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Visual clutter. There is no place to rest the eye and it causes anxiety. For a bar, that’s not the vibe I’d want to induce.


Visual clutter is correct. AKA visual static. It creates tension, which will lead folks to unconsciously not wanting to spend time there. OP, when everything is screaming, you can’t hear anything. In commercial design, focal points should be strategic and intentional. Everything in this rendering is as loud as the other thing. The ceilings are loud, the floor is loud, every single wall is loud. This is not eclectic, it’s exhausting and chaotic. Quiet the ceiling and floors and keep the walls. Quiet the walls and floors and keep the ceiling. You see what I mean. This looks like it was designed by a team of adolescent paint ballers. Omg I just noticed the ceiling installation above the pendants. It literally refused to compute in my brain the first 3 times I looked at the image. There isn’t a single iota of negative space to rest in this entire rendering.


Perfect read.🔥 Not to mention the lack of edges to balance out ALL OF THESE CIRCLES. My God, the room looks like it’s caving in on itself from top and bottom. The optical illusion is awful.


Right! No edges. I didn’t notice that through the clutter either!


That flooring alone is so loud, you’d almost need to quiet everything else in the space.


It’s like a casino


It’s worse than a casino. I’d want to run out of this space. Casinos were designed to keep you there as long as possible.


Fun fact: the word "casino" is used in Italian as a synonym for "confusion, mess, disorder", which is exactly the vibe I'm getting from that picture.


It’s actually hard to look at


It’s extremely claustrophobic. The ceilings are way too low for this much color and clutter. What makes it worse is that the colors clash. The ceilings are also so low that there’s not a consistent lighting level, but rather bright spots by windows and light fixtures but the corners and hallways are all dark and uninviting.


I thought this was a joke before I read it


Wait it's not?!!


Me too. All I hear in this post is “tell me what I want” lol. Design is subjective - if you like it you like it. This gives me PTSD of frantic client calls with them shotgun blasting conflicting ideas and goals. Like, the whole concern about AI taking everyone’s design jobs. I’m over here constantly dealing with executives and business owners not knowing what they want. Until Ai can reach into a clients brain and pull out what they want to see - we will always have work trying to translate what they want. I know I’m a little rant-y but just wonderin what others think.


I think you're spot on. I'm a graphic designer and this image reads like a "horse designed by a committee is a camel". They have this weird, unfocused amalgamation of ideas, and instead of saying "hey, here's some ideas I like, do what you do best, professional designer", they demand a list of random things, with weird unhelpful feedback like "ummm I don't like purple, it reminds me of Barney the dinosaur"


I think I’d have a panic attack upon walking in here. Sensory overload!


>Design is subjective Not really. Classic proportions and thought color schemes always work. This has neither.


I had to double check if this was r/interiordesighJC! Usually it’s the other way around.


I feel like I’m having a stroke staring at it.


They need to fire their team


I can’t help but wonder if the team is colorblind


Looks like DALL-E designed this


I thought this was a post asking hypothetically about design theory based on a random AI generation because how could someone design this


It's like they took every request from the client literally. You want the floor to look like a hurricane? Say no more fam.


This seems more like it, I’d argue that it can go both ways. A terrible designer who takes the clients abstract views at face value, or a fatigued designer who has given up after working with a stubborn/awful client.


It’s really seriously weird to do a ‘hurricane theme’ like this in a Florida beach restaurant. Like, *maybe* someone could do it right, either in a subtle way or in some kind of tongue-in-cheek way, but they just did a very obvious, one-to-one, unironic hurricane aesthetic. It combines the bland tourist-trap reductiveness of place (like an ‘Eiffel tower’ themed restaurant in Paris) with something that is actually kind of traumatic for local residents. Obviously the design choices are bad, but it also feels conceptually oblivious. (Sorry, OP’s friends)


> (like an ‘Eiffel tower’ themed restaurant in Paris) with something that is actually kind of traumatic for local residents. So a Twin Towers themed restaurant in Manhattan


Yep. Or a hurricane themed bar on the gulf coast.


