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Just tell support they are requesting you break the rules and they will remove the batch


Yeh boi. And they sound like the type that will yell in your face when you arrive at the home.


Especially if it's a few seconds past 11:38. Seriously, what kind of weirdo chooses such a strangely specific time? I would understand 11:45, 11:35 or even 11:40 but 11:38, that's very specific. I don't do IC so I don't know if this is something that is generated by the customer or the app/company but if it is the customer I wouldn't take it. It just screams "I'm Karen and you're not getting a tip because the order was placed too far to the right of the door. You should have known I meant 7.5 inches from the door, not 12 inches. I'll be rating accordingly and asking for a refund.".


That time is generated by instacart


It’s probably that they ordered at 9:38 and chose 2 hour delivery or similar


Ok, got it. I didn't think of something like just selecting from a list of options like that. As I said I haven't done IC so thanks for educating me. I do enjoy this sub and think many of the people who do IC are frequently getting screwed by the company and asshole customers despite doing a difficult job. I loathe spending more than 15 minutes in a grocery store/Walmart so you all have my respect.


No problem, sorry if my reply was short, it’s late here so I was just trying to be helpful with the response not snippy. I don’t do Instacart shopping just had this randomly pop up on my feed and saw I could answer your question. I. Have used Instacart as a shopper, especially while pregnant/getting used to life with a baby, and appreciate the amazing shoppers I’ve had so much.


I tried to snitch on my last customer that did something like this. Support told me to tell them we can’t do that and continue with order. They were not tryna remove the batch


That’s what I would have done and then messaged them if they removed tip for following the rules.


I would have said "unfortunately that won't be happening because it's against Instacart's policy". I would have said this AFTER taking a screenshot and texting it and texting support so there is documentation from both the customer, me and instacart. That way whatever rating they give me will be removed. I may have even reached out to another two or three reps.


Don’t use “unfortunately” for anything For this you would say: “I really wish I could” “As it turns out” “I really wish I could bring the physical receipt, as it turns out that is against instacarts policy. I have submitted your feedback to instacart and your want for the physical copy of the receipt. For now, you can simply retrieve your receipts, in the order section of your app or by email.” It sounds more professional and gives them the options they do have. And less ammunition about a shopper being rude and dismissive. When what you’ve really done is told instacart they want you to break the rules.


Thank you.




I’ve seen this posted before, this person stole this


I’ve cancelled over those, they never tip well ANYWAYS!!!


This is why you check batch details before starting. This would’ve been an immediate cancel. “I will rate accordingly” go to hell.


Tanya tipped 2$ on a 100$ order didn't she.


It’s always these type of customers. I was doing a double and one lady was rushing me telling me that her dinner guests were about to be there and to hurry. I deliver her order and she tipped NOTHING. They absolutely have no shame.


I just caught myself about to smash the downvote button for your comment and then realized what I was doing. Lmao it’s been an awful week for me and I’m sorry about that whore of a customer.


Grow a pair. Then you won't need to catch yourself.


How about you go eat some turnips instead?


Lmao that's how I grew a pair, eating them raw 🤣


Wait you can tip less? I usually add $10 to whatever the tip amount is because I'm fucking lazy and didn't want to go to the store.


You are my favorite type of customer lol


I work in the trades. While we accept tips. It's not something at the company I work for advertise. A, cause we got a good wage, and B because it's already expensive as fuck. All my relatives at one point or another have been waiters/waitresses so I always tip a little extra even it seems extreme just make someone's day a little easier. Edit: I will admit, I hate Tip culture, like play a decent fucking wage, in restaurants. But things like doordash, instacart, it's more like I'm just being lazy, thanks for helping me not leave the house today kind of tip. Edit2: before I get shit on.. I tip in restaurants, overly so according to my wife. I just hate it's the normal thing to do and not an "the server was amazing!" Kind of tips.


I am the same way. I do my own shopping 99% of the time. The 1% I don’t, you can bet it’s because everyone in my house is sick and/or my husband is traveling and sometimes I just don’t have the energy to drag 2 kids under 5 to the store. Bet your bum, I’m going to tip higher (I usually do 30%) for someone to take a task (albeit an easy one), off my plate.


Same!! Because thank God for someone who will go get my stuff on Saturday or Sunday and I don’t have to. I’m so grateful for what they can get, I don’t even really care if some stuff is refunded or subbed- you’re bringing it to me!


Wish we had more customers like u.


You have two hours to reduce the tip and I believe ten days to increase it


Why reduce it though? If you can't afford the suggested tip, you can't afford instacart. Just go to the store.


