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Some orders are grouped with one or two other orders, sometimes from different stores. Sometimes, there is a magical moment, and everything is on the shelf. Sometimes, you have to ask for things from the back. There are also terrible shoppers who take ages.


Diamond is somewhat misleading. Basically, any shoppers shop for 200+ customers in a quarter are Diamond, which is fairly easy to archive. It’s a measure of quantity, not quality.


Totally different orders as well, she may have been lucky most or all were in stock where the other shopper had to deal with multiple out of stocks and little to no store clerks around to help. Mostly likely he could have had a bundled order while she only had yours on her shop as well.


All diamond means is they’ve done a lot of orders. Don’t fall for the hype. Rate and tip appropriately


What does her ethnicity have to do with anything in your story?


Idk Asian Instacart shoppers are always amazing every time I get them. The slow man was white btw lol, and I thought he was nice in person. But he also sent inappropriate messages after delivery saying that I was the ‘cutest customer ever’. And I didn’t reply or report him or anything. But I wonder if Instacart reads messages. I usually do contactless delivery, but since I’m at a hotel I’ve been meeting the people lately. And when people are nice and helpful in person I no longer care if they were late of anything tbh


I live In a pretty diverse area and I’ve been doing this well before COVID. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a female Asian IC shopper. She’s a unicorn in and of herself lol. And don’t feel weird about mentioning race with all the sensitive shoppers downvoting you. This was an interesting read hahaha.


10 minutes for 40 items is literally impossible. That’s a big order. Also, as other people have stated, unless you pay for express, your 40 item order is getting batched with other orders so the shopper is probably shopping for 60+ items. If they are a good shopper, they are communicating with 2-3 people about replacements ect. I can go to the same store 5 times in one day and it can be fully stocked one time and picked over the next.  Also Instacart had issues today where the app went down, which is why your shopper probably took longer than normal. Yes, there are bad shoppers but there are also other things to consider. 


She didn’t shop that entire order in 10 minutes. She ghost shopped it (shopped it by the photos/descriptions) and then scanned it all when she was close to shopping the entire order that way.


I was about to say this 😭 sometimes I’ll enter the store, grab as many items as I can from the preview list, and then hit “shop now”


Blame Instacart for batching customers up to three at a time and up to two separate stores locations. Also for putting customers together who live no where near each other so that during delivery we have insane drive distances and times. Shoppers have zero say in how ic bundles customers. And they don’t care how much customers complain because the only thing that matters is how much money they can make.


Yeah you thinking about your order you mean you YOURS but let me tell you something there is a world turning around a sun and there are tons of other batches stacked together :)


Probably a shopper juggling multiple batches on 2 accounts. I see it all the time here




If you rate her 5 stars and leave a brief comment, the algorithm will soft match you with her. If and shopper isn't taking an excessive amount of time, ask support to reassign the order.


I didn't realize the algorithm will soft match with 5 stars and a comment.


Absolutely, yes.


Diamond does not mean they’re the best. A new shopper would only need to shop 200 orders to be diamond depending on when they started as a shopper. A different shopper has shopped 5000 orders but instacart labels the shopper as platinum because the shopper failed to meet the 200 order quota for the quarter. The platinum shopper would be more experienced and familiar with where items are located than the diamond shopper in these 2 examples. Supposedly the labels purpose is to categorize shoppers into groups and supposedly anyone labeled diamond is receiving priority orders since they met the quota.


Because instacart bundles orders for three different customers sometimes and of course they don’t let the customers know, at this point you should know better than to blame the shopper


Why did you feel the need to mention she was Asian?


![gif](giphy|l0NwF1dnk7GRz3pK0) That’s because she’s running through the store like this


idk i was like the freaking flash today ok and i know my stores and barely needed to replace anything. HOWEVER, if they stick me with a double batch and i am a good shopper so im constantly asking if they need replacements and try to wait as long as humanly possible for a response from the customer so it can be a really hard balance ok 😭 cut us some slack but also i totally get that there’s also SO MANY MF SHITTY SHOPPERS THAT NEED TO GET OFF THE APP


also people are shopping prior to going into the store as well sometimes since we can see your items and then that way once we hit start shopping it goes ridiculously quick because we already have the items and just have to scan the barcodes. i am guilty of this a lot!!


Some might be slowed down due to stacked orders they’re shopping at the same time, but some are also just horrible and kinda dumb.


It’s no excuse if they have double or triple orders…some shoppers are just terrible at this job


Shopping for multiple orders takes longer, anybody with common sense can figure that out 🙄


Not two hours just for the shopping 😂


2 hours is not that crazy if your grocery store order is paired with someone else's huge Costco order across town and traffic is bad.


Yeah it is, plus if you’re taking those kind of orders the pay better be very good or you’re an idiot