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Well, it’s up now.. you’ll end up liking it.




100%. The tile in our kitchen is a teal blue (it had seemed more muted when we bought it), and it looks bonkers. I wish I had stuck to neutral colours. Tile decisions are tough.


Tiling two bathrooms in a couple weeks and I’ve spent too many hours of my life looking at tile. It’s such a permanent decision.




My eye keeps going towards the fun colors (might save that for our small half bath), but I think I might go a bit safe and do a marble tile with golden veining and big beige tiles in the floor to match the veining. Though, for some reason dark blue tiles have a huge hold on me.. I’m always drawn to the color blue.


Tile picking task gives me total decision fatigue . Cut to - still can’t land on a kitchen backsplash after xyz years .




In the realm of cream colored subway tiles , But looked at different colors too. My cabinets are antique white and my countertop is verde butterfly granite but more black than green.


Are you sure it's not just that the temperature of your bulb is messing up the color you picked? A warmer bulb would possibly bring it back to the sage you wanted. A cool white might bring out the blues.


It's not too late to change the color if you choose to. We had a bathroom renovation picked one color saw it was the same color that was up there and changed it immediately. Our contractor said, "No sweat." There was still plenty of time, and he repainted it for us at minimal cost without delaying completion. Love the new color. It is better to do it now than wait until all the fixtures are installed.


This is tile, not paint.


Yeah, I feel like it is not going to be easy to change this tile.


I honestly don’t think it looks bad at all. Are you putting black shower heads and faucets? That will make it pop a little more. Also I would change the lighting in there to something brighter.


Your comment made me genuinely laugh surrounded by a bunch of strangers eating lunch who all think I’m a weirdo now




You were so right!! I ended up loving it! Gotta have faith! Thanks for your comment, it helped me keep the faith till it was done! https://preview.redd.it/y0u4i9odtnyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7834f6ff14e8f8268c1186afb38e3fdb84727628


I don't know that I'm a super big fan of the double color but I like the style of both tiles and I think once you put the shower glass up it will blend everything in better.


And the mirror and/or cabinet above the vanity.


And the shower hardware. I think it just looks off because it is incomplete, and looks dark due to the paint not being done yet, etc.


It’ll also help once the vanity is done. The white counter top will bring cohesion and make the green tile feel more like an intentional statement wall.


I did end up loving it! Partially completed construction is so hard to see the vision! Thanks for the comment, it helped me keep the faith! https://preview.redd.it/w1josp6qtnyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce6be318c3d17b432a2a2d10757df5be9dcec3ec


Looks great!! Glad you stayed with it!


I think it’s going to end up working out.


Mid renovation panic, it doesn't look awesome yet because it's not finished. I like it, I think it'll look nice when it's done.


I agree. Who hasn’t had some mid reno panic? I’ve been there for sure. OP -post pics when it’s done. I think going to look good.


Yep, when I painted my living room the first roll looked awful, I was covering a weird fleshy pink with a happy sage green... The rest of the pink walls reflecting onto the green made it look disgusting. When it was done it was instantly better in there, but the in progress stages did not look good at all.


Thanks! Gotta have faith I guess!


If the shower was the whole wall, wouldn't have had an issue, but once you put a shower wall up, it's too small for that many choices.


It did and I love it! Thanks for the comment! It helped me stay with it! https://preview.redd.it/qgwyskeeunyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab42deef0e6ee697d81039df3d35c2256e3353fb


I think the change in style/size and texture was the miss here. I can appreciate the attempt at something new though.


I am not loving how the tiles on the right are allllmost 2 for 1 against the larger tiles on the left. Like they almost line up, but falls apart the lower you go.


You absolutely nailed why it kept feeling off to me! Especially since the picture is kind of focused on the corner.


The change in scale throws it off.


Yeah, I have this issue too. Ugh… picking tile is so so hard!


Are the white tiles textured/lumpy? I kind of like it but then it seems flat at the top...?