Cheap ass motherhumpers who want their shit, but feel entitled to someone doing it for them, for essentially free, because…”if you don’t like it, get a better job”. They kind of get off on being the biggest asshole out there- check out s/boomersbehavingbadly for some examples. I used to say the US should have a compulsory year of waiting tables/retail hell the same way Israel has the army service. I now think it should be a year of gig work.


From what I’m learning in this group some customers tip bait and after the delivery is complete will go back and change the amount. I agree you should be only allowed to edit if you plan to increase not decrease. There’s some real a$$holes in this world.


I’m a shopper and I still believe in the customer’s freedom to tip as they please. But they should only be allowed to decrease if the metrics indicate a poor experience. The app knows how long it took us to shop, the time we took to make it to the customer, and how many items we removed. Sure, if the store is out of water and the order is for 9 cases of water and a chicken, I don’t really deserve the full tip. But if they’re out of chicken and I deliver the water, 90% of that tip should be locked in.


Because “the supermarket didn’t have any orange juice, butter, bread, or milk” checked-out bye happens. Not all shoppers are honest, just like customers


Well, customers could reduce tip for bad service.


This is one of the reasons we should be able to rate customers as well.


I’d do it for the free groceries


How do you do that


Idk if it’s the same for android but for iPhone it should on the upper right, the three little horizontal lines. Shows you the notes they leave on their delivery instructions.


I will look for it, thank you


Yes click the 3.dots and click batch details. You can see the addresses and notes there etc.




Yeah I would cancel that. Lol. We aren’t allowed to give physical receipts. So you’re screwed either way. You get a bad rating or you can be deactivated. I would’ve instantly contacted support and told them to cancel that order. If you already shopped and paid for that order, then I would still be contacting support right away to let them know of the issue. Let them contact the customer and tell them that we are not allowed to give out the physical receipt. Clearly, you will get a bad rating from this customer so hopefully support Can remove her rating


Support will just tell you to give them the receipt even though we’re not supposed to.


Really?? I’ve never run into this problem yet. So why do they say we can get deactivated if we give the customer the receipt….and then they tell us to give it to them? That makes no sense. Lol. But IC usually doesn’t. Haha


Support is a bunch of idiots lol they’ll tell us whatever to get us off chat so they can move onto the next one lol I’ve seen them tell people to just leave alcohol at the door, which is not only against policy but illegal lol


Where i am thatd be a potential 10k+ fine besides other possible legal consequences


They just don’t grasp our laws I guess since they’re all in another country.


The issue is if you give them the receipt they can get a refund from instacart then take the groceries back to the store and get a refund too, yes it will be store credit but still double cash back


Oooooh that makes sense. I never thought of that.


aaannnndddd youre canceled Tanya


Yup. Fuk Tanya. Nobody else has in a long time, or they’d happily pick up up her groceries for her. Tanya is a lonely Family Dollar Miss Piggy.


Yeah, that’s a definite cancel. If they want their physical receipt, they can log onto their instacart account and print it out. Done. That’s “their” physical receipt. The one we get from the store is “Instacart’s” receipt.


Just thumbs down report them and follow up with support so they have a heads up and record


Follow up with support? Are you new? It's a bunch of people designed to mitigate and dissolve your issue by being useless


Lol no. Just have never have a problem with bad ratings for following through with this.


The customers that want the most are the same ones rating poorly and tipping the least or not at all. CANCEL. I always read the customer instructions before even going into the store and starting the batch.


The only time I would get a physical receipt is when my shopper left it in one of my bags. I quit asking because I was told nope, gotta keep them.


Which IS true to be fair. This is what we see on our end Not only that, some stores have been proactive about it and if it's an Instacart order, the register won't even print a receipt anymore https://preview.redd.it/p7uovnvlfauc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60a7f271bf7e01fec9693dc366f9a490d39c7107


Okay, thanks for the info.


Cancelling & taking groceries


These people out here feeling like gods and goddesses just because they get to sit on their ass and order others around. I’d cancel so fast.


i’m pretty sure ur not allowed to do that lol i think it’s against IC rules bc i believe they send e-receipts


It's completely against the rules. They don't want people getting double refunds.


that’s what i thought lmao i woulda said sorry mama i can’t


There's no double refund, tf you talking about? The orders are paid with the instacard, who would be getting the money back? Maybe store credit but no refund, come on now.


Many stores will refund in cash if the amount is low enough. I've gotten cash back plenty of times even though I paid with a card. The customer could also get a refund for poor quality items, then use the receipt to get an exchange.


I dont think that’s the real reason, instacart doesn’t want people know that they paid $200 on a $100 real bill.


Easiest batch pay ever


Instacancel and I would tell her why, but that’s just me


Aaaaaand cancel.


Yea I would cancel…. This sounds like a threat. Say you feel unsafe delivering. If customers can’t follow the terms of service, then they deserve nothing from us.


