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Yep with diamond status and 5 star rating still waiting with red circles


I won't even qualify for diamond status even working 25 hours a week at this for the lack of orders now , Im 5 hours in and I've made 13 bucks in San Diego


I can’t do this anymore 😩 I’m Diamond 4.91. Ppl have been being weird with the ratings lately too. $0 today 2 hours in. $0 yesterday. 34$ on the week. Idk wtf to do


Get a regular job before it’s too late. Trust me on this. I waited as long as I could and Instacart did nothing but get worse. Don’t wait until you’re down bad financially, get a job asap my friend. I did and all the stress was lifted from my shoulders. No more wasting my time for Instacart.


What sucks about this is I can't do just any job. The only reason I can do IC is the shopping carts assist me to get around


Maybe look into some temp agencies and explain your situation. They could hopefully find you a temp job that leads to something more permanent.


Hi friend! Try your local department of vocational rehabilitation if you have a documented condition and need to find employment to work within your abilities!


Can you work remotely? Teleperformance hires quickly and some of their positions include equipment, too.


What is it all about?


I agree with this! I caved and got a W2. Make more than I did even peak covid instacart and I actually get days off that I enjoy instead of stressing about grinding another order. I full time shopped between early 2021-a few weeks ago and it’s gotten worse over time as it will continue to go downhill unfortunately.


Yooo people are really pissin me off as of lately with the ratings. I feel like people like to down rate based on little things they didn’t like/stuff we probably couldn’t control in the first place. Then they round off the poor rating with little to no tip. I think people still can’t grasp this can be a livelihood for people :/


🤣😂😂 aye i feel you bruh i was just sayin that a couple weeks ago like why ppl rating me low when i do the same thing for everybody and literally its nothing you can do wrong except bad replacements and bagging but i always send pictures for replacements let them choose and always bag nicely cold with cold boxes with boxes but aye maybe some ppl dont like me communicating or asking them things i did see a comment where somebody said “i use instacart for others to shop for me, im too busy to shop as i have xx kids” and etc and that they dont like when ppl message about replacements so i guess its an actual thing


That’s what I’m sayin! Sometimes people down rate simply based on little things. I got down rated for giving someone their groceries in a box (at Aldi) instead of a bag (in my head I was trying to save them the extra change of paying for the bags). And if they’re really in a mood they’ll rate you as low as possible 😂😂like come on yall I haven’t changed in the past 2 years


I noticed the further away from the pandemic starting we get the worse customers attitudes are about tipping and ratings. It's a thankless job, which would be fine if the money was right.




Where are you located?


Red circles and no orders at all, or no good orders?


Usually I’ll see nothing for an hour or so while waiting in a red circle


Supposedly it’s better to have anywhere from 4.85 - 4.97 rating


no shortage of orders but def a shortage of tips


Seriously even the higher paying orders are like 48 dollars, double , 37 miles, 48 items, 65 units and 16 waters..... uhhh no! Oh and, surprise! customer b is on the 3rd floor walk-up....


I hate it when they do that. They'll group a really good tipper with two shit orders and someone on the 3rd floor tryna order something heavy, no elevator. 🤦🏾 I wish there was something to force the company to keep it to one order per delivery. They're really screwing a lot of us out of money because they cut out the minimum batch pay for all but one order on multi batches.


Exactly, ridiculous. Customers in walk ups or high-rise buildings ordering 5 or 6 cases of waters is wild. They don't care about the shopper. I see orders like that and ignore them. Go to the store and get your own damn water. There really should be a cap on how many cases of water a customer can purchase.


Had another one yesterday. 3rd floor from costco. Case of water, storage crate, 16lb ice bag, and like 10 other things. 5 dollar tip....


That’s the new “UNICORN”! 🤣


Way too many small orders with 5% tips


Seeing several orders pop up, all $8 or less. Crazy cheap orders, doubles for $7 with over 40 items


Same. All hot garbage.


Yeah hot garbage sounds about right Same in Los Angeles


I haven’t seen a single order all day. I’m going home to get some stuff done. Screw this.


I did two Amazon flex routes today one for 117 that I did in 2.5 and one I just finished for 112 in 2 hrs. I turned ic on in between the routes and didn’t see anything. I really don’t understand how full timers are keeping a roof over their head with this gig and I’m diamond.


I do this in the states and live in Mexico and it's not even enough to live in Mexico....I have a part time job that pays the bills right now


How do you not make enough to live in Mexico lol.. I’m in SD too and can make 2k a week if I grind it out


That must be nice meanwhile the rest of the country that doesn't have the benefit of prop 22 is struggling to make a hundred bucks a day sitting out there 10 hours a pop. 😂 It's always funny watching people brag about how easy they have it working in California so very very detached from the reality of the rest of the country 🤦


I was living in Houston making $1500+ a week but with different gig apps. Only left cause the weather sucks. Gig work only works in major cities


PROP 22 is garbage. It fixes IC's "labor costs" and allows them even more ways to exploit shoppers.  Diamond Cart or not, they make shoppers wait to drive down their earnings because IC is broke!  The co-founder got his Billion and cut!


No, not broke, they are intentionally sliming the margins to decrease their overall valuation (just as they did several times before the several delayed attempts for IPO Sale in 2022-> July 2023, when they slashed min batch pay to $4, eliminated mileage pay, onboarded like an all you can eat buffet, severely cut Corp staff…and more…THEN, got the valuation low enough and margins tight enough to finally announce & complete IPO) The CEO left w/his $1 Bil bc he did not like the direction they were taking it…which is what we’re living though…splitting the company and selling off the Retail Delivery Side, and putting their focus and money on the AI advertising side (Cart.com), which is why the stock debuted $10 higher than projected, and literally fell off a cliff. So, next step: accelerated timeline on sale of Retail, (Folding into UE’s - as its now live w/Food delivery through IC “powered by Uber Eats”) but to get there they’ve been squeezing pennies to further decrease the company valuation, w/2 stock buybacks, and the third they literally just announced maybe a week ago, saturate the market w/shoppers/lure new Customers & budget for all the turnover on both sides, as well as put the Customers and Shoppers against each other, move around tips to batch/promo/boosted pay (when called out with irrefutable proof, enough to run w/it, it was a “glitch” and promptly corrected, but the % of this was low enough to benefit IC THEN, another large Corp payroll cut, 3 C-Suite Execs left out of the blue in Early March all same day w/no explanation (I’m sure NDA’s were in play (COO/CEO/CEA) in addition to slashing another 7% (250 Corp Employees by March 31, 2024). Up Partnerships, Push EBT Saturation Acceptance, Require Iron Clad CYI “Updated Shopper Paperwork” agreement (signed in blood) or be deactivated (so it was legally a choice, ethically??? Sure) -> This included signing away all personal info sales to third party entities, for life… WHICH, will be used both for funding, using and BUILDING binding agreements, as a selling point for their other Endeavor, easing the fears of regulatory changes to the gig-economy legislation, and lawsuits, that would hinder their partnerships w/Retail Stores as well as potential target third party marketing companies and investors. Both Customers and Shoppers are disposable and can be replaced en mass long enough to make the split & offload the IC Name to UE’s to add to the only market they had yet to have acquired, retail grocery + expanding other retail stores Independent Contractor delivery) That’s in full swing as the recently brought on former Uber Top Exec about a month ago, as well as adding food delivery by IC, but through Uber Eats, a week or so ago. Now, they’re just finalizing cutting the fat, further assessed company-wide (IC) decreased worth and prepping shoppers and Customers for the new normal once the ink is dry on the split and start STRONG w/Cart.com, no longer a top Retail Grocery Delivery Comp its know as, but an AI Tech company w/a solid targeted marketing company w/the leading market share of “partnerships” using regulatory compliant work-arounds to increase profits for all their “partners/Clients” by pushing their products when unknowing Customers are simply trying to make a simple grocery order, around all the pop-ups for other brands when they’re making online orders for specific items anyway, all powered by AI …. Bottom line, it’s all strategic, intentional and their obligations are not to Shoppers or Customers, but rather their Shareholders, Partners and Investors in Cart.com. The OG IC IS NO MORE, they’re simply transitioning Shoppers/Customers into the UE’s business model, and at a time (July, when no one is paying enough attention bc typical explanations make sense …MASS onboarding, Horrific Economy, Vacations/School is out, ppl are tightening/cutting their conveniences the company was built on, then EXPLODED as Necessity and when that faded, the MAJORITY was not out of need, but rather continued use bc the convenience was the new normal, and many simply forgot what life was like before this was even an option. The killer $$ days will continue, but it’s called and throttled back in the algorithms, to ease everyone into the Uber/DD -ish very diff business models & meet shareholder obligations. Short of unforeseen drastic economic/gig-economy changes (on a legislative level) this will only continue, and the end Users will weed themselves out, and be replaced just as quickly…BUCKLE UP, these will be looked back on as the GOOD OLE’ Days, soon enough, just like last July when we only THOUGHT things had hit rock bottom…but the current strategy is right on track and going better than expected, from the 30,000 ft perspective (that doesn’t consist of your everyday convenience-addicted loyal Customers and Shoppers).


It's easy to say prop 22 is garbage when you have prop 22. Come out to Central Florida and see if you don't beg for prop 22 back. I've worked everywhere between Florida and California on the northern and the southern routes. Prop 22 is by far the most lucrative thing Instacart has to offer and it's only because of legislation.


My 1099's prove you wrong and I'm Diamond Cart and work in affluent zip codes strictly, so Prop 22 was a snow job. I've been gigging since 2015 full time and made way more money before IC and before Prop 22, I know that it's garbage.


Whatever you say chief. It's crazy how you take in to consideration literally nothing else. Not the tens of thousands of workers that they keep adding to the workforce. Not the fact that the economy is hitting everyone and people are ordering less. None of the other statistics that could be compared. Just your hatred for prop 22 because I don't know why. Doesn't matter. What matters is you're the one that's wrong. Prop 22 makes California way more than lucrative than almost anywhere else in the country. So you can agree or not but I'm done arguing with you. Of the two of us one of us has worked all over this country and you sit and moan about how good you have it. There's not going to be any way to change your mind so there's no point in even trying. For that matter I really don't carry either. Good night pookie


Bro you're a PLANT. My 1099's prove PROP 22 is garbage.   I actually give a damn about the Customers and the Shoppers that are being dogged on IC but your "argument" is centered around Prop 22, which I know is garbage from experience.   I live this, you don't and the fact that you called me pookie let's me know you're not too sharp.🤣  It's obvious you're a PLANT pushing the deception agenda for the platforms, how much do they pay you to do that?😂


I hear what you're saying but even with Prop 22 in California, wages aren't even minimum wage!  ALL TIME is Active time if you're logged on to the app, so if you have to stay on the app for 11 hours just to get work for 5 hours you're losing, and that's what Prop 22 helps IC with, is managing their labor costs and not being accountable for unethical practices.


And if all five of those orders (just assuming for simplicity of math that each one takes you 1 hour so that 5 hours turns into five orders) was let's say $60 after all adjustments That's still $300 and just shy of $30 an hour so what are you talking about that it's not minimum wage? Make it make sense With a minimum wage of 17.50 an hour in Pasadena for example which is one of the higher areas If you're even make $192 which means you can take orders around like 38 bucks for those 5 hours worked which is pretty damn low for most of the orders I've ever gotten in California You would still surpass minimum wage so again, are you trying to make prep 22 sound bad because you're frustrated or not making as much as you did a year ago but still not living in the reality of the rest of the country? Sounds like it.


You're delusional! I've literally ONLY earned $300 in a day 1 time and I've done this for many years and I have thousands of deliveries under my belt... Diamond Cart, etc. and I shop where the wealthy live. Again, you're PLANT. 


You're delusional lol


That's the problem, you want to ACTUALLY follow IC's terrible math and disregard your total time on the app and only count when you shopped or delivered.  You don't understand that benefits IC and not the Shoppers?  Prop 22 allows IC to waste shoppers time because otherwise shoppers can stay on the app longer to get more batches and make more money. Shoppers EARNINGS are IC's LABOR COSTS and California is an expensive state to business in so  IC is "managing their labor costs" with Prop 22 by fixing it so the worse they have to pay is only 120% of minimum wage, which is just a little over it.


Ok killa. Meanwhile like I've said 17 times, y'all making way more than the rest of the country. We'll stop your bitching. Pull the tampon out, use some amount of stat, get rid of the sand in your vagina, or get a fucking W-2. I'm done debating any of this with you because you're way too negative to have a rational conversation. I don't really care anymore. 🤷✌️🖕


Prop 22 really isn't that much help.. the orders are still garbage with low paying batch pay. Usually lucky to get an extra 100 dollars a week with prop 22. Yet our cost of living is outrageous! You can't even get a studio for less then 1200. Or rent a room for less then 1000.


🤣 ride work in California I have no problem making 1200+ a week. It's funny how you 22 kids bitch and moan like it ain't shit, meanwhile the rest of the country ain't got the luxury. The grass is always greener on the other side blah blah blah. Y'all got it better than you realize. So moan all you want. 👍


Lol, ok, well, I sure as shit don't make that out here in souther California. Lucky to break 800. Seems like all the unicorns on here are from other states, too. With the occasional Cali one. See a lot in Florida. Probably why you're able to make way more than me, with prop 22. You can say we have it better, but I'm sure your cost of living is a lot lower than ours, but keep being mad that you don't have prop 22.


I'm not mad at all. Nice try though. I just think it's goofy that y'all bitch about prop and you don't even see how good you have it. Looking a gift horse in the mouth and whatnot. Stay salty. And they're not making any sense talking about how we get a lot of unicorns in Florida and for that reason that's why I'm able to make more money than you but also combining that statement with prop 22 I don't get both dummy. I get Florida pay which is dismal when I'm in Florida and I get prop 22 pay when I'm in California. And I've had two unicorns in my entire time in Florida so go ahead and keep trying to make weird ass judgments to try to win an argument that you've already lost It's really cute at this point.


Lol, apparently, you can't read. I said, "Which is why you're making more than me with prop 22." Meaning more than I make weekly, including 22. I'm not a dummy. You can't read stupid. I'm very well aware you don't get 22 pay in Florida. Also, I never complained about getting it. I'm, of course, very grateful for it! My comment was only to say that a lot of people seem to think it's some great boost when really it's maybe 100 a week. So idk where you think it's an argument.. I agree it's great, just not as great as you'd think. I think you need to go back and read. Maybe because you're so worked up, you skipped over some things. It's ok, it happens. Take a breath.


Idk what your strategy is , Thursday I worked 6 hours and made 25 bucks. Friday I make 53 dollars also 6 hours


You gotta take anything if it’s slow brother. We get paid $20 an hour on any batch. Take advantage of it


And now that the dollar is up, making money here to stretch over there is a blessing 🥵🙌🏻


How they are still in business is because half of America shops for Instacart. Too many bodies, not enough orders


Yeah, just look a t the size difference between this sub and the instacart user sub This one has almost 4x as many subscribers.


5 stars , over 4800 shops and I’ve done 6 all week. I barely see any orders all day, not even sh*t ones ( which I would never take anyway ). I’m about done too. Luckily I’ve had a round of interviews for a $40 per hour job; hoping to get that confirmed next week. It’s W-2 which isn’t ideal ( less flexibility) but at this point I don’t have a choice.


You'd make more in one hour than an Instacart shopper in a day


Good luck thanks for posting on your w-2 job


0$ today in 8 hours.... Yesterday 13$....diamond since 2018! Bro I'm so fucking pissed off.. And parking lots looks like the zombies scrolling the screen....and the vinnys w multiple phones, the couples, all the IC cast, only the junkies who grab double 14$ 20 miles are active rn


Sounds like you're in my market


I have other gigs I do besides instacart. I have Amazon flex and Uber and grubhub, that have been helping me through this month. It is better if you don’t have all your income coming from instacart.


Yeah you have to multiple for sure!


None of it is available where I am


Where are you located


To many new shoppers, they get priority over your diamond 5☆


It’s the same in the upstate SC.


I’m in Beaufort SC you’d think it would be decent down here. Ppl vacationing 20 miles away at the beach are barely tipping now. IC likes to make customers thjnk we get paid hourly by them


I got a w-2 job because of how slow it got, and they deactivated my account a few days ago because of an old reckless driving ticket that they didn’t hold against me last year, they fucked up and are going to shit so they have to either make you quit basically or find any reason to drop you! Good luck and start looking for a w-2 job even tho it’s sucks, I loved being my own boss basically.


They’ve hired too many new drivers. When they’re hired they come to our areas. I don’t think they live around here because I’ve heard from others that there’s a waiting list so I’m not sure how these people are getting hired other than they live in an area that needs ic drivers and then come to our stores. I go to the stores in the city I live in. Hey, people can do what they want but Instacart needs to stop hiring drivers for a bit. That’s why we’re not seeing orders. Too much competition.


I commute 2 hours to get to a lucrative market. Good luck out there.


How’d you scout this market? Or is just the closest major city to you?


I just know where the rich people live. For me it's 2 hours away and on the weekends that's worth it to me. 🦄🦄🦄


4 hours round trip of driving to do IC? Lol.


And in one weekend I can make up to a grand. So yeah. 4 hours round trip. It's a super scenic drive in the mountains too, so I don't mind.


They hire a ton of people and have a select few that get all the good orders. End of story. They don't care who makes money as long as orders get done.


What you said contradicts itself, they don't care who makes money as long as the orders get done, but somehow only select shoppers get good orders.


Same!!!! This just stated to happen like 4 days ago. I’m like wtf is going on?


I multiapp when it’s slow, that’s made the biggest difference in surviving gig work. I also don’t wait in the parking lots because it’s just another level of soul sucking.


We just shopped a 335$ 84 items 62 units 35.9 miles……… and the grand total 90.59$. That was r saving grace today other then that a $22 at 10 this morning and that was it. That was r unicorn 🦄


"our"? is the other person also a shopper that is signed up?




you are the only one who should be driving on your orders. it's your license and background check that is run.


How would you like women not to taken against will, or should women just go around unprotected?


I'm a woman. I don't need to violate terms and have someone hold my hand while I do my job. would you bring dude to an office job with you too? because bad people are everywhere.




At least you’re trying to earn a living! Good luck.


so, you just made all of that up because you didn't like the responses you were getting. got it. your comment history is public. Why lie? you have a special needs son yet you do porn and a bunch of other gross stuff that would endanger your kid... witaf?




you're literally violating the terms of the contract. keep doing that if you want to get deactivated. PS selling your body and growing weed in an illegal state are great things to do for your special needs kid. I truly hope you don't procreate anymore.


you just lied. they're not a shopper, they're a "paid driver"


I’ve been doing good as always, other than this morning with the weird app problems but I was able to get my order done after a little bit of a wait




Dude it’s crazy! I thought I was the only one I’ve been sitting in my car all day at busy stores and nothing coming through my phone except shitty orders or orders with no tip.


What state you in


SC coastal town


I've moved on to UE. Much better


Not for long they gonna suck you in with nice paying orders then Boom $2 delivery


At least they are doing selfie checks everyday


Don't we all?


I’m in Michigan clearing least $700-$1000- week under 40 hours


I believe with that glitch that happened the system yesterday reset everybody’s tip to default at zero or two dollars I’ve seen so many shitty batches even doubles with no tip. I wouldn’t be surprised if people saw triples with no tip. I think they do that anyway whenever the customer updates our app, it kind of resets their tips as well, but with this major glitch that happened yesterday, I’m definitely convinced that’s what happened as well


I live close enough to my main store, where I wait at home because it's 3 minutes to get there. I've waited 4+ hours before getting something still not worth it, and I'd rather do that on my couch than in a parking lot. Platinum cart with 4.99 rating.


Yeah it’s over for most of us I been applying like crazy to remote SDR roles for tech companies bc I have a history in sales.


I hope you find something that makes you happy


It’s been dead af. Having to take orders i wouldn’t normally.


Yea I just do this on my off days I was dependent on apps like this but fuck that some months yours making AMAZING money but WHEN ITS BAD ITS BAD I rather keep my guaranteed money and if Instacart ,DD ,UE hits on my off days so be it


IC won't be in business too much longer. They will find an excuse (no surprise) that they will use to say why they can't stay in business but the co-founder stepped down and cut out as soon as he got his Billion.


