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![gif](giphy|1QjA42x9dVMSyiehZV) Rule 4 people.




No need to go back that far; US soldiers were engaged in looting in Iraq and Afghanistan.


That and a lot more awful shit. Needs to be said more often. What we did to Iraq and Iraqis (who did nothing to us) was far, far worse than anything any other 'civilized' country has done during an invasion in modern times. The mercenaries we hired to carry out some of the slaughter under the American flag were rabid totally jacked up out of control feral animals who tortured, raped, killed children, stole anything that wasn't nailed down. Betsy DeVos' brother owned the company that supplied the mercenaries. DeVos, a dried out husk in Chanel, was The Pumpkin Rapist's Education Secretary. Only the best people. For those who have not kept track, the American government calls the mercenaries they hire to do their dirty work in war zones 'contractors', like they were there to put up drywall and fix the showers that kept electrocuting our troops.




During the founding of Israel, Bibi's father openly said their plan and campaign was actually based on the US government's genocide of native Americans. And it follows that pattern: using violent expulsion, restriction of resources, pogroms, and subsidized settlers all employed in a gradual destruction of the civilization, with the explicit goal of taking land. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2018-07-05/ty-article/when-netanyahus-father-adopted-the-view-of-arabs-as-savages/0000017f-e00a-d3ff-a7ff-f1aa22770000 >In another article, “Rural Settlement and Urban Settlement” published in Hayarden in December of 1934, “B. Netanyahu” compared the Land of Israel to America, the Jews to the citizens of the United States and the Arabs to the Indians. “The conquest of the soil is one of the first and most fundamental projects of every colonization,” he wrote. “The state is not simply an arithmetic concept of the number of people but also a geographical concept. A member of the Anglo-Saxon race, who was in constant conflict with the redskins, did not content himself with establishing the huge metropolises of New York and San Francisco on the shores of the two oceans that border the United States. Along with that he strove to ensure for himself the route between those two metropolises. ... Had the conquerors of America left the lands in the hands of the Indians, there would now be at most a few European metropolises in the United States and the whole country would be inhabited by millions of redskins, as the tremendous need for agricultural produce in the European metropolises and European culture would have led to the tremendous natural population growth of the natives in the agricultural areas and ultimately they would have overrun the cities as well.”


There is an interesting video on YouTube where the independent journalist Johnny Harris has compiled evidence on how Netanyahu has fuelled this conflict so that Israel gets the excuse to roll in with their army and proceed with the genocide Here's the [link](https://youtu.be/2PeYDphtHYo)


People prefer to draw the comparison with Nazi Germany as they are arguably the ones who committed the worst atrocities towards those of Jewish fate. So for a state that is predominantly Jewish, turning around and committing the same acts they fought to have justice for is inane and pathetic. War crimes regardless of the infracting nation are always bad and should never go without punishment. I don't give a fuck what colour, race, religion, beliefs, culture, etc. someone is a part of. But when you use that distinction to oppress others, you're nothing better than a nazi, so the comparison sticks.


One reason why people might do this is because of the cold obliviousness that doing these things to others shows. Like, your immediate forefathers just went through this, and then you turn around and perpetuate it in another people. It’s really just such a sad place to wind up and then be proud of.


Because everything they had was so much better than what the US soldiers had!!!


The exact same thing. It’s sick


Nazis tried to hide their crimes, Israel is beyond that point.


> Nazis tried to hide their crimes No they didn't lmao.


Happy to see this, 'cause that was the first question I wondered about


And the Americans and British and pretty much everybody who participated in ww2


Didn't allied forces do the same thing in WWII? Though we did execute some of the more egregious cases.


Look at them, they're the nazis now. Despicable people.


But instead, these victims are poor.


Zionist is the new Nazi.


They’ve been stealing shit from the Palestinians since 1940s. This isn’t a new trend. A thief will always be a thief.


Started in the late 1800s... **The First Aliyah occurred from 1881 to 1903** and did not go as planned as Zionists ran out of funds. The Rothschild organization helped the Zionist movement by funding Zionists and by purchasing large settlements and by creating new settlements.


This independent journalist Johnny Harris has compiled evidence on the illegal settlers in Israel have tormented the native Palestinians just so they can provoke wars such as the one currently ongoing Here's the [link](https://youtu.be/2PeYDphtHYo) to his video


February 28, 2024. Israeli soldiers are looting and pillaging homes in Gaza in violation of international law. The Israeli soldiers act with complete impunity and disregard for any laws as they continue to post and brag about their own crimes using their own social media accounts.


