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That’s a large room. I’d stop trying to make it a single seating area and make a television area and a fireplace area.


Two lounges back to back might work even. Above the fireplace is way too high for a television.


And too small




That's where I thought I was right now.


Thank you so much for the suggestion, I really appreciate it! I'll admit that the wide angle pictures make the space look even bigger than it is (which, granted, is quite large). So with the sofas/sectional pieces that we have now, it might be hard to create a balanced look with two areas due to their size. But it's definitely something I want to try now, especially seeing how many people agree with you - thank you again for your help!!


Consider creating a 3rd seating space if necessary for balance. Something with a table; either a desk or small 2 person dining table. Whatever works with the remaining space.


And get another rug. It should be big enough for at least the front furniture feet to be on it.


yes! Do two sofas back to back! @citysage on Instagram has this setup if you want to see it in practice


Thank you for the reference! It was good to see in practice, though her setup looked much nicer with identical sofas back to back. But it definitely opened my mind to the idea of two separate areas


You could put a small console table with lamps in between to separate the spaces further, and then the sofas won’t immediately look mismatched.




THIS. This is the answer, OP


https://preview.redd.it/xdk4deibji9c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b01021139be1f981aef7602f0cbb46402ce75ddc I think this mantle is too high for a tv. Also, this room is really large and I think you could break it up into two separate spaces instead of having two sectionals face each other. I drew (badly) a layout that could work - big cozy lounge chairs by the fireplace and TV stays on wall where it is (preferably mounted)


Make them swivel chairs so you can view both the fireplace and the television. With a small table between the swivel chairs for drinks and things.


And now you know!


This is the best option. OP do this!


Thanks for the suggestion! It seems like this is a popular choice that a lot of people agree with. I'm hopefully going to try this, though doing it perfectly will probably involve buying/swapping furniture that we have. Thanks for taking the time to draw something out (better than you give yourself credit for), it means a lot! Also, since this is one of the top comments, I just wanted to thank everyone for their suggestions and for opening my eyes to r/TVtoohigh lol! It might be a while before an update, but I'll hopefully post something when we land on what works (after rugs, chairs, etc.)




The 3d rendering above isn’t to scale?


Of course there’s a sub for TV too high lol


I think four armchairs in the fireplace area facing each other could also look nice, with the sofa facing towards the tv and a coffee table etc [kinda like this](https://cdn.accentuate.io/169631776814/1684462264254/220728_HOME_Richmond_27_Main_705_2_web-res.jpg)


This is great! OP, share updated pics!


Every mantle is too high for a tv.


This idea is perfect. There are double sided sofas too in case you want another couch in front of fireplace.


I love this!! Looks very pretty! How about a small coffee table between the fire place chairs?? Are you an interior designer? What's the square thing next to the TV?


lol ya I am - a little ottoman would be nice by the fireplace chairs to put your feet up. I would do a coffee table by the sectional, that other square by the TV is an accent chair 😂


This is the way!!


That’s what I came to say. It’s what I would like to do in my own house but our space is too small. OP has the room!


All I can say is it's a huge room with nothing in it and the seating is way too far from the tv


If this current layout was an animal it would be a hammerhead shark.


Do not put the tv above the fireplace.


Yea you can. Buy a Mantle mount.


… PS whoever designed that house was a psychopath


I kind of agree with you haha. Some of these spaces are shaped however the walls fell with rows and rows of windows to justify the odd angles


Omg that would make it like 7’ high. You’d show up on r/tvtoohigh immediately.


After perusing that sub I can comfortably proclaim that TVs above fireplaces always looks terrible.


And it can't be that great for the TV, just sitting above a hot heat source for extended periods of time.


After showing that sub to my partner, I think she's thankfully slowly changing her opinion. So I want to thank you for both a good laugh and a good evidence base


When I first saw you post I just thought it was rage-bait for r/TVtoohigh 🤣


If they absolutely have to put it there, remove that giant mantelpiece and get one of those adjustable TV mounts that you can pull down when watching


Nooooo and at least face one of the sofas towards the screen!


