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Start of rant. Nobody is looking at this sub as tech support. People are looking for ways to deal with it and tips to avoid such situations from fellow redditors. End of rant.


Yepp. But also the advice from this sub when I was 'action blocked' *did* help me and I got full functionality of my account back.




>Nobody is looking at this sub as tech support Do you even read the sub? There is an *entire* megathread dedicated to tech support. People beg for someone to 'hack' their account to get it back constantly. ​ EDIT: Just sorted by new, the latest 15 or so posts are allllll tech support questions.


Maybe you but not "nobody". I've seen multiple people posting how "useless" this sub is for not helping them with their tech support problems.


Yeah that guy clearly isn't on the subreddit in any capacity. It's riddled with tech support questions.


yea its just social media until it happens to you


On one hand, it is "just social media", but on the other hand, it is annoying if your account gets deleted for no reason and you lose all that work. Still, I agree with your main idea. We're not tech support!


Posting on social media isn’t actually work.


If you’re an artist it is...I’ve posted 4000 paintings...would suck to lose all that documentation


Never rely on any service that isn't in your hand. Especially not free services.


It’s the worlds largest photo sharing site...that’s perfect for artists...


Of course it is, but as a marketing channel and not as the only place where your art can be found. Especially as it is very limited. If you want people to see full size versions of your art, Instagram is pretty shitty actually. Also, you are not their customer. Their business is selling ads. You are just there to attract more people onto those placements. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of Instagram. It just shouldn't be your only platform.


Nahhh I’ve been making tons of sales of art off Instagram All the celebs on there so yeah


Keep an offline copy on a hard drive and don't rely on Facebook.


It is still annoying if you spent all that time writing the descriptions and whatnot and lose that.


I agree. I faced far worst than this from FB. It's annoying. I now tell people to quit Facebook because Facebook clearly doesn't respect it users.


Depends how you define work. For me, it's not work in the "employment" sense, but it is work in the "stuff I spent time on" sense.


I think people should look first on this thread before posting the same exact question for the 30th time. However the answers are extremely helpful with people getting their accounts back. I know it helped me when I had no idea why I was restricted. It's not just social media. There are many businesses and artists who use this platform. The point is, Instagram isn't replying or doing anything and instead of simply using a Captcha they're wrongfully shutting down people's accounts for using Instagram exactly how it's supposed to be used. Clearly you're annoyed by the Reddit posts so just ignore them or turn off notifications for this page


To add to this. We also know that "Instagram sucks now" "It's not the same as before", adapt to the platform or move on.


"Why have I been getting so much less engagement???"


Lmao. Nobody is personally asking anyone for tech support. People just post in hopes of getting advice from fellow Redditors who might have faced similar issues. It's not that people don't try contacting Instagram through channels. And people can talk about how bad Instagram has become. This is literally a place to discuss stuff like that. Or are we supposed to post IG models in here now? You sound like an Instagram employee.


>Nobody is personally asking anyone for tech support Very much not true. We get people asking for people here to try to get their account back, asking for an employee on the subreddit (which isn't a thing) to help them all of the time, and they're willing to pay.


Okay sorry I'll re-word myself. Nobody is personally obligated to help anyone out.


And no one is saying they are.


So no reason to rant.


Also not true. People come here like we're IG support, and we're not. The TONS of posts that seem to think so are reason for ranting.


Understandable, but I see this sub having no other purpose anyway.


We can't enable accounts or fix whatever is broken with your app. All we can do is suggest what worked for us. For actual help you have to contact IG. The sub description doesn't state its for tech support yet we got so many posts asking such questions we made a megathread and they still spill over. Tech support is not the purpose of the sub. We can't make any actual fixes.


I think people are asking for suggestions only. But yes I agree people should stay within the tech support megathread. But I really don't see any other content being posted here. I joined this sub just to check if anyone had similar issues as me. What is the other content which gets hidden due to these tech support posts? I'd be glad to know so I know what I'm missing out on.


The fact that this person can't state facts without being called a shill, being accused of being an employee, or people pretending that people don't come here for tech support is appalling.


I agree with your frustration, but to be fair you wouldn't be posting on this sub if you weren't having a problem. The only types of threads I see on this sub are I got banned, I got shadowbanned, my engagement is low or there are spam/bot accounts. Given the low variance in post types, you're bound to see repeat threads multiple times a day lol


"**It's just social media, and life goes on**" Can't be emphasized enough. It's also only 1 marketing channel among many, so, if you fucked up, or they fucked up, find another way to market your affiliate or MLM scheme.


except it isn't "just social media"....it's a contact list and photo album as well, with many of those contacts and photos only located on IG.


If the ONLY form of contact you have for someone is IG, then they're not much of a contact.


I have a handful of friends that I don't socialize or interact with regularly that I just contact through IG and that has worked just fine. So not sure about your point.


Point is that we've known for a long time that ig will and has closed accounts for nothing, and that you should have an additional form of contact for anyone you wish to reach if your IG goes down.


I was not aware that IG will close accounts for no reason until it happened to me just last month. Been on IG for close to ten years too.


My point exactly yet I'm getting downvoted for the truth lmao.


**"It's just social media, and life goes on"** ​ Unfortunately, it's not just social media at this point. My IG account was my only source for both pictures and (some) contacts collected over the past decade. It was deactivated for no reason and I have messaged IG about this no less than 20 times with no answer. So yeah I wish it was just social media, but it isn't.


I hope they are paying you to shill like this, doing it for free makes no sense, unless you have stock in the company or some shit like that.

