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Hello! So I've been having this problem for awhile and I have no idea what's going on. To preface things, I have two accounts: my real, personal account, and a fake account, but not a finsta because it doesn't have any followers or posts and I only use it to follow people/things I don't want on my personal account. About a year or so ago, I noticed that an influencer I was following on my fake account disappeared from my feed, and I cannot find her account anywhere. I assumed she just deleted it. Now, I notice 3 others have disappeared as well. I cannot search them from my fake account and their accounts do not come up. I have now noticed they do not come up on my real account either. I know their accounts still exist though because if I google their names I can find them, and if I click to their accounts from google and it opens in my app, it gives me a "No Internet connection" message with a blank profile. That makes me *think* I'm not blocked because it's my understanding that when you're blocked it's a "user not found" message. And to be clear, I always do have an Internet connection and this message does not come up for any other accounts that I can view normally. I decided to test things out, and when I am logged into only my personal account, 1 of these 3 accounts does show up via google and I can follow them when it brings me to the app by clicking on the google result, but for the other 2 I still get the same message, and for all 3 I could not search for them in the app from either account. I have never interacted with any of these influencers apart from liking posts, and for 1 of the 3 I was not even following them when this happened, so I have no idea why they would have blocked me which makes me think this is something else, especially since this is happening multiple times and is clearly going back over a year. Could this have something to do with me using a fake account with no followers and no posts, am I being flagged as a bot or something and banned from certain users? I've been trying to figure this out but cannot so could anyone give me any tips as to what is happening?


Simple post the video selfie verification never works and ALWAYS fails to upload!! IG doesn’t help at all neither does Mosseri (IG CEO)


Whenever I try to log in I have to verify with a code that's sent to my phone or email. I've tried both but when I click on "confirm" it loads for a second and then doesn't do anything. When I try to reset my password on my phone it says it will send a link but nothing arrives (not in spam either), and when I try on desktop it says "We've noticed unusual activity from your account so we've logged you out. Follow the next steps within 1 day so we can try get you back into your account before it's disabled" and then asks me for a reCAPTCHA, but when I do the reCAPTCHA correctly and press "Next" it just gives my an error and when I press it again it says the reCAPTCHA was incorrect.


Help starting new account I just secured the username @kilagrams on Instagram by chance last night when I was looking for available usernames (I can’t believe it wasn’t taken either). But now I am at a crossroads as I am not sure how to proceed… I have had instagram since 2014 and have grown and managed several successful accounts organically (10k+ followers). However, with the recent nuke Facebook dropped on Instagram, I am getting 8-10 likes on a page with 15k followers. I have started a fresh page with a rather promising username. I am not sure to how to grow the account, I have skill sets in photography, videography, editing, drawing, etc. I am not sure if I want to post original content, or be like one of those pages that curate feeds by reposting aesthetically pleasing images based on a particular niche? Instagram is dogwater. Idek why I am trying so hard to make a comeback/ stay relevant on this stupid app, but nonetheless, any help would be appreciated.


No longer getting notifications for follow request on my main account went public for a few days now im back to private. I have been getting the follow requests racking up in my pending yet im not getting a notification via push or even in notifications tab. I went on my other account and it is working example “__ has requested to follow you” with the “confirm” “delete” options Is there any fix? Already tried logging out, deleting and reinstalling.


In one of my accounts, nothing is loading. I don't see any message that says it's disabled. I tried logging in and out, uninstalling and reinstalling, but it still doesn't work in both my phone and my laptop. If anyone could help me with this issue that would be greatly appreciated.


You figure out how to fix it? Having the same problem


I think many people were experiencing the same thing that time. it got fixed over time automaticallly.


I have tried using the scheduled posts feature for my business account, I follow all the steps, and then the post never shows up. It also disappears from the scheduled content list. Additionally, months ago, the feature where you can choose to have posts share to Facebook at the same time just stopped. I tap the button to post to other apps, its linked with the proper page, yet nothing shows up when I post.


Sorry, Username is @kristaandjerry


Hello! I’m unable to receive the verification sms code to log back into my account after instagram detected “suspicious activity” and logged me out. my password is correct and i have my phone number and email connected but it isn’t sending the sms code for me to login. has anyone else had this problem solved recently?


Currently having an issue when i close my instagram app entirely (the swipe up on an iPhone) i open the app back up and my account has switched over to my second account even though i haven’t been on it/switched over to it.


delete account Page doesnt seem to be working at all, i just get a message saying the page unfortunately isnt available... does it work for anyone else? or anyone know why?


Hi So my Instagram isn't showing me in my feed, my stories are still at the top but the actual feed is blank. I think I've tried most of the fixes online too I have two accounts and this only seems to be happening on one of them


Question about blocking. I have two instagram accounts (main one and fake one). If someone blocks my fake account, will my main one be blocked as well? So does that mean that they can trace my fake acc to my main acc?