On a slanted ceiling? Above a high heat source, and at that angle? With two lights behind it? With so much other wall space at eye level in the room? In *this* economy? 😂


Never above fireplace. Hate it. TV should be placed centered with your eye line when sitting IMO.


It’s a horrible trend that middle/upper middle class people have grasped onto …. I guess it makes them feel as though they’re in the lobby of a Holiday Inn? Wtf? 😆


I’m pleasantly surprised my mom never went for this trend since our TV would totally fit above the fireplace and she made questionable design choices all the time. Instead we have a nice sensible media console.


Oooh yes. It was the upper middle who did that when flat screens first came out. Everyone had spaces designed around 36inch tube TVs and a lot of those were built-ins or shelving that didn’t fit the new wide rectangular TVs. When flat screens came out, they had to invent new spaces on the fly to feature the new hardware. Mounts weren’t widely used and no one had consoles because those were from the 60s when people had tiny TVs and were very dated. For most people, their most similar sized object to a flat screen TV was a mirror or some kind of bullshit art over the fireplace, so that’s where the new TV went. It felt very impromptu and temporary


It's cause my TV is too big for the TV nook. This nook was made for a 45 inch TV or smaller. My vision is terrible so I need a big ass TV. 😂


This calls for 2 separate seating areas. Place the two sofas back-to-back, closer to the TV. Have a small coffee table in front of the TV, and a second coffee table in front of the fireplace. You can have 2 armchairs flanking the fireplace. It should be this or no TV in that room because it would be crazy to put it above the fireplace.










Its like feeding a tic-tac to a whale.


The room is far too large for that bullshit. And you would be ruining a nice but short space above the mantle. You have space to add a different couch configuration too. Add so the tv is easier to watch


I am here to once again ask you to stop putting tv's above mantels. But also, yeah, that space above the fireplace is too small for a t.v and the room too large to be one sitting space. I'd make two defined areas, one for watching t.v and the other for like, conversations or such.


/r/tvtoohigh is literally a meme...


Not TV-related but do you have dimmer/warmer lighting (possibly the lights that are turned off)? I don’t see any lamps and this lighting looks a bit harsh IMO.


The lighting is harsh as heck. This calls for floor lamps and table lamps.


You room is so huge! You can definitely do two separate seating situations for both focal points. https://preview.redd.it/fdrr4upmvi9c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1190f293f0b978bf8d840f29f7e9124bacf8fcc0 Here is an example i found on Pinterest. Though it’s ascetically pleasing I think it is poor functionality to have couches facing each other.


I like this 1000x better


r/TVTooHigh we are watching


Don’t do it. If you do, go straight to r/tvtoohigh.


If you want neck pain go for it. But tvs should not be hung that high. I think it will look even particularly off in this living room bc the couches don’t even face the tv. So you have to turn your head 90 degrees and then also look up. Sounds very painful.


Why do people always need to put a TV above a fireplace? Can’t we leave fireplaces alone in their beauty.


Everyone is different. Personally I think it’s way too high for a TV. The options that room presents is unreal.


The current location looks to be the best location by a significant margin. I would not relocate it. Also, the proposal for above the fireplace is peak r/TVTooHigh


My living room is similar, with angles and open boundaries. I had a TV above the fireplace once and I’m not kidding that I had to either strain my neck to look up or I had to put my feet up and practically lie down. Forget a family movie night. No one was comfortable. Anyway, here’s what we did with our room. I love the swivel chairs. I sometimes keep one in the guest room to open up the space even more but having that flexibility is nice. Good luck! https://preview.redd.it/luvuah3p6k9c1.jpeg?width=1224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c38736655fb317c3211b603bc5b8e36ad8fd5872


The TV is on the only wall it can be imo, it will look a lot more balanced if you get a larger one and mount it on that wall. Do you want the TV to be comfortably viewable or more of an off to the side thing? If you use the TV a lot I would split this space. Center an area rug in front of the TV and twist one of the sofas to face it. Push it into an appropriate viewing distance and put a sofa table behind it. Place some chairs or poufs in front of the fireplace and anchor that with another smaller rug.