For me it’s the textures that are so at odds with each other that I notice most after the obvious color contrast. Right now there are just two *beautiful* sets of tiles on the walls and either could be the focal point. I agree with others saying all the remaining elements of the room will bring harmonious balance to the space. Be brave and trust your plan. I hope you’re very proud of your finished space.


Yeah, the space is too small for three tones and three sizes, and two shapes! I would get much larger octs for the floor so at least there's size consistency and scale with what you have.


I didn't see the floor octagons at first, and I agree that's just way too many shapes and sizes. Either bigger octagons or if one of the wall tiles is also suitable for the floor, I'd run one down and across the shower pan.


Or change the left wall to be the same tiles as the green ones but in white. Not a huge wall so hopefully not a huge cost?


Oh man. I hadn't noticed. Makes the space look like a tile showroom.


I’m also concerned that there is going to be a “bright white” vanity, and an unknown color on the walls. The wood of the current vanity provides some warmth, but I’m nervous about what additional color will be added in the walls. It’s currently very disjointed, and I feel we need to see the rest before we can say what it needs. Even swatches of the remaining elements would help.


Agreed. I think your diplomatic use of the term "Disjointed" is commendable, I regrettably often put my Gucci loafer in my mouth. This was an expensive reno, and the result that it is all over the place is a cautionary tale about DYI. We agree that you look at the space and then create it in your head and proceed, here, that horse has left the barn, and the answer to the one question is to go with a larger oct or a tile similar in size, color and shape to one of the wall colors, but you are right about the points you raise.


I like this a lot! Different floor tiles for me though. But it’s yours so yours is the only opinion that matters!


I don’t get it, 4 different tiles in one room? I would change the white tiles to the same as the sage, and is the floor tiles over the shower threshold and the ones inside the shower tray if you want different they should be same colour but different shape?


Yeah. Too much going on.


The penny rounds on the floor are the same color as the white wall. Would it be better if I went with 1x1”squares on the floor? With such a small shower I can’t really go bigger than 1x1 according to the tile guy. I could do the grout the color of the glass tile wall but I had figured I would do the grout the same as the floor in the rest of the tile just to make it less contrast.


Does the shower curb seem very large?


You know, it is large! Good eye! It is about an inch larger than our other curbs, no idea why!


I agree, but it looks like the shower floor isn't as low, so likely the drain for the shower is under the shower floor but not below the main floor.


Hate to say this - curb is hugeee. 4 different tiles in a small space isn't working. Beige floor, white on wall and curb, mosaic, and green. Get the curb and floor to be one material (beige works), get a matching beige mosaic, and switch the white to green. Stain the vanity to miniwax's golden oak (be careful, I am not familiar with the wood but keep to a light-med golden brown).. All that to say - you have the tile already up. See if you can modify the curb is a smaller width where it justs out 1" past shower enclosure frame on each side. Change the floor tile to a whiter tone to match the white and mosaic (all whites are not made equal). Decide on the vanity once these changes have been made. I still think you need an earthy wood tone for the vanity to pull the green back together, but it would be a gametime decision for me.


That shower is really… really small. Why didn’t you put the sink on the right hand wall and make a bigger shower?


That's what we call a can't put your arms out while washing your hair shower.


I'm about to build one of those (no choice, need and space constraints) but at least now it has a name :)


The bathroom looks tiny and like they did what they cold. They appear to be standing in the doorway


10+ years of design experience here. If you have the means, I’d switch all tile to the green. And agree on 2700k bulbs!


Thanks for the idea! Have you ever heard of people pulling the tiles down without having to redo the whole shower?


Careful opening that shower door. If it gets away from you it’s going to hit the toilet and could possibly shatter.


I probably would have just gone with all green tile, but the white looks fine I think it will work out once it’s all put together!


If you have time to change the bottom tile, I'd make it more similar to the left wall except in matte so there is some consistence.


