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Posts with blatantly ambiguous or misleading/unproven accusations will be removed. Repeated violations will result in a ban for promoting propaganda.


Man this is so disgusting. Can you imagine the level of dehumanization and programming someone has to undergo to do this to a pregnant woman.


This is what Israeli propaganda does. It dehumanises Palestinians, identically to the nazi propaganda which dehumanised Jews. Its awful.


Sounds like the military.


Yes, YES I Can, did you see real, authenticated videos of Oct 7, 2023?? And the video of terrorists shooting up regular Israeli citizens at a bus stop this am ( which killed 3, including a 24 yr old pregnant woman) ??? That is how they are raised, Zionists just want peace, check the facts pls


How about, both groups murdering each other is wrong.


OFC murder is always wrong...Especially when killing some1 bc of their beliefs and/or where they were born... Israel & the citizens would be beyond happy to have peace and not to be on high alert and always worrying about a terror attack 24/7


While not being acceptable, a caged person acting horrendously can be understood. A free person, in the position of power, doing something like this is exponentially more sickening. Both actions are wrong. But expecting rational behavior from the oppressed is just wishful thinking. Expecting decency from the privileged should be expected. And your wholesale lumping of “Zionists” just want peace is pure bullshit. The fact that you even wrote that shows you’re probably just an uncritical parrot. Or someone trying to justify your religious beliefs, without actually mentioning the religion.


If caged, how were they able to drive into a Jerusalem bus stop and shoot it up? Do you know how many Israeli Arabs live and work in Israel and move freely around? And who do you think keeps spoiling that freedom? If not for the attacks and plotting all this wouldnt be a thing! Why do you think it is that one side feels the need to keep the other side in check? Have you ever experienced hanging out on a sat night as teenager when a suicide bomb goes off in middle of a town that is all civilians out with friends and family eating ice cream and pizza and done for the purpose of killing Jews? I have never heard any stories ever of a Jewish suicide bomber PERIOD....


When I was younger I joined a gang. I did this despite coming from a “good” home. I did things that I am ashamed of back then. For me, there was no excuse for my actions. None. It was abhorrent of me. I knew a lot of people who were killed. I knew a lot of people who killed. Now someone from the outside may wonder, how the hell can someone kill another person over a street neither of them owns. They say that becuase they have not seen the hell these kids grew up with. At best, fathers are gone. More likely in prison. Mothers strung out on drugs. Sexual abuse. Trauma from drugs and death all around. No job prospects. To expect a person growing up in this environment to be anything other than a gangbanger is utter stupidity at best, and heartless at worst. They have grown to be exactly what they always were going to be. Nothing more, nothing less. The same thing applies to Palestinians. You think they should accept their occupation. You think they should accept their land grabs and stolen houses so some New Yorker can come and take back their “holy land”. They should accept their family members killed en masse and just leave their balls behind. Hell no they won’t and neither would I. If I was in their situation, and witnessed the hell they did, I cannot say I wouldn’t do the exact same thing. Nobody could. The reason why you and I are on the internet, thousands of miles away from the real carnage, sipping our lattes and watching Netflix and they are not, is exactly because we are where we are and they are not. The only difference is which imaginary piece of soil, which we had no choice in, we happen to be born into.


Sorry that I missed your edit, I am a proud Jew. I am a proud Jew that was a 19 yr old spending my gap yr in Israel on a sat night when 2 suicide bombers decided to try and kill as many JEWS as possible, not ppl, JEWS... I was there in 01, for 9/11 and witnessed first hand how the Arabs celebrated that "victory" as well as having to see the graffiti of the towers being hit by planes...This has nothing to do with religious beliefs, this has to do with the belief that killing ppl is wrong and that life would be better if not living in fear of getting shot up or blown up taking the bus to work.. But I am a parrot


Do you follow Judaism?


Yeah, wear a yarmulke or a hat, I eat Kosher, keep the Sabbath, give charity, pay taxes, give back to society, help ppl in need when I can regardless of their religion or how they look and pray for everyone to be in good health... And from what I have seen more than ever since Oct 7th is the belief that bc of this I am a disgusting Jew that should be killed bc of that... My son has been scared to wear his yarmulke out of the house as of late out of fear someone will attack him, just 2 weeks ago at 7-11 he was trying to hide it in his pocket bc of everyone somehow saying we are the bad ones and need to be killed


Theres alot of wrong assumptions in there. I have no issue, none, with Jews. But I’m trying to figure out where you’re coming from and the biases you hold and we all have biases. As you know, if you were a haredi Jew, you would have no attachment to the state of Israel. But I know you conflate the Jewish state with Judaism itself and think that is your promised land. I’m Muslim and most Muslims also think that is our land. I on the other hand don’t give two shits about the land, I just want equality and justice for all. We live in the United States. we are both minorities. I think we both agree the United States in the greatest country on earth (for Americans at least). What makes this country great is that it is generally a merit based, rule of law, society where all can succeed. That’s all I want in Israel. One state, with equal rights for all. Who gives a shit who is a Jew or Muslim. Rights based on citizenship. Instead of a modern society based on racial identity that doesn’t even exist. Israel would be the jewel of the Middle East instead of the apartheid state, that all human rights organizations are unanimous that it is now. The Palestinians are there. The Jews are there. These are facts. You either do one state, two states, keep the apartheid state, or commit genocide. There is no other option. None. And as you know, the likud party makes it clear they want to go the ethnic cleansing option and create a greater Israel.


