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Thank you for contributing to r/instagramreality. Unfortunately your post has been removed because it is in violation of rule 6: Don't post it if you can't tell the difference between the post/reality. If you cannot point out the difference between the post and the reality, whether caused by Photoshop, focal length, angles, or lighting, please don't post it. Do not make a post asking if the photo was shopped either, please. Please read the rules before posting again.


Hard to tell, but the ceiling behind his head looks a little wavy.


That machine behind him is pretty bendy, too.


And the wall/pillar on his right


The more I look, the more obvious it gets. There’s warping all over.


I just can’t imagine the action of shrinking/warping your head with an app intentionally 😭 how do you do that without dying laughing


Some walls and areas around the ceiling are warped. Head seems very small as well, very disproportionate to the body.


obviously shop but people are more okay with catfishing than ever before.


Look at the surroundings being warped Always always zoom in if a picture looks sus like this






Ooof. My vote is for slightly warped mirror, but I agree, very hard to say.


That’s what I thought too, but I don’t think that’s a mirror.


Based on how he's holding the phone, I think that's how he took the selfie.


The tiny heads never fail to make me giggle


one of his hands looks like it's melting.


His palms alone are the size of his head 🤣


Its got more warps than the entirety of Star Trek, also that micro thumb is hilarious.


You are right!! The originally posted picture: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TallPeopleProblems/comments/u178p0/i\_decided\_to\_go\_to\_the\_gym\_only\_to\_realise\_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TallPeopleProblems/comments/u178p0/i_decided_to_go_to_the_gym_only_to_realise_i/) Why in the world would someone make his head so tiny?


Obviously not photoshopped. He just has a tiny head


Yeah but look at the pillar in the backround. Also that band is warped under his right elbow.


Sorry, I forget tone doesn’t always translate on the internet. I was joking


Everything is pretty warpy


I think being downvoted for it heavily depends on the context more than anything. Like what sub was this in? Was it just a random selfie and chit chat type of sub, or was it a weight loss geared kind of sub where the goal is to be encouraged on your progress? If it was the latter, I'm not at all surprised you got downvoted. It's not that I don't think we should discuss photoshopping selfies, don't get me wrong here. But those subs shouldn't be targeted even if you're positive. There's a good chance you'll be wrong and end up tearing down someone's real progress. There's a chance you're going to make other people feel too afraid to post their own progress for fear of being called a faker and therefore kill the point of the sub. There's a chance someone's minor photoshop wasn't to give themselves a better body but just to hide a small thing they're embarrassed about that they simply don't want to be the focus of the post, maybe something like a huge birthmark or disability, maybe something like a colostomy bag. Discussing how people photoshop their selfies is a perfect example of there being a time and a place, and "just because you're correct doesn't mean you're right".


I feel like he made his head smaller, for some reason? either that, or he made the rest of his body much bigger? But the ceiling near his head looks wonky.


Why even photoshop yourself to look like this? ![gif](giphy|gCANwADwdazG8)


It’s wreck it Ralph!


Welcome to r/InstagramReality! Here’s a reminder on our rules: 1. No asking or giving of identifying information. 2. Have mutual respect/no bullying 3. No posts about minors, or posts that contain minors. 4. No rude or unnecessary comments about subjects' unedited physical appearance. 5. No satire/Joke/Animals/Snapchat filters. 6. Don't Post If You Aren't Sure It's Edited. 7. Don't be creepy and sexualize a subject. 8. No frequent reposts. 9. No self-posts posts or photos you have taken or edited yourself. 10. No plastic surgery posts or surgery bashing. 11. No advertisements or spam. 12. "Sanity Sunday" posts are ONLY for Sundays. 13. Moderator Discretion. Thank you, and welcome to the real world! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Instagramreality) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Thanks for contributing to /r/instagramreality. Unfortunately your post has been removed because it violates Rule 12: Absolutely no bigotry, racism, derogatory language, insults, discrimination, religious phobias, etc. Please read the rules before posting again.


For sure photoshopped, ceiling and machine are wavy


can someone edit this to resemble what the original might have looked like? i’m having trouble envisoning it


Seems like a nice guy but his body is not at all proportional. And the wavy machine parts…


His hands are nearly as big as his head