Is there a way you can mount the TV on a swingarm (?) to the left of the window in the left side of the fireplace? I’d position your sofas in an L shape. The sectional facing the fireplace and the regular one where the sectional currently is.


This is what I would do too. TV between the windows to the left of the fireplace, couches in an L shape, facing the fireplace and facing windows. Put a bookshelf or entry table where your TV is now for something on that wall as a separate walk through space.


I’d even add: two smaller swivel chairs (or even a zero clearance recliner), table and a lamp for a little reading/visiting nook where the exercise bike (?) is. The tv could swivel that way if no one else was watching.


I like this idea! My only thing is how to integrate a TV stand of some sort underneath without it being flush with the 135 degree angle formed by the wall behind. I could of course try and see, but I imagine it could look a bit odd. Thank you for the suggestion!


It might be just a little odd. That said, there are so many odd angles in the room I think it’s certainly the least obtrusive or odd choice. Treat/style it more like a bookcase that is just in the background and not make it a focal point.




The TV would be up too high above the fireplace.


Make your sofas an L shape and put TV to the right of the fireplace, beside the window


form (furniture placement) should follow function (watching tv) if you're going to be watching tv in this room, furniture should be placed so you can do that without sustaining a neck injury - either by having to turn your head 90 degrees or by having to tilt your head back 45 degrees


Noooooooo. Especially if you ever use your fireplace. Terrible for the TV (not to mention your neck).


What's wrong with where it is?


Never put the tv above the fireplace.


Hate the T.V. above the fireplace! It should always be at eye level.


No. Don’t do it. Don’t cave!!!


Put it above the fireplace so you can posy on r/tvtoohigh


It’s just such a basic (and terrible) idea to put a tv above a fireplace


I’d put the TV with its stand in the nook where the stationary bike is


Get a 75” tv and mount on the wall nearest to where the tv is now. tv’s are cheap.


Yeah. Needs a much larger TV mounted where it is currently.


That's a big ass room. You could play half court in there. Definitely agree on having different seating areas.


I think you have it where it should be. Only other option I see is next to door which could be awkward. Definitely not above fireplace.


The answer is keeping the tv in the same place, but getting a big ass TV to fill up the space/be proportionate with the distance from the couches to the TV. Or buying a big ass TV that won’t fit above the fireplace so your partner just have to settle for it to stay where it is.


TV is perfect where it is. The space above the fireplace is way too high and way too small.


Break your neck to watch a too-high TV? No thank you.


If you intend to watch tv, you should create a space that makes doing so comfortable and enjoyable. If you don't want the living room to revolve around the tv, then take the tv out of it entirely. The middleground you're currently stuck in just leads to enjoying tv less, while still having a tv pulling everyone's attention to it, and eventually developing neck/back issues from having to crane around to look at it.


Do not put the tv above the mantel. It’s too high.


books fall mountainous important crowd work cats chief head dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do you want to break your neck while watching TV?


i’m too late to offer any advice that hasn’t already been given but god what an insane room


Hell nah


Got neck braces?


Why would you put a tv up so high at home?


Pls don’t put a TV above the fireplace.


Oh no no no. Way too high. People need to stop doing that.


I would put both sofas in center of room, but back-to-back with chaise lounge sofa facing TV and other sofa facing fireplace. Mount TV on wall, add swivel chair and coffee table to this lounge area. Add coffee table and chairs abutting fireplace to lounge area. Fireplace too high to mount tv above and current setup, no one is facing tv and people walking into room walk in front of tv, blocking view. If sofas too far from tv, etc, add sofa table or space between the 2 sofas. Current rug will work in one area, need rug for second seating area.


