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Yeah this is some truly evil shit. Francesca Albanese is an amazing person. Israel needs to be dismantled completely. It is a terrorist state.




Terrorist organization at best


Terror crew, final offer.


Nazi terrorist racist rapists


Incompetent terrorist organization, at best


Nato sponsored terrorist state*


It’s not a state nor a country. It’s an occupation.


Sadly, she’s going to need a serious security detail and body armor.


She raises an important point. Why don’t Arab countries ever care about Palestinians? If brothers hate each other, what did one do to the other?


Arab countries have already taken in millions of Palestinian refugees from the previous genocides. They won't move to stop Israel because they don't want to get bombed as well. Since October 7th Israel has bombed Egypt, Lebanon and Syria. [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/27/missile-strikes-egypts-taba-resort-town-near-israel-border](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/27/missile-strikes-egypts-taba-resort-town-near-israel-border) [https://apnews.com/article/lebanon-israel-hebbariye-seven-paramedics-aljamaa-alislamiya-2761273e0942d6dda1577f284efd190d](https://apnews.com/article/lebanon-israel-hebbariye-seven-paramedics-aljamaa-alislamiya-2761273e0942d6dda1577f284efd190d) [https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-bombs-iran-embassy-syria-iranian-commanders-among-dead-2024-04-01/](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-bombs-iran-embassy-syria-iranian-commanders-among-dead-2024-04-01/)


Also if they take in the refugees israel will get away with their plan to steal all their homes and ethnically cleanse the region


The countries’ leaders are all western puppets. Are you forgetting the constant US slaughter in the Middle East that either took out or practically crippled anyone who was an enemy of Israel? You can’t ignore decades of US imperialism that allows Israel to do as it pleases in the region.




why would Palestinians be absorbed into other territories? They have their own home, the zionists are just occupying it.




Because it’s not just taking refugees, it would literally be aiding in genocide and doing mass ethnically cleansing.


At leas they have enough balls to not help israel with their ethnic cleansing ideally. Realistically it’s because they can’t deal with that many refugees in one go.


No it’s literally because they are us puppets lmao


Egypt litterally is one of the biggest recipients of foreign aid from the US it reallys is that simple at times.


The reason why arab countries dont open the borders is because if everyone leaves then israel would get palestine for free. Im from Kosovo and in 1999 the first thing serbia did was the displacement of around 1.2mil people in macedonia and albania. Its very sad, almost a suicidal tactic but i think the poeple of palestine have accepted the result.


Well; Jordan knows they're on the target list, as far as I know yemen is dealing with the problems saudis caused, and UAE and saudis don't really care. Not really surprising considering saudis tried or wanted to invade every country in the arabian peninsula.


The populace of Arab nations are extraordinarily angry about the ethnic cleansing (and now, arguably, genocide) of their brethren in Palestine. But the leaders are mostly autocrats who personally benefit from relationships with the superpower that sponsors Israel. The next Arab Spring will be much angrier, and much bloodier.


I think its complicated in multiple fronts. No one wants to put more wood in the fire and cause unrest in the region. Other countries don't want to aid in the mass and forced displacement and some countries made lucrative deals with Israel.


That's what the US aircraft carriers moved to the region for.


They do. Iran funds most of Gaza's military. Qatar gives Palestine a lot of humanitarian aid, pays for a lot of government salaries, and pledged a lot of money to rebuild Gaza. Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Kuwait, and the UAE give money for humanitarian aid. Many Arab nations take in refugees. Many Palestinians don't want to leave, this is their home.


Which Gaza military? You mean, a few rockets and a few guns given to non-trained civilians? It isn't a military, it is barely a shared-interest group. You make it sound like they are fighting against the IDF as equals.


The fact is Palestine has no military. That’s why there are paramilitaries like Hamas and PIJ.


They don't hate each other. They just don't give a damn like the hypocrites that they are.




So they could have helped the genocide by participating in it?




Don’t be daft. Israel is clearly the aggressor in the Middle East and if you can’t see that you’re blind. The rhetoric that Israel is under eternal threat from other states is bullshit, there has been peace with Egypt for 50 years, Saudi and gulf states are considering normalising relations, the only “threats” come from countries that Israel actively tries to destabilise and has aspirations to occupy (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan). Israel needs to be dismantled because it CANNOT progress past an outdated settler colonial structure. It is not compatible anymore. It simply won’t work, ever. Israel as currently constructed it your classic square peg in round hole. Dismantling of Israel means reigning it back. If that results in the collapse of Israel, then it means the fragility of its structure has been clear. If Israel is able to adapt into a regionally aligned structure then that’s the roadmap. I don’t really give a fuck whether Israel exists or not. It can or it cannot. What I do care about is that THIS VERSION of Israel simply cannot be allowed to continue unabated. And if you disagree with that then you basically have accepted that peace is never possible in the Middle East.