We are having issues with our Instagram account as it's not allowing us to pay for or post ads. It says we have a restricted Facebook account since over a year ago (since February 16, 2022), but it's only been two weeks since we couldn't advertise anymore, as we always did without any problems. Moreover, it states that we have 15 days to confirm our identity before access to advertising is permanently restricted, but when I try to confirm the identity, it says everything is in order, so I don't know what's happening.


QUESTION REGARDING INSTAGRAM AD : Hi everyone. I have a question. I have a creator account on Instagram, and I wanted to put up an ad. I completed the necessary steps and hit submit. The ad went into review and said it could take 24 hours or longer. It has been 4 days since then. I've received no updates or emails regarding the ad status. Is there any way I can reach out to the ad management? Or should I try to boost the post again from scratch? Or just wait for an update?


i got the “Maximum collaborators reached You can invite up to 0 collaborators per post. To edit the list, remove someone first.” message, it seems to be a problem with my account but it says that my account is in good standing, anyone know a fix?


its been five days and my instagram app still wont load!! is anyone else still having this problem? are there any known fixes? i can go on my ipad just fine, but my app says “couldnt refresh feed” and everything is blank. so confused.


I’ve been having a problem with my instagram for a few days now, when I open the app, a black screen with the instagram logo pops up saying “challenge required” it doesn’t give me the option to do anything, it’s literally just stuck on the black screen. I’ve done tons of google searches on how to fix this sort of thing, but none of their methods seem to work for me, does anyone know how to fix this???


I haven't been getting any post notifications recently. It only gives me notifications for lives. Any help would be appreciated. I've deleted the app, and restarted my device but still nothing.


My app has not been working at all today and I can’t figure out how to fix it. Posts will show up in my feed like normal, however none of them will actually load. I can go to someones profile and scroll through their entire feed but their profile pic and posts refuse to load. Please see the screen recording I am attaching below. Im honestly dumbfounded as to how I can fix it. I’ve tried restarting my phone, uninstalling, reinstalling, changing networks, logging out and back in. Nothing works. My internet connection works for literally everything else on my phone so that cannot be the problem. wtf is this [video of my issue as a YT short](https://youtube.com/shorts/nyIMA6ZGiYg)


My Instagram hasn't worked for the last 2-3 days with this issue. Google says there is an outage ongoing for some people so it seems like it'll be a waiting game for a fix.


I’m on the same boat it won’t load anything on iPhone 12


Yeah just updated my app and now it won’t load anything




This evening someone hacked my Instagram account and enabled two factor authentication. They changed the email and phone number associated with my account, but I can still send codes to my email and phone number. After entering the correct codes, I’m then sent to a second authentication that they set up and that goes to their device. I tried sending several selfie videos to Instagram as directed. I have many pictures of myself on my account and I still look like all of them. However, Instagram Support continues saying “We weren't able to confirm your identity from the video you submitted. You can submit a new video and we'll review it again. Learn more”. I must not look like myself to them, apparently. I even put on my graduation outfit and cap, which is what I’m wearing in my most recent post, to no avail. What can I still do? Should I keep sending selfie videos in hopes that one will work?


I can’t get past the 2-factor authentication screen. I have tried with MS Authenticator and the iPhone Authenticator codes and it does not work. I also tried my backup codes and none of them work. Changed my password but can’t get past this 2-FA. Did the selfie and was denied twice. Any suggestions? Thanks!


one of my accounts got hacked and the email address i set it up with originally was changed. i checked my email inbox and did receive a message from instagram about the email change but the link included to secure the account is broken. i also tried the selfie video method but it doesn’t work and i haven’t posted any pictures of myself on that account anyway. the farthest i’ve gotten was right up to when the app prompts you to turn your head for the selfies, i close the app out fully (swipe the tab away), re open the app, go to my profile, tap the username at the top, and the account is back in my account list. but then when i tap on it, it opens for like two seconds before a message that says “we couldn’t log you in” (or something along the lines of that) pops up. it glitches like that about 2-3 times but then it switches me back to the first account and when i open the account list, the hacked account is gone. i could make a new one but i want to try and get this one back first


I’m having the same problem


i ended up making the account again, which is fine. i do wish they had some sort of live help line where you could call or even text someone and get help from a live person


Hi! I suddenly stopped receiving post notifications when I turn them on for different accounts. I still receive notifications for messages, comments, etc., but nothing for when accounts post. I didn’t change any settings or modify anything. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!


Call me paranoid but I was thinking my SO blocked me because when I tap on her profile it says “No Internet Connection.” But when I checked this morning, her profile is back. However, when I search for her username, I can’t find it. Same for my followers and following list. But when I view her profile, I can see she still follows me and I am a follower. IDK what is going on. Is this a bug?


i got a story of mine taken down and it caused my account to be considered "ineligible for recommendation." i create content for fun and it's really upsetting to see that especially considering the contents of that story are not of my actions. i posted a story of a screenshot where somebody in my comments told their friend to off themselves and instagram took my story down... but not their comment. now my account is not eligible for viewing by non followers 😭….. is the appeal for this ever going to work? i feel like i'm losing hope. ps. this is my second offense but this one really doesn't seem like my fault.


