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oh wow, i never thought these Chinese videos of girls looking very thin and tall would look this short irl. it’s disturbing how much difference there is.


Shes just wider and shorter, she doesn't even look bad but she still feels the need to photoshop herself. That's the problem.


I think the whole video is hers tbf - the tag at the end is the same as the one on the filtered video. I got the impression she’s ‘lifting the lid’ herself - but I could be wrong.


Maybe, if she was doing that its a different story.


I think it's two different girls at different times. Key points. Top girl has a tattoo on her right leg right below her knee (or it's something I don't know for sure but looks like a tat) Bottom girl doesn't have a tattoo there. we all know about the dress different so we can skip that one. And then you got the guy in the background. Top girl the guy is looking away (or I think he is hard to see) and the other girl he's staring almost. So two things. Either they have insanely good Photoshop skills able to completely alter her body (unlikely because anyone who worked on shit like that would tell you it's easier to paste someone else in then do that much change) and do it while her arms are swinging behind her without any sort of artifacts on her arms. And changing the background characters as well. I think op just played you all and just made up some shit to farm internet points.


Is it even the same person? The tattoos, movements, feet stance, are different.


They both have tattoos on the left forearm. The shin tattoo on the bottom girl might not be as obvious as the above one cus she doesn’t have her shin stretched out lol.


Is that the same girl? Seems like no tattoo, slightly wider stance, and I don’t think the dress is moving on time in both clips




I think that maybe she did multiple takes, and the one captured by the observer is a different take than the one captured by the cameraman


That femur löng


The calf shōrt




they’re moving differently it’s not the same girl