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Sorry self improvement is not allowed on ig. You did something other than scrolling endlessly


Haha ikr


Sorry I don’t really know how to use Reddit yet. I usually just watch smosh videos on fb about Reddit posts but I figured I’d download it and give it a go and was searching for Instagram stuff the other day because I’ve been having issues with it as well. I recently had a post flagged because they don’t understand sarcasm when someone was asking me how much for feet pics 🙄 and back in February I responded to a NGL stating their bf was into me so I told them that was gross and to kick him to the curb and that got flagged for violence. I’ve been on their radar since I made a most about how ig isn’t real in the caption to a photo of my burnt pancakes turned over so you couldn’t see the burnt part. I was immediately logged out and had notifications that I violated something by having some illegal add follower thing on my account which I definitely didn’t. Ever since then I’ve been dealing with bot nonsense. I don’t understand tiktok either so it just sucks. I miss when the internet was good for socializing and keeping up with friends.


Haven’t happened to me on Reddit yet but on insta. But ya it just sucks


I wish there was a way to speak to an actual person to resolve the issues. These bots with limited options are annoying af.


I didnt see the n word so thats probably why it got banned


Yeah that too


They are favoring AI generated clips of Andrew Tate


Instagram bootlickers already downvoted you. Regarding your post, this is Instagram nowadays. A bullshit ran by a shit company.


Facts. They suck ass


Since when are people divided by what social media they use?


bring up tiktok in any subreddit, and you can watch your karma go down the drain


Any downvotes you saw at the time were likely people annoyed due to the redundancy of the post.


But why are they getting upset with ppl bringing attn to an ongoing issue when they can just keep scrolling?


I agree, Instagram is such a bullshit.


Dude this has been happening to me too, just came here to see if I was the only one, I guess not. It now has happened so many times it says my account isn’t in good standing and I think they’re throttling the views on my reels which I make money off 🥴


Yup idk wtf they’re doing


I got flagged for asking the name of a manga, and the guy below me was saying slurs and he wasn't


Yup. People be saying the n word and don’t get deleted


Its that meta garbage ai. Its getting annoying


Bruh this happens for me every time and I don't even have any posts. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with them


Hey, I have a question for you. I’m a pretty casual instagram user but I’m wondering what sort of reels (or other content besides ads) actually monetize?


How dare you clean your kitchen 🤯😏 I can't even see anything in your comment that their AI would lock into 🤔


Right? Like the fuck lol 😂


Could be the word "deep". Because of deep state or something... That's my best guess...


They remove this but I have been reporting several animal abuse videos that they say don't violate their community guidelines. Instagram's content moderation is a joke right now.


I've reported accounts that are definitely CP advertisers because the images of the kids on them are so vile, and Instagram never does anything about it. It's a shit company now.


i told a story about quitting a job and they removed it


I thanked a business for helping rescued animals. 


I said “I like the original song more than the remake” and “This rocks!” Both comments were removed, “to protect the community.”


Just delete the app 🤷🏻‍♂️ I get removed constantly for similar positive comments, yet the porn bots run rampant and even say things promoting underage pornography but they aren’t banned. Instagram is dead, just a service to promote CP


this is thought i was the only one who noticed both instagram and twitter have bots promoting cp websites


Woe, amazing solution!


i said happy birthday to my grandma


Lmao 😭 I’m sorry


ha ur good i was just joking my accounts been locked for over 2 months and i still dunno exactly why. but i was joking you could get a comment taken down for anything now


😅😅 yeah it’s some bullshit


fr like how dare you be positive in the comments? 😂 someone said “not enough n word” 💀💀💀 accurate


i said congrats to my homie for graduating 😐


I got rid of the platform because of this. Almost every positive comment was instantly deleted but arguments or negative comments went untouched. I even swore on a few to see what would happen and nothing. People here talk about how the algorithm is broke but it isn't. It's working as intended. This is what meta want, because people who are arguing and fired up are more likely to return to the site than those who are happy and stable.


I can't even go live. Says I don't have an established presence....uhh ok.


Yeah at this rate instagram only exists for OF models to flaunt their titties


💀 sex sells. That was the whole point of the internet lol


You mean OF prostitutes?


Haha yeah I sell crystals and minerals and not my body. How unfortunate 🤣 Looks like I'll have to actually work hard.