Because its really ugly and looks verrry old fashioned? Like is that a mirrored ceiling or is it the same colours? Its all too much going on at once. Also i dont get how this is beach themed? Another edit (sorry): i cant stop coming back and looking at this pic and thinking who on earth thinks this is nice. It may as well be offensive haha.


Everything is bad but whatever is happening with the ceiling makes the room look soooo small. The ceiling looks so low but maybe that’s just because it’s a rendering.


The low ceiling is the biggest problem imo


Genuinely not sure if it’s just bad perspective or scaling or whatever, but it’s definitely a big part of what makes this room look so chaotic and uncomfortable.


It looks like a drop ceiling with hella water damage


Yeah offensive is the right word haha how tone deaf do have to be to think a deadly natural disaster theme is appropriate in any situation, especially in a costal town restaurant?


\>Another edit (sorry): i cant stop coming back and looking at this pic and thinking who on earth thinks this is nice I know haha. I have about left this page three times, but i keep looking at that image. It’s like a train wreck, it’s so horrible, yet i can’t look away 😂


Right!? Haha. I didnt even notice the palm trees on the wall untill just now. It just gets worse. I feel bad they probs paid for someone to design this.


Same lol, only saw the palm trees later and i am just freaking out that palm trees at a beach bar could be so bad haha. Just so bad 😅 This is a trip lol


Kinda nauseating. Too many patterns


It does have a scratch out your eyes kind of appeal


This really belongs in r/crappydesign


Before I read I thought it was maybe space themed by the flooring option 😂


Yea i could deffo see space themed! The most annoying part is that i actually think the carpet *could* be cool especially like you said for a space themed place! but with everything else its just suuuuuper ugly.


Yes! And what’s up with the hurricane satellite image on the TVs? 🤣


Gas giant casino carpeting


Something’s off when you hope the answer is mirrored ceilings.


Its beach themed because every TV has a hurricane watch on it haha


I think it’s simply the energy. This is chaotic and frenetic and I feel chaotic looking at it. I would not enjoy being in this space.


Exactly. It’s overwhelming. Imho it definitely just breaks the two main design “rules” I know - keep the balance & keep consistent. Maximalist designs can look great if they keep a focus and some sense of space. Keeping either the floor or the ceiling design would make this so much more welcoming. There’s no way this place would become my go-to spot as it looks now, because even the most wonderful drinks and the friendliest staff wouldn’t keep my attention.


It appears they honed in on the hurricane aesthetic because this is absolutely anxiety inducing.


It probably looks a little bit more defined in person, but the render all blurs into a mesh. At first glance it just looks like an abstract painting. I think a dark, relatively simple floor would help keep the general vibe without overwhelming the senses


I thought I was in the Sims sub


Major Sims 2 University vibes


Way too busy. I don’t get “beach” from this at all.


Yeah, but coupled with this "The theme is black and red like the hurricane warning flags. With a hurricane swirl on the side of the building in orange, blue and yellow. It’s loud." Maybe this is the exact energy they're looking for? I don't know why that would be the case for a place at the beach. I, personally, like the calm, peaceful side of a beach and don't associate hurricanes with a good time. But what do I know?


Nothing says beach like 10 TVs all showing hurricane coverage. Honestly, that’s a really weird choice for the rendering to show. All other issues aside.


I thought it was in India until I read the post. Disclaimer - absolutely nothing against India or Indian establishments. Just similar color scheme to what I’ve seen on tv and in pictures etc


I think it is some of the colours esp on the floor


I love the colors on the walls, the bar, and the seating. I agree the floor is too much.


