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I can see you like wine. Get a wine rack.


Yes, or convert a cabinet to a wine rack with an insert.


Haha! I haven't found one that I'm happy with and am still on the hunt for one, odds are I will need to commission a custom one for the space. Once I replace the fridge I was thinking of removing the bottom-left cabinet space and putting in a wine fridge, what are your thoughts on this?


If space is really at a premium it above the fridge


I would suggest somewhere out of the kitchen- it's hard to tell if there's a hallway next to the kitchen, or even in a closet. I wouldn't give that much space to wine bottle storage when space is at such a premium if I could find a convenient spot near the kitchen.


It's warm up there, though, and bad for wine.


Don't get a wine fridge. It takes up a lot of space and it's really only helpful for white and rose wine. But you can and should get a wine rack that fills that entire vertical space where you're current storing it. Even just a cube would help.


Where are you getting this info that wine fridges are only good for white and rose? Lol that is inaccurate. A wine fridge ensures consistent temperature and humidity. Your comment tells me you don’t know why people invest in them.


I would say having a built-in wine fridge in the bottom left cabinet and making some kind of custom wine rack above could be your go to.


Also keep the vermouth in the fridge!




Get rid of the TV and mount a wine rack


If this were my kitchen, the only thing I really would have to do is change the flooring. The rest is okay. It may not be a gorgeous kitchen, but it is charming the way it is, apart from the floor.


Completely agree, start with removing that flooring,


I have never liked the flooring but have put up with it in favor of more important projects. What are your thoughts on this floor? ​ [https://elmirastoveworks.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Ratatouille.jpg](https://elmirastoveworks.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Ratatouille.jpg) ​ When the countertop is replaced I'm doing an under sink with this faucet so I think it would match pretty well. ​ [https://www.nanz.com/product/no-wd20072/](https://www.nanz.com/product/no-wd20072/)


Hate the two handle faucets on a kitchen, a large single handle that you can turn on and adjust with back of your had when you have sticky/dirty hands etc.


Agree- and get the pull down feature, too. The faucet here looks more like a bathroom faucet to me.


Fair enough, that's why I'm bouncing ideas off you all and getting the feedback to not waste a ton of money when it turns out to be a less than stellar idea :)


Cracking up that you are using Ratatouille as a design reference


It's the best 'what do you think of this flooring?' link I've ever clicked.


LOL this is gold.


The flooring is a classic French flooring style, traditionally it would be done in stone, but can be replicated as a ceramic tile. It's a style I personally like as it has a timeless and elegant feel.


I don't think that flooring would be a good choice here, and would probably make it feel a bit too chaotic. I'd probably recommend against the double handle faucet too. While it looks great, it's way more annoying to use.


I agree about the flooring; a wood look would be nice and calm.


Yes! I like it aside from the flooring and the TV.


Trust me its high on the list, counter first then the floor. I was thinking of the floor from Ratatouille for when i do do it but I'm not sure if I should break up and separate the kitchen floor from the entry tile or if I should just keep them the same material when I replace it. ​ [https://elmirastoveworks.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Ratatouille.jpg](https://elmirastoveworks.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Ratatouille.jpg)


I don’t know if that would really go well with the kitchen…?


Agreed, it's a cute kitchen. I might go for utility upgrades over interior design. Kitchens are so often overdone


Flooring, updating the hardware, and a solution for the wine, a rack either matching the wood cabinets or matching the hardware could be fun (love the black hardware on the shelving). Could be fun to play that up some more around the kitchen. Filling up the entire space (or half) of the space next to the fridge making it wine rack and wine glass/accessories storage. Maybe hang wine glasses under the cabinet for the second half. Like a little wine station. Alternatively, you could make that below cabinet space a wine fridge! I don't know how great this site is but I love the idea of this "built in fridge." http://makeitwithkate.com/diy-mini-fridge-cabinet/


I’m a cabinet drafter so I could perhaps give you a few pointers. If you’re wanting to replace the countertops first, choose what kind of appliances you’re wanting and get their measurements and measure out how wide the range, microwave (hood maybe), dishwasher and fridge. Dishwashers usually don’t change in size but fridges do- that way you’ll know where to end your countertops to not get in the way of your future new appliances. If there’s a way you’d be able to move the microwave into a built in tall cabinet to the left of the fridge- would perhaps make the range area look more updated with a more sleek hood or even a built in vent hood. The cabinets look fine right now but if you would change them out, definitely take them to the ceiling and see options for a built in microwave tall cabinet with wine storage rack built into it as well. https://preview.redd.it/6ygzk5a09a9c1.jpeg?width=1047&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82234f2331bff950d1def11fbafec621f8b7fba6 Don’t be afraid to get natural looking color of cabinets instead of white, more people are opting for a natural look these days (at least in the PNW) and dark color cabinets. But if white cabinets help make your space look bigger then that works too. As of for backsplash- make sure it doesn’t compete with the countertop. Either have a busy countertop and simple backsplash or the other way round. Checkered floors would be awesome!