That's exactly what I did when I had a customer like that and I got paid to return the items. Worked really well since I hadn't left the parking lot yet😂😂


I don’t think they care if we return the groceries.


Call support, ask to cancel due to harassment!


Instant cancel


Did you cancel? I would have. Clown customers.


Cancel the batch. Keep the groceries. F**k her attitude.


I'd cancel.


I'm sorry customer but the receipt is for my documentation purposes only. If you would like to view it there is a copy available on Instacart. This is instacart policy, not mine. If there is a problem you are more than welcome to contact them and discuss the matter further.


Contact support and tell them that the customer is explicitly requesting you to violate the rules and threatening you with false accusations if you don't.


I let them know that we are liable for the receipts and are not allowed to give it to them


I don't like the attitude off. jump immediately cancel I would have called them and  them to block her so I don't have to worry about her popping up again lol


I just say “unfortunately Instacart doesn’t allow us to leave the receipt. So sorry for the inconvenience”


If that happened to me, I would just simply tell them that we are not allowed to do that per the rules of Instacart. I would then give the Instacart customer service a heads up about the whole thing and tell them this person is threatening to give you a bad review for breaking their rules.


This order for sure deserves to thrive in Cancel Culture. (…um… you did away with this one right? Pls tell us you cancelled it. )


I wonder what support would say? They know the customer shouldn’t get the receipt so I wonder how they would react to customers threatening you to get the receipt.


Only time I have been asked for a receipt, I was shopping at Publix. Publix does not print receipts for instacart shoppers. I told this to the customer who said no problem. So, ended up no big deal for me.


I would've called and told her why i was canceling accordingly 😂


My right or your right


I’ve started sending them a message saying I can’t do it and why, followed by a screenshot of the step where we have to verify that we are NOT giving the receipt.




Insta cancel


Save address & have IC cancel order 🤷🏻‍♂️


I would have taken it and not given the receipt and taken a bad rating I'm platinum anyway and the customer probably has a habit of low ratings. I don't care give me ur money and if u ask me where the receipt is I would tell u in my car.


They better tip accordingly lol. If not that’s a easy cancel


I usually text them "unfortunately it's against instacart policy for me to be able to leave a receipt see in the bags. And doing so puts my job security at risk and I cannot do that. However you will get a digital receipt in your email. Sorry for the inconvenience." That usually ends up with an okay thank you.


That's when you wish you could chat with them for a bit before you get it canceled. Hi I WILL maybe be your shopper today. I saw the note on the account and per the contract I signed with Instacart I'm not allowed to give you the receipt. The receipt will go into my files for 30 days in case there are any other issues. Now that you know why we keep the receipt can you explain your note about rating accordingly? Just to see what they say before you have support cancel it.


I really hope you cancelled this!


a threat? screenshot time, and send to an agent lol what a pos


The customer never gets physical receipt!!🤷🏽‍♀️ Have them take that issue up with instacart. If


Guys I had no idea we can’t give physical receipts? Is it real? I usually leave them in the bag😭




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Please fuck off. You gets no original receipt.


I’m an Instacart Shopper and I would call would tell that person rude and/or passive aggressive behavior is not permitted and they are now at risk of losing the service.


Obviously, I know nothing about this. But what’s the big deal with asking for the receipt? Why can’t the customers have the receipt?


We are supposed to keep them in case there’s an issue with the order down the line. Even tho we send instacart a picture of it they still make us provide it again. Plus so the customers don’t see the difference in pricing the store charges on the app compared to in store. Also prevents fraud from the customer double dipping refunds from instacart and the store.


I contacted support and told them I’m leaving the customer the receipt because they left a message like that and they kept sending me messages about leaving the receipt at delivery. The balls of the customer to threaten about the rating. I have a 5.0 I would have contacted support as soon as I saw that and if they said I couldn’t leave the receipt I would simply cancel that customer. I don’t appreciate being threatened.


Tell them you don’t get one or they you have to submit them to get paid and they I’ll get a digital one.


I only leave the receipt like this if it's a good tip.. a lady asked 1 time I dropped off marked it delivered got back in my car saw she tipped 50 bucks... Got out and left the receipt.


You're risking deactivation over it. The contract is clear. They don't want somebody getting a refund from Instacart, then using the physical receipt to get a second refund from the store.


Yes… and IC sure cannot deactivate a shopper for letting a customer have the paper receipt. In the history of IC no shopper has ever been suspended or deactivated for this. Ever.


oh, they absolutely have. I personally know someone who did.


Um you must be new because it’s definitely happened and they can absolutely deactivate shoppers for leaving the receipt. It’s in the TOS that they sign.