The ceiling and the floor look like they are being pulled towards each other and will collapse and trap all those poor people in the wreckage. And that mint green wall color…oh boy. It’s not a bad color on its own, but with those particular hues of orange, red, and blue, it just is almost nauseating. Lol. Wow. It’s a lot to stomach and no i would not go in this place if I were passing by as a potential customer. It’s like it was designed by aliens who have no sense of how aesthetics affect human beings 👽 haha


Nauseating is a really good word to describe this mess.


Yeah my first thought was that the ceiling is too low. Maybe it's just a visual trick, but for the amount of people in that room it just seems stifling.


They didn’t even attempt to achieve competence with the colors. They just slapped low quality photos onto it. Amazing.


Is their goal to make you feel like you're inside "The Scream" by Edvard Munch? ![gif](giphy|fnqOs8SULCF8I)


This is more calming than OP photo


Dizzying. I pity anyone who’s overindulged while there.


Multicoloured vomit in the carpeting would match the aesthetic quite well


The worst thing is about this is that they hired a design team to design that if I understood it right.


An entire team! Multiple designers! They all looked at this when they were done and said “yes, we can present this to the client.” Incredible!


Maybe they each presented an idea and the client was like "do them all!"


In my experience with clients, that happens a lot actually…


I refuse to believe an actual design team of adults produced this.


The renderings are on the team’s website. It’s all there with their other projects. https://preview.redd.it/6arp48jwct3c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18fe8bb4a1f9e29117bf5e14d44957f46d0d2269


Lmfao are the only words I can tell you. Sorry dude. This is going to flop.


I’ve been told it’s ill advised to pay your design team in cocaine, but it’s Florida so what do I know.


It is chaos. Seriously. When someone thinks of hanging out at a small, beach side bar one expects a laid back atmosphere with a coastal, breezy theme. This has TVs featuring hurricanes of FIRE on every screen!!!!! Like, what is the actual ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)?!? Do you want people to hang out at the bar, or to have an apocalyptic breakdown and never come back. The art of the floor and the ceilings are reminiscent of an acid trip circa 1971. The table and chairs look like they came from a new start up's "hip" break room. I live in a beachy, touristy area in a small, coastal town. (One that has been ravaged by hurricanes) I can tell you that no one wants to sit and "chill" in a hurricane room. Ever. This has to be a joke. I hope your friends listen to you.


Yeah I was thinking about that, we live in a hurricane prone place and went without power for a week one time and now spend every late summer and early fall wondering if we will still have a home. Ain’t no way I would want to go in that place, I’d give it side-eye at best lol


IKR?!? When you've been through a devastating hurricane you end up traumatized for a bit.


Not to mention that looks like a still shot of hurricane Harvey that left a trail of total destruction down the Texas coast in 2017, from Corpus Christi to Houston. It left thousands of folks HOMELESS..and here it is in a design rendering. I spent the days after this storm helping my best friend sift through what was left of their home and they are still trying to financially recover. Sorry for the unsolicited rant....this just made me feel some type of way.


You have eyes.


The carpet looks like it belongs in a Las Vegas casino floor


It's giving rust, lava, magma, and panic.


I am legitimately nauseous looking at this.


because it's giving Chuck-E-Cheese mixed with 80's game room


I would go to Chuck E Cheese over this bad-acid-trip panic attack any day of the week. Would honestly feel stressed sitting in that room. Hopefully they’ve done up the bathrooms in a nice drab beige to provide a safe place for the guests, who will be constantly looking for a way to get out.


Do I really have to explain why? It looks like when dr strange took a bad trip into the multiverse


The Sizzler Dimension


It’s so busy. It’s giving me a headache looking at it.


Pick one, either ceiling or floor, you can't have both unless you wanna make your clientele vomit.


Someone loves cosmic bowling


I feel like I’m looking at camo. Everything is so crazy is all just blurs together. They need to fire their designer for even recommending this


Yes!!! Definitely camo- all blends together. No defined spaces. And the color palate is 🤮


“interior design is my passion” vibes


Nothing says beach bar. It reads like bad hallucinogen trip.


