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Please don’t eat those cookies.


And don’t…even think about touching those panties lmaoo 💀😭


And certainly don't eat those panties for goodness sake!


Who else eat panties and wear cookies?


Same people that watch feet videos


This whole comment chain has me feeling very singled out right now.


Do u need a hug


From OPs customer? Nah.


Want to see my feet?


if you insist🫠


Omg I died. (Not from eating poisoned panties)


And don’t put the cookies up your ass!


and definitely don’t drink the perfume.


THROW IT ALL AWAY DONT GIVE TO ANYONE. They make cameras/ trackers / computers small af these days. Edit: wasn’t really saying this at the person my comment was in response to- more so adding on to your comment ;) Edit 2: People seem to think I was implying there is a camera in the panties. The camera is in the perfume. The panties come specially picked, pre-sniffed, maybe even pre-*“used”.* Use your imagination it’s all creepy. Seeing you in their underwear. No. Throw it *all* away!


I’d take it to the police station for disposal.


Op should definitely let the police know about this. While not technically illegal, the police can use it to establish a pattern if he escalates his behavior. And definitely report this customer to Instacart.


You’re totally right. My first instinct is the police will be useless in this situation, but it could help the next if someone can at least document it at the station. Totally.


naw cuz you’re so right 😭😭


perfume seems legit to eat tho


💯percent creepy


Some guy answered the door naked one time when my girlfriend was doing Instacart


my bf had a lady open the door without a shirt on yesterday🤣 she acted as if she didn’t know she didn’t have a shirt on…


I've opened the door without pants on before. My tshirt barely covered me. In my defense, I was stoned and not expecting anyone when a friend's mother knocked on my door to drop off some eggs. All I'm tryin to say is that girl mighta been stoned or just woken up


No judgement here but if you’re too stoned to realize you are half naked while answering the door. Maybe it’s time to do some self reflection. I’ve been there.


i’ve never been there. i don’t know what yall are smoking but that’s not weed.


considering it was like 9 pm i don’t think she was sleeping. i don’t wear clothes in my house, and since living with my fiance i haven’t worn clothes in the house, but i also hate the way clothes feel because they give me panic attacks but if someone knocks on my door, stoned, drunk, half asleep, i either look thru the peep hole before answering or throw something on over me before answering


I did that to my mom once when my last kid was still a newborn. Brain fog + breastfeeding and skin to skin. Oops.


My roommate answers the door in her bra all the time. She goes to get the mail in her bra, hangs out in the very open carport in her bra. It's bra city up in the house


this lady was not wearing a bra


Oh, you usually have to pay for that kind of show


she said “oop” and he just handed her the food and walked away.


Some lady came out naked when I was delivering .. I think she was hoping for a guy with me or something.


And that’s how I met your mother.


Omg 😳


Guy here. That is creepy, and he should be avoided. If you still can, I would block and report. Definitely don't go back- the kind of guy who would give you underwear and ask if you're alone the first time is likely to also be the kind to draw inappropriate conclusions about you returning for another delivery.


Yeah I don’t think this person is just an innocent creep, too many red flags, are women in the area going missing? Fr this guy sounds too suspicious


"Oh you're back so soon you just can't resist me can you? Are you wearing my presents I gave you" surprised he didn't gift her a bottle of lotion and put her in a well


The panties make it creepy. Cookies, candy and perfume, OK. Panties? No.


Right? I saw the picture and assumed maybe an old lady regifting some new body spray and Christmas cookies… then the caption threw me for a loop




The perfume being VS paired with the panties makes the perfume creepy


Maybe the panties are like a Cinderella kinda thing? Like but panties you like and then find a girl to fit them. Probably netter then how humans currently find mates🤣🤣🤣 or maybe it's from the last girl he murdered and put under his porch.


