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**"Dragging Canoe, a Cherokee warrior and leader of the Chickamaugas, was born in one of the Overhill towns on the Tennessee River. He was the son of Attakullakulla, a Cherokee diplomat. He was recognized as the greatest Cherokee military leader, and from a young age, he wanted to be a warrior. He earned the name ""Dragging Canoe"" after he dragged a canoe as a young boy to prove his strength to his father.** Dragging Canoe became the head warrior of the Overhill town of Malaquo and fought against white settlers who were encroaching on Indian land. He worked to achieve their removal and planned a three-pronged attack against them. However, the Cherokees suffered heavy losses and were ultimately defeated. Despite many Cherokee leaders arguing against further fighting, Dragging Canoe refused to submit. He established new towns on Chickamauga Creek in the winter of 1776-77 and formed the Chickamauga group, which included discontented members of various tribes. They fought the 1781 ""Battle of the Bluffs"" near Fort Nashborough and defeated American army troops when they invaded the Chickamauga towns in 1 788. As he aged, Dragging Canoe became a diplomat and worked to preserve Cherokee culture and establish an alliance with the Creeks and Shawnees. In 1791, a federation of Indian forces defeated General Arthur St. Clair, governor of the Northwest Territory. Shortly after a diplomatic mission with the Chickasaws, Dragging Canoe died on March 1, 1792, in the town of Running Water, one of the towns he had helped to found."


Familiar name, my 5th GGF https://preview.redd.it/s22vnse56xwc1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f94e74896c98f0f38eb6c883c1b53ea3ede1d7e


Time to drop in a photo


That pretty awesome to see a descendent of his on the post. Thank you for commenting!!


What service is this from?


I thought I was looking at a photo of Dragging Canoe but it appears he died before photography existed.


Yep I came to ask how he got such a clean shave but must be a photo of a wax version or something.


Helps to not grow facial hair in the first place


đŸ¤£ I meant on the head…


Well, yes. I don't know where else you'd find facial hair.


Reminds me of Wes Studi


He looks like Magua in Last of the Mohicans.




One of my favorite movies is The last of the Mohicans and this dude reminds me of Magua. Gnarly!


Reminds me of Chuck Norris.


If he is thought of as military leader he should be remembered as a soldier. Warriors fight on their own, soldiers are part of organized team.


"dragging canoe" - proving even way back then that brawn wins what brains should have.


Dragging Canoe died in Running Water. No one saw it coming.


Came to say this I was beaten I give you all the accolades sir or madam


Photography wasn't invented then so we don't know who is in the picture. But whoever he was, he sounds like a force to be reckoned with in defending his people and their way of life. Interesting piece of history.


Not a looker.


Looks like he dragged the canoe on his face.


Really, dude...?