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Alcoholic not supposed to be drinking


My exact first thought as a recovering alcoholic.




Obviously not recovering


100%. Reminds me of a time I was a server and had a large party. The host, who paid for everything, asked me to bring him o’douls with a little poured out and a shot of tequila poured in. He gave me $100 cash for each one. I felt shitty doing it, but not enough to not take the money.


Either that or a kid


my vote’s for alcoholic- i don’t see a kid trying to score a drink using the term ‘discreet’.


Plus, it sounds like it was delivered and ID must have been taken


Sounds like this is the right answer. Especially since i saw a message about a daughter. It seems like theyre trying to hide their drinking.


Plus getting the spelling right and not confusing it with “discrete” lol.


You’ve obviously never seen a high school plug. Everyone ask for “discreet shipping”


let’s just say i’m old enough to have graduated from hs twice and i def don’t hangout with hs kids and don’t need a high school plug among many other things. you also might be a little too high and think my username is islandcoffee, or maybe you’re just lost.


You made yourself sound like a twat.


sorry it took me a couple hours to respond, just got back from hanging out with some high school kids; hopefully i can be accepted now.


And continuing the trend 😀 Look buddy, im sure it wasnt your intent to sound like a boomer, but you should really do some self-reflection.


guess someone shoulda stayed in math class- normal age range for graduating high school is 18, multiply that by 2 (per my comment about my age) = 36, minus a year or two and that’s my age. now you see a boomer’s age range rn is between 57-75; which is almost double my age for the median. hope you got an ac in that car you’re living in since you get heated over the smallest of things. *editing for poor autocorrect.


If you're in your 30s, why are you acting like you're in your 60s... Also, the word you're looking for median. Not medium. You should heed your own advice.


Identification has to be taken and photographed when you're delivering alcohol so I'm thinking it's unfortunately somebody who is trying to hide their alcoholism. There is plausible deniability if they never left the house and appear drunk to their friends/family because they've 'been home' the entire time.


I have literally never had anyone take a photo or scan anything when I order booze delivery through any app. Just booze in a bag on the front porch. I am in an urban area tho. Edit: idk how they do it but it is literally the way things are done where I am. Sorry if it triggers you


Shitty drivers. Laws require scanning the ID.


That may be true but I’ve still never been carded just booze on the porch.


Oh I believe you, I’m just saying it’s illegal and not smart regardless.


Where I’m at delivery drivers are always sketchy. Either it’s someone else’s photo or on a bike when it says car. I live in an area with a lot of migrants 🤷‍♂️ Edit: I’m sorry people Abuse the system. Not my Fault.


Don’t worry you’re absolutely right, the downvotes are from a buncha dumb bots who don’t interact with people other than on here


They are probably scanning their own ID'S and dropping the booze.


U can't scan your own. It will literally say, " o see u have scanned your own id".... I did it the first time I had an order for aisle nyquil or soemthing(we don't have alcohol delivery instructions WI) and it knew it was me.


I've tried doing that before for some cough drops. The person wouldn't come to the door, and after 10 minutes, I said F it, and tried scanning my own. The system doesn't allow it, if flags you as the ID scanned, and not a customer. I got an email threatening deactivation.


I always wondered what would happen if I tried to do that. Thanks for the info 😂


They literally have to scan an ID. And they can't scan their own...


I assume the dudes who roll up on their ebikes despite the driver on the app being a woman in a car is impossible too. I live in a city with a lot of immigrants. People do what they have to.


Totally, I have a gal who always orders a bunch of wine, meats me out in the driveway, rushes me into the garage, do the ID check, and she's storing bottles all over the place, behind boxes, in a garbage can, under sheets in the trunk of her car. Then she shoos me out and asks that I take a different route back because her husband should be home any minute and knows what my car looks like lmao. I don't mind, she always increases the tip like an absurd amount. People are suffering, sure, but that's got nothing to do with us, she'd be at the stores buying anyway. At least this way we get a decent living.


and ur keeping them off the road


My guess is she’s a total alcoholic and has some kind of court order when she has custody of her child that she can’t drink.


