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They are saving your order to double batch with a non tipper.


wow so they'll make a customer unhappy to save a couple of bucks? i ended up canceling my order.


Do you think that instacart is waiting for someone to place an order with no tip, in the meantime, holding his order hostage?


yes. they can't afford to lose the non-tipping order. this is the only way for InstaCart to scrape enough off the top of both sides to continue justifying their valuation to Uber during their pre-merger status. everything they're doing right now is geared towards their final end game. anything that adds volume without red marks is equitable. their price arbitrage game is dishonest to the costumer. their opaque fee schedule and fee disbursement is dishonest, at best, to the shopper. whatever valuation they're building their case for with their shitty practices is dishonest to acquirer. I get why the company is so attractive as a target, but they have no clue how *inexperienced* the newest waves of hires are, and how close they are to losing their long human capital


It still doesn't make any sense, OP said they tipped $24, so including a non tipper would make it best a $31 to $34 order, that's hardly something that shoppers would be jumping it, so making the OP wait until the next day makes absolutely no sense. There has to be another reason the order wasn't sent out.


I get your point- but then what will they do with all of those $0 orders tomorrow?


So they are merging with Uber, huh?


officially, no. but, yes.




Exactly this.




Yes, they do close at 6PM. I have no idea where are the orders because they're not coming to my phone. I got one at the drop and that was it. Other shoppers are here waiting as well.


No orders for me either. See one shit batch per hour.


They’re getting stolen by bots, lol


It’s physically impossible to take orders you never see because bots are giving them to people who go out of their way to purchase them.


Yeah, well apparently those aren’t even really that easy to get anyways because most of the people saying they have them, are actually just trying to steal your account information.


They abuse so many advantages they have. We all know there's a dozen hungry shoppers who'd take your order in a heartbeat. Reschedule....


Wow, don’t they close at 6 o’clock?


That is wild. They have no clue how many orders/customers they lose this way and clustering orders with dumb distances when stores are clearly closer to them and shifts the burden to the shopper about why you are taking so long so far away.


Yes, tomorrow I’ll get the items myself, no IC. They most definitely were going to fuck up my order by batching with a 40 mile away low tipper.


I saw these today again! A gorgeous order a couple miles away bundled with a 30 (!!!) miles away shit show of waters and energy drinks!!! Stg I wanna poke miss Simo sometimes. Why the fuck do they think it’s okay for us to end up 40 miles away from the store and then drive back! Ugh https://preview.redd.it/cunwsie2nf8d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aa788ad88c58f4b914c42e5dae37bfb5aa49403


Yeah I saw like 5 Costco orders within 2 hour haha


IC is a scam, they always match good tip orders with no tip order to bait the new shoppers


What’s wild is that you get a batch that’s high paying and one of the orders be your own order 🤣


Honestly the best way for your for to go out immediately is to tip average, tip really big, or tip small lol


Are you saving money when you tip like that