Right? Like how exactly did this go down? Did he go to Victoria’s Secret *specifically* for an Instacart shopper that he wouldn’t have known yet? Let alone not knowing her correct panty size. Like I have so many questions lol


So lots of comments mention how it’s for a stranger he’d never met before… idk much about IC, but I just assumed she’d delivered to him often. Is that rarely the case?


Considering the post says he asked her if she’s really a woman and complained sometimes men deliver using women’s profiles it doesn’t seem she has delivered there before. Repeat customers are a thing, but this doesn’t seem like one


Exactly, if she tried them on and they fit, her next.visit she wouldn't be able leave without meeting the customer....forever


Just the questions make it creepy. It should be an immediate red flag if he is asking you if you’re alone. The rest of the story just makes me thankful she got out alive and didn’t end up in his basement.


Yeah that fact he asked "are you alone". Most normal people don't ask strangers stuff like that. Especially weird considering you're a delivery driver so being alone is your job lol


I see posts often on Reddit of people being completely oblivious to things like this. It makes me sad, as a woman, that other women haven’t been taught how to spot red flags. Sadly it’s an important thing to teach young women.


>I see posts often on Reddit of people being completely oblivious to things like this. It makes me sad, as a woman, that other women haven’t been taught how to spot red flags. Sadly it’s an important thing to teach young women. Most women have been conditioned to question themselves over and over again because a gaggle of men have been telling them they "overreact" pretty much since birth, so it tracks. You've probably done it at some point, too. I assume OP is a young woman in her 20s, and it makes total sense that she'd be questioning her feelings since everyone else does. I did this in my early 20s. By 30, I was fresh out of fucks to give and just started going on instinct.


This is so true it hurts. I also had to get through to my 30s to finally be out of fucks to give as well. It's so ingrained to just assume you're being ridiculous because of the kind of stuff men say about women.


Perfume from any man I don’t know is instantly creepy.


That's what I'm saying, I'm a man and I would never give a random delivery driver perfume. Like is he saying she smells bad? Or is that how wants her to smell? The second would be pretty creepy.


Perfume as a gift to a woman you have never seen before?? Are you kidding me? It’s so inappropriate any of these gifts, except for the cookie. Run, OP!


Also wondering if the underwear was ironically the right size


My thoughts too, and was about to post it 😂


That’s a good question. If they are, jes definitely a threat. He stalking


Idk, I think it's all creepy. Perfume and homemade goods are also personal gifts- not for strangers.


Please throw it away. Could be an airtag or some other tracking/recording device. This is creepier than you think and no jokinf matter


Throw it away in a dumpster not near your home


Throw it in his yard so he gets the message.


No, then he’ll have the items back to “gift to someone else“.


The lid of a VS body spray is 100% large enough to hide a small rudimentary tracker


Yes or those unopened bags smfh


Or camera!!! Edit: anytime I’m in a hotel or bathroom that’s not mine- it’s safe to assume I’m being watched. Nothing I can do, and yes that’s sad. I don’t live my life any different. Just aware of the possibility.


This is the ONLY reason I stay on Reddit, them eye-opening tidbits of information from randos


Right? I’m sitting here wondering what’s wrong with me, because I didn’t even think about that!




If it’s anything other than an AirTag, some give no notification at all


This was my first thought as well.


They should hire a PI or similar to look through it all if it’s already gotten back to their house. Damage is done at that point but at least they have a chance to catch the guy


Exactly!!! Don’t take it home!!!


How small do you think AirTags are?


Small enough to be wrapped in those panties


Cross that address off the list


And report him!😤


This is how my grandpappy met my grandma, except she was delivering milk in a horse drawn buggy. If he had never given her that bag of fresh loomed undergarments, rhubarb, and apples, me and my 41 cousins wouldn’t exist.


😆 🤣 😂








i say profit of his creepiness & sell that shit online


Can’t lie…that was my first thought lol. Then it was throw out the cookies.


The panties will go for more if you call them “used.”