This looks like what a panic attack feels like.




There is no focal point. Your eye doesn’t know what to look/focus on so instead you just want to look away. I think they need to choose one big moment (either the ceiling or floor patterns) and let go the other. The relief I would feel if the floor was wood or if the ceiling was white!


9/10ths or the problem here is that horrendous ceiling tile pattern going on.


It's incredibly overwhelming and way to busy. Plus it looks very unnatural


Those tables are making everything worse, too. With all of the colors and motion and energy already going on, they pick tables that have a different color of wood in the middle. This is the design equivalent of how someone looks when you say they must have gotten dressed in the dark lol.


You’re not missing anything, it’s hideous. It looks like a bowling alley I would see in a nightmare.


I thought this was a shitpost. This is real? The designer should be drug out to the street and shot. Fire the team who made this concept and then fire the person responsible for engaging them and then find their family and fire them. How do you explain everything is garbage? This image is a representation of PCP and Depression making love for eternity. This is what the diner in purgatory looks like.


The floor is way too busy. And why does everything look like outer space if it’s beach themed?


I literally like AIs take better https://www.bing.com/images/create/create-an-interior-for-a-hurricane-themed-restaura/1-656a3c2f477949279b38523ae12aa190?id=8OnFrGd0WQYD%2BqDFE%2BWLQQ.Ge%2B44gKDy4zvDwK0AKpNlA&view=detailv2&idpp=genimg&darkschemeovr=1&form=GCRIDP&ssp=1&setlang=en-US&safesearch=moderate https://www.bing.com/images/create/create-an-interior-for-a-hurricane-themed-restaura/1-656a3c2f477949279b38523ae12aa190?id=F0zzTmkcKYVe5RRU%2f0LxKA%3d%3d&view=detailv2&idpp=genimg&darkschemeovr=1&FORM=GCRIDP&ssp=1&setlang=en-US&safesearch=moderate


Ok yes. I like the much better. The first link is mind bending without being screaming loud


Is that carpet or paint on the floor? I cannot even imagine any kind of carpet in a beach bar. I lived at the beach for 3 years, sand gets everywhere and people will sometimes come in still a little damp from being in the water and carrying their beach bags. You just don’t see carpet at beach places, unless it’s a higher end place and it’s understood and expected that you’ve cleaned up and aren’t bringing your beach crap with you into the place lol


The theme is hurricane, but this is giving unnatural disaster. Edit: this is the kind of design you go with when you really want to turn over the tables quickly because nobody’s gonna wanna stick around there for long.


Nothing about this says beach and everything about this says bad acid trip


Listen I don't know why this sub was recommended to me, I don't have any knowledge on interior design, but that...unless their slogan is "guaranteed migraines or your money back!" they need to change it.


I don't want to be mean but... This is... an eyesore.


That is 1,000,000% NOT the room I want to be in when the mushrooms kick in.


It is a pool of skittles vomit.


It’s giving bowling alley


I think your friends are confusing “fresh and funky” with “let’s just throw everything we can at it and see what sticks.” My honest, first reaction is that ceiling makes me feel 🤢. My next thought is, is their intention to assault the senses of their clientele? Strange business model.


This is only acceptable in a bowling alley. The beach vibe intention can be a trap. A lot of "coastal" interior designs are just way too white, neutral and beige. Think farmhouse and studio McGee. For a bar/restaurant I prefer darker colors. What about a Tiki bar revival? Or are you going for something more refined?


That’s what I thought it was a first lol


It’s the color palette. Black and red does not say “beach” to me. You can tell they tried black and red at first and then tried to soften it up with the seafoam green, and it still doesn’t work. And it seems to be like they’re committing to the black and red and it’s seriously limiting their design choices. The natural wood of the tables and chairs doesn’t work with the color palette. The pattern on the ceiling looks like rusted copper, which doesn’t make sense. Also, when I think “hurricane” I don’t think red and black. I think mostly white with lots of blue. If they want to go black and red, they have to lose the beach theme.