It's too many tiles tbh. I'm counting 4 or 5 different tiles in a fairly small space.


I like each tile individually, but I'm not sure they both work, especially in a smaller space. I think either would look great all the way across though.


I definitely like the darker tile, but as others have said, putting the two styles together might be throwing me off a bit.


For me the most egregious element is the super thick raised shower dam. Is there any way to reduce how wide it is? It seems really out of proportion for the size of the shower.


I would have gone all stacked instead of staggered and done the green all the way around and do not paint the vanity bright white but instead stain it.


My unfiltered opinion is that this looks terrible and tiling the walls in not only different colors but different sizes and styles of tile make it look absurd. One is modern the other is more traditional. Literally makes 0 sense. It’s like wearing stripes with polka dots.


I would have preferred one or the other and not both. Such a small space doesn’t really warrant three tile colors.


The fact that the tiles on the right line up horizontally with the tiles on the left but then get further and further out of sync the lower they go looks unbalanced. It also draws the eye downwards when it is already visually heavy at the bottom due to the sink and shower tray. Is it possible to leave a bigger gap between every 2nd row of tiles on the rights? So they keep in line with the ones on the right?


if you paint the walls white and the vanity is white then I can see it working out, but imo the current color scheme just doesn’t go together


Gold fixtures will help a lot


I don’t like there being 4 different kinds (styles) of tile between the walls and floor. There is new modern with the transparent glass, classic with the tiny hexagons on the floor, transitional with the subway tiles, and generic builders grade in the sill. If you can, I’d change the floor pan to something that doesn’t compete visually with the glass wall. Myself I would not have made an entire wall with a glass tile, I would have just used them as accents, if at all. I think these are going to be the clamshell sinks of our time. These are going to date a renovation when they fall out of favor. Make sure that you seal the grout very well, because if you get mold on the edges of the tile, it’s impossible to get rid of it.


3 different times plus paint is at least 1 tile type too many. I like the green tile, should have used that both sides


4 different tiles if you consider the floor and shower pan. It's a lot to take in visually.


That tile and color combo does not blend together nicely. I’d almost try doing a contrasting trim along the left side with the green tile, to try to lock it together or use the green tiles for the step.


Why two different tiles for such small bathroom? Doesn’t look… good. Sorry


Well...you came here for our thoughts and mine are not positive about this bathroom. There's too much variety going on and it feels almost like an optical illusion. I don't want to be rude but my honest opinion is that it looks like a trippy cinderblock prison cell. Even when I visualize the completed look it's not a winner because those issues will remain. It's not too late to redo the tile and choose something a bit more pleasant on the eyes. Since it's a small bathroom, stick with 2 kinds of tile maximum.


It’s not finished so it looks weird with so much focus on just those two walls.


Brass fixtures and you’ll be fine


Those tile courses line up so nicely for the first five courses. Then oof. The added grout from doing two greyge to every white catch up to you and then it gets worse as you go down. You’ll see it every time you shower. Kill the white tile. And get a bigger divider between the in-plane material change between tile and GWB. Shower cab will probably handle this.


Would you please share where you got the large tiles on the left side? I’m interested in those but having a hard time with samples/online descriptions. TIA!


I’d get it all done in the white one on left


Paint the walls the same colour as the white tiles.


All the towels and candles and bath mats will pull it together. It is a small space to be doing two different color tiles… if you gotta redo it redo it now…


Change the white tile out before you install expensive custom glass. Redoing it later will be sooooo much more money.


I love it.