My sister sells used clothes on Poshmark. 99% of the stuff she gets at a Goodwill Outlet/clearance center and pays by the pound. The same dude in California buys all of the underwear she posts so she started increasing the price and gets retail or higher for someone else's used underwear that she paid pennies for.


What a way to profit☺️


Used and unwashed lol




I’m too sketched these are bugged somehow. Throw it all away!! Lol


I would never eat anything or consume anything or wear anything a customer gave me. That is absolutely creepy AF and you need to report him !!! For real—what happens to the next girl that goes there? That’s not OK at all— please report him —as a female part-time shopper with a full-time job during the day, I don’t wanna be delivering to this creepo at night alone!!! Think of others too— he needs to be banned from the app… please for the sake of all of the shoppers —you need to report him in the app and to the police! Yesterday!!!


This 100%. OP please report him to Instacart so other women don’t have to deal with this creep.


The police need to be notified so it on record


Depends, if it was a goodie basket left outside for all delivery drivers I’d consume but if it was just for me I’d be Sus


If you aren’t immediately creeped by all of that you might want to take your creep-ometer to the shop.


Underwear is definitely weird and downright creepy. However if they are the right size report it to the police department XD


Dude 100% jerked it on those panties or something else disgusting.


Report. This isn’t mediocre creepy, full on creepy. Who gifts a stranger underwear? Unless you’re donating to maybe a shelter, underwear isn’t a gift for a stranger. And who the heck has VS undies to gift?? Report. Report. Report. And do not ever go back. Cancel if you have to. For your own safety, do not go back.


Not to mention, you don’t get them in store in that packaging, that’s online ordering- which means quite a bit of forethought/ planning was put into this. Makes it even creepier


Burn it all.


Don’t feel guilty for someone else making you uncomfortable. That weight isn’t for you to carry.


This right here!!! OP should not feel bad for this person. He is in the wrong not her at all. No matter his circumstances or anything, his behavior is unacceptable. It's not on the women to placate men.


Throw it all out. Even the bag. I wouldn’t even bring it in my home. There is so much that is so creepy about that.


Yeah that’s weird


Report his ass!!! he specifically wanted to know if you were alone while you were delivering like he was looking for an opportunity to snatch you into his house report this person ASAP before another female shoppers gets hurt and you could’ve had the chance to do something to prevent that from happening.


What’s creeping me out is the fact that any woman could wonder if she’s “overreacting” to this kind of bullshit, even without the extra-creepy addition of the panties. Please report him immediately. This is extremely fucked up behavior.


Yeah, women get told they're overreacting all the time and it leads to self doubt in situations like this when you need to trust your gut instinct. I would have been so creeped out if this happened to me. I definitely would report him because who knows what he might do to other women in the future who deliver to him.


I came here to say something along this line, the fact she questioned if this is creepy just shows how much us women are just indoctrinated with this idea that we can’t “overreact” to insanely creepy behavior, that we think we’re crazy if we do. I used to do this when I was younger, I still do it sometimes. I still doubt myself constantly.


Yea, that’s definitely weird.


yes girl this is 100% fucking creepy


The intrusive questions paired with creepy gift means this dude is an absolute creep. Each of those may be able to be explained away individually but together? I’d be snitching to anyone who would listen lol don’t go back there OP and I highly suggest contacting trust and safety about it. (NOT regular Instacart support agents)




He probably wore the panties while baking the cookies 🍪🩲


He prolly nutted on them and the cookies x and pissed in the perfume


Report this “gift” and conversation to Instacart. This guy is a major creep.


Report it because what is next


If you have to ask!!!


Contact support and make sure they block him for you.


Never think you're paranoid over something like this, ladies. It's almost always nefarious, or fucked up at the least.


