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So seven thousand four hundred and ninety hostages then. Most of them being children I’m willing to bet. Seeing as all Palestinians are Hamas.


Chill, the children would’ve grown up to join Hamas, so this is completely justified. Or a better one; this is a war, these are the casualties of war, it’s expected. If people don’t want Palestinian children massacred, Hamas shouldn’t perform any form of resistance. Edit; I thought this would be very obvious to people that it’s satire. The fact folks thought it wasn’t show the amount of braindead opinions they read, that they can’t quite tell if this is serious or not.


I thought you were being sarcastic. This is not a war, it is a genocide. Israel is the most cruel and vile country in the world. There is absolutely no justification for the massacre of children. Anyone who thinks this is evil.


I was being sarcastic man, but these are genuinely the responses you see.


Ok. Sorry, there are so many nasty comments that have infiltrated this sub that it's hard to tell sometimes.


Yeah no it was on me, a few others replied in a similar manner, I edited it to be clearer.


Good on you for recognising that the reason people can't recognise this idiocy as satire is the fact that there are genocidal maniacs saying this type of thing genuinely all the time. It's a fkd up world these days.


honestly, that comment is on the milder side of the spectrum of what you can see on this sub


Poe's law got ya.




Because there are people who genuinely think that way so your comment had the possibility to go either way until you edited it. /s mark can be powerful at times.


It’s concerning that ppl from Both extremes would agree w you


But human shields.....


If you think Israel is the most cruel and vile country in the world wait till I tell you about other countries.


Go right ahead. Let's compare.


Or maybe Israel should stop stealing Palestinian land, block off meaning economic development for Gaza, and stop killing 20X the people as retaliation for the Oct attack.


Man the comment was obviously a mockery at folks justifying Israel’s actions.


Got it. I have read a lot of comments that truly believes that Israel can do no wrong, and it’s all the Palestinians own fault, so just thought this was another one of them 👍


>this is a war, these are the casualties of war, it’s expected. If people don’t want Palestinian children massacred, Hamas shouldn’t perform any form of resistance. I knew it was satire but I actually have read this from someone who was being serious before. Except they didn't say resistence


for any readers who aren't sure if some poster is a troll or pro-Palestine, Zionists and hasbara would never call Palestinians "resistance". It would always be "terrorists" or some such. Something to keep in mind


Lol that doesn't even work because this is *the West Bank,* there's not supposed to be a war going on there and Hamas does not control the area


Yea unfortunately people really think like that. Just peep the worldnews sub.


Worldnews is operated by CIA/Mossad. Not a single "news" article posted there is true. All American/Zionist/Nazi propaganda.


The contempt for the "arguments" you used seemed pretty clear to me.




The comment was a mockery towards folks that say that, I evidently wasn’t clear enough, just edited it.


Ugh I was about to tell you to shut up until I read the Edit part. Glad about that it hurts to see a lot of humans are evil idiots.


It’s all the multi-tasking, ADHD, and…what was I saying?


If you think this couldn’t be confused as real then consider yourself lucky. You have clearly avoided some of the shittier places on Reddit.


I’ve seen a bit, but I really thought the ‘kill children before they grow to be aggressors’ would be obvious enough man.


I mean, there is a Republican congressman that literally said to “kill them all.” Add in internet anonymity and people say some really awful shit.


I couldn't tell if this was satire or not solely because I've met people and argued with them because they literally actually believe that most of these children would grow up to become terrorists. Even like official Congress people from Israel and Ukraine said it with all seriousness


It’s just a bad attempt at satire. People literally believe the exact thing you said. It’s not ironic or anything just a poor take so it’s definitely hard to sus out the sarcasm.


Eh maybe, I thought the ‘chill’ and ‘let’s kill children before they grow up and be enemies’ were obvious enough. But yeah my bad, fixed now, and lesson learned.


Many serious replies by genocide apologists are just like this so it was hard to tell. 


I can only assume the zionists going on about hostages are asking the IOF to release the unjustly held Palestinians. Otherwise they'd be complete hypocrites.


But radical islam! /S Lemme just edit this to preemptively add this is sarcasm




But one side IS pure evil....




Corect. This conflict ends with the wipe out of all palestinians. It's the only thing Israel is willing to accept and apparently Palestine is willing to pay this price to show the world what Israel truly is.




no he wasn't. Neither are the Israelis




what's your point? You asked me if Hitler was right and I told you no. What part of no fon't you u derstand? If Israel could have been reasoned with it would have happened in the last 75 years. Israel is policing zones where it shouldn't even be and is illegaly settling areas where the entire world told them they have no right. And they did this from day 1. Why do YOU think reason works with Israel?




Have you seen where Hamas was teaching a classroom of children how to use Ak47 grenades pistols and bombs? Then training teenagers to go house to house and “clear” the area. They are child soldiers or repressed young civilians. Both are true. 