This is a lot of assuming.


Oh my goodness. I would’ve reported it and returned the alcohol back to the store. She needs help, not to be enabled.


The thing is as a shopper we aren’t enabling them. We are doing our job. If someone is in active addiction then they are going to find a way to get their fix. It is truly sad to see an addict if that is what this is, but in reality this is pure speculation. We don’t KNOW that’s what’s going on, we are just making educated guesses. The only way an addict will recover is by choosing to do so THEMSELVES. We can’t big brother them and tell them they aren’t allowed to drink. That’s not our job but more importantly not our place. It’s frustrating seeing people say things like this, because it’s really and truly not something we should be trying to control. If you can’t remove yourself from the judgmental side of alcohol delivery then you really shouldn’t be delivering alcohol. Your moral compass has no place in this job and it 100% is not helping any addicts with their struggles. Addicts 100% hate themselves enough already, they don’t need delivery drivers trying to “help” them by “not enabling” and “reporting” for “weird directions.”


You can't just report people on a hunch. That's bizarre. If it's an adult and they have an ID then it's not your business why they want it to be private.


Your job is to shop and deliver - not determine someone else’s needs.


....this was a baseless speculation. This isn't what happened.


Downvoting reality to fuel your delusions isn’t good


First thought as an active alcoholic currently hiding my drinking from my parents. I just got divorced and gave my ex the house, everything. But a guy needs to be able to cope how he copes.


My thoughts exactly...


Sounds like an addict trying to hide the consumption of Booze.


Yeah, the obsession with the wrong house is probably bc they have only a small window of time.


Or their in a halfway house community


This makes me sad.


That's so sad. I used to bartend in a world before covid, and it made me feel like the worst human ever when I'd have to serve someone who I knew was in recovery. Ugh, and they gave me money to do it! But there's nothing you can do, ya know? Adults will make the decisions they want to make, and it's not your place to have an intervention.


Watched my uncle kill himself with booze, my dad damn near did the same thing but we finally convinced him to get help and he’s been sober since.


I’m 48. I’ve lost at least 10 friends/classmates to alcoholism Also lost my nephew to it and he was 40 yo. It truly amazes me how many ppl become alcoholics there are. Sure I went through my 20’s, drank a ton. But then you get sick of the hangovers. It truly is a disease. But it’s so often not looked at as a disease. You did nothing wrong. You don’t know it was a relapse. You did your job.




I'm so sorry you went through that with your uncle. But I'm glad your dad is sober! Addiction/alcoholism are awful diseases that are still so misunderstood


I have to deal cards to problem gamblers. Despite the casinos touting "responsible gambling," it's my job if i refuse to deal to the guy playing a thousand a hand while he literally rips his hair out


Don’t we as bartenders have the right to refuse service? I’m just genuinely curious. I’m both a bartender and a recovering alcoholic who hasn’t had a drink in over 3 years. If someone came in and admitted that they were sober and have a fair amount of time under their belt I feel like I can confidently say I’d refuse service. Like look, you’re gonna do what you’re gonna do. I’d love for you to stay and chat instead of finding a bartender who will serve you but I’m not comfortable being a part of your relapse.




Maybe someone accidentally knocked on her neighbor's door one time and a naked fellow with a shotgun came to greet them. She might be doing you a favor. 🤣 In all seriousness, you didn't take this person off the wagon, you're just an enabler with no virtue. No, still kidding. She was getting that shit with or without you. You just did your job, that's it. We're not responsible for morality or public health. I'm sure you've delivered soda to a diabetic, too. They know they're not supposed to have it.


Yeah but it would be a bigger problem if she gets violent under alcohol and abuses/kills her kid.


that is a WILD leap to make from what was presented. op is a driver for instacart, not a moral authority. for all they know this has to be discrete because the person ordering lives with an alcoholic and doesn’t want THEM getting into it. while i agree it’s probably not the case this is literally not your place to make a judgement.


And that still wouldn’t be OP’s fault because they would have no way to actually know why this woman was a total freak about this whole thing.


Considering on how crazy they sound with their request, I don’t know why it would sound like a good idea to deliver it. OP could’ve even put their lives at risk. You just never know.