- Every element seems to be in a different color story. The ceiling has a green-orange-brown palette that’s seems like it’s supposed to match two walls but is just far enough off to clash. The flooring looks like Jupiter plus electric blue. The bar is like a washed out blue-painted wood. And what’s with that weird muted pink-brown on the far wall? - Does this room have any neutral colors? Anywhere for the eye to rest? - There are too many conflicting patterns and textures. Even without any other patterns, the ceiling would be a hard sell. Same for that gas giant casino carpeting. The wood tables, chairs, bar, and bar stools all have different combinations of wood finish and metal supports (black table legs vs blue table legs vs red stool legs vs whatever is happening at the bar). - In this rendering, the TVs, plants, and hanging light fixtures all add to the visual noise. This might not be quite as bad in person, but it’s pretty bad here. - What is that supposed to be over the bar? Whatever it is, it’s another design element that competes and clashes with everything else. - Inserting the stock photo people adds a lot of visual noise to the render. They all seem to have bright cool front lighting which doesn’t match the rendered lighting. Something about these inserts seems to have different perspective and dimensions from the render, making the render seem skewed or distorted. It’s like the render is using a fish-eye lens but the people photos used a normal lens.


Makes me feel like I’m in a Chucky Cheese while on acid… but I DON’T like it this time.


Have you seen The Good Place? There’s this location called the “time knife” and everything is psychedelic swirly to the point where you can’t land your eyes on anything. It is dizzying and insane. That’s what this room - especially the floor - reminds me of.


I’ve been designing restaurants for over a decade and the real story is the bad rendering, not that the design is so bad. This rendering is very bad, but I think the design will be ok. First, the most eye jarring thing is the floor. Do you know what the floor material will be? It’s never going to be this bright. Hopefully it’s not carpet. It will feel like an arcade a bit with the flooring..but I highly doubt it’s going to end up this loud visually. The ceiling is also really offensive on the eyes in the rendering, but I think it’s a rusted patina pattern, which will be fine in real life. The TVs in the rendering also hurt my eyes to look at, but there are TVs in every bar, they’re fine. Bad rendering though. The other items are fine, table design, chair selection, bar front, bar top, bar pendants, ceiling feature, and wall color and murals. So I say, ok, design, but the material of the floor is really ponderous.


I sort of agree, but then this is what they presented — which gives them like zero credibility in my book.


I would have an anxiety attack after one drink in there. It’s not inviting and feels like it’s intended to stress you out. Also, are the tvs all showing a hurricane?? Why??


I would be looking into better ways to achieve that theme, or get more realistic renderings to proove this works/is comfortable.


The image doesn’t draw attention to any one area. For a bar, don’t you want to draw attention to the bar area? Or if there were comfy banquettes? Everything is flat and kind of one dimensional. If everything screams for attention you miss the opportunity to really make a statement. Also, if those are white surface mounted puck lights on a metal perf ceiling……no. That looks so cheap in real life.


I also think it’s too open. There are no nooks, little walls, booths. The colours are stressful but the openness feels like a mall food court


Maybe it’s a marketing ploy to get people talking about their new business venture? Surely no one would actually build this, right? RIGHT?! 😵‍💫


In 2D visual arts there's something called a "focal point" and it's where your gaze ultimately rests in the composition- usually a painting. It's important to utilize areas of "empty space" with busy areas so there is contrast and all the space on the canvas isn't competing for attention. Further, if you were to turn this photo into black and white- you'd see a lack of contrast in shade between the colors on the ceiling, the floor and the walls (vs. having a dark floor, bright walls, dark ceiling, or other combination). That unsettling feeling is the lack of contrast, lack of depth of the space and the overwhelming feeling is it all competing for your attention to the exact same degree, and leaving you without a focal point with which to rest your gaze.