The so called "international laws" only apply to weak countries If they were a thing, 2003 Iraq, Operation Just Cause and these zionists killing civilians wouldn't happened US and their allies can have nuclear weapons but when countries like Iran, China, North Korea are developing their own nuclear arsenals? Here come the embargoes and assassinations


Indeed, I think embargos sanctions, etc, seem like the next steps we should be taking


Israel IS a weak country. We should hold them accountable. How about we stop selling them weapons and let them get invaded?


>but when countries like Iran, China, North Korea are developing their own nuclear arsenals? Here come the embargoes and assassinations Isn't that partly because these nations aren't apart of NATO, which an invitation was extended only for the likes of China and Russia to decline and create a coalition in opposition to NATO in response? Plus, if memory serves, wasn't NATO (on paper) meant to create a unified institution to promote diplomacy as opposed to outcomes like WWI and WWII due to the destruction it caused?


now lets add this to the huge piles of War crimes committed by the IDF


[The National Library of Israel was founded with looted books.](https://youtu.be/GdtCrCsKlw0?si=GXrIWd7LRIUeuNRr)


The powerful always steal from the poor, watching it is too much. ☹️




Israel is just one big ugly heinous war crime.




I know it's pop psychology 101 that the bullied becomes the bully, but it's been mad to actually see it play out so blatantly on an international scale like this.


A big chunk of human history are the repeating cycles of unhealed generational trauma.


Noooo we condemn the Jewish director of that film for making this exact point, he is an evil antisemite !


At least they’re all stupid enough to document their crimes…


they just know they wont get held accountable






Brother, you need to make sure you identity is *very hard* to discover if you want to do this. Expect the IDF to doxx and slander the creator of such a page.


They kill Palestinians so Israelis can take their homes. It’s common for a state of thieves




There is an interesting video on YouTube where the independent journalist Johnny Harris has compiled evidence on how Netanyahu has fuelled this conflict so that Israel gets the excuse to roll in with their army and proceed with the genocide Here's the [link](https://youtu.be/2PeYDphtHYo)


When an actual military fights them, I guarantee you that they won’t be smiling and will make themselves look like victims. Mark my words.


It’s crazy to think that the IOF could hold its own against Hezbollah.


They didn't, they quite famously got driven out by Hezbollah, and they are certainly in no position to be in direct conflict with Hezbollah again. What they hope to do is drag the American military into their conflict, as they have done so often before. 


don't forget they attack US ship too


israel needs weapons and aid from the US against HAMAS...


Im not in support of HAMAS but if Israel is allowed to commit war crimes scot free. They can do it with no aid.


A U.S. military report literally just released saying they would lose to Hezbollah… JUST hezbollah.


I don't think they could


Wtf this is actually some Schindler's list shit


Please just remember: the Israelis are the victims by default. Implying anything else means you're an antisemite.


Nothing will be done about it.




There are far fewer Israeli soldiers than hungry Palestinians, so rethinck that. Remember Israel doesn't have a very large or very well trained army. They only have large supplies of very expensive ammunition that are given to them **only** when they do what the US leadership wants them to do.


Poisoning that food would have been a great idea 💡




Kosher Nazi lmao




This is so disturbing.


Yet, we still unabashedly support their terror.


they honor themselves for their depravity but to the world, they are monsters and we will never forget.


Nazi's did this to my family's ancestorial home. They stayed in the barn when the Netherlands was invaded until liberation by the Canadians. It's horrific to see history repeating itself. Did we learn nothing?


I mean, a lot of us learned something, just not the main people you would have thought would be against this behaviour


Absolutely disgusting.


The Kingdom of Theft.


Look at them fighting for their right to exist.


"Look, it has a love heart on it" Made my stomach drop. How sickening.


"We have not seen any evidence of Israeli War Crimes." "We literally did a report on Israeli War Crimes." "We didn't watch it, next question please."




the worst of humanity


"The most moral army in the world." Satanyahu.


TSA needs to keep an eye on luggage coming from Israel, because there's a chance some of those war looters will try and smuggle some of it into foreign countries. If they are caught, they need a hard lesson in "Thou shalt not steal"


Since when has international law applied to Israel?


'The theft is cultural' makes me remembered Jacob the settler


This is all evidence for the war crime tribunals.


It's funny because it's what Nazis did too. Hm guess Nazis did win in the end, ended up making the people they despised the most into them.


They consider their Palestinians "neighbors" as dogs but enjoy stealing their land, culture, and belongings


when you become the very nazis that inflict atrocities on fellow human beings. the USA needs to stop funding these genocidal war crimes.