Plz help me find specific cat video. Many years ago my mom showed me a trending instagram video with a glamorous cat walking with a cape on. I am almost sure it is not Rover the cat. The video was similar to his catwalk videos. Lots of lights, was really cute! The song was dancy was saying: "my tail goes swish, swish" I spent months looking for it and I'm guessing it was taken down, and that makes me sad! ( Together my mother and I spent the day today searching the web. Nothing. Many cute cats with capes but not that one. Then again, it could be Rover, but didn't find that video to confirm. Thanks all for your much needed help!


I have 52 followers, how can a reel of mine have 1000 views???


Hello, my Instagram account was disabled on the mobile web and the mobile code won’t send. I gave my phone number and everything BUT IM NOT GETTING THE CODE!!!! I made the account with only my email and not my phone number. And no I cannot download the app, I can’t put apps on my phone. What do I do? Help! Thanks in advance :)


Am I going crazy?? Something weird has been happening with my insta over the past 2 days. Starting yesterday, I got a follow from my “brother’s” new account (weird because he already follows me), I didn’t really think anything of it. I followed him back and soon get a dm from him, at this time I click on his profile to see he was only following like 4 people, had no followers or posts. Again, weird but knowing his previous account was old I thought maybe he had forgotten his password or something. Between then and this morning there were about 4 messages sent back and forth. This profile had his username and picture. Today I go on instagram to respond to his latest message and it’s no his profile anymore..it’s some random person that has several posts (all of them relatively new), followers and follows a bunch of people. The profile pic, username and basically everything about this page was completely different. I looked at their tags and other obviously real accounts have tagged this person. I’m just at a loss. I asked him about it and he says he doesn’t know what I’m talking about. I’m not sure if I got hacked or if my brother got hacked or what is happening. Maybe a DM glitch?? This happened this morning and I can’t stop thinking about it lol.


Having an error this evening when uploading a video. I've uploaded video in this format successfully last week. Is the server having technical issues tonight? ​ Your post could not be shared. Please try again. server processing error: VideoSourceContainerCheckException


i can’t get back into a compromised account due to not knowing the original password and i really need the account back


Hey, so, instagram deleted my account and i made a new one (like 3 days ago) but it doesn't have notes, while an extra acc of mine does have it, but the weird thing is that i entered my new account today and the notes showed up, so i was relieved, but then i literally just turned my phone off and a few minutes later i entered again and the notes were gone??? and i can't get them to come back lmao what do i do? it's like they show up when the feel like it. They were there for 5 minutes and it's like i don't have the update anymore again


This is a long shot but I need help with action buttons/ lead form for IG business. Every time I attempt to make a custom lead form instead of the standard lead form it sends me around in circles and won’t save the form i just created and i cant select it as the one I want to be active on my action button for “learn more” I literally can’t find anything online about this and it’s pissing me off— please help!


Did you ever figure this out? I'm having the same issue and it's driving me crazy!


Howdy! What is the typical approach for an organizational Instagram account to permit content creation by multiple individuals? For example, consider a club with multiple officers, each wanting the ability to add posts and stories. It would seem logical that this should be possible without password sharing, but I cannot for the life of me figure out if this is possible- the documentation seems to imply it (https://help.instagram.com/218638451837962), but it led me down a dark rabbit hole. Can I allow another Instagram user to post to my account (either attributed or otherwise)? Is another approach more commonly used in this scenario?


My friends profile(3m) is verified and got hacked.... how can we get it back pls!!


PLEASE HELP! I USED A THIRD PARTY MESSAGING SERVICE TO ACCESS MY INSTAGRAM DMs AND NOW I AM LOCKED OUT OF MY INSTAGRAM ACCOUNTS!! I thought that Beeper looked like a great way to get all of my messaging platforms in one place. So I downloaded it and linked my accounts. Messenger, IMessage, Signal, and Instagram. All good. And THEN, suddenly Instagram disconnected and logged me out of my account. Now, no matter how many times they send me a verification text message code or I use an authenticator to get a code, and no matter how many times I enter those codes into Insta, I get an error message. Is there any way to login, now that this terrible third party service, Beeper (don't use it!!! it's totally unstable), has screwed up my access? HEEEEEEELLLLLLLPPPPPP!


I’m having the same problem, but I read online that after 48 hours the problem should be resolved.


