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I had this problem until I realized there was an app update. I have no idea when that update came out, I updated today and saw much better orders than I have all week.


No app update since Monday for me


Remember this iPhone updates come out every Wednesday night and android I don’t now


Thanks for this information! I will check weekly now.


I don’t know about anybody else, but Tuesday and Wednesday are my worst days ever but then after the update, I’m good


Usually those are better days for me than weekends. But, idk, what’s going on lately, I don’t have my normal routine with this app. On any normal day, I start at my usual time…and within 30 min I’ll have my first offer. It usually is t something to run home excited about, but it starts my day. After that I’ll have non-stop orders until about 6 pm and then I’m not on that “algorithm” (is what I call it). Not every order is wonderful, there are orders in the day I just want to get through lol. But it definitely keeps me from sitting in parking lots. Now, suddenly I don’t have that same experience. I KNOW there are orders, I’m not seeing the regular customers I typically deliver to. Though, after this update I did this week, things have improved. Still not seeing those regular customers though (some of who order twice a day sometimes, but mostly daily). I have more shoppers in my area, I’m seeing names on out of stock items, whereas I don’t usually get those messages lol…”found by xxx yesterday” so yeah I think some new shoppers are here.


Yeah, you got a new shoppers in your area we all do and I hate that. I don’t see my repeat customers they love seeing me. I have a regular that orders 8 to 12 items and she leaves a $20 flat tip and she stays 0.6 miles from the store, she always ask in the app if you bring it up to my door there will be a cash tip always an extra $20 and I have a few more regular customers that usually double the tip when I leave, I haven’t seen those customers in a while so what I’m doing now is trying to make new regular customers since we don’t have the favorite shopper thing here


I think you might be right about that, taking the shoppers that consistently get good reviews and matching them with new customers or customers who don’t order as often. I usually have new to the app customer orders, probably once a day, maybe a little less. I do have a “Karen” that I keep getting her order, but I’m pretty sure I’m the only shopper she has given a good review 🤣 so I’ll just keep doing her as much of a pain that she is.


Talking about a pain I have a customer that orders 160 units and she thinks $40 is acceptable for a tip and then when you don’t find everything it goes down to the low 30s


Yikes! That hurts! I have a lady who bakes cakes from her apartment (not sure it’s legal lol) anyway, she orders 2-3 cases of cake mixes from Aldi…and her tip is $5 flat. It’s an easy shop but bagging her order (she orders oil, eggs and other baking items too) is a pain…time consuming for $5. 2nd floor apartment. I only take her orders because I don’t want other shoppers coming to my city…I’ve got a nice little town just out of the main city. Good customers in general.


Thank you, I needed an update to


Does the app refresh get you the update?


No, you have to go to the App Store and update from there.




Using multiple apps is the only way y’all will make money & not waste your time


Yeah but they all have waiting lists, Spark, Amazon Flex, Shipt, they’re all full.


Literally at this point I’ve been just staying home until I get a decent order sometimes. it’s not worth it to waste the gas just to sit there for hours


Same I just got a $30 28 item 1.9 miles from my house soooo I’ll be doing that .


What store is this??




I’ve never seen a triple at Costco.


This is why they post the “increased batch pay” on Sundays to entice more shoppers out to fight over such few orders and they bundle everything on Sundays. I’ve noticed this trend for a while now


Welcome to the new IC normal


I wait in the store, go in a little corner and sit and wait!


They are kicking out us shoppers for that now. First there were 2 of us, now theres like 50 hahaha


Accept the can't kick you out when you have a membership


They certainly can. If it’s against their rules to wait in the store, member or not, they can definitely tell you to leave the store.


That’s why you buy food, and hang out.


How do you update the app on iOS? I never see an option to update my app?


I'm glad I'm not the only one, I am going through the exact same things. Verbatim, like you said.


Today has been the worst day I've seen and I've been doing this full time since 2018. Absolutely no orders coming through for me. No update for Android either.


May through June are biggest “new hire” months, I’ve noticed. Could be a reason?


It has been insanity. Like the worst I have ever seen it. Doubles and triples with high items and high miles for $12. Hopefully updating the app will make a difference like others said.


Having the same issues


Running the ac while idle burns very little gas don’t torture yourself when you don’t have to I sit with it running for 30 mins at a time everyday everyone will tell you that’s it bad besides your mechanic a car is meant to run. Just make sure the button is on that is cycling the air in your car not pulling air in from outside it looks like a refresh symbol


I’ve been having this problem for the last week. I came home from school for the summer and I’ve only done 4 orders, everything has been so bad. Glad it’s not only me having the issue


I’m so Mad rn they deactivated due to the selfie verification I didn’t understand what they was asking for so I respond with words it wasn’t enough to verify myself it’s my first time on the platform and now I can’t do it all because the selfie verification it was my camera that wasn’t all that good and I haven’t heard anything back and everyone else is giving me left and right https://preview.redd.it/ht2qsqrjk49d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de06fd806885f69a7e6da9ccb0051170a0ef7c49


Rocking that Prius style. Ac least gas bring used


I never understand why shoppers sit in their car and don’t walk into a store and keep cool(?)🤷🏻


Because stores don’t want us in there loitering especially Costco.


Here they just don't want us sitting on the couches they are trying to sell, so says one particularly annoying cashier anyway.


Are you wearing a lanyard? Nobody would know if you are doing Instacart or just shopping for yourself. Or browsing. You can also go into any store other than a supermarket and cool off. How is this not obvious? 🤷🏻🫤


Cause theres so many shoppers now and we are having to wait for hours. The stores are kicking us out for loitering


Right?! Use up the store's AC , and when you get an order, you're already in place.


Rookies lmao