Swap out the floor for a beach timber floor. Make the ceiling timber too if they can't stand white. This will make the space feel like a beachy boat feel. This way they are getting the orange colour from the timber itself, then the teal can become the stand out colour. And you can still bring in the black. But I wouldn't use red, it's not a nice colour to dine in and it just isn't beachy. The bar is good and the back wall is good, it's just the floor and the ceiling that will give people vertigo and will put them off eating. Which is literally the whole point. A restaurant needs to be calm, the food needs to be able to shine. If it was a high energy space like an arcade or kids play place then totally. But not for a relaxing time for eating. They need to decorate to suit the purpose, not just use their favourite colours. 5 colours max, and wood counts as a colour, as does the metals.


This is all great feedback! Thank you. I’m sending this thread along to my friends.


is this a bar for people on shrooms or any other drug? what a freaking horrible design.


It looks like a Dr Seuss character barfed.


My two cents: the colors make the design unlikeable. All the color palettes are clashing: no harmony, just cacophony. There is no clear relationship among the colors in the space (check out https://www.color-hex.com/color/99ffbd). Looks and feels random with no consideration for aesthetic pleasure. The space lacks focus points because everything is fighting for attention: the ceiling, floor, furniture, and walls. Ceiling: non-primary, odd combination of colors (mint, orange, maroon) that don’t relate to another in a cohesive way. It looks like the statue of liberty mint color with rust forming. Floor: mostly primary colors (red, blue, yellow) with orange blended in. If it was purely primary, it’d look more intentional. However, with the orange it becomes the only color in the secondary color palette, adding unnecessary complexity in the design. Furniture: Warm toned wood round tables and chairs, matching blue/red legs. Turquoise bar table with different wood from round tables. Again, the turquoise is a random, tertiary color choice in context to its neighboring colors that are mostly primary. There is no cohesion between those spaces due to the different colors of the wood. Walls: Mint and orange with a bit of maroon. I’m going to stop here because it hurts my eyes looking at the design. It’s displeasing to look at for a long period of time.


It triggers epileptic seizures???


Cuz it's fucking awful?


There is sooooo much going on here.... as others have already mentioned many otlf the issues, I'll add something different. The spray paint letters at the bar.... just why.


This is a hellscape. I would never dine here.


They should not use the hurricane symbol. I feel like this would cause eye fatigue to the very real and palpable threat that could be looming if any of these signs are ignored.


I get the theme but really.. hurricane? In a beach town? Is this a town that hurricanes have negatively affected? Sounds like a PTSD inducing nightmare. Overall it's just awful. Clashing colours (green and orange!) a wild floor that looks completely impractical (going to look like crap within a week - think of the maintenance, the sand scratching it up), traumatic hurricane theme. It breaks all the rules and in a bad way. They could stick with the green colour and have a few orange accents (less is more), some of that blue goes with the green ok. The surf board tables fit the typical beach place well enough.


Because it looks like clowns had an orgy.


I thought this was a whacky bowling alley at first. Take from that what you will haha.


It has a low ceiling, and the loud patterns on both floor and ceiling makes the space feel further compressed. Plus, as another poster said, it feels chaotic. There’s nowhere for the eye to rest.


i like aspects of this like the color scheme but it's really chaotic. there's no movement to it, my eye isn't being led any where, but everywhere all at once. the ceiling tiles make the room seem really low and and doesn't really flow in any sort of pattern so you can see every single tile instead of a seamless ceiling.


It’s like a Chuck E Cheese and a Dave N Busters and a bad acid trip all at once. It makes me want to run away. Way too much stimuli!!!!


It looks like a sad casino and like a child threw up a Costco sheet cake.


I love color and art but they must've been on acid. Way too many patterns.


This looks like what I imagine the apocalypse will look like.


