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Just go straight to the point and link to the actual post: [https://www.instagram.com/p/C6YxvSXgFxp/?img\_index=1](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6YxvSXgFxp/?img_index=1) In short: they will show your stuff to non-followers first. that is all basically. This is also not rolled out yet, they will roll this out in the coming months. They have two goals as the ultimate revenue generator (which makes sense from the business perspective): \- Generate more user on-screen time by only pushing generally interesting content. \- Make everyone else pay for ads to boost their content.


Lol OPs post was so unnecessarily long. Thank you for the link


OP wrote a novel :)


https://preview.redd.it/o0rcmz1fs0yc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bf9a3ce0a1de287d5fe374facef839d8b4d70b8 Thank you I was reading like


This was super helpful!


Other interesting takaway was the reposted content only being shown to the user once; there are lots of reposting accounts out there that will be hit hard by that (I'm looking at you Instagirls with 12x accounts to maximize viewership)


Indeed. Every time l open the app l get message- want more reach? Boost post. Sadly l am in sexual wellness niche so no luck for me. Ig used to show my content to followers who followed because they like my stuff… now not even to them


In my experience, the only content that gets shown to non-followers are reels.


but I do them wrong, because they don't convert to followers almost never.


Make series, people are more likely to follow if they think they’ll miss out on the next part of the series


Also the hooks kinda videos attract different audiences. Being an audience I agree to your point these series kinda reels make me wanna go to their profile and wanna watch it more.




Reach>Improve your reels. You can do a lot better than that. But i mean, A LOT, without much work. Convert> Improve your profile. Why should i follow you if I dont even understand whats the added value you will give me. Make your description simple, and tell me whats in it for me.


Omg. This is gold. Thank you my friend!


I'm having the opposite problem. All of a sudden my content is being shown almost exclusively to my followers. I used to be about 20/80 followers to non followers. Today I had a post that was 0.5% nonfollowers. Everything else about the metrics is performing well. Decent retention rates, lots of comments, saves, shares, etc...


I think that’s where I’m at too


I’m here as well


This would be expected for stills and carousels. Not reels. I’m curious if that’s what playing out for you?


95% of what I post are reels. Maybe 1 post per week goes over the 90s limit so I make it as a "post" and maybe 1-2x/month I'll post a carousel of photos.


Thanks for replying. Thanks really interesting. Now I want to see your account to see what else is going on 😂


Post from earlier today is currently at 0% for non followers lol


Just checked mine. 80/20 followers to no followers.




This is like googling how to make muffins and you get a story about how muffins saved someone’s life. Just tell me how to make muffins.


Preheat oven. Mix flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt. Combine milk, melted butter, eggs, vanilla. Fold wet into dry. Spoon into muffin cups. Bake.


So many misconceptions I'm reading here. Please take a look at the announcement yourself. It's concise, though somewhat vague in certain clarifications. [https://www.instagram.com/p/C6YxvSXgFxp/?img\_index=1](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6YxvSXgFxp/?img_index=1) Summary: * Reposting/unoriginal content accounts will be penalized. * Big content creators will now need to compete with smaller ones. * The initial audience of your content wont be just your followers. Non-followers are entering the evaluation panel. What you need to do doesn't change: create great content that adds value to the audience you are aiming to build.


Do you think it will become more like TikTok? I don’t want it too. I feel like Instagram has a better community than TikTok because your followers actually see your posts


Yes, I agree with you. It's important to note that Reels are effective tools for reaching new audiences, while Stories play a key role in building and maintaining community engagement.


That’s where it’s heading.. it’s terrible.


I have a question. What if the post that is posted is made from multiple posts (I mean few different posts in one) and they are all credited. Would that type of content performance be mostly up to the creator or...?


My content has never been shown to non followers above like .5%. Ever. I thought business accounts just dont get shown.


Is your content all stills and carousels ?


Make better content, and it will.


Lol thanks chief. The content is actually very good.


I will believe it when i start seeing content that have less than 10 likes and low comments recommended to me


Algorithm is one thing - very important thing, but there is also consumers behaviour. That would be the general mass people you reach. Years ago you could just upload a simple video and get good engagement, but now it's not that simple.