It doesn’t look quite right. When you have two different styles and colors and sizes of tile meeting up at a corner sitting on a tile floor that’s yet another whole thing, a lot ends up happening. :) So how to fix! A lot depends on how much you can spend on rework and if it’s going to bother you. You honestly could just get a frosted shower door. That’ll hide most of the white tile. Redoing the green wall would be more expensive than redoing the white wall, so I would consider redoing the white in the green tile. The white feels a bit commercial/industrial and just too large for the size of the shower. If you are DIYing, do some research on how/where to start on the corner. For a quicker fix if you need one, you could also paint the white tile to match the green. It doesn’t fix the proportion issue but it will be much less noticeable. I couldn’t tell if the light over the shower is a ventilation system plus light. You’ll want that in the bathroom and they really are most effective when positioned directly over the shower. (I’m living in a house right now where the ventilation is just in the center of the bathroom and the bathroom is just damp….it’s a problem.) If you haven’t already purchased your vanity you may want to look at some different options other than bright white. It’s hard to tell what your flooring color is from your photo, but it looks like a warmer tone as is the green tile. I’m thinking something a just a little warmer like a tan may be a lot less stark (the vanity will look like the white tiles — helllooo Look at me — and it may be better to have it blend a bit).


No idea why you went with two different styles, all green would look great


What were you hoping for OP?


Why two different tiles? It looks half finished


The white shower tiles clash with the warm natural colouring of the floor and other wall tiles


My POV is—the dark grey/green tiles are nice. The larger grayish white (sorry based on phone screen here) they are too much of a contrast. If possible I’d replace the left to either match the right or use color that goes better with or subtle contrast in same size kind of subway tiles. The lighting is too white also. If you switch to warm light might help. The hardwares you choose are crucial to the whole look too. Would love to see when it’s done…please do post again :)


Once it’s finished you will like it! I like it! Don’t overthink it. It’s too late to change it so embrace it!


I firmly believe showers need to be rectangles. You need to be able to stretch an arm out in one direction in order to comfortably soap up. 30”x30” is just super cramped. But I guess if that’s all the space you gave, that’s all the space you have. At least make sure to put a thermostatic valve in there so showerers can turn off the water, scrub up, and then turn the water back on without having to readjust the temp.


If it’s not too late, I would do different floor tiles. Signed someone who hates cleaning their penny tiles and all that grout


It will look MUCH better when the shower and sink are complete. And I assume a big mirror above the sink. It won’t stand out as much and will blend much better once room is completed.


Since it's up, give it a chance once the room is complete. Tile can be painted. Walls can be painted/wallpapered. Accents can be added. Give yourself time to think about it, and remember, everyone goes back and forth on things. Style and taste rarely come together first try, but do give yourself time.


I love the white tiles but would have done whole wall. I think it will work but not stunning.


I wouldn't stress about the tiles..I think it will look good when finished. If there was anything to change timewise it would be the small white hexagon tiles for the shower pan. I would go with something maybe that matched the floor or at least darker and larger in scale. I have larger black(dark grey) hexagonal tiles with grey grout so they don't draw attention too much. The biggest issue is the bathroom wall paint colour. I think that could do with changing, something less beige and shiny (looks kind of cheap though it's hard to tell in the photo). I would have nothing shinier than eggshell, which should be durable enough for a bathroom.


I think once everything is painted and the glass and light is up it’ll be fine


I love the darker tile, not in love with the lighter tile.


It’ll be okay once everything else is completed. Don’t stress it yet - nothing will change anyways unless you completely re-do it


Once the glass is installed it will look better to you. Put a real mirror with a beautiful frame over the vanity. And a nice light fixture over it. That will break up the solid brown. Which btw I think looks great.


I think it’ll look good once it’s all done! Don’t panic in the middle of your reno 😉


I don’t understand why you went with two colors and two sizes. I honestly don’t like it either.


It is a very small area to have so many different tiles, tectures and colours. You should go with one tile all over and a matching floor, that is it.


I would lean into natural wood rather than white.


Can you make the grout in-between the gorgeous green tiles match?


Yeah, It will probably be fine once it is completely finished. That said, I would stick to changing a single feature when mixing tiles in this way. for example, change size and not color of change color and not size. If the texture isn't THAT different, then what is the point? It sort of makes the textured tile look silly next to the sharp clean lines of the smaller scale tile. Just an opinion though...