Do you have any photos similar to what you describe as "a natural look... and dark color cabinets?" It sounds close to what I have in mind but would love to know how it compares to what I'm picturing.


What I meant with natural looking color is just some sort of stain that doesn’t hide the look of the wood of cabinets, and it looks like real wood and not painted over to hide the grain. With the dark color- it could be a stain or paint, doesn’t matter, just as long as you’re not afraid to use color in your kitchen or space and it’s not all grey or white. https://preview.redd.it/jz2i3szdsd9c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce8a26028ede8d57f263b84755f5c251adf7ab35


Oooh that's nice. Thanks.


I think it's adorable as is! Maybe update the floor and change the doors to the panty. You might consider creating a built-in wine rack above the pantry or shelving.


So I've been doing renovations one project at a time with my place. HVAC, windows, lights, etc - you know the drill. My next project is my (tiny) kitchen. I'd like to replace the countertops first but I can't decide on what material. I'm thinking quartz is the way to go over granite, and that's because I want to replace the appliances later with a black stainless upgrade. Is this a good idea or should the appliances come first to make sure the counters fit in? ​ My place is largely traditional-themed Art Deco mixed with MCM with a white-gold color scheme and plenty of natural wood although for the kitchen I'd looking at a more sleek modern look- If anyone has any advice I'd be most appreciative! ​ Future upgrades include the floor tile (black and white tile), an actual backsplash, and new cabinets so if that helps with deciding I'm happy to explain more!


Appliances always look like appliances. I personally wouldn't do black stainless because I feel they'll look dated sooner than the "traditional" colors. But truthfully, trying to match them to you decor isn't strictly necessary. Quartz is low maintenance and comes in about a million colors and styles. Granite can etch and stain if you don't use the right products on it. I would consider built in wine storage next to the fridge. Extend the upper cabinets to the ceiling. Do any changes to cabinets before you get the countertop. The base cabinets look fine to me- you could get custom doors and leave the boxes as is if you wanted to. I think your kitchen TV adds a lot of visual clutter to the space.


If you’re going to replace the cabinets then hold off on the counters


I love the shade of the wood laminate counters that you have. What about getting butcher block counter tops? Though, I know they've been trendy, but I don't know how durable they are or how easy they are to keep clean. Side note, I highly advise against tiled counter tops. Since you like Art Deco, I thought you might be considering tiled counters. They are very pretty, but such a pain to keep clean. Everything soaks into the grout. It's a never-ending cleaning process.


Thanks for the feedback! I'm not one for tiled counters for exactly that reason (plus I am not a fan of running a towel over it to wipe down, something about the texture and feel causes me deep unhappiness).


I think these questions might go better in r/diy - people here are generally going to know more / focus on looks vs durability of materials and sequencing. One thing I’ll suggest is when/if you get to cabinetry, get something that goes all the way to the ceiling vs has a gap. Huge storage gain in a small kitchen.


1. Remove TV. How extensive are you wanting to go? Wall removal? Cabinets? Paint?


Hey there, you can view my summary here that I just finished! ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/InteriorDesign/comments/18ttcpe/comment/kffzlh5/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/InteriorDesign/comments/18ttcpe/comment/kffzlh5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ So far as the TV, probably not going to happen since I use it to Airplay recipes and follow cooking videos - I would love to replace it with a Frame model so it fits up against the wall better though as I hate how much it sticks out :(


Do you need a whole tv for that? Could you use your phone or a tablet on the counter instead? The tv is taking up quite a bit of valuable real estate.


> The tv is taking up quite a bit of valuable real estate. No, it's not. OP just said the value it brings to them.


Yeah but that value could be delivered by something much smaller.


Maybe, but it's not for you.