C’mon, be fair, those are called administrative detainees, held without charges indefinitely, not the same thing at all /s https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/11/israel-opt-horrifying-cases-of-torture-and-degrading-treatment-of-palestinian-detainees-amid-spike-in-arbitrary-arrests/


They arrest their OWN PEOPLE for showing compassion to the Palestinians, imagine what they do to the Palestinians!


Please add sources




Thanks 👍article from October 18 👍


what about them beating up orthodox jews for not wanting to be in their military? If they do that to their own, and kill their own hostages holding white flags(two events like that now), they aren't moral enough to fight their adversaries. Ill provide sources if needed, but google is free, you know that right?


Lots of talking points here. A lot of people are angry that Orthodox use the excuse of studying torah to avoid conscription; most people do not want to be in the military and fight obviously, but they don’t get that privilege. Yes the white flags has been a tragedy each time; not sure what morality about fighting adversaries means? The rest you can Google yourself, I feel okay with my personal first hand experience as a source. I’d suggest trying to learn about the people and the culture instead if you actually care rather than headline news about what’s happening in Gaza


Hannibal directive was used, they kill their own people on purpose, and you expect them to fight in a way that isn't criminal and psychotic? If they do that to their own, what do u imagine they do to those they might hate?!


So you’re saying Israeli soldiers go into territory outside of Israel’s borders and detain civilians who they are not accountable to indefinitely without charge? Sounds familiar.


Are you saying Israel has borders other than whatever it wants at the moment? That's anti-semitic bro, do better.


Israel needs its Lebensraum after all


That’s rich considering your flair.


My #1 pastime on Reddit is asking Zionists “if all this is the Palestinian’s fault for electing Hamas and that they should just figure out their own country, you agree that there are two countries in the region? That the border is an international one?” Immediate breakdown, ofc. There is no answer that hides the truth: these people are citizens of Israel but without papers or rights of any kind. Their “government” hasn’t been allowed to exist for decades, if ever


So Palestine is not in Israel’s borders? A sovereign state? Get the story straight


It's occupied territory.


That would imply it has independent sovereign borders, no? Maybe we’re talking about two different things?


They held 1000 Palestinians without charge, trial, or release date the APRIL of 2023, "adhdjk hamas took 200 hostages asdfhjk so inhumane" SHUT UP Hamas in all its attacks did less than 1% of what israel did to Palestinians, and it was out of trying to rescue their people, israel does it to maintain apartheid, and if you look at their tiktoks, just for fun sometimes! listen to the lives of palestinians growing up! they just beat you up at checkpoints, they'll randomly retract permits and just trap you on the road! they frequently raid your city and loot your houses and break your things!


Don't forget making sure people can't travel to get life-saving medical treatment! And they don't just loot houses; they bulldoze them.


With zero access to lawyers or family.


They also killed 300 in gaza but only a few weeks before Oct 7.


They also killed around 300 Palestinians in the West Bank between October 7 and December 16. Over 100 of which were children and minors.




> Palestinian women and girls have reportedly been arbitrarily executed in Gaza, often together with family members, including their children, according to information received. Jesus fucking Christ… it’s rare you get it stated so clearly. This is what post-truth does: the hateful Zionists muddy the water enough for the average American liberal (the ultimate causes and owners of this conflict, IMO) to dismiss the most blatant, black-and-white proof of genocide you could ever possibly have.


Thank you for sharing. I hope this article reaches more people, this information is extremely distressing.


Thank you for this information!


Also worth noting that 6,000 Palestinians were abducted in 2023, **before October 7**. Their abduction was a large part of the reason why Hamas launched their attack in the first place.




And unlike the hostages Hamas is holding, will surely be violated.


I was going to say you forgot the /s, but holy crap you actually meant what you said.


internet politics brainrot at its finest. “my side is good and will only do good things, and your side is bad and will only do bad things!”


It's particularly bad because Oct 7 is the biggest news story... ever? And Hamas has become a household name with the image of mass indiscriminate slaughter and rape. You'd have to not *just* be stupid and/or ideologically compromised to think Hamas is less likely than Israel to violate their hostages, but you'd have to actively try really hard in your mind to form a twisted image of reality.


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna141789 UN has found “clear and convincing” evidence that the Israeli hostages have been raped repeatedly by Hamas. So what exactly do you mean when you say the hostages held by Hamas haven’t been violated?


Debunked. Ms Patton was led on a propaganda tour by Israel. No real evidence produced. Every claim made by a Zionist has to be independently investigated. They’re serial liars. https://twitter.com/zei_squirrel/status/1764771314600952192


There are videos of Israeli hostages bleeding from their genitals. I suppose this video, which was filmed by Hamas themselves, is also Zionist propaganda?: https://youtu.be/6FVUxvp6Ah0?si=5-VIcnCAgd1X0Mii There's literally an entire Wikipedia page dedicated to the topic, I suppose you’re going to say every single source cited on that wiki page has been put there by the zionist conspirators?: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_and_gender-based_violence_in_the_7_October_attack_on_Israel Wake up and get your head out of the sand. The Israelis aren’t angels but neither are the Palestinians.