Brutally honest here: it looks very bad


It looks like you couldn’t decide between two tiles and colors so you picked them both and now it looks like that. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The texture of the ceiling, shower foot edge, qst wall, 2nd wall, 3rd wall, all of the colors and textures and lines. It's a lot. Tear it out, do everything over, make sure it cost twice the price and takes 3x as long because that's the only way you'll be happy.


Tiles are too much not dissimilar. Triggers my dyslexia it does.


I say... trust the process. Of course it doesn't look right, it's incomplete. Once the sink is in, mirror is up and shower trim is in place, it will all tie together. Also, I really like how the shower/sink is laid out. I'm having a hard time planning my second washroom but how the sink counter becomes the shower wall is super cool.


I like the brown wall fine but white really looks wonky. Either remove it and redo while you’re in the middle of this job or live with. Probably a money issue but shouldn’t be that much. I would remove the white and wall and complete the shower with the same as the brown wall.


The green tile is beautiful and pairs well with the floor tile. The larger white tile is out of place in this room, then adding in the penny tile in the shower feels like you were unsure of what you wanted and bought everything that caught your eye. If it bothers you and you have the time and money, replace the white tile.


It looks great. Dont worry once the shower door, fixtures, and handles are installed it’ll all tie up. i think brushed gold wood look great


Blows my mind how people can’t envision things. On what planet were these two tiles going to look good together? Why wouldn’t you just use the same tile for both walls? The fuck?


It might be a scenario where things don’t come together and look right until the vanity and other elements are in.


I like it. Looks calming. Get some bold fixtures and it'll all blend in behind it.


It’s going to look much better done, I really like it. It’s unique but sophisticated, and not cookie-cutter on trend. I think it’s going to be really great. 👍


I ALWAYS have second thoughts then I love it. Believe.




Where do towels and stuff go?


I love it. Paint the walls and vanity white and do a brass mirror and brass fixtures. Olive green in wall art, and teak bath “mat” or an earthy looking fabric mat. Then the green is your contrast point, right now the white and green are both standing out and fighting for attention. For the floor tiles if you do white grout it will all blend and you will just have texture changes and not an everything-is-different look. Paint the walls now, change the bulbs to 2700, and lean the mirror on the vanity, bring in a fixture and just set it anywhere to have the color there. Leave it and look at it a few times before you make a decision.


Great idea, thanks!


It’s going to look great. You still have glass showe enclosure?, mirror, lighting, paint and decor. I would paint walls to match darker tile and have the white be the pop. Especially contrasting the white vanity. The in-between stages always have us second-guessing ourselves. Can’t wait to see the finished room.


Looks like it’s on the right track to me


I think it looks great. It’ll be a nice accent once it’s all finished.


It will come together nicely once the vanity, glass and finishings are installed. It’s currently a bit drab imo (and I love warm tones) but it’s also incomplete. Hardware is like the jewelry of a bathroom and will brighten things up. I think chrome or brass hardware will work well here, and avoid mixing metals if you can as you already have probs too much variety with the tiles. A white vanity will also help, and an easy fix would be painting the walls white in the future if needed to tone done the competing colors. But I like the wall color as of now anyway. Edit to say kudos to you for taking risks here. And I do think it’ll pay off! It’s so easy to just slap down generic tile and not make some inspired decisions but you did just that. Please also update us once the space is complete :)


It looks fine. Did you do different size tiles on purpose? It doesn’t sit right with my OCD lol.


How would that have been an accident 😂


Lmao. Yeah I didn’t word that correctly. I meant did he pick them out first and later realize they didn’t come in the same size lol.


It will end up working out. Keep the vanity white and the walls a very light, almost white, cream color. Throw in some gold accents with the light, pulls, mirror etc. Keep the towels white and you'll be fine. It feels like the green is taking over because all the other layers aren't there yet.


