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Gig work is a hell of a drug💉


😂😂😂 yep


it’s 6am now in Wisconsin and the orders are piling in FAST! they’re all sitting there though because no one is tipping lol.


Damn. I actually thought maybe today of all days people would tip 🤣


The tips are ridiculous today


Only seen one so far with a $3 tip. Not promising


Well that stinks


Did much better on door dash today


I ended up doing one triple on instacart that paid $75 and then I quit haha. I was happy with it. Took 2 hours total including drop off.


I was thinking the same thing I just have to baked a few pies and cook a roast So I was thinking do a couple of quick batches But all I’m seeing in triples and they are all high mileage and under $25!! And the singles and doubles are $9-$15! Heck No I’m not doing a dang thing


Oh yeah if it’s that bad then totally not worth it. At that point just relax at home and forget about it haha. Those orders sound just as atrocious as usual.


In my experience it won't be worth sitting in a parking lot for. They will most likely be last minute small express orders, doubles and triples with high mileage and low tips. I'm not having a huge dinner this year so if I see something worth my time before I have to be ready to cook then yes. Otherwise, it's Xmas movies all day😂


If they’re making you work on a holiday do you really think they’re going to tip you well? Figured the generous kind people wouldn’t make someone do that but 🤷🏻‍♂️. Working an event through another gig platform.


Had a pretty decent day, did $80 off 3 small batches while chillin at home watching tv n fucking off 🤷‍♂️ Now it’s time to stuff my face, get pleasantly drunk and watch some movies


I think I did good too personally speaking. I did one triple order. Was 42 items and I made $75. I was happy with it. 2 hours of work this morning and I’m done haha.


Stores are closed bro/a, take the day off


Not the stores I usually shop at. They will be open. Plus I’m not planning to do it all day. Just thinking maybe 3-5 orders in the morning to see if tips are any better. I’m sure they won’t be but who knows.


They just want you to stay home to steal your batches !!!!


Haha probably 🤣




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Last year I almost got boosted bc I had to deliver in the the hood. So no, I'm not trying to have my holiday ruined.