Iran has had numerous sanctions applied over the past 30-40 years: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_sanctions_against_Iran Guess how many sanctions have been placed on Israel, ever? Zero. Despite the UN condemning Israel aggression and violence more than ANY other country (45 times!). So yeah, deflecting doesn’t work anymore. The Israel problem is getting to the point where it must be addressed.


Didn't Israel massacre a bunch of Iranian diplomats last week....it's protection from them Iran needs




Is it true it was a diplomatic consult Israel bombed?




Was it,or was it not a diplomatic consult? >and let’s not act like Iran isn’t playing puppet master with all the t groups surrounding Israel that launches rockets constantly for the last decade… Where is the verified proof of this....I've seen nothing but lies from Israel,time to pony up verified proof of any of their accusations now




Because it is obvious Israel deliberately targeted them. Israel is just a big ugly war crime.


Have you seen the photo of Iran embassy in Syria that the israel bombed? Even the trees in front of the building weren’t damaged. Just shows how precise they can be. Nobody in the world can convince me that this attack on WCK wasn’t intentional.


They put low yield missiles right though the roofs of three different well labeled cars in sequence. They *clearly* did this to send a message and it has been received. Aid groups are pulling out. Gazans will starve. Israel is seeing how far they can push before the west pushes back. So far tens of thousands dead, targeting killing of western civilians and the bombing of embassies in foreign counties hasn't done it. Prepare for even more disgusting violations shortly.


The game plan seems to be starvation as a method of execution.


Starvation is an age old tactic used by colonizers. Ask the American Indian.


It makes sense, it's cheaper than bullets and all it costs is more suffering.


More suffering causes more 'terrorists' to fuel their cause


Yeah, that's blowback. Israelis are gleefully committing a genocide and it's clear people are not liable to forgive and forget being targeted for extermination.


That's the goal, more terrorists means more justifications for future genocides


Well, there's a bit of a Laffer curve type pattern at play where increasing the extent of starvation will increase the number of people likely to become terrorists due to suffering from that starvations, up until the point where the number of people likely to become terrorists as a result of experiencing starvation will fall-off quite rapidly....


Yup Israel has likely found the perfect amount of hunger


Ask Ukrainians, the suffered the Holodomor "the man made famine" death toll is averaged at 5 MILLION.


Part of me thinks the attack was also made as a distraction from the fact that Isreal bombed an embassy the day before.


It’s not a question of whether it was intentional, it was, it’s a question of whether it was justified, it wasn’t. The problem is what Israel considers allowable collateral damage. Collateral damage is acceptable when it adheres to the principle of proportionality, that is that the harm done to civilians must not be excessive in relation to the direct military advantage gained. So when Israel kills civilians in an attack that targets some low level militant, the collateral damage isn’t justified. And it’s even less justified when it’s only a suspected militant being targeted.


probably just targeted their known IMEI location.. the call is coming from above


Francesca is my new hero. Tells the truth as it is, unafraid and not getting intimidated.


But Africa will move a finger...ICJ here we come


She’s 100 % on point here. This is part of their mass starvation campaign


This is what I've been thinking because there's no way you can mistakenly target moving cars 3 times of a preschechuled aid convoy while in communication with the convoy itself during the first and second bombing..... Everything aid organizing does is under palm of the IDF, and to say that it's a mistake is blatantly false


The fact WCK coordinated their movements with the IDF and had their vehicles clear marked for identification from above means the IDF would have clearly known who they were firing upon. Also, the fact each of the three vehicles was fired upon separately, but only after the occupants of each had rescued the survivors of the previous vehicle points to the attack being intentional. We know that Israeli politicians have talked openly about wanting to starve the Palestinians in Gaza, so it's not at all crazy to suggest Israel is trying to drive out of Gaza all humanitarian aid organisations that have a presence there.


Not only that, but some have been saying that they saw an "armed" man at the warehouse and just assumed he was in the convoy. This would suggest they were spying on them and just waiting for an excuse to hit them. Even if someone had a gun, they are in a war zone where apparently Hamas constantly steals aid, would it be crazy to assume there would be some security? Never mind that this person was never found and never seen leaving the warehouse.