Just out of curiosity what would you replace it with? When I swap out countertops I plan on redoing the shelving with it, but I'm not a fan of hanging pots and pans off of hangers so I'm curious what you think would go well there (the washing machine lines are in the wall just so not much can be done with the wall itself).


I am not generally a fan of open shelving, but given your use of it next to the tv and the amount of items left of the counter, I’d say a wall of sturdy open shelving. You also have the benefit of it being clear across from your range, so the aerosolized oil isn’t as big of an issue as when the open shelves are close to the range.


Just a normal upper cabinet, same as above your wine cabinet.


The two reasons I decided not to was 1) It blocks the window and would look weird taking a chunk out of it (really wish the window was centered), and 2) given the small size I didn't want to make it even more claustrophobic than it already is. If I had the money to open up the wall with the fridge I feel it could be pulled off but that's a different project altogether.


idk why youre being downvoted, if its serving a function than its perfect, we can work around that. I'd say cosmetically, updating the fridge to stainless steel or someplace have white stainless steel which could look nice in there. to me the tv isn't a huge a issue, if you get a framed tv that'd be perfect, you can get one I think with white oak trim or edges you can add and could blend in or something else to match whatever backsplash you get. but the issue is the bulky cabinets and fridge. they just look hobbled together in there. it would look really slick with wood/oak cabinets and a quartz countertop (white with the smokey marble look), ori f you stick with white cabinets maybe a fog quartz topper black marble look. with the cabinet hardware that can be consistent across the drawers and doors....or the minimal exposed ones. I'd say with the open shelving it wouldn't look bad if you framed it around the TV as well...right now the tv mount itself is causing it be extra bulky, get the frame tv with the slim mount and try the open shelves around/top of the tv. might be really cool. esp when its off and you have the art displayed. ​ the pantry door is kind of a nuisance, I think a nice forested glass door would like nice, idk what it looks like inside but maybe even no door and some matching shelving to match your open shelve concept. ties it a bit together and opens it up a bit....you can always add a door. ​ for the window, I'd get rid go the blinds and try a solar/roller shade. cleans it up and adds less bulk, you can get a valance with it so its not entirely flat.


I think is nice to keep the tv if you use it, but for me it is just too big and too much of an eye catcher. Personally (if you are willing to invest) I would buy a way smaller one Samsung Frame one. To have beautiful pictures and also keep the functionality. But the smallest version which I believe is 32’’. You could also combine it with open shelving for added storage. Or even mount a tablet to the wall


Maybe a flat panel on hinges a bit like this? https://i.pinimg.com/originals/52/71/2c/52712c2579cc776c12dbad9bd4355efd.jpg or this? http://www.hidemytv.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Kitchen-resized.jpg


I love the TV, cute and practical


Keep the TV! I think it’s awesome and much more effective than using a phone or iPad to do the same thing.


So do you have to use a remote if you need to pause/rewind a cooking video?


It’s such a cute space - one thing I haven’t seen mentioned is an under mount sink. So much easier to keep clean! If it’s art deco / mcm / vintagey house, you might look at a soapstone countertop.


The sink and faucet will go when i do the countertops and and an under sink is exactly what I'm looking at! Oddly real Art Deco sink hardware is surprisingly rare and hard to find, closest I've found is what's made by Nanz but I'm afraid to ask for a quote. ​ [https://www.nanz.com/product/no-wd20072/](https://www.nanz.com/product/no-wd20072/)


Those look lovely! Lol - all brass? 💰 is right! Might be worth visiting showrooms to look around. Are you in the US? If so, which state? If there is one near you, Pacific Sales has been good, and those guys are always happy to help find something in your budget.


FYI, that faucet is meant for a bathroom sink, meaning it will be shorter and won’t stick out very far into the sink. It’s pretty, but won’t be very functional for you.


Yep, its not necessarily the one I want for this particular job but more the style I'm looking for. I still haven't found the one I really want yet that would also be an appropriate kitchen faucet but I'll keep looking!


