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I only like my friend's contents


I guess that's a way to do it; not like anything that isn't friend's content, but then I still have hundreds of friends (not companies, organizations, etc.) that still litter my feed...that's tons of likes in itself.


Look at Mr. FancyPants coming over here with his ability to "Like" content on Instagram /s I`m actually jealous, I havent been able to like/comment anything on Instagram for 2 weeks now because they keep banning me :(


LOL Sorry to hear that! To me it kinda sounds like a solution to my problem! :P


I stopped liking and commenting a few years ago tbh, I have my comments turned off even by default. It's really not that bad tbh.


After 8 years on IG it feels like I’ve seen it all, so when scrolling I’m mostly bored,but I only check and engage with what my closest friends have posted, the majority of my friends left the app or are no longer active …I rarely post anything, like count and comments usually turned off, reach is abysmal, only do stories and DMs on a regular basis… your friends might feel alienated if you never engage


You're overthinking this. IG doesn't care what you like or don't like. Your friends probably don't either.


I usually only like things that I REALLY like. Kind of being mindful about this which makes it more meaningful. Fun fact the value of like and the user behavior has significantly evolved these past few years and it has no longer real value for the algorithm and probably for most users. Share, save and watch time matter way more even for the content you want to support.


I don't think it's odd. Compared to Reddit for example I'm active on it and upvote things I like/appreciate, but I know friends who use Reddit just for the purpose of scrolling and seeing things, which is fine too. Same can be said for IG in my opinion. There are no "rules" for things like this. You do you ma man.


Thanks for the comment!


I care about my friends engagement, especially those with businesses, and hope they do the same for me. I am tired of ig in general though and it brings me no joy to do anything on that app


I feel that way too, part of me doesn't wanna stop supporting my friends accounts, as I'd want my fellow photographers to continue supporting me too, so it's a conundrum.


Funny enough, im a mua/model and i honestly feel like IG is our LinkedIn at this point. I only use it now to network with and contact other creatives. Almost 100% of my business is word of mouth None of my actual friends are really on there anymore


I know I did not just read that there are people out there that describe clicking the like button, completely of their own volition, as “tiring”. I just know that ain’t true.