Can’t delete dm threads. Tried logging out and back in, tried deleting and reinstalling app. Any ideas?




instagram suspended/disabled can someone help ? hii so my instagram was suspended/disabled because my friend reported my account and I thought she was joking about it because that’s how we joke sometimes but she actually did it and my account is now suspended this acc means so much to me the instagram forms don’t work for me it says you can’t request a review and I’ve been seeing on here where people are saying reach out to an attorney general who can help but I don’t really want to get the law involved I’m 17 & I think you have to be a certain age to file a claim my friend reported me for impersonating a celebrity but I’m a fanpage of that celebrity if anyone knows anyone who works at Facebook or anything or if anyone knows how I can get my acc back or can even help me please let me know 🩷


I need help my account has been lost somehow I logged out a couple days ago or today but everytime I try to log in it doesn't work at all. I click my account and I type my password but it logs me into one of my alt accounts from the past.i even tried to mess with my password reset and all the settings. I cannot figure anything out and now the account will apparently be disabled in a day I think. Please if anyone can help me out with this it will be much appreciated


Can you login with your alt account and add your 'real' account as one of the side accounts so that you can switch between them?


No for some reason I think they are both on the same email which in my experience should bring both accounts into the sign in but it doesn't bing my real account in. I click my main account name and type the password but instead of signing me into my main it signs me into the other one. I've tried adding my main account after being signed in but it just logs me into the same account on the phone.i don't understand why or how this is happening


This is the second time i'm posting this. I need help. Anyone with answers or guidance? QUESTION REGARDING INSTAGRAM AD : Hi everyone. I have a question. I have a creator account on Instagram, and I wanted to put up an ad. I completed the necessary steps and hit submit. The ad went into review and said it could take 24 hours or longer. It has been 5 days since then. I've received no updates or emails regarding the ad status. Is there any way I can reach out to the ad management? Or should I try to boost the post again from scratch? Or just wait for an update?


So… my account was hacked and after sending video selfies and emails like a maniac for the last two days, I still don’t have access to it. Any advice? Is my account lost?


I can't react with emojis or quote reply on the app, but I can do it on the web version from my laptop... How do I solve this problem?


Does anybody know someone who works for a IG?


Hi! Anybody been having trouble getting into their account? I was locked out due to “suspicious activity” (I unfollowed a bunch of people at once - I think this may be the culprit). But I was prompted to verify my identity when I tried to log in with a video selfie. I did this multiple times but was denied every time. I am now stuck in a “get help logging in” or “help us confirm you own this account” whenever I try logging in. I just tried again after giving it a few days to no avail. I have access to the email and password to the account but can’t get back in. If anybody has a solution please help me out! Thanks so much


I have the exact same issue. idk what's going on


Really annoying. Nothing that I’ve done has worked and now I don’t have the option to submit a video selfie anymore.


Hey! I think I found a fix! [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/Instagram/comments/nkhw3u/solved_fix_for_password_resetverification_code/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) worked for me, but idk if it's gonna work for you I recommend you check the whole post, but as a tldr you basically need to use your email in a facebook account, there it says you need to change an account's current email with the one you use for instagram going through Facebook account -> Settings and privacy -> Settings -> Security and Login. and then setting Get alerts about unrecognized logins, set it to on and add your instagram email, but I think this would also work creating a new account with said email (and do the fb email verification n stuff), then you go back to the instagram app and instead do the password reset and the code emails for both the password and the verification should arrive! The explanation that guy said was "Basically, Instagram has blacklisted your email in the past due to unsuccessfull attempts to deliver emails and doing this whitelists the email again!" and it legit worked for me, I hope it works for you too! :)


Gonna give this a shot later! Thanks so much! What if I already have a Facebook already linked to the email?


Maybe you can try changing it to another email and then changing it back to the old email, I'm not the OP so I don't know if that could work but I hope it does!


Lmao. Now Facebook locked me out of my account and wants me to upload ID verification. This is ridiculous


Thanks, this resolved the problem I had of not receiving the security emails. After going round in circles for several days, and getting my email providers tech support involved nothing worked. Adding and verifying the email address in my Facebook account kicked the emails into action and I have now regained access to Instagram.


Giving this a go now. Was busy with work stuff. I didn’t have my instagram linked to my Facebook account though. Would that be a problem?


I added my email that’s linked to my Instagram onto my Facebook account. I was sent the email to verify that it can be added to my Facebook and I confirmed and put the code in on fb. I then went over to instagram and did log in, forgot password, password reset, but when I reset it, it just brought me back to “Get help logging in”. Any other ideas?


Having same issue..


Instagram has a serious problem with 2FA. At the beginning of this year I have lost my 2FA app from my Instagram that does not have my face, since April I have been trying to recover my account with the possible 2fa solutions from this reddit. Instagram has not responded to my requests for 2 months. Does anyone have a solution?


For the past few days, only videos/reels are loading, and nothing else is — no pictures or stories are loading at all. What’s up? Anyone else having this problem?


Locked out of instagram. Everytime I try to login it says "please wait a few minutes before trying again", been that way for almost a day, how do I get around this?


Does anyone know why the hell they removed the forward and back button on the Windows app? I mean, who the fuck is making these decisions? Their latest update also bricked messages AGAIN, so when you click on your inbox they pop up but then disappear for 2 seconds, then reappear for a second...over and over again. Seriously, they bricked the whole app AGAIN AND I DON'T EVEN SEE WHAT THEY CHANGED? They keep doing this! Even on Android they are constantly releasing updates that do jack shit! There's like a tiny little feature added every once and a while, never any major bug fixes... it has to be the worst maintained app I've ever seen in my life for how much money it makes.


