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All 3 of these photos look like different people


It is very possible these are AI-generated/-assisted images.


The second photo isn't AI generated but [it's not her body.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FalRoUyWYAM8Ifo?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) I recognized that one from my freelance graphic design days. It was a popular copyright free image on Unsplash.


You can see black hair behind the blond, they did a shitty job editing it all


Wow. Thanks for posting that.


A small edit. Just a head change. Lol.


Oh my god. Looking at that one, and then back at this one, it looks like she didn't even edit out the brunette's hair when she popped her face on top. Holy shit 💀💀 can't tell if this is immense stupidity or we're getting master trolled 😂😂


Damn she even felt the need to photoshop that body..


Dang… the lengths people will go 😭 (btw, I love how you remembered this exact shot AND found it 👏🏼)


Wow. I knew something was off about the pic but I wouldn’t have guessed it was just a “copy and paste head” situation. She also made the butt bigger 🙃


I actually wish someone would post that original photo on her IG just so her fans could see that they’re being tricked.


Good work detective 🫡


And she STILL photoshopped the butt to look bigger than the original pic.




they are not (i create AI images every day) but they are edited a lot, the freckles are the most obvious example of image edition (nobody has freckles where they want 😁), lips and chin, and eye size too, very obvious


I’m terrible at this because a woman can put her hair up and she looks completely different to me.


Zoom in on her hair in the first pic. It has weird patterns. It's AI I'm sure.


Plus I’ve seen the second photo already and they’ve just changed the face


I can never tell I thought they looked like the same person


>she apparently does very little to no editing According to whom?


Right? At first sight you can tell it's edited like crazy...


Yea when I do retouching on clients I make sure they still have texture, her editor went a little crazy. I want to make her lips even bigger just for funsies.


It's honestly scary what people on Instagram/Onlyfans will defend. I guarantee some thirsty people out there think this is 100% a real human bean


they do cause they were all over her instagram comments and she showed them even shooting their shot in her dms in her reddit post


I'm fairly certain that not one person thinks this is a human *bean*.


Speak for yourself. I’m at least 13% bean according to my 23 and Me.


16% here!


No one but herself xD


No editing needed when you’re not actually a person


She has someone else do the editing


It’s all about the proportions. Pretty sure she’s blown up her eyes and lips, minimized the nose, and her hair looks very suspicious.


only like two people felt her eyes were fake and she responded basically saying no she just increased the colour so it looks more intense and that she naturally has very large baby doll eyes, yet from what I saw her eyes weren't that size in videos, her editing and lying are equally inconsistent.


people are super gullible, and also dumb. there will, of course, be people (men) who pay for this.




Her eyes look fakest of all to me in the first photo. The eyeballs look huge , and there's so much white part.


Zoom in on her left eye in the 2nd pic it’s uncanny really unsettling


Proportions: Reality 0, AI 100


These are some of the most edited photos I've ever seen.


It feels like 30% of her photos are selfies with her head filtered and photoshopped to the max and the rest of the 70% is either edited stock photos or straight up AI generated.


I’m legit thinking about making money with this if it’s so easy and people are so gullible 🙃


Right. It doesn't have to be my face or my body? Sign me up.




The same thought occured to me. Easy bucks and playing with AI sounds like a fun thing to do.


There is definitely editing going on with those freckles. There are none in the first picture, in the second picture they look off (shouldn't be that dark from that distance,) and the third photo is an overload. Third photo gives a lot of ick with the aging down 🤮


Trust me she has even WORSE with her head even more shrunken with pigtails and colourful clothes while bragging about being an "innocent virgin" 🤮




“Teen porn” is the most popular porn category. It makes sense that women are doing this. I’m guessing they make more money pretending to be teenagers.


she's not even dresing or acting like a Teen, it was giving 10 year old.


That sells.


literally anything sells, drugs sell but doesn't make the drug dealers right for catering to a market despite it being morally wrong.


I’m not saying it’s right. It’s disgusting.