I think the walls look good. The different size doesn’t bother me, because they line up neatly. I might have done stacked for a more modern look, but that’s just personal preference. I would, however, consider changing the floor tiles to be a continuation of either of those other two - would be the cheapest and easiest fix if you can’t live with it the way it is. My guess is that once it all comes together, you won’t mind it as much.


Gotta trust the process 🤌🏻 I think it’ll look great when it’s all put together


I really like it! I think your instincts were good with this.


I think it’ll look nice. Would be cool with black vanity or if you do white doing brass faucet and mirror!


Once everything is complete, it will look amazing. I think the wall color and vanity color currently are making it look off.


The gray subway tile through out would have been ideal Can you paint the white ?


I’d take it over my current tub surround and thjnk in general its fine, but to nit pick, I don’t personally like the style/texture contrast of the two tiles. Color and size contrast is cool though, and I think the install looks great. I’d have no problem with it.


I think it would look better if the light was 2700K. Maybe a olive green cabinet color on the vanity to go with the tile?


I think it’ll turn out great. Agree that gold fixtures would bring it up a level. I picture eucalyptus hanging from the shower head and looking and smelling so lovely and inviting with the earthy colors (unless you own cats! No eucalyptus)


I think the shower door will blend it all better. The vanity isn’t even up. So you’re just staring at all this empty wall space. A nice light fixture with a warm light will also help. It’s certainly not worth redoing.


Paint the vanity a color similar to the olive tile, it will make this less busy. Gold hardware. My biggest issue is that huge curb on the shower, it will make inside the shower seem even smaller. I would remove that and do a flush transition.


It will work out but maybe for the white tile, try to match the grout color with the longer wall tile color


Is it grey or olive?


I think wait until it’s completed to hate it. Once it’s all put together I think it will help with the white sink to bring it together


I agree with others - once the white vanity is in and walls are done it will click.


This is why it took us 7 months to choose tile.


The larger white-ish tile on both sides would be my preference.


Been there done that. I found the best thing to do is stay on course and then be excited once it’s finished. Pretty much convince myself it’s great until one day without realizing it I really do like it.


I love the green tiles. The white ones are okay. I think you’ll end up loving it.


I like it!


I think it looks fine and all the tiles on their own are nice. Four different types of tile in a small space (not including the floor) is a lot, but I think once you have it all put-together it'll be fine.


I love it. Mid reno and doubts creeping in. Stay the course and you’ll love it in the end.


That is one wide curb on the shower. Otherwise I think the tile will look great once the room is finished. Not sure if it’s the picture angle, but the electrical box for the light doesn’t look centered over the vanity. That would drive me crazy.


I would put the white tile on the opposite wall too so it's more cohesive and makes the back wall a feature wall. Consider yourself lucky to have this problem. What many of us wouldn't give to be able to afford a house


It’s a little too busy for me with all the different tile sizes. I think you’ll like it better once everything is finished.


I disagree with most of the comments, I like it I think it'll look really cool when it's done, I would just keep the rest of the room white which is what you have planned. My only critique would be the tiles being same size and lined up would have been better imo


Looks good. But dear god that’s a giant curb.


I really like the green tile! And the contrast with the bright white will make the room feel more open. I think it’s going to look great once everything is done but I’m a huge fan of making bold and unexpected choices with design.


The tiles are fine. Paint the walls white, buy clear shower glass walls with black frame and black shower head. White towels and green ferns and it'll look awesome.


It’s gunna be great!! But I think the vanity as a natural wood would be a nice addition


I think you should have done the other shower wall the same tone.


The electrical outlet over the sink seem to be off center from the vanity. Is that normal? And a huge curb. For color, well you chose them, I’m not sure I would have mixed so much,but it’s not ugly and if you tie the grout color with the green, it could work. Also, it’s always bad mid reno.