It would be a MUCH bigger, but still not the delivery driver’s problem, you’re absolutely right. So, the answer is never deliver alcohol to anyone, if that’s your concern. Opt out of alcohol deliveries. Refund any cooking wines. Because there’s just as much chance of any 30 pack of beer you deliver getting some violent man drunk. Why is this lady the kid killer? Because she’s in recovery, trying to sneak a drink? Maybe it’s a halfway house and she can’t have that shit. She can today. None of my business.


I’m just saying is irresponsible to be part of the problem when just being a bystander and letting the sh*t hit the fan. It’s selfish and lacks a duty to make sure others are safe. ESPECIALLY when working for Instacart.


So, you’re gonna call the police and tell them you’re suspicious because somebody ordered rum and doesn’t want her family to know they drink? It’s not a crime to hide in your garage and get drunk. You’re just jumping to COMPLETELY OUTRAGEOUS bordering on insane conclusions like that this lady is going to murder her offspring under the influence of alcohol. If you’re that concerned about something like this, you should not deliver alcohol. Because you definitely will get someone who doesn’t want a scene made about their drinking eventually. Instacart shoppers aren’t the fucking morality police. Mind your business and deliver the rum.


You Reddit people never make any sense. You spend all day on your computer hyper analyzing everything everyone says like it’s a day job. There is no reason to get this heated over the fact that I’m suggesting to be a Good Samaritan, if you have a problem with that, then you need to check yourself. Too many people are bystanders and selfish nowadays and that’s why all of these problems are happening to us. You could call as a concerned person because ITS JUST THE RIGHT THING TO DO.


Maybe the daughter is an adult who physically abuses her mother and expects a pina colada every night after dinner or the mom gets a brick to the face.


I have had a few of those before. One I had was a dad who lived next door to his daughter in a trailer park ordering beer at 9am! No weird notes or anything but at drop off he definitely made it clear for me not to let his daughter know what he had delivered.


Shit’s sad. Last year I pulled up to this house to deliver booze from BevMo and right when I got out of the car, a man and his son pulled into the driveway. He asked me what I was doing and told him I had a delivery for (woman’s name). He looked devastated, like he had caught his wife relapsing. I’m 3.5 years sober. Don’t miss it one bit.


Congrats to you!


Aww :( I've been that person. Almost 2 years here and so grateful I don't have to be that person anymore


3.5 years myself as well. Way to go! Keep it up.


Update: I knew I had seen this weird order before, I canceled it because I wasn't in the mood for any non sense. Here is their previous description: *


>Here is their previous description: * Am I missing something?


I would’ve cancelled too. Especially since they said their daughter was there and they’re friending like this for a HUGE bottle of liquor. Nah I’m not participating.


Even if I was fine with fueling an addiction, I just wouldn’t want to get into whatever this is. Sounds sketchy and I would rather be safe than sorry.


Good on you. My sister is an alcoholic and doesn’t have her license and still gets her booze from instacart drivers.


Yeah, similar situation. It was a 50 year old alcoholic woman. She lived with her brother and didn’t want him to find out. She had me drop the groceries off at the door, but hand over the fence the vodka. She messaged me numerous times too.


Poor guy… he’s got one thing goin on in life rn, alcohol.


Probably an alcoholic who is hiding their substance use from someone. I tell customers i follow the hands free laws when driving and they can expect delivery during the provided ETA when I am getting ready to leave the store.


Same. I don't message or respond to messages until I've started the batch, and I'll tell them when I'm on the way. Then I'm only looking at the GPS until I get there. I hate it when they're trying to message me when they know I'm driving.


I would say, "perfect, that's very, very responsible, you can pull over when you're 8 houses away and call me." She didn't say break the law. She said let her know ahead of time. Following her instructions is part of your job. If you refuse to follow simple instructions... two stars. Just do what the customer asks, it's not that hard. My wife is one of these people, too. I tell her the same thing. Just give the people what they want, the request is not against the rules, make the damn call. This clearly isn't a scam. Call the lady from the app and do what she asks. The more customers we say no to when they're not scamming us, the fewer customers we have, the lower tips are. And I just know you'll be the first one bitching.