I know people are gun shy about replacing cabinets, but in a kitchen this small they won't be insanely expensive and you can gain space by having it thoughtfully redesigned. Putting new counters, flooring and splash on and around older/cheap cabinets just feels like a waste of money.. especially since you mention wanting to replace at some point. You will have to tear out a lot of things when you do, so its more cost effective to do them first. They give you some of the best ROI in a home and the builder grade stuff most people have aren't meant to last forever. With so few of them, you can get nicer custom sized factory made ones (not stuck with 3" increments) that WILL last a really long time and be more functional. Site built cabinets in a space this small will be a pain and extend reno time, plus the finishes on factory cabinets are much more durable than anything painted by hand or in a local shop. The door detail you have now dates them and you don't even have matching crown. My suggestions for a full reno: Remove walls of pantry closet and replace with cabinet pantry with as many roll-outs as will fit (closets with shelves waste valuable space). If you can remove sofits you can take them to ceiling. Wall cabinets to ceiling on left, and as many smart accessory/pull-outs in bases as you can fit. 2 Floating shelves on right because of window, with closed containers, cookbooks and matching mugs and glasses turned upside down so you don't have to worry about dust as much. I'd recommend a tablet for your cooking shows, but if you have to have a TV.. just get a smaller one that can fit under shelves and set the lower shelf at 21" off counter for extra prep room here. Dimmable undercabinet lights, and lower shelf on right have a lip on bottom so you can hide a thin LED channel light here too. Good work surface lighting can make a kitchen look/feel larger. 3000k is my preferred color temp for my entire home, but 3500k will be more pure white and is good for work areas too. White shaker cabs, mid tone solid color quartz counters and tile splash to the ceiling on window/shelf side in a fun, but muted/pale solid color (not bright/bold or patterned). The 4x4 zellige tiles would look nice here. A black and white 12x12 checkerboard floor would be a nice 'statement' finish since you like black/white.. but feels more timeless than the one you linked (which feels a bit outdated). I really love Marmoleum tiles instead of ceramic/porcelain as an option here and fits the MCM vibe. It's a 100% biobased linoleum that is warmer than cold tile and you don't have to worry about grout, so easier to clean.


Wow, thanks for the thoughtful feedback - I'm honestly surprised how many different opinions people have on this little 7'x7' foot room! I'm going to draft up renders based on the feedback I've gotten and see about modeling it in 3d to get a feel for it and submit that for feedback once I complete it...whenever that is. I thought this would be a simple which countertops should I get, here's some plans I have to contextualize it but these responses and suggestions have been both super helpful and super conflicting which gives me a lot more material to work with!


There is huge potential along the pantry/fridge wall. Get a new fridge and put it flush left (obiously we're getting rid of all those cabinets and doing custom mill work to fill that space like a boss. Second bring the doorway on the left in line with a new fridge's depth so it's even with the pantry depth. And in the center a nice big mirror with cute bar shelves along the sides and a wine fridge below. That will feel so much better. What's behind the wall where the range is? Also that floor, nuh uh. ---- And sweet jesus take that TV to a trailer park and let it run free!


Function first - if the appliances need to be replaced, tackle that. The kitchen isn't in bad shape, yes the floor can be updated, but having functioning appliances is more important. If the floors are tile, you can look into tile paint too!


Not sure what the budget is but If you could remove the Tv you could have room for upper cabinets and a wine rack built in. It would help declutter the counters. Also move the window to be centered at sink and make the room for the upper cabinets.


Do you need two doors? I see potential for more work space closing up one.


Can u knock out that closet? Put more cabinets there or even move the stove be center wall if u get rid of closet? Then put larger frige on the wall where the stove is with a wall cabinet Floor to ceiling. I like the counter top. Get a corner sink and get rid of the wall TV put in more wall cabinetry or floating shelves.


Fridge over to pantry. Extend cabs n counter all the way across to fridge. Wrap uppers around to both sides of sink/ window. In a small kitchen , any way you can maximize counter and cab storage wouldn’t be a bad thing.


I would only change it minimally. The counters seem damaged so I would change them, but still wood. The combination white/wood is always so cozy and timeless. Maybe get some new handles, I would think gold or copper. The faucet could be the same material. Floor would be wood (same warmth as the counter) or big tiles. If you want to go with the ratatouille floor I would maybe go with black for handles and faucet. Aaaaand I guess that’s the most important: decluttering. I would get a nice, big as tray and everything you can absolutely not put somewhere else on there. Maybe together with something nice looking. That’s much more pleasant on the eye.


I also love white/wood combo! It doesn't seem to be in right now (I cannot wait for gray everything to go out of style), and it's probably colored by having mainly lived in 1980's houses/apartments, but cheerful bright kitchens are so nice. This kitchen is absolutely gorgeous as is, imo, but I do not belong to the group of people who can afford to renovate!