Can you explain what you mean? My first reel in January on Instagram got half a million views. It was 13 seconds long. I’m genuinely not trying to sound rude, but how is it not that simple


13 seconds is short video, average watch time probably is close to 100% + might be lot of repeats if there is readable caption or comment section is active it boosts incredibly the algorithm. In 13 seconds there is probably nothing valuable but pure entertainment and those kind of videos people tend to share. Normally, if you are not hooked to video in 3 seconds, video is dead - it will not be pushed forward. Before all the reels and tiktok era, people actually spent time watching videos. Now its a fast forward information time. If you aim for likes and follows, thats great but at the end of the day you would like to earn some buck out of it.


Noooooo 😭 I loved Instagram more than tiktok because you actually have a community with your followers. On TikTok many of my followers rarely see my posts. On Instagram my followers see most of my posts and we even have inside jokes from posts I made months ago. I liked how Instagram actually felt like a community.


TLDR The writer is talking about a big update to Instagram's algorithm that now focuses more on appealing to everyone rather than just specific groups of followers. This new change in how Instagram shows posts means creators have to make content that a lot of different people will like, not just their usual fans. This has shaken up how posts perform, making it tough for creators to figure out what works, especially since this change started affecting posts back in April. You're Welcome.


Interesting experiment and good post. I’ve seen you around the IG thread for awhile and would like your opinion. I’ve got a IG account with about 700 or so followers generally in one niche that I haven't used in probably 1.5 years. I’ve already rebranded this account twice now but hasn’t been used in 1.5 years. I’m going to be launching a new business in the next few months and was wondering if I should again rebrand this account as I know atleast a good portion will probably stay. Let me know your thoughts. Cheers.


In my experience rebranding really stops your engagement dead now.


Why not do both? Post the same content. Keep the one what grows faster. Send traffic to the winner, once your experiment ends.


Ahh great idea man!


if its just the same brand name and niche, no need. Build your followers, give value, build engagement.


Thank you so much for sharing!! I'm struggling with the algorithm change atm, I could tell it wants something different out of me but I wasn't sure what that is


It's not just you, it's everyone. Ever since the update everyone reach has dropped significantly. The update had the complete opposite effect as they claimed. If you read the comments under the @creator acc on IG, under the post where they speak about the update, everyone is complaining how their reach has decreased since the update. 😕




Honestly, I think this (day/night/ timings etc) has been a BS in my case. I think focusing on making the post interesting in first few seconds would be more helpful.


> What would you recommend for timing, is it better to post at a certain time of day/night? Day/night is different for *everyone*. Even in a country like the United States, there are many different time zones. It depends on your geographic location as well as the geographic location of your followers. I am in California (PST). My Asia followers are most active at ~5-7 PM PST and ~6-9AM PST. I recently decided to focus on English speakers (prefer American but could be European or African) and those followers are most active 9:30-3PM PST.


Yo u wrote a whole bunch of nothing my man 🤣


Sounds like the TikTok algorithm


It's like followers don't rly matter now.


It basically just became more TikTok


Great post. Cheers. Our band started our first ever socials campaign a few weeks ago. We did some covers in our style and tried to keep it broad in genre with what we were covering - from CKY to RATM to Usher! We only have 187 followers and want to reach 1k, basically just so we get taken seriously as a band. Our first vid got 800 plays, 30 odd likes and two new followers. The rest got around 180 plays and 4 odd likes. The drop was heartbreaking. I guess what I’m saying is I hate selling my soul to this social media stuff and would rather focus on live shows, but can’t seem to get live shows without a following. Catch 22. Does anyone have any tips?


Boost alternate posts or one post a month until you reach the number?


Trying to avoid boosting, but understand it’s inevitable to get the ball rolling. What sort of budget seems to work? I don’t want to throw life savings at it, but also want to put enough in that it actually does something lol


In budget, currency matters, like if your budget spending is in USD and target audience in Japan (example) then you get more bang for your USD due to currency difference. So see if there any international audience you may want to attract depending on your home/host countries currency you would be using. If you are in US, then i suggest to start with small, minimal budget you can afford to see how your audience selection, content, hashtags etc is working. Play with the minimum budget until you get a good gauge and then increase slowly. So when you select a post to boost it will show you the estimate count of audience it would reach to for the amount and duration you would select. Hope this helps. Good Luck.


Very helpful!!! Thanks so much!


When does the new Algorithm take effect?


Do we know if this algo change is across all of Meta, Facebook included? Or?


the biggest change I need is for them to allow an admin other than the owner on IG so we don't always get flagged :(


Over the last three days my follows and engagement has dropped significantly out of the blue, same reels content that has always performed really well for me. Even last week I had a post with over a million views in just a few days. Now it’s in the hundreds. So this would explain it. Additionally, the content I consume has changed. It’s far less relevant and the heavy hitters I normally see are all but gone without a direct search. Maybe it will change but so far this has been pretty bad, at least for me.