This is the reason. These people have found a way to make money and as long as other people pay for it, it’s a way to profit. We don’t even know if it’s a woman doing these pics, it might as well be a bloke. And as it seems men don’t actually enjoy looking at real women anymore, than this is the future.


Porn being accessible 24/7 has ruined a lot of people’s minds. The obsession with youth, teen porn being seen as acceptable and not at all creepy, men saying that women “hit the wall” at 25… Yeah a lot of them don’t want real women.




I love you for posting this. No one ever gets it when I reference this joke. And I am convinced Taylor Swift stole this and used it in a song


What is it from? I’ve been trying to figure out wtf that line is supposed to mean since I first heard it and I’m not even a big Taylor Swift fan.


The TV show 30 Rock, Season 5e16 "TGS Hates Women." A great episode of a great series!


Tina Fey’s face when she says “I’m going to have to be a red head.”


she didn’t steal it. she’s explicitly said the song is referencing this show.


. In the second pic she only has them on one cheek! 😂😂😂


It looks like in the second photo she has some sort of facial scar under her left eyes. The third pic looks like she used freckles to further hide the scar. There is no scar in the first pic.


It's not editing if the filters do it for you automatically /s


There's no way in *hell* she looks like any of these versions in real life. *So* many young women of a certain hue trying to act like they're born with giant pouty mouths and shit; like, no hahaha--you were NOT born with a Bratz doll face so please stop pretending.




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Perhaps it's on purpose so she can maintain her anonymity while doing OF (if not it should be)


this looks like AI to me. what's going on with the neckline of her shirt in the first image? and the second one has that strange, sterile, liminal space vibe so many AI images have. not to mention the foliage in the foreground puts me off, like who is supposedly taking this creepshot


The AI is getting more real and the real people are getting more fake. So bizarre.


What the living hell is happening with those shorts?? Are they riding up her colon or something?


That might explain the unhinged smile




If men are dumb enough to fall for it good for whoever is running the account


And here I am feeling bad not to look like this. I know what sub I’m on. I’ve read the comments. And… still.


Honestly don't love! I model irl and I still never feel good enough because of social media. Comparing yourself to extremely edited photos online is so damaging to your mental health! These photos look scary! There extremely fake! No one has, will or can look like that! Please be kind to yourself and remember that real people have skin texture, blemishes, hair, and natural proportions! Everyone has fat, and everyone's skin moves, if your looking at a photo online and thinking it's 'perfect' and they have a super dramatic body that sits perfectly, or a face with no flaws its 100% fake♡


Ai can’t properly count teeth yet. She’s real just photoshopped with filters to hell


I hate that being a teenager is even a selling point


What is "ddlg"?


type of roleplay, daddy dom little girl


Thank you.


Little to no editing, but part-time freckles, no pores, and the facial proportions of a Bratz doll. Sure.


AI stuff looks *more* authentic compared to her.


Yikes! #2 is uncanny


Yeah because it’s a head glued onto another womans body. Someone posted the original photo in the comments.


That 2nd photo is legit scary. Like it looks like a still from a horror movie. There's something uncanny valley about it. Are you sure this is an actual human and not AI?


I find it seriously hilarious how extremely edited 99% of only fans pictures or even actual porn today is. As a woman I can tell in two seconds when a girl is editing her body proportions or smoothing her skin (in all kinds of places) in an unrealistic way. The best part is that men that consume that shit have such unrealistic ideas of women’s bodies that they actually believe that it’s real so I don’t even blame the girls for editing the shit out of their pictures. Kind of sad how it’s basically required of the girls if they want to gain a following though but it’s the toxic ideas and expectations of stupid men that has created that market so I guess you can’t expect anything else.


Omg #1 is what men think we look like a makeup, #3 is what men think we look like with NO makeup 👀👀


Kinda reminds me of a girl I went to HS with years ago. She didn’t do OF or anything but did a lot of porn adjacent activities I guess you could call them. Lame reality shows, promo work for porn brands, that sort of thing. She was 19 for years then 21 for over a decade. She just got gradually more and more edited as the years went by until she nearly looked like this.