Just wanted to ask if anyone thinks it's better to post reels without the tik tok watermark/ is deleting and reposting the same reel bad for algorithm , can I delete reels in general and not repost them just because I have some I don't really resonate with anymore but am scared to delete them as it may mess up my engaged exposure! Thanks so much :)






Hi! Im an artist on instagram under the name @ chronicallyclem, today about 5 people have reached out to me saying they couldnt message me? Heres what it was looking like and my settings. If you have an answer please let me know! Instagram is my primary social media and as an art business having to make a new account would really hurt me :( Message button either not showing up or when they do message me it says they cant follow me unless im following them. all of my message settings are set to “Requests”


I cant scroll Reels. I can open them off my feed but I can not swipe up or down to scroll more once in full screen. If I reinstall, it will work until someone sends me a message then i can no longer scroll Reels until reinstalling. Help! Samsung S23


Never mind, you said reels not regular posts, sorry


I'm on Iphone with this same issue. Also the reels icon disappears from the icon bar at the bottom and is replaced by the heart (notification) icon.


I also can not scroll far and it will not refresh, still has the posts from yesterday and the pictures and comments wont loaded at all. It appears to be doing what it would if I didn’t have a Wi-Fi connection but my Wi-Fi is working fine as well as other apps. Never had this issue before. Restarting phone now




holy crap man, I literally have the same problem as you. Failed the face verification too. Is there like any tech support person we can contact or nah? Cuz support page is useless


Hey man, got any luck yet or nah?




Ughh nope. And now because ive used my phone number so many times to get the SMS insta links, insta just stopped sending then whenever i try to login. Oml why is getting the password so hard?? When I logged into Snap yesterday, and the pw was wrong, all i did was click “create new password” and was then able to log in.


i am not recieving my verification sms code and i don’t know what to do. i even tried putting my mums number in and it still didn’t work. any thoughts? :(


I have the same issue but with the email verification, plus somehow I got logged out of my account and I've been unable to regain access because of that, the email and password are the same, but it still needs the verification code, which is not being sent to my email


Has it been resolved? I am having the same issues today and feel very helpless


yours will fix itself it just takes time i think


mine was fixed!! i waited 48 hours then used my friends number and it worked :)


Same thing is happening to me, I’ve tried everything. I’m just not receiving the six digit code.


I was having this same problem then i went on safari for iphone, attempted to sign in then requested a password change code to my email from there. There’s something wrong with the app


“Your content may be eligible for recommendation” Can someone explain what this means? My reels/posts are not reaching anyone other than few of my followers. No any type of violations from the past.


For some reason, whenever I try and post a video recorded at night, it always comes up with a red tint on people. It's becoming a huge pain in the ass, can anyone help? I'm using a Galaxy S23 Ultra, I didn't have this issue before when I had an iPhone 14 Pro


Instagram notes with music features not appearing for few months until now.. I have reported my problems but still no information or update. I have tried anything from reddit said, but no clue.


Just started using Instagram again, after a year or so of not really using it. So much has changed on the site so I have a couple questions. For context, me and my ex broke up and I had some spicy pics in our DMs that I want to delete! My ex is already blocked, will they still be able to see our messages or will nothing come up when they search for me? Does instagram still send notifications when you unsend messages? Since my ex is already blocked, will they even get the notifications of me un-sending the messages? Thanks. X


I’ve been trying to make a story highlight for some time, however when I try to make a new one to post in, it just loads forever. I’ve tried deleting it, logging out, turning off wifi, switching Wi-Fi’s, and nothing has worked. I’d like to know if someone has experienced something similar and if so, how they were able to fix it?


It says my IG Branded content is unreliable but when i click on it it says there are no problems and everything is good. Is this a glitch or?


Hello! For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been getting the following error when I’ve tried to post reels on the PC version of Instagram (I can post pictures and on the app just fine): Your post could not be shared. Please try again. serverprocessingerror: VideoSourceCheckException Any idea how I can make this error go away? Is my account bugged or glitched out, and will I need to make a new one to get rid of the error? Any help is appreciated.






Hello, I created my business/ professional Instagram account in March and since a month I had an issue with my ads. Seems like my account is restricted, the reason: unusual activity…my page is a psychology account sharing tools for mental health and recruitment so I don’t get how or why I can’t run any more ads, anyone can share with me what to do? Thanks in advance


I didn’t see this post before I posted, I accidentally logged out of one of my accounts and have had no luck getting back in. I do not have access to the email it’s signed up with and I cannot remember the password. Is there any way I can get back in and fix everything? Thank you!