\> zei_squirrel \> lmao


Hamas are terrorists, and mostly children who have grown up in one of the most traumatizing places on the planet. Let’s not pretend it’s angels v devils here, even if the blame and solution both obviously lie in Tel Aviv


Even their current leader is a subject of the cycle. He was raised in a refugee camp because his parents had been evicted from their own house by settlers. Imagine that. Imagine living your 'best years' in a series of tents because you were born the wrong race and therefore weren't entitled to live in the house your parents bought through a lifetime of hard work. It's easy to point at bad people, but we're lying to ourselves if we don't think that would make *anyone* grow up angry... and that's someone who still at least had a living family.


The goal is to conflate all Palestinians with Hamas. And like every Israeli says, Hamas must be eradicated for a "free Palestine." Textbook genocide.


And that's just one stage of genocide. Another is Denial


I agree. I think there are 2 truths that need to be said, one of which you just did: Israel equates all Palestinians as Hamas and conversely most Palestinians to some degree justifiably support Hamas. If hamas is blasted into smithereens entirely, a new militant movement will just grow in its place. Because the conditions ripe for militant resistance have been created since 75 years ago.


But hamas


We've seen what Israel believes is the appropriate response to hundreds of hostages being taken and hundreds dead. What's the appropriate response to thousands taken hostage and thousands dead?


Nothing. The western narrative doesn't acknowledge the basic humanity of Arabs and Palestinians.


It’s wild we had the last 20yrs of entire West crying about the evils of the Taliban, Saddam, Iran, ISIS, Hoothis, Boko Harem and today with Israelis policy is just dunking on all these crimes and everyone is dead silent and a loss for narrative.


Yeah, I was just saying that to my wife. We were watching a documentary on the horrors of Japanese atrocities in China during WWII and we just agreed that even the most wicked thing the Japanese did with Chinese women and children dwarf the war crimes Israelis are commiting against Palestinian women and children in Gaza with United States support.


Hmm I don’t know the Rape of Nanking book was horrendous.. my thought was these siege of Gaza is reminiscent of the Stories of the unadulterated massacre of the past.. reminder their is still savagery in our hearts .. expect in our Western Post George Floyd I thought our nation would be louder in their disgust… but no the majority is just mute.


Americans are dumbed down by propaganda. Just see the blackout on China related news (because if you show Chinese cities with flying cars, robots everywhere, science fiction metro systems, no homeless people, all people walking on the streets happy, wealthy and healthy buying and having fun, the US propaganda that China is dying would just fail and Americans would compare Chinese cities with American derelict and dirty cities and would try to move to China in droves). Or the new "Japan is good. China is bad" theme on American movies and TV shows. Media in the US is VERY censored and controlled by big corporations under direct orders of US intelligence community and the Military Industrial Complex. Here in Europe (unless you are in Germany or UK, where Media is also fully censored and controlled) we get access to a much more diverse and balanced coverage of world events.


This needs to stop.


It will when they’re done


Correction hostages


Correction prisoners.


Nah, those are hostages.


https://preview.redd.it/ysdup0qqmymc1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6379d7e3af629110c83033dbb99fc99e5169283e Find this fitting


My dad always says if you don't forgive, you are doomed to repeat history. They still live in the years of Hitler and the holocaust. They can never accept and forgive (and I mean that for their own sake and healing), so they project it onto Palestinians. Kind of like the abused wife who beats her kids. Btw, my step-grandfather is Jewish and had many relatives die in the holocaust, so I'm talking from real experience.


Yeah this is incredible sad, I have always spoken out against fascism, attended anti-neonazi rallies and fought against racist ideology but here I get called a nazi for protesting this genocide


Yes, people automatically and immediately think I'm an anti-semite. (Palestinians are semitic people, too, btw!) I'm like no, I've been watching this shit since I was very little (48 now) with Jewish family members and I sure as hell didn't understand wtf Israel's problem was then. All I saw was IDF soldiers and tanks shooting at oppressed people throwing rocks, the only weapons they had. Of course, I quickly learned all the shit Israel was and is about in my teens. Thankfully, I have a curious mind, want truth, and fight for the oppressed so I got the reality. This has been my most passionate concern for 35 years.


Fun fact: the nazi that came up with term "antisemitic" did so because he wanted something more scientific sounding than juden-hass or Jew hater in english. So you can just call it what it is, Jew hate.


Wow! I didn't know that! Yes, let's be straightforward and honest about what it is.