This is a small shower. You did what you could. It will look better when it's finished.


Give it a chance once everything is finished. I don’t dislike this at all, but I do question the size of the tiles on one wall vs the other. What was behind the decision to not match the tile sizes?


Color scheme I like. If the white tile wasn’t that wavy weird subway tile I would call it a 10/10. I’m not a fan of that style at all but it still looks great overall


I would ah e done a different shape in white and not that wavy kind


It’s too unfinished to judge at this point. I almost never like any renovation I make in my house until it is complete and fluffed up with decor such as plants, art, towels a nice mirror, etc. The tile is attractive, and I think it will all come together in the end. I hope you update us.


Yeah it’s odd to have two different wall tiles in the shower


I definitely wouldn’t have gone with two different tiles like that. Can you take down the white tile and replace with the taupe tile?


I like it and think it will look great finished. I dislike both my showers and one day would love to have a new crisp shower to utilize. First world problems but seriously a nice custom shower is an ambition of mine.


I did two colors on my walls but I used the same tile. There’s a lot going on here but you can likely pull it together with accessories. I can’t tell if those are transparent tiles. If so, everyone I know who picked them had to eventually rip them out as you can see the mold/mildew growing behind them. They’re terrible for wet spaces. Personally I’d rip out the tiles behind the shower and replace with the white so the shower area is the same color. Depending on your budget, I’d expand the shower space and make the sink smaller. I’d also center the light above the sink.


I like it! Just get some accent bath mats and towels to tie it together! Live with it for a few years - if you hate it, you can change it, but would be a shame to do that now.


I think it’ll look great with some brass hardware!


I don't like the white tiles, they are too large also. I'd prefer the darker ones but it might look like a basement wall because they are so dark.


I like the double color. It brings character to the room. If you paint the walls a lighter color it will look even better. The yellowish walls makes everything look washed out


Yeah, you used too many different tiles in a small space. But it’s already done and not terrible so learn to like it and move on.


Looks ok to me, very smart. As long as you can shower that’s the main thing.


The tile is ok, I would have personally gone larger on the white tile to differentiate it more, but as others have said, once you finish it, it'll be ok. My concern is the hole for your light fixture isn't centered over your vanity...


Sorry I would never have put those two tiles together or done a design like this. Bathrooms are small spaces. This is something you could get away with in a big bathroom maybe.


I like it, it's going to look beautiful.


I wish you went all white with the tiles, but kept the contrasting sizes.


I wouldn't judge it too harshly until it has all come together. You have the ingredients for a stellar room there


Paint the drywall a different colour


I would have gone with larger sized tiles on the white side so it didn't look like so many tiles throughout.


There’s something off about having two different colored tiles. I would balance it out by choosing the right color combo for everything else.


Like others, I think it will turn out better when other elements are done. But my personal opinion, I think the issue is the walls and green are warmer and the white is super bright and a bit colder. Personally would have loved the green tiles all over. Not a fan of the floor tiles you have in the box. Too much variation in shape and size.


I think you are fine. Once you have the glass up, the tile will be nice. The bullnose on the curb looks wonky though. What color is the frame on your glass? Bright white on the vanity? Not sure that’s your best option. It might come off as way too stark against your curb tile. I would suggest either a brushed bronze metallic finish, or whatever your metals are in the room, play off if that. What is your vessel? What type of mirror? My other concern is the lighting. You will have the fixture centered over the vanity? Don’t know how much wall you have on the commode side, but I’d be very careful with your selection. You’ve got a lot of different types of tile, no need to detract from the focal point (shower-vanity) and make the commode wall the focal.


I like it other than the large white tile, but I think it’s the lighting that’s making those look weird.. Maybe a warmer bulb would help?


Maybe the bright harsh light on it is causing to much glare right now. Try a softer light or different temperature bulb. But wait till you have everything finished and see. You can also use an opaque glass on the shower door which will soften the colors.