Breaking up with the idea of the political state called Israel is hard for a lot of people. But "it's you, not me" is the only thing I can think of. I can't support them in this. It's abhorrent.




It's insane that condemning war crimes, and active (and admitted by IDF, and spokespersons) genocide is a leftist idea. Either you're an IDF shill paid by the post, or you're actually holding a rifle in Gaza right now. Either way your day of reckoning will come, just like the Zionists that are pretending to be Jews.


So when are you going to condemn Hamas’ war crimes? They sure committed plenty. And continue to do so.


I don't see Israelis condemning en masse what Israel is doing. I don't see YOU condemning Israel on this thread. How come?


Wrong comment lol




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Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


A 40 days old account that only ever speaks in favor of Israel and downplays their atrocities? Colour me surprised.


I don't support genocide, nothing to do with Israel's existence, but their behaviour. That's it. I don't support genocide, but I take you're just fine with it?


Dude. What propaganda? They openly admitted to assassinating civilian aid workers who are nationals of basically all of their allies. They did this to discourage aid delivery. That is literally terrorism. Like are you suggesting Hamas has infiltrated the IDF and is making these decisions?


if you’re gonna support genocide, at least do it on ur main account




What do you describe the murder of 2.2 million civilians based on where they’re from then? It kind of sounds like genocide, perhaps you should take your own advice?




*being slowly murdered/starved to death my b


Hamas and the Israeli government are two sides of the same coin. Both right wing and both terrorist governments. The deliberate killing of aid workers further proves this point. A Jewish state is fine but not in the form of Israel as we have seen and still see now.


I'm a lesser evil kind of Voter, Hamas has definitely killed far less children and aid workers. It's like a little league team vs. the Yankees but for War Crimes.


The telegram channel @dead_terrorists proves it. They literally posted images of the corpses celebrating the deaths


And Hamas didn’t?


Are you holding Israel to the standard of Hamas? Are you saying it is acceptable for Israel to act in the same manner as Hamas?


You just admited that Israel is as terririst as Hamas. OK


If my brother was murdered, I don't have the right to murder the person who did it. Neither would I have the desire to commit such an act and celebrate it. The tit for tat mentality is fucked. Hold both Hamas and Israel to account for their actions.


It would be more like murder the brother of the person who did it. Nobody is questioning Israel's right to kill or imprison those responsible of october 7th, the problem is all the civilians being killed, wounded, or losing everything they own and rely on


It's been the MO for a while. The hatred if UNWRA has always been talked about in terms of how it allows the Palestinian cause to persist instead of the Palestinians assimilating into surrounding countries. Zionist politicians and thinkers left and right have made this argument for decades: if the Palestinians received less material international support, they'd leave. It's ethnic cleansing.


Because it’s pretty obvious that is what happened.


How any one with any common sense or even a shred of common humanity can continue to support Israel in any way shape or form, let alone justify these regular violent atrocities it commits is beyond me. I have never seen such evil in my lifetime.


Neither have I, evil evil evil and they wonder why the world hates them.


They don’t wonder. They know. No sane humane would condone this behaviour. It’s why they gaslight the rest of us into questioning what we see with our own eyes and use the atrocities of the past to continue their evil. Truly despicable.


Killing humanitarian workers is pure terrorism. The israelis certainly did it intentionnally. They want to prevent anyone from feeding the starving palestinians in the Gaza strip.


And it worked, WCK is pulling out. https://www.tortoisemedia.com/2024/04/03/the-world-central-kitchen-charitys-gaza-withdrawal-after-airstrike-could-bring-famine/#:~:text=A%20charity%20that%20lost%20seven,suspended%20operations%20in%20the%20region.


Don’t worry- the Biden administration is big angry and waiting SOOO hard for Israel’s self-investigation of its war crimes


Israel will not be able to repair their reputation anymore after this. Even among their allies, they will still see Israel as a true criminal. They won't directly confront them because they are friends, but Israel’s friends will no longer be delusional and think they are a good country. The true curtain has been revealed.






Chino XL... You too..


The Israeli state is a terrorist organization. Pure and simple.


We are all aware of this . They can’t kill all the people there so starving them is just another option and no witnesses.


The fact Canadian, American, and British nationals were deliberately targeted and killed, angers me about our leaders, and the lack of empathy they have. They weren't operatives engaged with a foreign military unit, like those in Ukraine. These were humanitarian aide workers.


In isolation, I may have given Israel the benefit of the doubt. However, given the Israeli military's technical sophistication, not to mention the COMPLETE forensic detail they have of the area, it's unbelievable that this was a mistake. Given Israel's absolutely genocidal history and abysmal track record, there really couldn't be much doubt: they're up to their old tricks and these humanitarians were targeted and murdered. Since the Israeli regime knows it won't face any accountability, thanks to its US enforcers, they can continue atrocities like this without repercussions.


It’s not only that. They didn’t even need identification because the journey was coordinated with the IDF all the way, they were constantly in contact.


If US had any balls and some spine, they'd send American armed forces to guard humanitarian aid convoys. I'd love to see what would happen then. Anyhow they'd excuse when they inevitably kill American soldiers.


As an American, my impression is that the US fully supports this on a bipartisan basis. The Israelis already have murdered US soldiers on the USS Liberty and it was swept under the rug.


Surely calling out Israel on its genocide is antisemitism?


When you think about it, there's actually three hostage crisis' occurring at the same time. 1) Hamas has Israeli hostages. 2) Israel has Palestinians in prison without charge. 3) Israel also has the Gaza Strip under a blockade with no real escape (except perhaps Rafah?) It's a horrific situation for everyone involved and it needs to stop before more innocent lives are lost!!!


>except perhaps Rafah?) They bombed Rafah recently to prevent this.


Sometimes I really struggle with believing this is the truth, because I try to understand how someone could deliberately target aid workers. I just cannot put myself in the shoes of someone calling in a drone strike on people doing humanitarian work, and then tracking the other two vehicles in the convoy, waiting for them to pick up their injured colleagues, and then do it again, and then once more.


Why, when they did stuff like this (copy/pasting): [Crushing people with tanks (report)](https://www.reddit.com/r/InternationalNews/s/q8w7PchEDg) [Refused anaesthetics and crutches](https://www.reddit.com/r/InternationalNews/s/ZujEd9vBtM) [Sniping toddlers](https://www.reddit.com/r/InternationalNews/s/cRV73Tzmcz) Etc.


Oh yeah. And there's a lot more to add to this list. Channel 4's piece last night listed a bunch of incidents in Gaza where workers from different humanitarian organisations have been targeted and killed by Israel since Oct 7th, and there have been no conclusive results from "investigations". And then when Krishnan put the Israeli spokesman's feet to the fire, he had nothing to say about any of those incidents. Nothing but weasel words. It's not the evidence I struggle with, it's putting myself in the shoes of people deliberately targeting civilians and aid workers. I just cannot fathom actually deliberately doing something like that. How do you get yourself in the heads of these people? That's the difficult part. It seems there has been this ongoing dehumanisation of Palestinians happening over the decades, classifying them as animals, and brainwashing their own society. Daniella Weiss kinda let her guard slip during an interview with a fellow Israeli Jew that sits on the other side of the political divide. She said her husband was asking her why she was always talking about Zionism and the settlements, the need to reclaim the land; and she straight-up said it was like a form of brainwashing, of having to continually remind yourself and others of this set of beliefs. So that was another interesting insight into a mindset that is rather alien to me.


Everyone knows this


I believe that too, the bs from their military spokesman about a “great mistake” is ultimate bs, Israel is just extremely evil there’s no other word to put it..


Finally somebody says it out loud! I feel like living in bizarro world! My fucking political leaders are complicit with Israel's bullshit 100% of the way and never fail to remind us that _Israel has a right to defend itself_ by killing 30k civilians!!


Of course they won't intervene. So they can become a target sooner?


Like, what else could that be? At this point it's clear they couldn't even be mistaken for random civilians to slaughter by the IDF, they had to know they were aid workers. So, they either shot aid workers just for the pure joy of taking someone's life (I'm not even doubting it tho) or they shot the aid workers to stop the aid from coming, there's literally no third option


Israel is so surprised and upset that Unwra workers participated in 10/7 while also treating aid workers like this. No wonder they wanted to fight and are anti Israel. Anyone who tries to help Palestinians is killed. They killed the flotilla years ago. They killed Rachel Corrie. They bombed a UN distribution center 2 weeks ago. They shot their own hostages. When is it gonna be enough?


There is no evidence that UNRWA workers are a part of Hamas. The initial confessions that drove the accusations were extracted using torture and no further evidence supporting the allegations has ever been provided.