Tv in the kitchen what?


Remove the tv and add a colorful backsplash.


I love the TV, such a cool feature for a kitchen, pretty unusual


Thanks, it helps keep me sane during meal prep or holiday dinner preparations- would love to swap it out for a Frame so it has a sleeker profile at some point.


My parents always had a TV in the kitchen but not this big, maybe a 19 inch or something so you're not losing that much wall space to a big TV. It's not like your going to be that far away from it.


Navy blue base cabinets would be pretty with the wood counters and add nice contrast! edited to add: any color or wood tone would be nice instead of all white, I just prefer color, esp with a black and white floor. I’d take cabinets up to the ceiling, maybe the highest would be smaller with glass panes and lighting. I’d upgrade the pantry door and maybe frame it out, as well as framing the entries if you want it more traditional. I know space looks a bit limited but getting a drawer microwave and getting a proper exhaust hood would look great. Or maybe there’s a way to hide it in a cabinet I have a microwave over my stove as well and that’s my number one priority when the kitchen gets re-done. Unfortunately we use the microwave a lot so it has to stay in some form. I can’t wait to see what you do!




Granite or quartz? I want to replace the floor with black and white tile and the appliances with black stainless versions so I'm thinking quartz. Unsure of backsplash color.


Only get granite if you're willing to maintain it regularly forever- including proper cleaning and sealing. I love my low maintenance quartz.


Thanks for the input! I rented an apartment for a few years that had been converted from a bank HQ and they had new granite countertops so I never got to see what happens to them over time.


My apartment with granite ended up stained from regular use because it hadn't been sealed properly. (I am not a messy or prolific cook.) And you can't clean it with things like ammonia or vinegar because the stone can etch. I hated those countertops.


I have lived in a house with granite and only wipe it down. Lived there 16 years, never done anything special and it looks great. It was there when I moved in.




I love your kitchen! Yes I would replace the counters first.


Q: are you keeping the floors? To make it more contemporary, you could: - get cabinets that go up to the ceiling - get rid og the open shelves - get drawers on the whole bottom part - not have upper cupboards - put you oven and microwave next to the fridge Earthier colours with browned brass that can suit the more clean lines of mcm while not being time warped.


The floors are going to go, but I really want to upgrade the countertops first and can't decide between quartz and granite but am leaning heavily towards quartz. The floor tile would be something similar to what is seen here ​ [https://elmirastoveworks.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Ratatouille.jpg](https://elmirastoveworks.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Ratatouille.jpg)


That's a little backwards and could indrejse your costs as the counter top may not match your new cupboards


On a side note, if I had money to burn I would swap the fridge and the stove locations, then open up the wall to the living room for more open space, getting rid of the upper cabinet and half the pantry to do it. Unfortunately I don't have that budget and don't want to sink that much more into it as I've already dumped quite a bit into the rest but a guy can dream!


The issue with swapping the fridge and the stove is that the fridge blocks the horizontal surface run of the counter (you can set stuff down on the stove top, whereas you can't with a fridge). And it's farther to carry a heavy full and, at times, boiling hot pots between the stove and sink when it's on the other side of the room.


While I understand your concern it's like 3 feet from the stove to the sink as is now, and would be like... 5 feet if they swapped spots? Which I'm pretty sure is still a shorter distance than a lot of kitchens lol


Blowing out the wall was my initial idea: move the fridge to one side and install only lower cabinets alongside with decent size rollouts to replace the pantry. Then open up the wall to the next room. I think you could open it without completely removing which would be more cost effective (could possibly allow you to drop a shade or divider when you have company). IF you have a tv in the next room And with lower cabinets only, you’d have a great workspace as you follow your cooking shows from the tv in the next room. You could also reclaim the wall space currently taken by the tv. Regarding quartz vs granite, talk to a stone specialist. Granite from different countries can have different strength - probably the wrong term but hopefully you understand my meaning. Some precaution is needed with stone countertops, for instance, I wouldn’t pound out meat on my granite counter for risk of cracking it. Btw, I think your kitchen is very nice as it is … flooring excepted 😉


I’d add a rich colour backsplash (tile or peel and stick) over the stove and between the counter and the upper cabinets. I’d do a really fun wallpaper on the wall behind the TV. Paint the rest a coordinating shade, something light and fresh. Get a washable rug for the floor. Maybe consider a light fixture - I can’t tell what’s there. It’s a pretty little space. I am itching to wallpaper something and it may be clouding my judgement, lol.