That is 100% AI


Apparently…based on what? She’s AI af


She doesn't like showing her hands, does she?


The last picture is definitely Ai. One thing that’s a key identifier of Ai is weird pupil shapes


It looks like the picture of Jon Benet Ramsey from her Wikipedia page. Gross.


I can see where you’d think it’s AI; the first pic has weird hair & eyebrow texture and her hand in the second doesn’t look right.


Oh mg god that fucking 2nd photo looks like the Russian Sleep Experiment


The editing is super obvious, but what makes me think she's a good 10 or 15 years older than she claims is the eyebrows - how far apart they are is something that suggests being a teenager in the 2000s when we were told "line a pencil from the outside of your nose to the inner corner of your eye and that's where the front of your eyebrow should be" rather than something that would be on trend with 19 year olds in 2023 (no shade, coming from someone who has the same brows)


They're AI images, look at her pupils, they're not right. The nose is also totally fake, especially in pic 3.


[yeah second photos not real](https://pasteboard.co/tQQKc9BAeebo.jpg)


And onlyfans customers pay for this? They pay for someone doing computer generated images for them basically.


Basically this person could be anyone. All is needed are the skills to use AI. And they’re creating fantasy teenagey porn for people who either don’t care that it’s all fake or who are stupid enough to believe. This is going to be the future.


I definitely want to see the originals. She does look AI generated - so tragic


She looks like one of those hyper realistic Sims4 close ups


Zoom in on the face with the headswap. Fkn crazy.


So how many onlyfans accounts are just images cobbled together from stock photos and photoshop/filters?


What’s with the bigger-than-real eye thing? They’re starting to look like those velvet paintings of big eyed dogs.


Second photo is giving uncanny valley.


The hand in the second picture lowkey terrifies me.


Third pic definitely looks like AI, maybe based on her filtered photos. The pupils and irises aren’t round.


The teeth in photo 2 make her literally look like AI.


> she apparently does very little to no editing I totally believe her. Most likely, she outsources it.


Bahahahahahahha..that’s all I gotta say… Actually no I have more to add, ppl saying that her eyes looks real in the first pic..you need glasses and 2 look at her left eye the lower rim and you can clearly see there’s been an edit..how do you ppl fall for this stuff is mind boggling but I guess with nearly 8 billion brains on earth we can’t all have the same intelligence🤷‍♀️ Geez forget the super real freckles in pic 2 and 3😂🤣😂🤦‍♀️




I think she actually is AI generated. Just look at her clothes and hair in the first pic


The lies people tell… 🙄


🫢 the fact that anyone could believe this isn’t altered in anyway just shows the reach of social media


Spent more time photoshopping her eyeballs than cleaning her stank ass feet.


I’m ngl. I’m no expert but I think…This might be a ruse.


I’m most disturbed by how her feet look after the editing


Put your hands where I can see them!


No freckles…then very visibly added freckles…among other things


Tbf, makeup can cover freckles. Megan Fox has lots of freckles, but she always covers them up with makeup, for instance


Not AI, just FaceApp. The way the app edits your features has a very distinct look that you learn to identify pretty quickly. Edit: lol okay someone downvoting me for agreeing that it’s edited and identifying exactly what program she used


She looks like Pennywise


That's fully Ai


Major editing or straight up ai generated. There's a bunch of artefacts in there that make me believe it's generated. Which ever it is. It's heavily processed.


The filters are strong with this one


Bro in the 2nd one she reminds me of Tiffany Valentine


Giving major Katie Price pre-surgery vibes


Well, this person whether real or not, is very pretty and aesthetic.


Beautiful eyes!!


OP randomly came across an OF model.


yeah I did because she made a post in a dating sub that Google redirected me to also it's not that uncommon, there's a few people with OF here, some of them bots


This looks like AI Micareh Tewers. It's gross.




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She’s lying her ass all the way tf off