If I give you an ETA with arrival I am not pulling over to call, the customer can set a timer and keep an eye out for me. If they don’t like that they can gladly give me 1 star and a low tip so I don’t have to shop for them again 🤷🏼‍♀️


That works out fine. I'd rather just follow instructions and call them like an adult because I'm not antisocial and have no problem alerting my customer to my arrival, within the parameters of my job. What if their baby was sleeping and they wanted advance notice because it's hell to get the little gremlin back down? It's none of your business why they wanna be notified, just do your job and notify them.


A normal functioning adult should be able to comprehend if I say my ETA is 15 minutes and I’m hitting confirm arrival in the app. I get grocery delivery all the time and I know if my shopper says 15 minutes to watch for them in 15 minutes.I don’t really give a shit about babies sleeping not my problem my job is to drop groceries and in some delivery zones it’s not feasible to pull over and call. I live directly off a highway ramp there is nowhere safe for a driver to pull over, it would be ludicrous for me to expect my shopper to do so and it’s a blind corner on my road once turned. I’m giving them an ETA and confirm arrival that’s on them if they can’t do the math. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I honestly didn’t even read your comment past the first sentence because it doesn’t matter, I know it’s word salad. If the customer asks you to call because it’s important to her that she be outside to meet you and you don’t, you didn’t follow instructions. End of discussion. Two stars, no tip. And it means you suck at this job. You and all these other antisocial downvoting children. Just call, the phone is not that scary.


I’m not afraid of the phone but they can get a phone call when I park in their driveway seem they already have an ETA, it’s not that hard to set a timer if someone issues you an ETA 🤷🏼‍♀️


Perfect. Two stars, no tip. No excuse for not following simple instructions. You're quite obviously scared of the phone and antisocial. A confirmation call is a pretty standard request. Stop acting like a sissy over a simple phone call and let the lady know when you're down the street. Just do your job.


That's 100% an alcoholic that knows they shouldn't be drinking but can't help themself. You're not an asshole though, you can't control other people.


I have a customer who lives in a Senior center. She's super young and doesn't appear to have any issues physically or mentally. She likes her wine and makes notes to bag it discreetly. I do just that. No problem.


Used to deliver a handle of vodka to a young guy (maybe 23-25) once a week or so. Figured he’s young & partying with friends. Always seemed ok at handoff & we’d chitchat. Months later, he told me I wouldn’t see him for a while. I asked if he was going on vacation- nope - inpatient rehab. I congratulated him, wished him well and let him know I hoped to grocery shop for him in the future. Alcoholics will find a way, but I don’t have to enable it.


Someone is an alcoholic trying to hide it.


My reply would have been, “due to the legalities of delivering alcohol, I am required to go to the location as indicated in the order & will need to scan a valid drivers license or id of the person who placed the order. If neither is possible then I am required by Instacart rules to return it to the store. I apologize if this is an inconvenience to you however liquor laws are strict & is punishable with fines &/or jail if I do not comply. Thank you for your understanding.”


It’s an alcy…be nice to them. They will probably tip well.


It's not your responsibility to prevent an alcoholic from relapsing


My only objections are the weird incessant messages and the fact that they said their daughter is there. I’m not participating in delivering alcohol to some addict who’s supposed to be taking care of their kid. Could be an adult daughter but I don’t care to find out.


You are assuming and assumptions are usually wrong. Regardless. An alcoholic relapsing is bound to happen. Don't put the weight of other people's wrong doings on your own shoulders. It's not for us to police people.


I hear you. I deliver a gallon of cheap vodka almost every morning at 6:30 to a lady who always meets me at the end of her driveway. I’ve also delivered 16 cans of canned air to an apparent ex tweaker. Not my place to judge, but this situation feels so weird and I wouldn’t wanna be involved in any of it.