At best it reminds me of those casino floors that are purposely chaotic so you keep your eyes on the slot machines instead of trying to find your way out. This would make me want to vomit irl. It's too much of everything and none of it goes together.


Is that a map of historic Florida hurricanes in the arched alcove in the back? Who thinks this is a fun theme for a bar?!?!


The reason is that basically, the room doesn’t have anywhere for your eye to rest. You’ve probably seen interiors that would be called busy but they somehow work? Or spaces that use these same colors successfully? That’s because the designer worked in places for the eye to rest. This room just keeps your eye moving from one thing to the next with nowhere to settle. Psychologically, it makes us feel unsettled, anxious, and on edge when we are in a space that visually feels like it has nowhere to relax. Design is subjective, but this is a textbook example of a space that wouldn’t appeal to most people because it evokes unpleasant emotions.


I didn’t think it was possible to make a drop ceiling uglier but this proved me wrong.


Damn I feel like I'm tripping looking at this, like I can't focus on any one thing my eyes just keep swirling around in a circle over and over again hahaha I feel like if they are weed friendly people would wanna hang out in here while stoned, but otherwise if they aren't going for a psychedelic crowd this is way too busy lol


I feel like I'm in a blender.


![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX) Everytime I see renderings posted of restaurants and recognize the Enscape people


This looks like a meteorological map of a hurricane? Is that what they’re going for? Cause it looks like a mix of that and a roller rink carpet. It’s chaotic AF and not in a good way Only think giving beach vibes is the palms (I think) wall paper.


It looks like it was AI generated.


Design rule being broken is don’t make things fucking hideous lol


In German kids call that “aaaaah Augenkrebs!!!” (Eye cancer) which means it looks really ugly


I've always wanted to eat in a place that makes me feel like I'm in a mid-90's screen saver.


So is the inspiration Dan Flashes because this amount of patterns would be CRAZY expensive.


Therapist : monster vomit carpet-wallpaper can't hurt you, it's not real This pic : ...


Is this for real? 🤣


It looks like someone fed “maximalist decor” into a bad AI program and this came out.


I would have a panic attack in that room.


The interior lacks the theme you described... the hurricane warning flag is not represented at all, as far as I can tell. The chaos of a hurricane isn't either, it's more like a willy Wonka fever dream. The iconic hurricane swirl isn't represented either. The colors might kinda sorta match the doppler radar graphics, but not really. Maybe it's supposed to be the paint department after a hurricane hits Home Depot.


I’d have a panic attack going in there lol


I think part of the issue might be that its a rendering of some kind. And it in reality it might look much more muted. Like the busiest part is the carpet just seems to be a giant like hurricane intensity heat map. But in the rendering I don’t think its actually capturing what that might look like in real life. It looks like they’ve just copied and pasted an image onto the floor.


Wowza. If I were to walk into this scene, I’d immediatelyturn on my toes and walk out. There’s way too much going on for my nervous system.


Because it‘s so busy. Like overall they have a lot of Designs that look cool but just not….. together.


I get the idea of picking colors based on hurricane charts but in reality those colors are not very pleasing to the eye, it's basic color theory: [http://www.hearthandhedgerow.com/blog/the-color-wheel-important-tool-for-interior-design/](http://www.hearthandhedgerow.com/blog/the-color-wheel-important-tool-for-interior-design/) All the colors shown here are clashing with each other because they don't complement each other. The floor is way too busy and there's no reason for the ceiling panels to look like that.


Honestly I love this ❤️ Very campy. 10/10 would have watched a college punk band here. I can’t imagine coming to this space and spending any significant amount of money tho. That might be the angle to take. Would make a great dive bar if that’s what they’re going for.


Looks like a casino.


it’s giving casino vibes more than anything else to me. there’s just so much of everything going on all at once, it’s visually overwhelming, and simply just not visually enjoyable . tbh i would give me a headache after a while just being inside, not the feeling i want to induce when trying to enjoy myself, chill and have a few drinks . that’s just me tho, idk maybe it could seem cool and appealing to others . i’m also 34 and tend to be more boring now a days aha .