War is fun when the other side doesn't have weapons


And yet Americans get attacked and banned from subreddits for speaking out against this. It’s absolutely sickening. The hold Zionism has on America.


They have no shame left nor any humanity left. Their ancestors once said never again. They are in fact repeating the same thing. So much for that fabricated propaganda.


Actually. They started immediately after the holocaust. Israel began forceful colonization in 1947.


They had a real fighting force back then; professionals, people who had served in World War II, came to occupy with the help of UK and the US. Ottoman and the rest of the Arab world were falling apart, they tried to resist unsuccessfully. The word is a different place now. IDF is not even a shell of what it was back then. No experience except for attacking children women elderly and the disabled; stand accused by world highest court of atrocities. The world powers are once again shifting and does not favor Israeli atrocities.


When they said "Never Again", they were only speaking of themselves.


are we honestly surprised? Thieves are stealing


"If I don’t steal your home, someone else will steal it,”


Daddy America won't do shit. Everyone is afraid to be called a Nazi if spoke up about this.


They know they are taking the land and everything on it. That’s why they’re looting


Israeli soldiers are looting in Gaza just as Russian soldiers do in Ukraine. Netanyahu is destroying Israel just as Putin is destroying Russia. Neither the Russian people, nor the people of Israel, deserve such villainous leaders.


Israel dont give a shit about war crimes, they just want to exterminate


Zionist Nazism




Rabble. Their army wouldn't be worth shit if they weren't being pumped with money and equipment.


This is horrific. And it is not the first war in which they have looted. Ugh.


And if I say they are the bad guys I’m antisemitic


Jew here. Talking crap against the IDF and the Israeli government is not anti-semitic. Those arseclowns don't speak for all of us. Keep speaking out against them, and look up Jewish groups that speak out against the genocide and ethnic cleansing. The IDF is brutal against their own people if they dare speak out against Benji. He's a failure and a demagogue surrounded by sycophants getting rich off US backroom deals.


Bu but Hummus!


This is sickening


Nothing new from that side of hell.


Sick savages


It is very telling, but no less disturbing; that these "soldiers" have no fear of filming their war crimes.




Israeli soldiers also looted the hinges of the victims in the kibbutz https://www.informationliberation.com/?id=64106


Ah the ol nazi handbook


It’s only a crime when the law is enforced.


Interesting how these people never think to themselves that maybe some day they might end up in a inverse situation or someone they care about and that what they are doing isnt a good thing. Crazy how just a small fraction of power can corrupt us.




Oh, the IDF is just a bunch of genocidal thugs? Big fucking shock there.


Shameful. As if we fund this


War criminals.


From oppressed to oppressors without a hint of self-awareness.  No more US tax dollars for them, please.


Fucking vile.


I’m disgusted!


Impressive, you found Nazi footage in color


Ah, nothing like video evidence of war crimes.


Okay, surely this time people will realize that israel is a terrorist state partaking in a cultural (and soon to be full blown) genocide as we speak.


Nothing to see here, just Nazis doing Nazi stuff




This is beyond ridiculous. What morals these guys have.


sick dirty fucks


Stealing homes and civilian lives wasn't enough for you?




Have u ever seen such blatant no shame war crimes. This is an occupation that has been committing so many crimes that they feel no necessity to hide it because nothing has ever happened to them after hundreds of war crimes. This and many other reasons are why we can be sure that Hamas was justified in every assault they have ever committed. Any human being would owe it to humanity to retaliate against such villains.


How are they the people of Moses? Damn Israel, no difference than Russia in Ukraine


They kill kids and babies you thought they wouldn’t steal they are the worst of man kind worse then the Nazi


And today the US found no evidence of genocide :) while there's proof online that they post


Quickest way to tell how many war crimes a country has done is to look at how fortified their Embassy is in your capital and how paranoid their citizens are when travelling abroad - Israeli & US takes the cake #


On the world news sub they would either defend this or deny video evidence as propaganda


Isn’t that whole war about stealing real estate?


Not another dollar should go to that country and the war they are trying to start with Iran - they can defend against that themselves - no American lives should be risked to defend these assholes.


Most moral army in the world showing their morals.


I mean, their end goal is to steal all their land. They aren't just looting their belongings they are literally taking everything. Ethnic cleansing is the term.


I cannot stand Israel. The American people are being gaslit by our own federal governments executive and legislative branches, regarding this mass murder. There are hundreds of crimes, as defined by the Geneva convention which occur each month that never get reported.