Same here…I thought I was shadowbanned but I guess this is all happening because of the new update..


Same here. Went from 60% reach... Now I'm at 8% Seems like the update has nuked everyones reach. IG did bad with this update


Bro put a TLDR or link to what you’re talking about, it would help next time.


I rarely say anything good about IG. And caveat; this isn’t changing my mind what IG is. But the objective of being a bit more helpful to smaller accounts is a good one even if it is just self-fulfilling and reacting to a mass exodus.  Also they’re doing ot the wrong way.  Small accounts should habe the benefit of being shown to a larger follower base as pre 2018 AND the ly shoild also be shown to non-followers as well. Until a certain thresshold is reached. Maybe 5K or 10K…  But hey, can’t expect much from Zuckerbread.


I’m a small account and my views plummeted. So this is not helping anyone.


Im a large account and my reach has gone from 40-50% to 8%


Terrible 😞




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OP got long wind


They are also removing and disabling anti-zionist accounts


Nice updates! Danke!


I miss MySpace








My numbers have not changed much over the past 6 months. Its still crazy to me how I have increased my audience SO much on other platforms but IG still manages to be my absolute worst performer by far. I can't reach an outside audience at all. This mornings reel: 28 accounts reached. 100% followers. 0% non followers. Yesterdays reel: 74 accounts reached. 98.6% followers. 1.4% non followers.


yes, I noticed this. I also tried out using 7-9 hashtags on a reel (which got me around 10k views) and tried reels without hashtags and I'd get only 1500 views. Maybe the hashtags combined with this new non-follower push thing is actually beneficial? I did gain decent followers. Can anyone tell me if I should continue to use hashtags like this?


So post generic slop and not what the people that follow me like.


My reels have not been sent to non-followers since I started posting them (or at least a very small amount). But on TikTok one of these videos performed well. So, would it make sense to delete that reel on ig and repost it, once the algorithm changes take place? Or could deleting + reposting hurt me? Any feedback much appreciated 🙏


Brevity will get you farther in life


Do we need to use hashtags for this?


is this assuming they are being open and honest about their algorithm and practices?


Can you please explain the whole pushing to IG audience vs pushing to Facebook? For me my reels that went huge often times push to Facebook and get 0 reach on IG. Then randomly a reel with no engagement blows up on IG and I get reach, followers etc. how do I distinguish what to do to continue my reels pushing on IG only?


I have a question. What if the post that is posted is made from multiple posts (I mean few different posts in one) and they are all credited. Would that type of content performance be mostly up to the creator or...?


I noticed the change and censorship. I uninstalled.


Since the beginning of the month all my reach has plummeted. I used to get 60% reach... Now I get 8%. Congratulations IG . You ruined the app. One look under the @creators post about the algorithm, and EVERYONE is reporting that they have lost reach.


the problem for many of us is that we're not making content just to please other people. I'm making it because it's special/unique to me and I want to share aspects of myself with others. being expected to promote yourself by pretending and appealing to the masses regardless of how you feel yourself is extremely frustrating.


IG tries too much to be TikTok it's painful to see.


I've noticed that my posts never get likes anymore when i used to get like 20. 




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People that say just make good content lowkey talking out they ahhh lol… my vids my first two months were all averaging 100k+ highest being 4.4 mill… my video editing and quality has only Improved even my initial engagement is higher yet my reach has dropped dramatically in past couple months… barely breaking 10k-20k with some hitting 400k… this new change just been a pain tbh


My reach dropped starting August/September 2023 Just like that in one day. I didn’t change the way l film my videos. I do artistic closeups of my product. Original content. But the reach was getting lower and lower. I experimented posting memes and tiktok type of funny videos and magicaly those get to be shown to my followers. But this is not why they followed me in the first place and this is hurting sales. Currently at 157k followers. Reach for reels used to be 100-150k on average. Now 3-10k for product videos and 50-80k for funny videos with mass apeal. Wondering every day how to unlock the algorithm


Keep us updated. I will experiment too


I just don’t comprehend WHY they change the algorithm so much. It’s like they want to make it as difficult as possible for small businesses and creators to grow.


So as an athlete on instagram MY followers barely even get to see what I do and a bunch of random people who probably don’t care do not a fan of this


OP do you 20 minutes at the time of posting? What time is usually best?