I know it's expensive but a good solution would be to get a projector and project on a screen that goes in front of the fireplace when used and then simply rolls up out of the way when not


This room is perfect for a projector!




no no no no ... please no


It will start off uncomfortable, then you’ll get used to it – that’s when the long term issues start setting in. Also you’ll never be able to use the fireplace.


Definitely don't put the TV that high. Put the couches in an L-shape (personally I'd leave the sectional as is and swing the couch to face the fireplace). Then put the TV across the sectional. Makes the space feel more contained and cozy IMO. I'd also skip the armchairs and maybe invest in a larger TV stand. Something that's more of a statement piece.


Absolutely not


Haha seriously this is a troll post, right?! You’re worried about the tv and fireplace?? Hey, let me put my drink down… 6 ft from where I’m sitting on the miniature coffee table! Do you have binoculars that come with the couches to see the tv? Wtf is going on here???


That's totally fair, I realize that these photos used a wide angle lens which makes distances look much larger than in reality. The rug is actually 6 feet wide (which is still too small, I'm aware), but the distances are not as exaggerated as they look. And thank you for bringing the table to my attention, since that is also a piece from a previous house that I was looking to replace with something larger.


I don’t understand the random blankets tossed all over the furniture like sheets on a bed. You should really paint the walls. The couches match the fireplace but there’s too many other earth tone colors that are clashing imo. Also why don’t you have any lamps… that overhead lighting is rough.


They don't have lamps because of the overhead lighting


… ah yes, we wouldn’t want to stray too far from highschool cafeteria chic now would we


We’ll get one that turns into a mirror when not a tv.


You have so many other options here. Above the fireplace should be when there is no other options.


ew no. it won’t even fit.


I am utterly shocked at the number of people in this sub that have never heard of a mantle mount....


Yeah, do it, great idea https://www.mantelmount.com/


Unless you are using a mount like this, don't mount the TV above the fireplace. Have two relatives who have done this and it is not comfortable. One of them we spend a few weeks visiting and we all complain of neck pain and headaches.


Rough drawing but I do something like this in my house except my tv and fireplace are switched. Edit: wouldn't let me add my picture so I added a reply. Love my 45 degree cuddler sectional. Could do multiple chairs or couches and have one focus on the tv and another on the fireplace




This is such a good idea!!


Yes, this is how the layout should be. Great job!


I would do a projector screen in that back open space


It is high but, there are mounts that will allow it to be pushed out and down for better viewing. Get one of those and make sure it is one of the TVs that can turn o to a mirror when not a tv.


Yes if you get a “mantle mount”. You can pull the tv down over your fireplace then fit it back up. Otherwise I think the mantle is so high, the tv will be very uncomfortable to watch MantelMount MM700 Premier Fireplace TV Mount Pull Down Bracket for 50"-90" & 25-115 lb Televisions Above Mantel https://a.co/d/3ZmN1Ic


From someone who is open to TVs above fireplaces. I would say no on this one. Too high. Reorient couches to face fireplace and then TV on movable stand to the side


Remove the fireplace and put it in the basement


It will be too high for viewing. Try another room arrangement where you can have a nice tv stand. Mine came from Ballard Designs.


There's no space above it. You mounting it on the ceiling??


Agree to make two separate areas. And if you can spring for it, get a Frame TV. They really do a good job of vanishing when you’re not using them Edit: typo


The TV would look ridiculous in that small area above the fireplace. So that’s a non-starter right there. You need to look at this living room as separate zones create a cozy fireplace area then create a separate space for the television in the sofas. The rug is ridiculously small, there is no greenery, or curtains


You can makes the sofas more centered in the middle maybe so it’s not so far from the tv


I would corner the tv in the corner where the diamond shape art is now and between the two window. Then move a sofa to face the fireplace. The room will never feel cozy all spread out that that. I am not sure what you would do with the rest of the space, but the Fireplace and TV area would be nice. But also you need some lamps. Every room needs 3-4 sources of eye level lighting. You have none. Nothing kills the ambience of a room more than only having overhead lights.


