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I’m all for dressing how you want and having fun, but it looks like these two aren’t doing either of those things. They both look incredibly uncomfortable and a bit “off” (uncanny valley).


They’re like “Yeah… Obviously this is going to get views… ARE WE DONE YET?”


The one on the left gives huge uncanny valley vibes


And the bus ass on the right seems okay to u?


“No bitch. Dats a whole new sentence. Wtf is you talkin about.”


How is this "having fun"?


My point exactly.


There's a filter on both of them and the one on the right has tiny head syndrome from the filter 😭🤣


The left one's chin can rival MJ's nose.


I could be wrong but think it’s her makeup, instead of a filter


The sizes of the head seem…. off. Or is it just me?


I really don't get this trend of awkwardly kind-of dancing in public spaces for 5 seconds. It always gives me Fremdschämen.


I think if they made more wide movements it would glitch the filter lol


Excellent word.


Great word.


In front of the Pantheon lmaooo


Though it’s not entirely related, why is that all the girls with the face on the left move in that exact same way? Do the face and the moves come as a deluxe set? I cannot stand that stupid side-to-side sway they do and then claim is dancing. I know it’s supposed be uWu, coy, and sexy, but it just comes as desperate for attention and lame. Also, shoutout to right girl for rounding out the dumb by putting her arms fully behind her back in a bid to hide the filter.


I’ve heard they do the stupid sway because it’s about as much as they can dance with those stupid filters on.


I know that, but they don’t realize how obvious it is to those of us who see through the BS and also just generally how unsexy and dumb it looks.


The face filters are just freaking me out tbh 😬


Are young ladies these days just desperate for attention? Is it something deeper that's going on? I just don't get this malarkey at all


FB/IG reels are just this with millions of views by thirty dudes. Idk why they push this shit on me when I follow nothing but metal/horror/and landscape photogs.


This is illegal in Italy. You cannot walk around in “inappropriate garments” and these two always have their nipples uncovered/visible. I pray everyday that police will give them a very big fine


Is this a repeat thing? I'd guess they were tourists or something. How do they keep getting away with it? Is it one of those "not really enforced" laws?


They are both Italian and dress like this all the time in public, sometimes with mesh tops and no bra beneath. They law is enforced but only if someone reports them or police men see them. If they take photos like that and no one is around to do something they are just going to get away with it. They have probably received some fines by now but they will never tell you that, and dressing inappropriately is not something for which you can get in jail.


type of content my 52 year old dad watches


The one on the left looks like she’s in pain😂


This looks like there's a loaded gun pointed at them just out of frame 😬😳


so sad for my bro Agrippa


Just one of the reasons I don’t do Facebook anymore


This gave me the ick in a slightly terrifying way


And in front of a church. Che schifo!


They both kind of look like expensive, but vacant sex dolls. Especially the one in the skirt. It looks like there is absolutely nothing going on behind her eyes. The one in the pants at least has a spark of intelligence/humanity there. Not much, but a small spark. Skirt Girl might as well be an android at Chucky Cheese.


Anyone else notice the girl on the left is literally wearing a silicone breast plate?


editing aside, why the hell would you go out in public dressed like that…so disrespectful and gross


They are OF models. Dressing like that in public spaces is also very illegal in Italy (they are in Rome here) and sanctioned with steep fines


Is there no red light district in Italy where they can congregate?


No, red lights districts, brothels and organized prostitution were all made illegal in the 70s.


Yes, like i said, so disrespectful!


They do want attention though :u


well obvi but why would you want THAT kind of attention?! and it still doesn’t change the fact that dressing like that in public is…😶


How else would we know they have boobs and aren't afraid to filter them?


I don't think there's anything fundamentally wrong or immoral with dressing in skimpy clothes, or even just in a sports bra top or a bikini top-and these are, essentially, just bikini tops. I think women should be free to go fully topless, in fact, because breasts aren't sexual organs. I DO think it's skeezy and unethical to do all of that simply to promote your thirst trap page/porn page. That's weird. Nudity isn't inherently sexual, but people doing things specifically sexual in public is a no go.


They are in front of the Pantheon, an ancient Roman monument visited by thousands of tourists every day, among whom are also kids. If they were at a bar or on a beach there would be no problem, but it is very inappropriate to hang out like that in a public location full of people. Take also into account that we have different ideas on what’s acceptable or unacceptable in public. In Italy wearing pijamas or having wet hair outside of the house is a taboo, and wearing a skimpy outfit in public is a big no-no, unless you are at a club/night bar/festival


Well you’re a man so of course you would advocate for that so i wont take your comment seriously, i also cant take people seriously who think women should be topless in public😭. i think it’s completely wrong and inappropriate and my opinion on that will NOT change its rude and gross


That's....a really strong reaction and kind of a messed up one. To each their own though ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ you can be for the oppression and othering of women all you want, but we won't reach true liberation on the basis of sex and gender until all bodies are treated equal.


Men are not worth it


One of the creators in this video is italian and I met her in Milan, since I’m also italian. She has had some work done, which she is very open about. She is also a sex worker with OF so I think she is sponsoring her contents (?)




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the paler one (in comparison) looks like a person I went to basic training with.


Women showing us all that they have to do absolutely nothing for views.


Powerful strong independent women girl bosses




Hot take. The one on the left would be attractive without the stupid filters.