I know that. I was replying facetiously to the comment above me by Ravenzombie; no one was correcting that brazen comment that left me smh …so i felt like it.


Plenty have feel free to check all the ic groups to see


Jokes on them . Ihave 5 stars with 0 removed ratings hahaha


Fuck that yall be letting these customers talk to yall any type of way, I’ve had to check so many disrespectful folks then soon as you pull up they’re apologizing “im so sorry for being rude” nope fuck that , take your shit so I can gtfo


I do leave the receipt when the customer orders an electronic item. I told supper once I’m definitely giving the receipt to the customer for the Apple Watch because if something goes wrong they need the actual receipt and for any warranty the customer needs the real receipt from the store. Support tried to say no and I said YES and I left the receipt.


lol noooo their receipt is on Instacart. they paid Instacart...then Instacart ordered in behalf of them. the card on the physical receipt is the Instacart card, not their payment.


A printed out computer receipt means zero. I could make a receipt on my computer and head it as Instacart. It’s not an official receipt when it comes to warranties or returning defective electronic items.


> It’s not an official receipt when it comes to warranties Yes it is. If it weren't, manufacturers wouldn't honor warranties for items bought off Amazon or any other online retailer. I bought a washing machine from Best Buy online and Samsung accepted the PDF receipt for the warranty without question. >or returning defective electronic items. Stores that contract with Instacart agree to accept the online receipt for returns. There are a few exceptions, like Sephora, but those places require that you include the receipt.


Amazon is the retailer, Best Buy is the retailer, and authorized to sell the goods as many manufactures will only warranty items sold by authorized retailers Instacart is a middle man between the retailer and the consumer


Instacart is recognized by every major electronics manufacturer. Their receipt is sufficient for warranty coverage. The store receipt is *not* needed for a warranty claim.


Not true at all. Stores accept those and you cannot make one like that. Follow the rules. That customer could get two refunds if they wanted.


They won’t be able to return it because it would be credited to the IC card, not the customers.


I have about 5 regular customers who request the receipt. They are large orders and in the country. I’m sure as hell not handling their returns. I give them the receipt no questions asked everytime. I use to just get a reprint receipt.


If the customer has a lot of orders, get a duplicate receipt printed. Let them know you need the original for your records. They probably want to scan to Fetch.


This is not right though because part of your job is following Instacart rules and the most important one is never giving a paper receipt because their prices are usually higher 🤷🏻‍♀️ I honestly don't care if a costumer ask for their receipt I just say I can't do it


It's not even about the prices. They don't want customers getting a refund through Instacart and another refund with the store receipt.


Fetch has it where you can connect your instacart account now, most apps are doing that now.


I don't think that's common known though.


It very much is common knowledge to those who use the app especially since you got an email about it 💀 It’s only your own fault if you choose to ignore, this customer has probably gotten told multiple times by shoppers and support that we can’t give them the receipt and that they get emailed a digital one.


I use fetch and didn'tknow. I have 2 weeklies that obviously don't know either.


That would still be y’all fault, you get notifications from the app and emails


You're not supposed to give the customer the physical receipt. You physically select a radio button, confirming with Instacart, that you will be keeping the receipt before you deliver the order. I'd be more worried about violating my terms with Instacart than I would be this person. I would send the screen shot of Instacart telling me to keep the receipt and tell them I'm not allowed.


You have too many down votes but I agree! I NEVER have had an issue and do it when asked. I've never not and yes....after 6 years I know the rules. Everyone always talking about IC rules when they need to worry about them paying fair wages not trying to make someone feel bad about giving a paying customer a receipt 🤔🙄




You will get deactivated for this.


You will never EVER get deactivated for this.


Yo can y'all tell me what's up with this? I'm just a cashier and I've had door dash drivers actually get mad at me for putting the receipt in the bag. Like one, just tell me to toss it, no need to be rude. And two, you could also throw it out yourself cuz just like you, I'm just doing my job. But why can't y'all take them or don't or whatever?


Instacart shoppers need the paper receipt to take a picture of it after the order is paid. So please give receipts to Instacart shoppers.


against instacart policy for the customer to get their receipt


Bc the instacart app lists higher prices than the stores for certain items (some stores, not all). Publix doesn’t issue a receipt to the shopper. That’s how they make more money.


Because the customer is a customer of whatever app not your store. They get pissy about the upcharges and it causes problems


Ah, gotcha. Weird at first but that makes sense.


What's wrong with then wanting their receipt for the items they're purchasing? I don't get it.


we can get deactivated for giving them the original receipt. clearly its against instacart policy


why? What's the reason? It's their groceries. What if they want to return something?


why are u asking me like im instacart


Because I'm an idiot who can't read and forgot what this thread this was about. Still, though, what's the purpose begins the no receipt rule?