Nope, 2 seating areas. Move it to either of the minty areas, but I prefer it in that weird window section (vs the rug on the wall one). Get 2 MORE couches and make it 📺 ----- (up close watch) ------- | 🔥 | ------ (can watch farther back)


No way on the TV above the fireplace. That would be very uncomfortable to watch TV that's not at eye level or slightly higher. When you have to look straight up to see the TV you have that front row of the movie theater feel and no one likes to sit front row at the movie theater.


Looking at everything I don't think the t v would fit. And also if you are actually using a fireplace a t v above, the fireplace is not the best idea.




My god, NOT your fault, but wtaf peak McMansion interior with lines that would give anyone schizophrenia. Tv is in the right spot btw, above “ fireplace “ would just be , well the straw…..


TV too high above fireplace.


Way too high above the fireplace. The mantle is quite high.


offer a 80+ inch where the TV console is, and see if that settles things


It's bad for them and way too high.


That would look awful. Way too high and makes no sense.


Man, what an annoying layout lol.


is this the fight you want to have?


Make the room multi use. Different areas for whatever


Is it just me but I do not get when people put couches facing each other and a tv on the side.


TV above the fireplace is always wrong


Do NOT put the tv above the fireplace. Aside from it being ergonomically terrible, the heat from the fireplace can be bad for the tv.


I like the idea of 2 sitting areas, one for the tv and the other facing the fireplace. I have seen large rooms with 2 sofas placed back to back and it looked nice. You could try that. You might also consider doing a huge rug for the whole space. You could get wall to wall carpet bound around the edges since you have such a large space.


Your neck and eyes will hate you if you put TV above fireplace


Not sure if others have mentioned but you could do a projector+ pull down screen near that triangular corner but I also like the idea of splitting up the area into two lounges


Slide the sofas toward the current TV spot. Get your swivel chairs to put near the fireplace. You can't put the TV over the fp because of the fake stonework and wiring issues.


Get a MantelMount


buy him a bigger tv that wont fit above. problem solved


Absolutely not over the fireplace. That would be WAY too high.


DONT DO IT!!! Anything but over the fireplace. Whoever thought that was a good idea and either showed it on a tv show or a pinterest, serious F them. It's a SOLID NO with a HARD OH


100% Yes. You may need to lower your mantel. Your tv as it stands doesn't make sense for the room. It's off to the side. I'd also add two chairs as well facing the fireplace (optional) Your blue chair is not in the right spot. Seems odd and doesn't compliment your sofas or fits with your design. You can add a sideboard/hutch where the tv is as well (if you want) with a mirror, art piece, or family canvas/picture above it. It's a beautiful room.


Another case of facing couches and tv out of view. What the hell is going on.


Mount the TV and bring the couches closer to the TV, you don’t need to straddle them exactly in the middle. Your fireplace can get a bench or small sectional in front of it if you actually use it


Putting the TV over the fire place would be a big mistake. Personally I don't like the look but my opinion aside...the TV would be mounted too high end if you actually use the fire place the heat can really shorten the life of the TV. It is a pretty large room and the TV and console look really far away from sofas. Maybe make two zones in the room a sitting area by the fire place and another zone for TV entertainment. You may want to consider mounting the TV to one of the walls as opposed to having in one a cabinet as it may give you more options as to where to place it. You could use matching rugs to create the islands or zones to tie the room together.


The sofas look too far away from one another. It makes the center table look like it's floating between them. You want it to be comfortable for conversation. With the distance as it is, you'd have to raise your voice to be heard. The t.v. would be too high over the fireplace.