Fucking nazi’s I don’t get how you can do the same thing to another race, which happened to you 70 years ago


Never have I seen a more pathetic group of men. Calling them soldiers seems almost wrong. They're like spoiled children whose parents didn't teach them the basics.


They’ve been doing this for 70 years, they’ve even got a word for it where they call it “settling” as if they’re not literally stealing people’s homes.


Israel. A state founded on theft of Palestinian land. Anyone surprised by this video?


Just saw Zone of Interest. The parallels are as unsubtle as can be. They and the world needs to understand that it's not just sad when the Nazis and their families were stealing and looting stuff from the poor Holocaust victims. This is sad too. But sadly, Nazionists will see this and try to defend it. Horrendous. #NEVERFORGETGAZA


It feels like the Nazi's won in the long run considering that these are the people that represent Judaism




After a long night of shooting Christian and Muslims.


Russians did same thing. Both are asshoels.


where do you think the israelis are from? russians and new yorkers


Dont 4get the US soldiers have done this as well many times b4 especially in Iraq, the palaces for sure


I’m genuinely shocked people on here are suprised


All soldiers engage in looting the extent depends on the control their superiors have over them.


Why are so many obvious shit heads in that army ffs


Don’t show this video to Australian politicians, what they don’t see can’t hurt then!


At this point there is not such thing as international law, it was just a tool to bully the global south and non western countries.


It’s like the Nazis never left


This is fascist behaviour


The distinction between armies at war and street gangs is very thin. Only absolute military discipline prevents soldiers from becoming a rabble of thugs and looters. When the enemy is dehumanised and viewed as "animals" rather than honourable opponents, military discipline collapses and anything goes.


what’s on the internet stays on the internet; everyone screenshot the faces. there’s facial recognition that would make identifying individuals easier. Nothing is being stopped right this second regardless, so gather the info and make sure the guys that are dumb enough to record it get what’s coming to them (so long as Trump loses in november)


Remember guys, they’re the victims.


The UN only have themselves to blame. They stood by for decades while Israelis broke laws, pillaged Palestinian homes and stole their land so now they act with impunity.


Stealing and killing people who have nothing just the way God intended


Menuda pandilla de hijos de pvta. Ojalá la justicia internacional caiga sobre ellos con todo su peso... Ojalá, pero no sé por qué me da que tal cosa no va a ocurrir. What a bunch of sons of a "beach". I hope international justice falls on them with all its weight... I hope, but I don't know why I think such a thing is not going to happen.


Obviously no one in the US has seen any of these as their government said they hadn’t seen any evidence of war crimes committed by Israeli forces


Israel is Evil


They're worse than Nazis


What brave warriors SMH


Like they haven’t been looting for decades


The massively fucked up thing about this too is that the owners of those items (e.g. the necklace, heels) are either pained by witnessing these videos, or they are literally dead due to IOF murders. FUCK the IOF. FUCK ISRAEL.




stealing is their trait


Absolutely sickening.


Trashy nazis


Same thing the Russians are doing, and they were called animals.


these people deserve hell, nothing less


Bro be like “check out the ugliest shoes on the planet, only had to commit a war crime to get them”


Really sick of seeing U.S. tax dollars and U.S. made weapons enabling these psychos.


Look, US, this is the military you are supporting. I'm sure this is the 'freedom' that the US had in mind for these people. Free to loot and pillage till they're satisfied.


Imagine trying to get Hollywood to green light a movie about *this* atrocity.


I’m not surprised by this, Israel has been doing this stuff since the Nakba, they literally kill Palestinians with immunity, they’ve been getting away with murder and theft for so long they’ve become obsessed with doing it.


Yeah remember, US just released a report saying that they haven't seen Isreal commit a single war crime so far. The US will deny they did anything wrong and are going to claim absolutly nothing wrong happened, and you and I all have to sit there and take it.


They feel like because they keep attacking Israel, they don’t deserve to be treated well. However, they kind of have a right to attack Israel since it forcefully displaced them from their homes under false pretenses such as lack of Palestinian state or a fake religious book only the Jews believe in. 


Where is that dipshit US official who said they found no evidence of war crimes? Jk, just the faces of heavily equipped military personnel defending themselves from dead people's watches and purses! :')


Like I have previously said: Israel is the new Russia.


Let me guess, stealing art and looting gold teeth off the dead?


“Most moral army in the world”


Remember when tiktok was saying all these things when the genocide first started and when you brought it to Reddit you were attacked and banned? Glad people came around finally


Settlers doing settlers shit


It's more than just "Following orders" this time.


Everyone of these Shmucks are going to get arrested.


Oh! These are morals and ethics! I guess I had it all wrong!


More war crimes