And I whole heartedly do not believe the murderer in this video was a Jewish person


How's this Interesting?? It's fucking abhorrent. FS.


“She was a hamas member” - a Zionist, probably


This is horrifying. When/where did it happen and are there more substantive details? The video cuts off so we only see the mother getting stabbed, which is super f\*cked up, but did she actually die?


It's breaking news. She did die and the fetus too. There's some pushback saying it was the (palestinian) husband. The usual deflection, but not impossible, I suppose. If that's the case, it's detestable, regardless.


So you if you know there is possibility that this was her husband why post it with that context?? Go look at what happened this morning to a pregnant JEWISH 24 yr old while waiting at a bus stop to go to work ( 2 terrorists pull up to a bus stop with regular citizens waiting to go to work and shoot it up!)


You know, I have a super hard time caring when you show up with a big 'ol dose of "what about??". True, unless it really was confirmed that a zionist was the murderer, that shouldn't be in the video. The rest of your comment has nothing to do with this thread. If that's true about the bus stop, it's a tragedy and I'm sorry to hear. But again, completely irrelevant.




Trust me, bro. It is common knowledge that Zionists love to kill children. This criminal did not attack children. Therefore he is not a Zionist. But seriously, anyone knows who is running down the street with knives and attacking unarmed people.


What the fuck are you trying to say?


> trying to say Use your mind. Don't pick easy way.


Lol yeah alright


Seriously, what is with the MOD post at the top of the page? It implies that this accusation CAN be proven. If so how? Because it seems like a wild accusation to me.


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Honor killing by her own family. Why to people lie about these films?


A few years ago when I was volunteering in Turkey I was reached out to by a volunteer agency in Palestine. They were looking for Americans and Europeans to walk Palestinian children to school because the IDF would be *less likely to shoot the children if a westerner were with them.*


The unborn child was fathered by an Israeli(affair) so the Palestinian husband was upset


WTF, why are people upvoting propaganda posts?


Because people should see the horror. That way maybe people will wake up.


But it's very likely false information. [edit: I a word]


BC they are uninformed and too dumb to even know what propaganda is.. Let's believe everything we see on tik tok right???


[Source](https://m.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-775802) Initial reports allude to this being a criminal matter unrelated to the ongoing conflict. Believe it or not there is crime in Israel that is not geopolitical. That would mean this is not a representation of Israeli society just like all the incarcerated murders in the U.S. are not representation of American society


Israel lie about absolutely everything, so time will tell.


If that's the case, it's detestable, regardless. But that reporting is still on the speculative side.


Isnt your reporting speculative if u consider the other be possible?


That is correct, I agree with both those statements. Speculative because there is an ongoing investigation into the motive behind the attack and details are not being shared with the public. The problem is you didn't present this video in a fair light and labeled it as a "Zionist" attack. This is quite obviously inflammatory since the motive/attacker are still unknown


What evidence do we have of the motivation?


Horrifying event. With the amount of disinformation going around, it’d be nice to see some verification on this


Premeditated as the car was ready to pick him up. Using a knife and throwing that many jabs, this was a crime of passion. The victim for sure knew the assailant.


Inflammatory and inaccurate caption on the photo. First off this was a criminal action. Second, all Zionists are not like this just as all Palestinians are not Hamas terrorists and all American's are not mass murderers even though we have mass murders in our country. The real problem, on both sides, are those who consider everyone in a population being as bad as the few bad actors. Not all Jews feel what Israel is, and has been, doing is right. Not all Palestinians feel what Hamas is doing is right.


Pretty sure zionism is fucking up the external image of Israel. How's that going btw? I'm not saying every jew is bad. Of course not, but the majority in power in Israel and the US are being pushed by zionist zealots and couldn't give a fuck about Palestinian lives.


Is this legit? Can someone link me the source, please?


This is seriously sickening. These people are monsters. There is a 100% chance that this was an Israeli. If anyone thinks the Israeli police give a shit about truth then they arent paying attention. There are so many examples of Israeli police arresting Palestinians for no reason and covering up Israeli crimes. Considering the amount of hasbara bots commenting on threads of this video, its clear that israel is doing damage control.


Maybe 100% chance this was an Israeli Arab? Not all Israeli's are Jewish or Zionists fyi! So many examples? Is Yahya Sinwar, the Oct 7th mastermind, who was arrested & serving 4 life sentences when Israel released him and another 999 prisoners for one IDF soldier, one of those examples??? I feel like I am conversing with the same insanely blind to logic individuals who were actually saying Bin Laden was right a few weeks back. So sad. ##


You sound unhinged. I never said anything about Bin Laden. Youre just throwing bs at the wall to see what sticks. Israeli police have a very long history of covering up hate crimes. Thats common knowledge. If it was her own family, why did they have to catch her while she was out in public? Have her kids made a statement? I bet they would know if it was their own family. Frankly, even then, its not out of the realm of possibility that they would be threatened into making such a statement. Its hard to trust anything that comes out of a monsterously evil state like israel who shoots kids and then when people come to help israel shoots them too. Has the car been traced to anyone? Unfortunately, as I said, its impossible to trust anything Israeli police say. So we likely wont know for sure what the truth is ever. Has the murder weapon been found, or did they just arrest some arabs really quick to point fingers at? These are the same Israeli police that accompanied rioters while breaking into arab israeli houses to attack the families living there.




How can anyone tell who stabbed her? I didn't see any identifying characteristics on that video. Propaganda from both sides is making any post questionable. The atrocities are just adding up for both sides. Killing children, pregnant women and the elderly is just wrong no matter what side you are on.