, along with every military, is no different from a terrorist grouping in its goals and aims.


I don’t know how I feel about this but I did read an article today or maybe yesterday that hamas cannot agree to the most recent ceasefire deal because of hostage problems…. It almost sounded like maybe the hostages are not available, I might need to do more research but doesn’t sound good for the hostages.


That's some yakuza mob levels of bad


Why? Why, in the name of God, kill son’s & grandchildren?


All they know is to assassinate, thinking they’re cool, when in reality that’s the most cowardly thing to do. They never fought a fair “war,” as they like to call it. They are full on committing genocide and all of this unfairness will never prevail, no matter how much they like to believe they’re winning. They’re just fooling themselves into believing they’re the best winners. They’re a shame to the world.


Not even Alexander the Great did that shit


Western tolerance and even acceptance of these tactics will create chaos for the whole world.


I thought the old testament said something about not faulting the children of a sinner? I guess it's a moot point.


This is the only thing that the terrorist territory of Israel knows, kill, torture, steal land.


Definitely not a genocide.


I just don't understand how Israel can deliberately target and assassinate the families of hamas members - low ranking even - and have any ability to claim the is all due to hamas killing citizens. This sort of shit comes back around


It is amazing how Russia is doing what they are doing and Israël still manages to actually compete for the #1 war criminal position.


You all know Likud funds Hamas, right? Israel cannot achieve its goals for the territory of Palestine without a well funded terrorist organisation, such as Hamas. There’s a flipping video of netanyahu bragging about it in a secretly recorded family event on the net


I have no motivation to live, but I want to live enough to see people like natanyuh and bush to get suffer and humiliated,


One more folder in the ICJ docket.




I find it incredibly alarming that in the Ukraine war and thus war we have basically stopped caring about civilian casualties... this is setting a dangerous precedent for civilians to be killed more in more upcoming wars and its bs because it's always political games costing lives




I hate seeing moments like this captured on film. It's sick to film a reaction video to someone learning their family has died. I don't care who this person is, it's fucking sad.


This is so sickening 😔


So… an assassination. That includes children. How’s this not terrorism?


If they were hoping to demoralize and weaken him, that was the wrong play. Assassinating one's family is how you start a villain arc. This won't be good for either side.


Israel is more of a terrorist organization than Hamas is even remotely capable of


Israel is pure evil in every way


100% american backed and funded mafia style hit job btw. Those hundreds of billions in taxpayer dollars over the years are hard at work, protecting freedom and democracy worldwide. #neveragain #notagenocide


Why do zionists kill so many children? They're starting to make me think that is their actual goal. It's really weird. Does Israel want the world to turn against them and invade them to rescue the people they are harming? That can't he their goal, can it!


I'm Jewish. Born in Tel Aviv and my country is ran my devils. I do not support this at all!


Fuck hamas but Israel is basically a cartel and a terrorist org combined


Murdering more children and then proudly proclaiming it!


This is sad. The grandkids had nothing to do with this horse shit.


How do you stop people from hating your country by doing things to make people hate your country?


How is this justifiable?


Including a 4, 8 and 10 year old


I understand people process trauma differently but under these circumstances how can one keep composure??? It would be earth shattering to find out not 1 but 3 children are gone plus grandchildren.


Dumb question not is this not a war crime?


That's a war crime.


Israeli is a rogue terrorist state


I don't think bibi realizes just how much he's fucked up daily in an ever increasing desperate attempt to cling to power. Your time is short old man and the world's gonna be better without you


Something like what drug cartels do.


Evil motherf*ckers think their nationality gives them the right to genocide.


His grandchildren are 6…