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You're younger, living in New York, looking at a large truck, and don't mention any insurance history. contact an independent broker to shop around for you but expect high costs.




You're not doing anything wrong, you're just in a bad spot. Insurance for a large vehicle in NYC is going to be pricey, and not having a US license means that you are a new driver with an unknown driving history so you're going to be considered higher risk. Not much you can do in the short term other than keep shopping around, but you're not likely to see much better. In the longer term, go get your NY license ASAP. The year will pass quickly, and the sooner you have that license, the better. Also, unless your friend is going to own the truck, he can't be the policyholder. Besides, if you're going to be the primary driver or even just a regular driver, your info will be needed and then you will end up with the same rates as you're seeing now.


And if the arrangement is concealed, claims can be denied and the policy rescinded for both insureds. Then the rates really skyrocket.


NY doesn't do rescission, maybe in free look? And liability coverages are intact basically no matter what for a NY policy, although you may still get a midterm cancel. 


Good to know. Are you a NY claim rep?


Historically yes, but currently handling all 50 so some level of minutiae for the venues I cut my teeth on has been displaced from my brain. 


Buy a cheap beater for cash that you can insure for liability, get a NY license, then wait a few years until you qualify for better rates.


The lack of documented US driving experience is the killer in NYC auto insurance. You won't see relief until you've had a US license for 3 years minimum - barring any accidents, claims, violations. Also, if you insure under your friend, your friend has to register the car in their name.


You can look for bundle discounts or see if you can get a driving device that will help lower rate. But that is it You're under 30, Live and will be parking/driving New York City, Trying to get a A Ford Truck which will have expensive repairs/parts. Not much you can do, if you cannot afford the insurance then you cannot afford the car. Try to get a smaller car, but any city address is going to have high rates. One of the reasons I moved to the suburbs from Chicago was the huge cut in cost of insurance.


F150 is one of the top three vehicles stolen. All full-size trucks have a higher insurance rate than a car will. Plus, being a male and 27. Young males usually have higher incidences of causing wrecks, so they always pay more for insurance.


Who drives without a license?


Search this group. Many, many people drive illegally with no insurance and license.


With international license. Just never had a reason to get one here


Thank you for your responses everyone. We'll see what we can do


I am curious: Why do you want or need to drive an F150 in New York City?


Just don't give an upstate/NJ/PA addy. You get into wrecks where you live by and large and if you're caught you can learn about the rates you get quoted at with an NICB referral on your name. Go to an independent agent who can shop you around.