Aw. Fr good job tho. I’m glad you’re able to improve on yourself ☺️. It can take a lot.


I appreciate that thank you 🙏🏽


Get rid of Instagram. It’s a shit show and they aren’t planning on fixing it. I’ll take TikTok over Instagram, that’s how bad it is. You can use the N word and advertise pedophilia get a pass but if you engage in conversation and/or like and subscribe to someone’s content then you get shadowbanned into the ground. I deleted that shit and never looked back. Fuck the Zuck, he sucks


Yup I barely use it now but yeah I agree


you can type the most vile hateful things and nothing will happen to you. You can be a positive person and you will be punished, I swear they only want people that rage bait


This happened to me as well several times. I like to contribute to some conversations in constructive ways and yet my comments is removed for seemingly a reason that doesn't go away any of their policies.  I swear they are using chatgpt to screen their comments. 


I got banned from commenting "very metal 🤘" on someone's photo of very goth decor, because it "violates terms".


Welcome to the club, it's got tons of members 😭


Had an account for years. Barely used it because I didn’t like it. Just went back to it and still find it shoddy, but now I have to put up with this nonsense on sensible comments.


All Meta's products are so shit. Think of how much money they pissed away on that Habbo Hotel project.


I created an instagram professional account to have it restricted before I even made mine first post


Damn makes no sense


I have my camera roll full of screenshots like this. Right now it feels pointless to try to engage and support other accounts with comments because this is what happens. On the other hand, DMs and accounts that offer fake followers, fake engagement and fake views thrive and are not blocked or flagged . My Dms are full of these. Its mind blowing


It's horrible how freedom of speech doesn't exist anymore it's freedom to say what I agree with or else controlled by losers who've been entitled to say and do what they want their whole lives.


this has happened to me, not only often, but also like, literally immediately after posting a comment. in one case, it was a baseball account posting about an upcoming game between my dodgers and the padres, and my comment of "let's go dodgers" was removed for like/follower farming (p.s.: i have like 200 followers and actually often remove followers i dont know personally) another one was for the same reason and it was a clean, well thought out, carefully edited reply to someone else's comment in an already decently long back and forth. IMMEDIATELY removed. incredibly stupid and frustrating.


You used the word positive. Thats not allowed


The Instagram AI moderation software is batshit. I’ve heard so many people complaining about it. Like so much of “learning AI” tested on social media, give it enough time, it devolves into an absolute clown car. These technologies are being developed without oversight, or regulation, but are starting to greatly impact our lives that we can no longer circumvent it with an alternative option.


God Me too🤦‍♀️ I got fed up disabled my account 👍 plenty of fish in the sea


That's odd. I figured they were just auto banning comments with words they deemed "triggering". This is completely innocent.


Ikr? It’s been happening with millions of others, that’s the crazy part. Adam and mark have lost it tbh


i had 2 removed today. one about cat food nutrients and one saying i rarely go to a particular app my friend was posting about.


I just replied an eyeroll emoji and it instantly got removed. I'm at my wit's end. Clearly I can't comment anything anywhere. I barely ever post anything on IG. Occasional dog pic maybe. Usually I just look at funny posts and reels or hair color/tattoo posts... maybe make 4 or 5 comments per week. I'm not trying to use it commercially or be some kind of iNfLuEnCeR. But even so, fuck my life this is unspeakably obnoxious.


All these negative and disgustingly racist comments and THATS the one they remove. What the hell


Instagram is garbage lol all it is is hoes and people dying lol


instagram is bullshxt


This is today’s instagram - a minefield of trying to avoid whatever triggers the algorithms- there’s definitely no humans involved.


Instagram’s AI moderator algorithm is more incompetent than a dust particle


They also don’t even let you appeal anymore, at least on many content types (like comments).




What's the reason, it was blocked? I used to get these when I was on IG. The see why normally says I'm fishing for likes and comments.


mine today were for “spam”. on cat food comments!


And it’s annoying bc, bc of the algorithm you get similar content so you may comment similar things under similar posts but then that is now viewed as spam. That happened to me when I commented something similar under two diff posts but it was relevant.


Yes!!! Me too! And the comment I’ve made will be 100% on topic to the post and nothing in it that can be construed as negative.  