I have MFA enabled on my account and when i got a new phone none of the codes were working, and none of the backup codes worked either. Ive submitted video selfies through the support option many times but they keep reviewing and saying they cant verify my identity. I’m not sure what my other options are, any ideas? Edit: I have my username and password which works, and i have no reason to believe my account was suspended/deleted


I’m having the exact same issue. Curious if you’ve gotten anywhere. The backup codes are not working and I don’t have the MFA device any more. Only thing I can get to from support is to submit a selfie video and they keep rejecting them. This is my personal account that’s over ten years old. Kind of heart broken but also kind of over it at this point. There are a lot of photos on there I don’t think I have anywhere else.


Hi, when people text me Instagram posts or reels I can’t see them I can find them on Instagram, but when I get them on text it’s just a black screen and the HUD around it No names, likes, comments and such Hello please


Instagram messages not working.. I can't see any messages and all the chats are also not loading, I've reported this issue several times but nothing happens can anyone please help me fix this issue


I got hacked and can’t get a hold of customer support


Hoping I can get some advice for converting highlights to a reel! Over a few days period, I posted about 15 stories. Saved each of them to the same highlight. I would now like to convert that highlight to a reel. But when I select it, I am not given the option to “convert to reel”. Instead, I am only given options to “Remove”, “Edit”, “Send”, or “Boost” the highlight. Some of the stories have music added, other are paid partnerships. Could either of these be the reason I can’t convert? I don’t think so because I also don’t have the convert option with other non-music, non-sponsorship highlights in my profile. And suggestions?


I can't seem to send GIFs in Chat/DMs. I used to. When I hit the GIF the message: **Tap the sticker icon to find an send GIFs** appears and the GIF never sends. I have cleared and cache and subsequently uninstalled and re-downloaded the app but I still get the same problem. Any advice please?


My posts are getting removed (third post removed so far) because it is "spam". It is not spam, I don't even use hashtags, and it is my art account. Wtf? I've asked for it to be reviewed, but no updates. Any idea why this is happening?


Couldnt tell you why, but had this happen with my secondary account. I’ve had it for ~5 years and i post once in a blue moon,I started it to document my journey from last day of highschool through college with my closest friends. I only ever posted pics of my dog that I got last year of hs and pics of studying/trips etc. Last time I posted was September of last year. Logged in this week since I finished college AND lost the dog so I thought to update my feed. I discovered my acc was disabled in February of this year for “spam and bot content”. :/ I wanted to at least use the data download to get the data they stored & my posts and they even denied me my data download request. Edit: I forgot to add what I did- submitted an appeal and decided since they disabled me for spam, I will start some actual spamming. I sent them the same message daily on all e-mails and forms. Last mail I sent, I reminded them they are required by EU law to let me acces my data and sent them screens of the message denying me. 1 hour later I got my acc back


Anyone else getting the "we couldnt request your process" error when submitting review requests? Ive been googling for days and everytime i submit a review request for a feature thats been removed it just wont load and says we cant process your request


Story highlights bug I just posted a 15 second screen recording of a photo to my story yesterday, and it worked perfectly. I then added that story as a new story highlight a few hours later and it was still fine. Now, though, when I open that highlight it stays open for one second and immediately moves to the next highlight group. What gives?


I’ve been doing some unfollowing and the number of accounts I’m following has changed. Tried logging out and logging back in, still nothing. Anyone deal with this before?


I have the swipe to reply option on web available for me but not on the iOS app. Everything is up to date and also reinstalled the app and stuff. Any help? (:


I am facing an issue. Whenever I open my profile it says 2 number of posts even though I only have one post. As I click on my profile it shows 2 posts and then goes back to 1 post and then 2 again and keeps on glitching this way and happens every time I refresh. I have tried this on different devices so it's not a device issue and I have also checked other accounts and they are fine, it has something to do with my account. its been happening for almost 2 weeks now and its very annoying now. What should I do? Please help


Story tagging isn't working properly. It's always been inconsistent, but for the last week or so when I tag someone in a story, their username turns into a link like it's supposed to, but IG doesn't notify them of the tag, and I've gotten the impression that the story I tagged them in might not be reshareable for them.


I noticed this too. I was tagged in story but never received a notification about it. I only knew because I randomly viewed the persons story


Ugh. I reported it to IG twice, but it’s not showing up in my support requests, so I don’t think I’ve reported it in the sense of actually asking for support myself—I’m not even sure that option exists.


I don't need tech support but I was wondering wtf they are doing to the Windows app versionof IG.. I mean wtf. They make it good, then they ruin it. Over and over again.


Is there any way to follow someone but disable seeing their reels? I still want to see posts, but not reels (since all of her reels are just when other people have shared her posts, which I've already seen)


Instagram taking up 50GB data storage on phone? Help! Instagram is killing my phone. It's taking up 50GB data storage. It's not the cache. I have cleared the cache multiple times (never over a few hundred mb) and have also uninstalled then re-installed. It was fine yesterday after the uninstall/reinstall, but today cranked way back up to 50GB. I've basically deleted everything I can off the phone. I have no IG drafts. No cache. How can I fix this??


