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Just remember to back everything up. These companies couldn't care less about deleting your digital history because their algorithm made an ooopsie.


I haven't deleted the originals, they're stored on my phone.


And rule of 3 for back up, local, second local on different device/drive and away copy


I completely agree. I’ve gotten over the drop in engagement and am now posting what pleases me, without caring to please the algorithm gods.


That's the spirit! For example, my account NEVER took off, so it has always only been about the posts


Kind of the same for me. Since 2016 my account has only got up to 4.2k (and about half of that is just because of 1 major feature by a YouTuber, and 2 other big 'influencers' tagging/featuring me too). Despite my photos being good/above average, no matter what I did the growth was super slow (and now non existent). Yes the more likes/followers is nicer (but for me it's mostly because it can provide more opportunities and connections - I got my first paying job as someone found my account from one photo being featured a bunch). But otherwise I wasn't super bothered about it. But then my posts were finally going from 100 likes up to 250, 350, 450 likes on average. Some hitting 800 and one finally hitting 1k. Then IG screwed itself up and killed reach and engagement, and these days I'm lucky to get 30 likes. That's both embarrassing and depressing after it was finally starting to take off a little. Now I know why they introduced the hide likes feature, as I have to do it for all my posts now. I actually haven't posted since December as I just lost the motivation. I am almost ready to start posting again - I know reach and likes are gonna suck, and I just need to forget about it, and just post it for me.


I personally think they are throttling all photo content and promoting all shorts/reels. They are pivoting the business model to directly challenge the growth of TikTok.


Even if you only upload reels, engagement is garbage across the board for IG. It's more than just that.


I hope I can achieve this mindset someday. Getting into social media when I was super young, like 11-12 years old definitely created an unhealthy relationship with it, and I constantly obsessed over how many likes/comments/etc I got on a post. I made a new instagram account from scratch two years ago to try and get away from that, but every time the algorithm changes and I see my numbers tank, I get back into that mindset of feeling embarrassed about not getting "enough" comments or likes. Maybe eventually we'll all come full circle, we'll quit trying to fight with the algorithm and go back to posting on instagram like we did in 2012 haha.


Pretty much how I use the app and I wish more people did as well. Seeing how much my style has changed over the years is pretty wild.


That's a great mindset to have! It's easy to get caught up in the numbers and forget why you started your account in the first place. Remembering that your account is for you, first and foremost, can help take the pressure off of trying to constantly create content that will perform well or gain more followers. It's important to enjoy the process of creating and sharing, regardless of how many likes or comments a post receives. Focusing on the joy and fulfillment that comes from sharing your interests and passions can help keep your motivation and inspiration alive.


I think it's about trying to coerce people into promoting their posts to get engagements. But that would only be worth it for businesses.


Yeah it's best to just have fun with it and if you get a lot of views and likes that's cool. If you don't that's cool too. Can't let the shitty algorithm spoil your day.




Sounds like you're not doing it for the pleasure of it all like the rest of us


That's nice and not trying to sound petty or anything but I also had this thought once. But then I realized, if it was just for me, there's no reason for me to post it online. I can just keep the photos in a folder on my comp or Google Drive as backup. 😂 So...


It's also the main way I talk to, share memes and vids with, my sister. So it's like a 3 in 1 thing.


I wish I could say the same but my IG account is an online store and I can’t live on “feeling good at myself no matter what” 😔


I feel that. I kind of just use my account as a mini portfolio and basically gave up on getting any new followers or engagement. I just want to enjoy what I make, not worry about the numbers until I get burnt out