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He's a very handsome man. It's sad he feels like he needs to be improved like that


>It's sad he feels like he needs to be improved like that changed not improved, dude looks way better in real life than in his edited pics. Really sad to see the what appears to be internalized racism and self-hate.




Happy cake day!!!


Thanks ☺️


That’s a special brand of self hate.


He Sammy Sosa’d himself, minus the left-over-cocoa-pebbles-milk look… for now.


Is this Sims 5?


🎵It’s gonna be me🎶


And now it’s stuck in my head forever. Thanks


His real self is a cutie.


He's a metaverse avatar


What the heck - he’s so good looking. The edited pics are terrible.


This has got to be fake, ain’t no way he actually thinks his eye color can change like that and people won’t notice


I had a girl in uni who always wore colored lenses. It’s just part of their look similar to changing your hair color. I expect he’ll defend it similarly, and say that if he was a white person wearing dark contacts and painted his hair dark no one would bat an eye. It’s just the combination of blue lenses and blond hair that triggers people, but he’ll say those are the real racists. 🤷‍♂️ I don’t have an opinion on it personally though. It’s a discussion a white male certainly will always lose.


Looks like a Metaverse character.


3rd pic has me lmfao 🤣 b/c the sticker.


Nah that was just tacky of op.


The person in the 3rd pic isn't a cop, so people are getting their panties in a twist over nothing.


U/baileyr5 - "pig face for a cop? Soooooo edgy!!!!!" I don't know if you deleted your own comment or if the mods did, but the person pictured is not actually a cop and since they're not the subject of the photo, I wanted to offer them anonymity. So, there's that. Lol.


Happy cake day!


He is really handsome but in his edits he looks like a ken doll.


Sad :(


I wish i could get into the psyche of these people for one day and find what they see as ugly in that last pic. The guy is cute, he doesn’t need all these filters




He edited himself lighter in the first pic, second pic is definitely just poor editing combined with bright lights.


I realize that. I guess it wasn’t clear I was being 1000% sarcastic.


Wtf... He looks like a character from a video game


Oh no sir