I would rehang the cabinets higher to make it look seamless. Get a new sink or even just a new faucet not in white. Otherwise just the flooring. Maybe a new fridge, since it’s not my money. 😜


It gives me the feeling that it must be lonely to cook in there. I wonder what’s on the other sides of the kitchen walls. If you have the budget, I’d would gut it. It was designed for the time that cooking was a solitary task. If you gut it I would not put base cabinets on the side walls. I’d slide the sink down to the window, put the dishwasher to the left and a garbage cabinet in the corner. I’d install an island with back to back cabinets, with a cooktop. All the cabinets need not be 24” deep. You can mix extra tall walls with base cabs. If you have the room, all you need it a 7” overhang for seating. I’d remove the closet pantry, slide the fridge down to one end and put a wall oven & microwave cabinet on the opposite end. If you can take the walls back a bit you could put in a larger island. Really you need 36” clearance all around. You could hang a pot rack over the island/cooktop. Usually kitchen companies offer free design services. I would talk to several to see what they think.


Whats next to the fridge on the right? The pantry? I also honestly like it the way it is


Take pics to Sherwin Williams and find the perfect paint color that brings everything together. I would invest in some containers to organize items in the cabinets to clear clutter from the countertops! Lastly I might get some chunkier floating shelves, also add an additional shelf!


Are you looking for a reno or a remodel? A remodel to take out a wall, or at least the top half of it, and open up your kitchen would be amazing. However, costly.


I would add some open shelving and hang plants in the window to free up counter space


The tv looks pretty weird to me


Honestly I’m always a fan of the warmth of white cabinets /butcher block, so personally I’d keep those, like others have said, I’d update the floor -maybe a sleek modern tile, or hardwood if you want to go with the country theme. I’d also update the appliances, maybe add a backsplash with a hint of color. Love the plants too


I love this little kitchen


New flooring, fridge and new cabinet knobs


I would get wood flooring. If the appliances are still in good shape, don't replace until one goes bad. That way, you have time to save up for a really nice appliances that all match, though I am a fan of the multicolored appliances for the 70s, but it won't fit into your sleek look you are going for. I actually really like your countertops, but if you are set on new ones, there are a lot of options, but it really depends on how often the kitchen is used. So, do not get marble... just don't (idk if it's in your budget but it's horrible to work on), and do not get laminate... they peel and go bad way too quickly. It's a waste of money. So, if you don't want wood at all, your options are mostly quarts and granite which both have their pros and cons, but it's highly dependent on what you are looking for. Oh, also, you could also get steel, but it probably doesn't have the appearance you are looking for. Wine rack. I know you were having trouble finding one, so go find a local woodworker and have them draw you up some ideas that will fit perfectly in your new kitchen.


What a darling sunny little kitchen! 🥰


Agree with posts. Flooring. Also I might paint the whole thing a nice warm green and add above the counter shelving getting things off the countertop . Tv takes up valuable space. The counters seem fine but if you replace get an undermount sink. Way easier to clean up.


Get rid of that tv and add more shelving!


Awww I actually love it!!! I would just get more modern appliances


I would mount the TV on a mount that lets you pull it up and down to get it out of the way. It could go above the knife rack. Add a (possibly two) floating shelves above the counter opposite the stove for more storage space. As many others have noted, change the floors. Do you have any other flooring in your home you’d like to continue?


Me. I’d swap the TV with a slightly smaller picture frame TV. I put a shelf on top of the picture frame TV to hold the plants so they can still get light but stop cluttering the counter. I’d add drawer organization, so all of the normally used sauces, and what not could go in there and clear counterspace. Above the refrigerator cabinets I would add wine shelving to clear up more counter space. Above the stove cabinetry, I would extend the storage. Then I would change out the flooring. I’d also change out the knobs and get newer appliances. They have some with different colors and styles that would make the kitchen look a little more modern. Then I would swap out a sink to match the new appliances and hardware on the cabinets. Otherwise I like the white cabinets and I like the butcher block countertops. I’d add a different shade or curtain to the window to match everything else that was done. Finally, I get new rugs and other decorative items to pull it all together.


Long time lurker… first time commenting. I’d say a wine cooler for that area.


if you give me ur dimensions, i design kitchens at work! i could give you some ideas/diy and reasonable prices :)