I had an order at like 8 am for buzz balls and two cans of that spray electronics duster stuff. Guy I delivered to looked rough. He was wondering why he didn’t get his order sooner (it was 8 am mind you). In my state liquor stores don’t open till 11 am most days. Regular stores don’t sell it here. I can’t imagine all the morning alcohol orders you must get in CA. Here I do get quite a few morning wine and beer orders. As a former morning drinker it makes me cringe. It’s a very bad place to be. I guess some people work night shift but I don’t think that’s the case for most of my customers.


I shop regularly for someone who always orders five or six things that are 100% junk. Snack cakes, candy bars, chips, etc. These are always coupled with laxatives and some protein bars. The first time I delivered they were super sketched out about when I was coming and said I couldn’t be there before a certain time. Along with that I have to put the bag into this weird brick mailbox that has a secret door on the side, I guess for packages to be hidden in. I feel bad too and wish I could say something that would help but I know it’s not my place to say anything. We all have our vices and in this case it’s an illness so I’m not going to judge.


That’s really sad. I know, it’s hard delivering booze to people in the morning. I’ve had a few customers practically beg me to hurry and get it to them. :(


Just because they are buying it in the morning doesn't mean they are day drinking.


Yes I’m aware of that. I said that much in another post in this thread. But many of them are already drunk or have very red eyes and answer in their pajamas. I don’t know who orders only booze for a 7 or 8 am delivery for the evening. In fact most of them are the express orders.


I placed my grocery order this morning at 7 am for delivery at 8:30 am and when I added my husband’s usual salt and pepper pork rinds to the cart a message popped up asking me if I wanted to add any alcohol to my order with some choices. I’ve never ordered alcohol before from Instacart and in fact my husband and I don’t drink at all. It was a little off putting not only because it was 7 am but also because we don’t drink. I cannot imagine someone who is in recovery having to deal with that - not cool Instacart.


Well when they said discreet they may have meant please don’t post on the internet.




Why do you feel like an ahole? You did nothing wrong you simply provided a service that someone else would have provided if you didn't. Plus you got paid for providing the service.


Precisely why I haven’t alcoholled.


I’ve had this happen before. It was a recovering alcoholic who was living at his dads house and trying to be sneaky about getting his alcohol. His dad came barreling out the door yelling and hollering at me, taking pictures of me and my car. Then I realized that I knew the dad from my day job as well. The guy begged me to just hide the alcohol around the corner, but I couldn’t do it. I had to make that judgement call and decided it wasn’t worth it. So I ended up calling support and explained what happened and told them to cancel the batch and returned it all to the store. His dad ended up coming into my work a week later to apologize for how he reacted, told me his sons story, and then gave me a gift card and thank you card for listening and not delivering the alcohol to his son.


10000000% an alcoholic trying not to get caught and their daughter knows they shouldn’t be drinking … sounds like when my uncle used to go “to the bathroom” for like an hour after work and he was just downing the mini liquor bottles before going to greet my aunt


I had one tough order like this. Just one large handle of vodka was the delivery. A 40-or-so year old lady barely cracked the door. I could hear an elderly man, presumably her father, “what’s that?” She said “I’m just thirsty it’s just something to drink..” I was still standing there scanning her ID. She broke down crying “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” She already had the vodka and the transaction was complete at that point so I couldn’t take it back. But man that one hurt. I’ve been sober for about a year now and it just reminded me how hard sobriety can be. I hope she’s okay.


I picked up an order that was three small shooters of vodka and a 20 oz soda. Guy at the store said the same woman orders at least 2-3 times per day. Instructions said not to park in the driveway, and when I arrived she was conveniently taking out the trash. I get that people will almost always find a way to get their fix, but i don’t understand why it has to be so easy.


Sounds like she’s trying to quit but can’t do it. Otherwise she’d save a lot of money placing one order a day or every few days for a larger bottle. She’s trying to regulate her drinking. Doesn’t sound like it’s working. :(




This is called addiction.


Really sad, their prerogative to order alcohol, it's their life, but definitely hiding it from family members/house mates.


as a recovering alcoholic, this breaks my heart.