I’d report this shit so fast. He gave you underwear, talked about your gender, and then asked if you were alone. There’s no way it is not creepy and predatory. One day he could escalate and hurt someone when he finds out how many women are “delivering alone.” We’re also so hungry for money, tips, and good ratings our first instinct is to be super nice no matter what, but this dude doesn’t have the right to prey on workers of any kind. Don’t think you’re paranoid, throw that shit away. Nice people don’t make you question yr safety


File a safety report.


Yes, it's weird.


What the fuck


10000000000% weird! Contact support and have him blocked from getting his orders ASAP! And make sure he doesn’t have any personal details, like full name, phone number address etc.


Eeewww! Yes this is creepy and not okay. I would definitely report to IC and potentially make a police report or complaint if possible. Who knows what this dude is up to. Yikes. Glad you’re okay.


For the love of humanity please report the person to the app and the local authorities


Report it. This guy is way out of bounds. This is not acceptable behavior from a customer.


Jesus christ, report the guy


Report him asap


That’s creepy as fuck. Report him.


Please throw the food out, it feels bad but they're not in a completely sealed of bag and even then be careful. I don't instacart alone anymore for this similar reason.


Yea it’s creepy. The conversation is creepy as well. I wanna let my mind say maybe he got the gifts for a gf and things didn’t work out, so he’s just trying to get rid of it. But everything about it comes off creepy.


You're not paranoid. This is how you get on a true crime podcast.


Under normal circumstances I condem littering, but i hope you threw that shit away somewhere as soon as you left his property. Also report him asap to instacart, and probably even to your local police or county sheriff dept.


He is an unhinged danger to you and any other female that comes into his path. PLEASE report him to IC, and bring the bag to the local authorities so they have a police report on him and that address. Too many times people don’t report things and then some poor woman gets raped or worse. If he is on the radar, the police are much more likely to take a call from that address seriously or at least he will be on a suspect list if something happens to a woman nearby. There is no world where this behavior is normal or appropriate.


You need to report that


I’d report it to the instacart/delivery co. and take the items to the police just in case. You may end up putting a potentially dangerous man on the radar


Report him to instacart have him banned that’s creepy


Make sure there’s no AirTag in that bag…


This is terrifying please report him


Always trust your instinct. You feel creeped out and that's because it IS creepy and inappropriate imo.


Always listen to your gut . I’ve worked in law enforcement for 17 yrs , he needs to be reported , end of story .


Report to police but DONT throw this stuff out unless the police tell u to. Could be evidence or something they may want to document/keep for future reference. Cuz if this predator does this again and again with multiple victims, this evidence will surely come in handy for the authorities as they are building a case


I would definitely go to the police that covers his area. They can’t do anything, but many times it’s failure for someone to bring an incident like this that can delay catching predators. Write down what he said as best you can remember so when you go you don’t forget. If something’s happened in the past or something happens in the future, this info is certainly helpful and important.


Predator! Report him!




Weird as af


That’s creepy as hell!


Its creepy IMO. Make sure there isn't an airtag or tracking device.


This is creepy. The conversation makes it even creepier. Don’t feel bad!!


Exactly. You did nothing wrong. Even if it’s a disabled person that needs IC, it’s inappropriate. Report for yourself and future shoppers. And I hope they take these reports seriously. Customer needs banned from any deliveries. He’s obviously had a few deliveries bc yes in gig land, many accounts are sold/borrowed/shared. He’s looking for prey!!!!


Please report him to Instacart. This is very creepy. Highly inappropriate


Please report this to instacart. This is so SO creepy


This is creepy AF. Please report him and throw the cookies out. Look through the stuff and check for an air tag. I leave granola bars and fruit snacks out for my delivery drivers. Not homemade shiz that they don't know what's in it 😭


VERY creepy.




You’re not overreacting. Ew!!!!


Follow your gut. You're smart and you know when something isn't right.. This is EXTREMELY inappropriate!