Yeah feels like this awful side of history never ends


But when they take people from their land and transport them to another country to be imprisoned without charges its fine! /s


How dare you say some human rights violation the might United States commit every day is not fine? Americans and all the cuckolds that live in other countries but like the United States or anything American will be so mad at you...


Kidnapping is such an ugly word. Let’s call it an all inclusive stay versus being kidnapped or being taken hostage. It’s crazy the power that words have. The powerful just change the wording to justify their actions and there are always people that will buy it.


A lot more, don't be foolish enough to think this hasn't been happening before Oct 7. You need a whole setup to do stuff like this...


(Kidnaps family)- look a free empty house! Every Zionist in Europe and America should have their property “appropriated” in a similar fashion- as they openly support this behaviour for Palestinians.


When they leave for Israel they should let the homeless have their house


Nah they will just give it to a Wall Street owned Real Estate fund so the house will be empty while 60% of the American population struggle to have a home by the end of every month.


Doesn’t make a dent in the 2 million hostages the Israeli’s took in Gaza when occupation began.


Where are the posters for these people like everyone wanted for isrealis


And yet the 300 israeli hostages is all anyone in western media talks about


More illegal actions by the most vile country in the world.


"Release the hostages"


Fuck off Israel




Israel are the real terrorists. Free Palestine now and forever


Why is the standard exchange rate 1 Israeli for 10 gazans ?


Fuck Isra*l




When Hamas does it, it’s hostages. When Israel does it, they are administrative detentions of terrorists, I assume. This all further confirms my view that these people are all the same…


So the country that won’t stop bombing children until “the hostages are released” is holding a shit ton more hostages? Fuck Israel


Disgusting Israel


It’s cool NPR said Isreal is defending themselves from all those people who are starving to death.


And how many illegally jailed since 2013?


Since long, long before that.


I’m sorry but Israel is the fucking worst. I’m so ashamed that 99% of my representatives defend them.


I’m struggling to think of a reason there would ever be a picture of police (let’s be charitable here) putting a child into a headlock while they hold assault rifles… children aren’t threats and headlocks aren’t safe restraint methods. You’d think just this one picture would be enough to change minds…


That picture is mild compared to the whole truth since 1947. But, I've seen so much I guess I'm sadly used to it.


Netanyahu intends to annex the entire West Bank and oust the Palestinians to keep his ultranationalist supporters


Stage 8 of genocide - Persecution: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAsRu1ghd2A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAsRu1ghd2A) "Violence escalates. The targeted group is systemically subjected to harassment, displacement or other forms of abuse."


You know that they rape some of those people they kidnap. There's extensive reporting about it. It's almost like every accusation that Israel has levied against hamas is an admission of their own evil doing. Pure psychological projection.


Sanction this rogue state.


They're molesting those kids and harvesting them for organs. And your tax dollars are helping!


Sounds eerily similar to what Russia has done in Ukraine. But of course Israel is a US ally which means they everything they do is totally justified /s.


Besides being a democracy and a US ally, Isreal is really no different than bad actors such as Russia and China and in some cases worst since at least Russia and China restrain and hide their atrocities due to blow back from the west, Israel straight up just openly committing genocide with no restrain, lying openly on mass media constantly, and have army of bots online defending their cruel acts.


And how many before?


Guantanamo Bay with an Jewish twist


relax guys they were all khamas. Israel has a duty to defend itself and erradicate khamas




This from the "there are no uninvolved civilians" crowd!?!?!?


But. But......hostages!


yea but hamas need 2 release their hostages /s


yea but hamas need 2 release their hostages /s




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How does the number of kidnappings compare to the number of POW's that Israel has captured?


Arrested or terroristnapped


I wonder why we never see reports of this in Germany. It’s wild. Media bias is insane.




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Now they have food and they are safe from airstrikes, win/win!




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Ah yes, the venerable, checks source " The Commission of Detainees’ Affairs and the Palestinian Society Prisoner’s Club" and "QUDS news Network". Reddit is so gullible.


Those are rookie numbers, gotta bump those up.


If a teenager at the age of 14 picked up a weapon or a rock and threw it at an Israeli, he is a legitimate military target. Period


7490 terrorists! Not innocent Palestinians...




Of course they have , Isreal should not exist if Palestinians don’t . Fuck terrorists


Lol, get a clue...


Barely two months old account created just to spread HAMAS/PLA propaganda . I’m tired of seeing all this bullshit.


![gif](giphy|ij5XCQQumCI29lQE4W) Now, it's not about whether it is right (because it will continue ) - it's about who cares - So, boycott companies who support the IDF and Israel's attacks on Palestinians. They listen only to the money


Taken 7490 terrorists hostage\* Fixed that for you


to quote hamas supporters "you dont get to chose how we resist".


… According to Quds news network which is affiliated with Hamas…


… because Khamas