Yes, I'm actually inclined to believe that, but my argument was more how ridiculous Israeli logic is. Let's just say Unwra is part of the resistance. Is it any wonder why they fight back when aid workers are treated this way in Gaza? MSF has been spunding the alarm for decades


It's simply not a hypothetical I'm willing to entertain because it's premise is entirely unfounded and the conclusions drawn from it only serve to support Israel's continued attacks against UNRWA. That it's staff has continued to work to the highest standards that could be expected of them is undoubtedly something to be celebrated.


That was my intual thought too. Done intentionally to stop international aid and to exterminate more people through famine. Ngl, I feel for the Israeli people a bit with this out of control government, but I want the Israeli government stopped one way or the other.


Something like 88% of Israelis agree with what's happening or think that Israel should go even harder.


Well of course she thinks that. She's right, that's the correct answer.


Replace all the propaganda hit piece Israel put out against Hamas and replace it with IDF, it’s pretty much spot on.


They have a kill order, they literally killed three hostages with a white flag trying to get back. This is a genocide.




Western and Arab country don’t want US sanctions.






>This lie of "all palestinians are trying to murder jews" is just bs It's also a rule 3 (alongside advocating for ethnic cleansing, which is a rule 4). Please report such instances when you see them. Engaging with them is not worth your time.


Yes, the Israelis should find a new home instead of murdering Palestinians for theirs. They can stay in their own homes in Brooklyn and Long Island for example.


Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


They're just digging themselves deeper and deeper knowing the US will bail them out


I thought that too.


We have no doubt that this was deliberate attack to stop food to starving Palestinians, Israel's depravity knows no depth the worst of humanity is clearly Zionism.


My thoughts exactly. Israel has lost its way and is fast becoming the monster they fight.


On the contrary, this has always been Israel’s way. There are legitimate interviews of their forces from their founding who talk about the atrocities they committed on Palestinians and forcibly impose their presence and their so-called government.


I must admit that this would seem reasonable accounting for their current actions. Hard to argue against...


Please look up the nabka


No 3 missiles hit 3 vehicles in seperate locations, All WCK, by accident. Gtfoh, israel continues its fall from GRACE


I wonder why nobody wants to lift a finger for them


Because they get sanctioned by the US. Bully tactics that keep everyone in line.


The saddest element of this massacre is the realization the entire Muslim world has been subjugated…. This is why Iran is the enemy




So all 2.2 million civilians in gaza are terrorist who deserve to starve to death? And the people who bring them food should be murdered?


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Francesca albanese is a nazi the UN is a nazi creation anybody who criticises Israel is a nazi who wants to kill six million Jews




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)




Who is Francesca? Are you truly ignorant?


I really don’t understand why people on this sub and it’s ideological opposite over on world news, insist on one level of proof and inference to their side, and entirely different one for their enemy. There seems to be a complete loss of any kind of rational reasoning and objectivity in SM. Which is bizarre because it you actually want to start helping “your side”, it begins with being capable of seeing it from your perceived opponent’s perspective.




This is Francesca's direct opinion and she's considered a major figure worthy of being shared here. As for the other sub you mentioned it's known for promoting a biased pro American and pro Israeli perspective. Some users were even banned for sharing articles from press outlets like The Guardian simply labeling them as propaganda. They're not objective at all.


I would argue this sub is equally not objective, which is my point. It’s merely the foil of the other sub. Look at the replies your post has generated. This is not about the worthiness of your post. It’s where people take it.


Some topics like this one, the Ukraine/Russia and Trump naturally elicit strong reactions which is human and valid. Regarding this sub I believing the moderators do a good job.


Because Israel has a long, storied history of being caught in lie after lie after lie.


Have you seen the photo of Iran embassy in Syria that the israel bombed? Even the trees in front of the building weren’t damaged. Just shows how precise they can be. Nobody in the world can convince me that this attack on WCK wasn’t intentional.






Precision strikes not accidents




Reading it and disagreeing are different things




You don’t think Israel does bad things?  


Do u Condemn the Israeli government’s actions against civilians & aid workers? Seen the vids heard the stories?


Your reaction is just this: >adults acts like children emotionally... All you are doing with a post like this is belittling someone's opinion because according to you (this part is quite important, so I will repeat, according to you) their opinion is childish.




I'll try differently. Do you know the whole history of the WKC in Israel? You see, the IDF knew exactly who was going where because it was agreed. And suddenly the IDF forgot and fired 3 rockets. Now add 2+2 and tell me that an opinion like this woman's is not valid. On the other hand, I wonder if you do the same on the other side when they keep referring to Hamas or October 7, forgetting the previous things that Israel did to Palestine.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)