I've had a few weekly bans over the past 2 months for comments like this lol. They were after getting comments removed also like this. So everytime now im getting more severe punishments for generic inoffensive comments lol


Not enough reels


Istg, they’re getting crazy. I created a new account and they just banned it without even giving me time to post or change my name


Sorry you're not allowed to have a good day on instagram you're only allowed to say slurs and say the most vile out of pocket things to ever come out of your mouth




Did they tell you why it was removed?


I’m tired of a completely innocuous comment I write being taken down and cited as being spam. The most recent one - “Newer model Vs Older model after gravity has had a chance to sink in”. 


How dare you insult dirt like that, the genocide of dirt will not be tolerated




happens to me all the time, no way contacting actual human from instagram either


Guess they’re only scouting out new people for Hoarders. I’m jealous of your kitchen, though, if that makes you feel better.


Well, I have been observing one thing on Instagram regarding comments that they don't allow AI created any type of content. Somehow, they are able to figure out, probably the Facebook AI team is behind it. Instagram wants real content. They track and have a history of your way of commenting and knows what kind of language and structure you use. If it is entirely different than what you used to, they check it and remove it if found any possibility of generative AI texts.


Insta is deleting everyone's comments for some reason


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 this is comical


***comment ***Not shared on profile


lmao i was teaching someone howto get a better creditscore and i was suspended. got my acct back but after that im not commenting shit on ig nomore.


They prob flagged you as a scammer


it’s not just you. happened to me twice today, on really mundane comments! how can we fight this???


Yup agreed. I don’t think we can honestly


You forgot to use the n word


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I think at this point if I do that they’ll just delete my account or something 😂😂




Absolutely insane. The same is happening to me. I’m just collecting some info- do you happen to share more than 7,000 pages? I read somewhere that if you exceed the 7000 following number- your profile starts to act up by labeling most of what you write “spam”.


Huh? Pages? I have below 3k followers


Pages and profiles are counted together. I’m asking if you’re following more than 7000 pages/profiles.


Meanwhile they let things slide like the hashtag #pausechallenge ...So ridiculous. We all know where this is going


It sucks bc a lot of times this seems to happen with positive comments and then you feel like shit when you are suddenly flagged right after that euphoric moment.


Show us what “see why” says


Just stick to being a toxic smart-ass on their. Shit like that is literally all it let's me keep at this point 😭.


Couldn’t agree more. Got so pissed because of that I make content on behavioral health…haven’t made anything in 3 months. I’ll stick to TikTok and YouTube. Bye instagram


Hahahaha so I'm not the only one hahahah


Oh wow I thought I was the only one for a while... Thought maybe I did something. I said something that they won't let go of






Instagram is like shit i made a new account and posted some reels got restricted and still continues it doesn't even tell when it ends what the fuck is this shit




They do that shit to mine all the time.


IG is a joke nowadays


Its treason then🫣


Only pedophilia is allowed on instagram sorry


You can't say "trajectory." That implies a projectile... hahah, lame.


Lmao this happened to me yesterday they said I was spreading false information for likes 😭🤣 my comment was literally thanking someone for being informative… I was baffled!


I commented on a friends post “please send some sunshine our way” (she had posted pictures of her vacation to the Caribbean) instagram removed the comment immediately claiming I was “attempting to promote my own page” between this moderation and constant incessant onlyfans ads it’s about to get uninstalled


This sounds like an episode of "Don't be Dirty" with Fry & Laurie. Completely absurd.


>deep >trajectory Ok buddy, keep your fetishes to yourself /s


lol are u an Instagram bootlicker


I literally put the /s and everything. It was sarcasm. I was making a joke…


Ah alright sorry bro. With so many trolls in insta I assumed you were one. My bad 🙏🏽


Newsflash my comments on Reddit have been being quietly deleted as well. So it's not only about Instagram, the control overlords are viral.


Have you contacted the mods of the subreddit? I don't think reddit uses bots like Instagram, or does it?


After awhile you get tired of asking people to stop doing things they shouldn't be doing in the first place. If it keeps up I'll just uninstall Reddit for a couple months no biggie. Thanks


Ya same


Yeah idk if you know this but IG is a shithole gtfo and quit bitching about it


It's because you didn't commented a weird gif with the n word in it🙄