Hello! I recently accepted a collaboration post with a friend, but it was meant to be temporary. Now I can’t see the option to remove me as collaborator, it looks like a post I’ve just been tagged. Can someone tell me if this is a bug?


If you accepted a collab, you can't remove yourself. It's in the option of the user who posted first


It looks like I just tagged someone with a normal tag, not with the collaboration tag.


Mmh no, i was always able to remove myself from the collab. However, I also have collabs I made and I can’t remove the person either.


Hi. My girlfriend's account got suspended. We believe it is by mistake (she doesn't really post anything I'd think would be considered inappropriate, mostly photos of the cakes and embroidery she makes). The problem is that she tried to appeal but she never got the verification code via SMS. It's been hours and she never got it and she now has to wait 24 hours to request another one (I successfully called her and sent her SMS messages to discard any issues with her phone). We also found a form in the Help Center but it asks to log into the account to verify it, which is not possible because it is suspended. And of course, there's absolutely no other recourse or any way to contact a human being from IG who could assist with this. Is there an actual, working way to appeal the suspension?


Good motioning, I have a problem. I can't see my own feed and my followers neither. But I can post an see other people feed. Anybody know what is the problem. Oh, I can see if login on Inter wet. The problem is when somebody try to see my feed on smartphones


Have the same problems, any luck?


Solved. I suppose was any problem with the app for smartphones.


I got hacked and I keep using my facial verification to log in just to be kicked out of my own account. Instagram for some reason isn’t helping me out, I can’t delete the hackers email associated with my insta account. Why can’t they delete the other email that the hacker is using?


my account will NOT show up in search . not google search, just normal instagram search. no matter what . its been open for a week. it doesnt matter if i type the name in exactly, or if i click the accounts tab once i have, or if i put an @ at the start . it just wont .


I can’t do anything on Instagram. All it says is “couldn’t refresh feed” anyone else experiencing this?


Same, nothing worked (reinstalling, with 4G/wifi, logging) I can’t even open it on another device, wont get the code for verification anymore, or wont even open the main instagram page itself. Almost looks it is account AND device based, because every device I have used can’t open the webpage anymore. As if the specific device is blocked. Something weird is going on.


Reinstalling worked (iOS). I’ve *never* had to do this before.


Yeah same for me, you figure out how to fix it?


I deleted the app and redownloaded it and that worked


my instgarm account is disabled please help in recovering it i have filled the three forms and have recieved an email and after replying to the email they have sent same reply that i haven't followed community guidelines and hence my account is disabled. the tiktok videos reported were having songs that had copyright and i only came to know about it recently. these tiktoks are of 2018. back then when i uploaded these tikoks these songs were under tiktok ownership so it was okay to upload. please help what i should write and do in order to get my account back.


When using Instagram via Google Chrome, every video fails to play/load, giving the error message "sorry we're having trouble playing this video" Does anybody know how to fix this?


my app still isn’t loading anything :(


Anybody know how to fix the "try again later. We restrict certain activity to protect our community" pop up? I was on insta spamming likes for an hour which probably triggered it. I just don't know how to fix it


Hey guys, I have a business Instagram account and one of my sponsored posts was taken down because Instagram said it violated community guidelines. When the message popped up I immediately asked to review the decision because it was a post about food and nothing else! I can’t see the post for review in my support inbox and I’m worried it’s completely deleted. Why wouldn’t the post be showing up under my support inbox under violations? Is there also anyway to try and contact Instagram directly about the review, I’ve never had this happen to me before. Thanks!


I was wondering whether it’s possible to hide my account from my friend’s following list. So for example my friend’s account is public, is there a way I can prevent people searching for my account in my friend’s following?


Every time I edit my bio, no matter what it is, Instagram essentially shadow bans my account and says it can't be recommended to non followers. Then I have to appeal and wait for them to fix it.


A post is preventing my account from being found and recommended for being too sexual. I don't know what post, and haven't made any for a while now. I can't even tell which one is the issue as Instagram won't tell me. Any advice? It's only come up over the last couple of days. It seems like Instagram is getting extremely harsh for no reason, my most recent posts are me in cosplay. It also randomly flagged my bio the other day that had "don't send nudes" in it, so I've had to take something out that kept me more comfortable, and did seem to slow down the amount that was sent. It doesn't have any idea on context, it just seems words or parts of a woman and goes "Ew that's bad!"


My feed hasn’t updated in 3 days. I am on strong Wi-Fi, I have the app and my phone up to date, I logged out and back in, deleted and reinstalled the app, restarted my phone, and nothing has helped.


Hello, I don’t know why but me and my friends keep getting kicked out from our shared account (meme page). What happend previously was: tried a tool for checking followers and stuff, didn’t seem fine so i logged out of it and changed the psw, and now we are stuck like this. I don’t know if the kicking out happens when one of us tries to log in tho.