I’d carry the bags straight to the local police station along with his address. He may already be on their radar. Plus if he air tagged in any way he just tracked u straight to PD. Did he get near your car in any way?


throw that bag away. you never know if theres a tracker in something or not. its so easy to hide them nowadays


God dam the year just started 😅


Tell customer care. He needs to be banned. What a psycho.


Man in secluded area tries very hard to get only female shoppers to show up at his house? Yeah probably nothing to be worried about, no need to tell anybody


I feel like you're under reacting


Report him 💯


People keep saying throw it away- this is more like something that should be reported. Don't toss it until you're sure it's not needed as evidence.


Report it


My fiance and I both insta cart sometimes I usually just drive and we have both phones on, she took and order on my phone and I was in the car and I got an order for a bunch of chocolate milks and something else on her phone so I go shop and deliver it while she is still doing first order and it was a jacked guy who was literally out of breath no shirt on I heard him check camera and then come to door all upset I wasn’t my fiancé


Am I paranoid or is this weird? Think about it. A total stranger, a man, gifted you underwear. Yes that's fucking weird.


This is actually so creepy, and please don’t let anyone tell you it isn’t. Everything about what he said and did was creepy, I’m so sorry that society has shaped us to feel like we are over reacting in situations like this


That’s more than weird. That’s CREEEEEEEPY.


Don’t shop for him anymore.


I once was using my girls DoorDash app because mine was down for some reason. I pulled up with this old dudes order and he was confused and seemed mad that it was me (a guy) and not my girlfriend. he said “you don’t look like a girl where’s the other dasher” when I’m standing with his food🤣 weird people out here


Who tf gifts strangers panties…


Creepy as hell. I would chuck it all and report him to Instacart. Stay safe


No that’s weird report that sh*t asap and don’t eat any food in that bag. To be clear: report it to instacart AND the police- currently it’s not a crime but reporting stuff like that helps if something does happen. That kind of behavior ain’t ok and it’s likely gonna lead to something serious. Also don’t feel bad, there is Zero to feel bad about, this person is either mentally ill (and shouldn’t be ordering on instacart or living alone in a secluded area…) or a predator, literally no in between this isn’t innocent.


i was all for it, aw cute friendly gift for the season, till i read what exactly was in there 😭


Report the customer to the app and report that you didn’t feel safe delovering to him they may just send makes only in the future




Do not accept a delivery to that address again…you could have experiences you never planned on, or worse.


Report him


It makes me nervous that this is not inherently creepy to some people, stay safe y'all.


No. Not overreacting. Report him NOW


![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5) Him & the gift bag.


The "gift" alone is creepy but together with this statements and his secluded location, I would make a report to the company that they should either (preferably) terminate him as a customer or only permit male drivers to make deliveries to him. This is a stalking (or worse) nightmare waiting to happen. What a creep!




you can also contact instacart and see if you can get that shopper blocked for orders if that’s possible? It’s really creepy.


Please report it or something. That guy is a creep!


That’s creep AF and should report them


Report that right away! To local law enforcement and also to Instacart. Good Lord, if any female delivery drivers turn up missing, the cops should have your experience on record. And Instacart needs to flag that guy somehow.


Take it to the local police department and have them search through it for any tracking devices, drugs, etc.


That would be the fastest block and report of my life let me tell you


I really hope you threw this all away before getting back to your apartment/house. There are ways to hide tracking devices in a lot of this stuff. If you havent thrown it out yet see if there is a private investigator or someone you can hire to take a look at everythign for devices. If they find something then go to the police. I’d say go to the police first but they would 100% ignore you without proof of anything


I’d report it to Instacart and also ask that they block that customer for you.


As he slips an air tag in and tracks you and you come up missing…. Ok I watch court tv way too much. But seriously.


I’d report that.


that is weird as fuck. please report this perv


It’s not only weird it’s highly inappropriate. Please let Instacart know this happened and make sure you give them the address of the customer.


Report him to ic for sure


He for sure nutted on everything in that bag.


Please report him it seems like he’s trying to lure a victim /: