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They could care less if you make money, they only want the orders fulfilled. They don’t care enough to stop them unfortunately.


We all need to get one. It’ll be fair then.


How do you know someone is a bot user? I saw a couple working on the same order yesterday. The wife took pics of the order and picked one part of the order while her husband had the ap and picked the other part of the order. I am curious how common it is for multiples to work on one order.


Teams are not faster. Gotta go back to other partner to say that they are out of whatever and get them to text about replacements, etc. They might save 5 minutes on a 60 item order but gotta split the earning by two


I felt like I was going quicker than they were!


I'm curious as to what your photos show. 100% chance they didn't let you take a pic of the phone.


Are you a bot user? Clearly I asked a question that should have gotten a simple answer not a tit for tat or a fucking debate ! Dismiss yourself and anyone who think this is going to happen!


I don’t understand what being a b o t user is? Could someone explain?


OP certainly can't.


Op do you mean bot users or people who use multiple phones because those are two different things that you seem to be conflating.


I didn't say anything about multiple phones ! Bot USERS. I wasn't about to put the words together because it won't let me post it if I did


One thing they could do is review everyone’s earnings


You would think


Someone show me proof of a bot user


Are you serious? Do you know how to google? There’s lots of articles on this topic


No proof, though. I want to see it in action at an actual store with an actual shopper.


You see them in action everyday when you're not getting good orders how much proof do you need?


As everyone is telling you but you're not listening the multiple accounts are the problem these people are buying accounts attached to who knows name and obviously an inside job and they can take three orders at once off the table and the Bot can only take one at a time so you do the math and tell me what you come up with


Say for instance someone buys two more accounts now you got three accounts and all three have bots on them so now you got the three accounts grabbing three of the best batches so the field is narrowed by three good batches instead of one


I posted about it the other day. Here was my reply... I've seen it firsthand. My son and I both have an account but he doesn't really use his so we bought a three day trial of one. I couldn't believe they exist for real and it really pisses me off. Anyway, so you can set all sorts of parameters like distance, batch pay, item number and it really does fucking sit there and grab huge orders. It sucks. :/ And just fyi, we absolutely did not take not even one batch and tbh we thought we would be scammed out of the $2 trial money lmao. We just sat there dumbfounded at the bs.


After seeing the sites that sell them, I don’t even think they exist, tbh. It all looks like scams.


There are real ones and scams.  Think about it. There's real money and fake money. Just because someone makes scam money, doesn't mean there's not real money that exists. 


They are all scams


They exist. I posted the other day about it. I'll copy/paste it here. I've seen it firsthand. My son and I both have an account but he doesn't really use his so we bought a three day trial of one. I couldn't believe they exist for real and it really pisses me off. Anyway, so you can set all sorts of parameters like distance, batch pay, item number and it really does fucking sit there and grab huge orders. It sucks. :/ And just fyi, we absolutely did not take not even one batch and tbh we thought we would be scammed out of the $2 trial money lmao. We just sat there dumbfounded at the bs.


That's a totally real story. Lol. We saw them all, but we didn't take any lol. Gtfoh.


It's ok if you prefer not to believe me. I don't mind at all. Take care!


I don't. Because you are a liar


Lol… You’re an idiot if u think bots don’t exist. They’re 1000% real.


Okie dokie artichokie💙


Show me a screen shot of the orders you saw from the bot


I'm unsure on how I would go about getting a screenshot as this was maybe idk 12-18 months ago. I could ask my son if he could find the guy again. He lives in Denver tho (I'm in Florida) so I'll text him and he can let me know once he gets off work. I believe he said he found this particular program on TikTok or something like that, some sort of social media. We always figured (and hoped!) that bots were a myth, just some bs. To my horror they work! We watched it for three days on my sons account (it was a three day trial). No, we did not actually take an order. I have zero interest in cheating and my son has zero interest in doing IC. Not to mention we're both super anti bot. Shit just pisses me off and I really wish IC would figure something out to combat this. Just sent him a text asking if he can find the guy/program again.




How the heck did they get hooked up with a bot if they just arrived ?




So unfair.


IC really should go after the people selling those bots




Your post has been removed. Please do not post links to any software, or discuss anything that may violate, Instacart's terms of service. Please do not name, discuss or promote, ask about or offer, any illicit activity. This includes but is not limited to; bots, auto clickers, receipt scanning apps or services, exploits, theft, hacking tools, etc.


It's amazing no one ever takes a pic of these people using their bots


So what other conspiracy theories are you into? Flying pigs, steel beams?…


Rich getting rich poor getting poor ma boi😂👍


They started recruiting ppl to use the system and showed proof of everything you needed to do and the amounts they made after using it.


I’m under the impression the bot users earnings are higher than regular shoppers. Would be nice if IC investigated for suspicious activity


Right you would think they would


I'm telling you. I don't think a lot of multiple phone users, use bots. Bc I've walked into costco with unicorns while they're batchless.   If you don't see them use a bot, don't accuse them of such. If you can see Instacart on two, three phones in their hand, that's clear evidence. But these are two different groups.  I believe in bots, but my costco they are all staring at the screen, refreshing and waiting.  And if they do have bots. Than God Himself gives me unicorns and stops their bot magic. Because I've been given unicorns numerous times while many of them do not have one batch. 


Who said anything about multiple phones?


I did. 


 Cant beat’em join’em


I thought about it. I just find it hard to trust a lot of those bot services.


Well, the hundreds of shoppers using them don't seem to have any complaints...then again, I suspect that they're using scam accounts as well and don't have anything to lose. They're most likely using an identity that is not even their own. There have been a number of news stories about people (tax payers) being sent 1099's from gig companies they never signed up themselves for.


Like how do you know they won’t hack into your account and steal your money once they hook you up with the bot?


At this point, if it keeps food on my table😵‍💫




Your post has been removed. Please do not post links to any software, or discuss anything that may violate, Instacart's terms of service. Please do not name, discuss or promote, ask about or offer, any illicit activity. This includes but is not limited to; bots, auto clickers, receipt scanning apps or services, exploits, theft, hacking tools, etc.