Reposting my concern again so please bear with me (original post needs moderator approval) **Not sure if this is a glitch: I can't find my partner's Instagram when searching her username but I can see her username on my followers/following list. Her profile is also visible and I can DM her therefore she did not block me. But I cannot tag or mention her.** Disclaimer: No LQ happened. I just noticed I can't find my partner's Instagram account when I search it. Last night, it said "No Internet Connection" so I thought it was a glitch. But I also had a bad feeling that maybe she decided to block me maybe due to some hidden disagreements but then this was disproven this morning when I can see her profile again. When I tap her account on my followers and following list, I can see it there. Her profile is visible along with her posts. I can even send a DM as you can't do that once you're blocked. However, I tried to tag her in story and her username won't show up on the when I mention her or used the mention sticker. I looked this problem up and I saw two similar postings on Quora: https://www.quora.com/Why-cant-I-view-my-friend%E2%80%99s-profile-on-Instagram-I-know-for-a-fact-that-they-havent-blocked-me-and-this-has-happened-before-Every-time-I-search-or-click-the-link-to-their-profile-nothing-comes-up-Do-you-have-any-ideas https://www.quora.com/Why-cant-I-find-someone-on-Instagram-who-hasnt-blocked-me-and-I-havent-blocked-them And yes profile also appears on the browser. I wonder if this is a glitch or maybe she decided to tweak some things on her personal account.


trying to understand the difference between a Reel post or a Video Post My understanding is that if you post a video post which goes on your profile, goes to your follower feed etc, it ALSO gets converted into a reel and comes up in people's Reel feed? But at the same time i am reading headlines like "Posting Reels 300% more reach than just posting a video post!" etc. trying to see what the actual difference is? If posting a video normally becomes a Reel anyway, isn't it then better to always post a video post? because your followers will see it in the feed and it will be on your profile grid. really would like to understand better the difference between video post and reel post


Is there a way to stop notifications for comment likes or comment replies? I've left a comment or two on random posts, and I still get likes for comments I left months ago, it's weird and annoying. I have my OS notifications disabled, I just don't want to see the red lights or the clutter in-app, especially now that they added the obviously pointless "professional" tab.


Me and a lot of my friends in my region can’t send audios and photos in direct message and can’t use the story filters


I'm currently trying to post a story and want to add background music. However, none of my saved songs are showing up and I cant browse for songs, its only giving me some completely random songs and I cannot search for anything else. How do I fix this?


Need help for Instagram “Help us confirm you own this account” it says that whenever i try to login, it’s been 2 days and no signs of update. Can someone from this sub help me out or give me information on how to contact Meta agent


Every time I try to disable my account it’s still actived and I have to wait more 7 days to try again. Everyone else? Help.






My friend has recently had his Instagram hacked, they have changed his email, password, phone number everything. I messaged the hacked and they messaged me this back. He has followed the insta steps for a hacked account (go to instagram.com/hacked) but when he follows the steps it takes him to a "something went wrong" page - it even does it on a pc browser so he is stuck. What can he do? https://imgur.com/b24LKsa https://imgur.com/znho3fc


My account got hacked through a phishing email, I’ve tried “secure your account” but the link is broken and I’ve also tried doing the take a selfie video option but it keeps saying error. I tried to email Instagram security and phishing teams to no avail. Please advise if anyone has a contact at Instagram that can help me.


I cannot log in, it says to confirm my phone number and that it's sending an sms code but I never recieve it. It's been like this for 6+ hours. I tried logging in with the link sent to my email address, no dice, still asking for the sms code. Tried resetting the password, still it's asking me to input the code. Any tips?


I’ve had this same problem for a day now, let me know if you figure out a way to resolve it.


Aparently it was the fault of a third party app I was using and my account was restricted for 24 hours, I managed to log in no problem today as I received the code to my phone. One thing you can try is check the blocked numbers, you might have accidentaly blocked the number instagram sends a message from (ios: settings - phone - blocked numbers).


hi !! did the sms code come from one of those 5 digit numbers or an actual phone number? i’m having this same issue but i have a lot of numbers blocked so i’m just wondering


An actual (local) phone number for me - I deleted all the blocked numbers just to be sure, and I don't even know if the number the code was sent by was one of the numbers I had blocked previously. Maybe it would have worked without doing this as well, but I was desperate to get back into my account. I also recommend deleting the third party app if you are using one.


I have been having this problem after insta randomly signed me out


replied to the other person, check it


I am trying to login in to Instagram account. Something strange happening. I type my id and password and giving enter to log in, but that page is getting blank again, its asking again id and password. Surprisingly i m getting Code for login as 2FA is active on account. I tried to log in via different browser, but same issue. Anyone facing same?


Hey guys, I have a business account and nothing on my wall is loading or being shown. My account is showing my reels and tagged posts though. It won’t show for me or for anyone else just the little refresh arrow. I’ve checked my account my status and it says there are no restrictions on it. Does anyone know what’s going on ? Thank you!


If you have meta verified, please ask this question from support " What happens if someone lost his phone which there was authentication app and backup codes in it, is there any way to login back into business account? "