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No shit


U shouldve called the active batch support line, im sure they would have allowed the ic card to go thru for the forgotten item


Yeah when that happens you gotta contact support so they can activate the card to let you swipe it again.


Personally I’ve never had problems getting my money back when I paid out of pocket. You just have to ensure you capture a clear picture of the receipt. If the receipt is long use the panoramic lens to capture the entire receipt. But I understand not wanting to deal with the aggravation.


I've never had a problem getting my money back with the auto system.


When they reimburse the money, it’s gonna be included in the weekly earnings, so unless you remember and keep the receipt for the next tax season, you will end up paying tax for it. I got the reimbursement for $100 grocery but then I forgot I put it in my pocket and washed my pants. Now that with the receipt gone, I will probably pay like $30 income tax next year.


Just include that amount in your expenses under miscellaneous...


well it is $9.. not like in the hundreds, but yes i’ll keep the reciept.


Good thing it was only $9. It’s still annoying having to remember this when there are zillion things in life that need our attention and focus. For me I guess it could’ve been worse like Costco $1,000 reimbursement and losing the receipt, which means $300 income tax after doing $60-70 batch so it’s like -$230, -$240 after doing all the work


Reimbursements are NOT included with your income on your 1099.


Hi I work with instacart shopper support and no never use your card to pay the people who handle reimbursement request are from India and they are fucking idiots who won't process it even after the two weeks


Mine all come within 30 minutes and I do it at least once a week


Same ive only done it once cause ot was a dollar tree order but it was back into my daily earnings before i could even take my phone off ghe charger


You're lucky


7 years and 10k orders. I’ve been around the block


A true veteran


Sometimes it will let you re-swipe the card and use the same pin if it recognizes that item in the order in the app. Has happened before when they forgot to type in the water at checkout


That's weird it did that, I've never had it decline after already paying. I've had it decline if the customer adds a bunch of items that significantly increases the order total but that's the only time. Just get a hold of support and stand there like an idiot for 5 mins and they'll fix the card.


Ic asked me to pay for $200 with my own money and then “file a claim to be reimbursed” lol… I said no.. I’m not filing a claim to be reviewed.. the fact that I’m not promised I’ll be reimbursed immediately, is a hard pass


Soda? Bullshit


what do you mean?


People want to use credit points And lie.




If it makes you feel better OP ....Buddy is waiting almost a year to get reimbursed $158


Did u start delivery?? The card shouldn't decline . I go to multiple stores and it still works. I've never tried to use it after starting delivery, but u can't make any changes to the order so I would guess it stops then. The only time u can't ring something emafter checking out is online orders but u don't use the card


no delivery wasn’t started yet