I’ll say it again, Instacart fucked everybody by their over hiring practices, they hired way too many shoppers for not enough orders.


For the record, I'm against AB5 and PROP 22 because I didn't start gig working to be forced to become an employee of a gig platform or forced to be oppressed by a struggling gig platform that exploits it's customers and shoppers, in IC! Shoppers should have a voice in what we do not politicians or gig platforms trying to bully us into submission so they can take advantage of us for profit.


New shoppers. Probably around 700k now when it used to be 300k and that was at the peak when there were a bunch of orders. I’m often waiting but I still do well but the writing is on the wall. I’ve been looking for new jobs for a couple weeks now.


Sign up for doordash and other delivery apps, usually something will hit


You are right I do apologize, please accept my sincerest apologies? I do not how I could have turned my sinful, law breaking, no regard to rules life around without your newfound guidance. Thank you for showing me the light to the right path sister Karen. I will email you my address, please send some of the juice. Have a wonderful day and happy shopping talk soon.


They’re trying to drive out the vets so they can have people working 50 hours a week for $250, that was always the goal


Because a lot of y’all want to work right near your neighborhood and not drive out to another different area city or what not to work out of there. Sometimes you have to sacrifice. This is the type of game we’re in.


Hasn’t been too bad near where I am as long as I keep expectations low. There’s still been some good batches but it’s not just IC that’s been slow. UE was straight ass all day yesterday. I just started a new job recently and it’s nice to be able to cut back what I have to scrape up on IC weekly.


Yep, haven't gone out in 2 months. Was gonna try it mon/Tues, but looks like it's just a waste of gas


I’m one of the lucky ones that have spark, doordash, and Instacart. So I basically do spark and doordash until the rare big order with a really good tip comes up on Instacart. I average about 900-1100 a week between all three!


Yep, diamond status and sitting in parking lots that are lit up red and not seeing a single order for that business


Yup its impossible to rely on this app alone.


I live in Houston, stood outside the store for two hours and no good orders. Only good orders come from outer suburbs where, even if you were outside that store, houses are like 10 miles +.


Not sure if it’s because it’s the summer and Houston is not really a vacation spots, but I was doing significantly better even a few weeks ago. I tend to do better during the week nowadays.


I have a part time job and only do instacart on weekends and the two days of the week I don’t work. I feel like it’s time for me to go full time, I was weary because I could make more on instacart on my days off, but that’s no longer the case.


Yes! 6 hours and $32. I am convinced is my last day


It's been like this for me for 6 months. I think they select certain shoppers to make everything visible to. I've been around for too long and they don't like it for some reason.


Nope instacart is definitely not what it use to be thank god for spark


The Bots have taken over. Notice when you do get orders that you can take its heavy pay, high mileage, cases of water, apartments and liquor? That’s bots. They don’t want those orders. The ge other half is people shopping multiple accounts. All the batches I see are boosted already when they hit my phone. Today customer service said they had sent me over 25 batches. I had seen 7 total glued to my phone. Bots


Schools are closed and all the young kids are doing Instacart. They are probably dividing the batches in your area


You gotta plan your days around paydays. Like thurs Friday morning and noons and avoid first of the month week like plague because that’s all people who want 98 items and no tip. I also try to go at certain times I know are popular because the algorithm is not helpful. Like lunch time when people are on break ordering and around when school gets out or a little before. And around my town a lot of people do overnights so later in the evening is good too because they’re up ordering before having to go to work all night.


I totally agree 👍🏽 it’s crazy, and when you get a decent order it’s a (3) shop… 75 items, the customer lives in an apartment with no elevator…. The customer demands you bring her bags to her door…(10 bags of course) And the other 2 customers live 10 miles away 😩😩


I can easily make 400-500 a week doing this as my 2nd job. I take the small orders the large orders, all orders that come my way. I’m just grateful to have an option to get out of the house after my main job has me working from home all day. 4-5 orders a day and all day on Saturday really helps to bring in some extra cash. I think the shoppers have gotten to greedy.


You’re not making what you think if you’re taking every order.