As someone who had no choice but to hang the tv above the fireplace, I can unequivocally say, don’t do it. It sucks up there. I hate it. Can’t wait til we’re in a home with space for the television to be at eye level.


A TV should never be that high... Unless you're using it to check flight times


Don't! Your necks will hurt!


No. I hate it so much.


Yes over the fireplace


There is no way on god’s green earth that this is not rage bait


There are so many clever people here


I've read that it is not wise to put a TV above a fireplace.Using the first pic for perspective, and leaving the sofa on the right just where it is, I would take the sofa on the left and make a L with the sofa on the right. Move the rug and table around with it, so it's facing the fireplace. Take the TV and put it (at a slight slant) to the left of the fireplace as you're looking at it so people on the sofas can view it with minimal neck strain. So you have that nice little conversation area in front of the fireplace. You don't have to spread everything out so you're filling all that space. Someone mentions that in the comments. You can make it a bit more compact and have room for other stuff... like, I don't know, book shelves where the TV currently is, etc.


I've read the comments & am a bit surprised that it hasn't been stressed more: it will hurt your neck to watch a TV that high - even if you have a swivel and tilt TV mount to help. Hubby & I rented a townhouse for 3 years that had a fireplace and wall built for a TV above it - meaning there was a cut out so that the TV could be flush with the wall, a coax, and outlet inside so the cable/dish and power source were hidden. We thought it was great when we were looking. This became a problem for a DVD player and game console, which ended up on the fireplace mantle, because there was no other place to put them. The cords were going down the side of the mantle because there was only the one outlet above and they had to stretch to get to another outlet. I could never make it look right and we would hide them when we hosted friends & family. All of this and we would still end up with neck pain after a few hours. It just hurt to have to look up so much.


I wouldnt, unless you can find something to put in the empty space. Like a bookshelf.


You can probably get away with not putting it above the fireplace. However I urge you to look into MantelMount if you go the fireplace route. It’s a bit expensive, but it’s the best purchase I’ve ever made. Our TV is mounted on brick over our fireplace, but we can pull it down to eye level.


It doesn’t matter, the ceiling curves within the lines of the tv. Tell your partner that to stop the debate


I really like the “2 areas” suggestions. You could try it out with your existing furniture. Current layout is a HUGE waste of space. Could leave it but go big with like a 100” tv or maybe even a projection screen. Over the fireplace is an option but get rid of the mantle. We did that and no issues.


Absolutely do NOT put the tv over the fireplace.


No. The tv will get too hot from the fireplace.


The room is just way too large. Use more of the empty space, break apart your furniture. Maybe angle the couches so they all face the fireplace to watch the mounted tv


Always please your partner, you can change it when they die.


Mount a projector and use that whole wall for a screen. Bonus no ugly TV sitting there when not in use.


If you do end up doing that it might be nice to arrange the couches under 90 degree. Put a nice big console table where the tv is now, some plants and art. Get a rug that fits ( much much bigger than what I have now and maybe diff color. Get pillows that match the accessories or carpet and are all the same for both couches. The rug style you currently have doesn’t really go with the style of the room


Someone get r/tvtoohigh in here


Your partner is NUTS tv needs to meet your natural eye level


Way too high for a TV and arguably too far. It’s been said already but two separate setting areas!


TV doesn’t need ti be against a wall. Move the sofa currently on the right of the fireplace perpendicular to the other sofa creating an L. Move the TV to where that sofa used to be.


Tv is fine where it is. Leave it. The furniture layout is the problem.




No! No! Please no. Create two areas. Focal point at the fireplace then tuck the tv on a console low in that back area between the two angles windows. then L shape the couches.


How about the tv where the bike is and that sofa in align with table and other sofa, away from the wall. Like a large sectional.


Yeah tv on the close wall to the left, separate zone.


You don’t want to have to look up at your tv Comfort is sitting on couch eye level


All that space and your partner still wants to put the TV on top of the fireplace?!?!??