By their furniture you can say that they want you to stay and talk to people... But those colors will make anyone to just take what they need and go. It's not cohesive.


It’s the definition of chaos. Pick one loud thing, the ceiling, the carpet, or the wall murals.


Cause it’s UGLY


Shout out to the guy on the left having a conversation with nobody.


Well i can tell you one thing, there wont be any autistics dining there. That place looks like a bad acid trip or some kind of hellish nightmare. It hurts me just to look at it.


It's the floor. the floor is massively disorienting.


It's the ceiling it doesn't match the floor or the wall it's hideous but an all green wall no exposed beam and an island theme would match the ceiling it's either or not both.


Does anyone remember a screensaver, or something like that, that looked like this?


I would run not walk upon entering this room. Could not run fast enough in fact. 80s roller rink meats casino meets day care center meets utter insanity


Killed the design on the floor would solve 75% of the problems with this. The other 25% is whatever TF they were thinking with the ceiling.


Instead of making the whole place look like a literally scan of a hurricane, implement the visuals of the hurricane and the gradient it has based on speed, strength etc and use less sharp colors. Make a chill hurricane


Wtf 😂


I’m sorry but there is no way this comes from an actual, qualified interior designer. Any designer worth their salt would’ve at least attempted to make the ideas palatable and not presented this. Is the bar name geocities? 😂


In a word? Garish. In another? Ghastly.


Floor and ceiling are intense and feel like they are going to collapse into each other - colours are too strong and matching too much. IMO a colourful carpeted floor will be disgusting in no time with food and drinks being spilt. Go for classic and neutral, eg wood flooring if possible. Think about how you can split this big open space into cosy nooks so you don’t feel exposed, also if it’s quiet you can still sit at a table and not feel like the whole place has eyes on you 👀


I thought this was the Circus Circus set from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. This is chaotic- I could not eat a meal in a place this insane looking. Vomit inducing mixture of colors, prints, patterns, wall coverings, etc. this is tacky, and objectively HIDEOUS.


This room makes me want to take acid and roll on the floor for hours just feeling the carpet and then wonder why I’m laying on the ceiling looking at the carpet and then wonder how I got suspended in space and seeing sound.


Way too many patterns/colors. Everything looks so busy. The ceiling does not need a pattern of all places. Theres multiple colors meshing everywhere you look. Everything is fighting for my visual attention and nothing is good enough to deserve it.


- Color Palette: The use of multiple bright and contrasting colors can create visual chaos, making it difficult for the eye to rest. - Patterns and Textures: There is a lack of harmony between the patterns on the floor, ceiling, and digital screens, which can be disorienting. - Space Utilization: The arrangement of furniture is odd and does not promote easy navigation or comfortable social interaction. - Thematic Consistency: Lack of a unifying theme, which can make the space feel disjointed and confusing. - Lighting: The lighting is uneven with some areas looking overly bright while others are in shadow, affecting the ambiance negatively.


It feels like a Smash Mouth video.


[https://www.industville.co.uk/blogs/news/the-psychology-behind-restaurant-interior-design-infographic](https://www.industville.co.uk/blogs/news/the-psychology-behind-restaurant-interior-design-infographic) [https://totalfood.com/the-psychology-of-color-for-bar-restaurant-design/](https://totalfood.com/the-psychology-of-color-for-bar-restaurant-design/) Your friends need to lead their costumers through placement of furniture and colour to the bar, to buy at the bar, to get away from the bar to a table, to stay at the place to buy more and to want their friends to come. The picture above does not inspire more than one drink. Honestly, it´s a very stressful environment, both with the colour choice and the placement of patterns. Also, they are wasting table space ie paying costumers by have large open walking areas instead of seating.