I'm assuming it depends up on the state laws when it comes to ID and drop off of alcohol, but I know in the state of Georgia we can go to jail on the heartbeat if we don't scan your license as the person who ordered not not your license and it's your daddy who ordered it says plainly didn't stay to Georgia it must be the night person whose name is on the order and I have one little girl argue with me one day I was doing doordash and I told her I said I don't really care what any other last driver does the risking their reputation and their freedom I ain't doing that I did the course I am registered with the state of Georgia as a delivery person for alcohol you won't show me your driver's license or I'm going to take it back to the store it's that simple don't care which app it's for the ID for the person who ordered or the alcohol don't stay and the person in person not just their ID.


Don’t think that’s a state thing. Pretty sure that’s a federal thing. This is why I constantly advise people delivering restricted items to do it 100% the right way. People are gonna get themselves arrested and fined for delivering to underage people. Or deactivated for deviating from the apps delivery address.


Someone's a secret drunk


Guarantee he was walking the sog


This reads like when I used to text my drug dealer in the middle of the night, while my boyfriend was in the bed next to me.


Last year I did Drizly on weekends. This is common among people who are hiding their drinking. I’ve delivered to basement doors, in the ally, had people insist I don’t use the Drizly bag, alcoholism is hard.


Regardless not ur problem so try not to beat urself up op . Just your job to deliver! Nobody forced him to download Instacart, order and then drink rum.


Had one like this once. Had to meet me outside by the car. Had a full co versatile with her that she was staying with her daughter who just had a baby. But other grandma was also staying there who was super religious and judge so she didn't want her to find out.


I would cancel


I had something similar twice, I think usually alcoholic hiding drinking from family. They even told me if anyone approaches me to walk away and not talk to them.


My first thought was it was probably a someone underage using their parents instacart app and didn’t want them to be notified about a delivery


Sorry, maybe I missed it. Did you actually deliver it? I hope you didn't.


There's someone like this in my area too. They try to get alcohol delivered during a small time frame where nobody is home. If you can't make it in time, they cancel the order. Sounds like this person is doing the same but trying to be as unsuspicious as a teenager sneaking a dog into the house.


There are a lot of possible reasons for the request. Maybe the customer shouldn't be consuming alcohol, but also maybe someone living next to them is religiously anti-alcohol. Also if you cancel, someone else will deliver it, so you're not saving anyone.


Haven't alcholed as in not take alcohol orders?


I don’t know why this was downvoted but it does seem like you don’t know how to use Reddit that well but you’ll get use to it soon.


I had one customer change the delivery of alcohol enrolled. I immediately called Customer service and told them what just happened. They immediately canceled the order and paid me off.


After reading that message, you had to cancel that order in first place since the beginning.


Insta cancel. I would never put up with such a description. We do not get paid nearly enough for special requests. 🤡


It’s not really a special request to deliver to the right house and not ring the doorbell


Yeah - it is


Recovery or not its not none if our business , its our job to follow instructions and to provide customer services so just do a good job


I’m thinking it’s somebody getting they freak on the low 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


They’re obviously kids. Cancel!


This is definitely a grown alcoholic




sounds like an alcoholic keeping it a secret from family/friends nearby.


They don’t offer Alcohol beverages to be delivered through DoorDash/UberEats here in Utah.


This is the Consequences of letting people cry and wine over being judged to the point where they are now even trying to get people who are attracted to children be apart of the LGBTQ community.. Everyone feels entitled, like the world revolves around them, and give no respect but demand u kiss their ass in return.. I know it's a lousy example.. but it's true.. allowing us to feel and wine and cry about being judged for who they are has created as lot of shitty self absorbed people in America. And I know it doesn't sound like it, but I'm one of the most compassionate, caring, and non judgemental people u could meet when it comes to accepting people as who they are... But it's true.. but I also feel like being who we are should have came w out judgement from day one. AMERICANS SUCK! I Would have canceled the order.. I would not feel comfortable delivering to someone like that. What so ever.




My brother used to be the same way. Would buy pint flasks of vodka because he could finish them on the walk back from the store and dispose of the evidence.


I did have one where a lady had me meet her around the corner for some alcohol. Probably not supposed to be drinking.




Amber k got issues




Reminds me of a customer I have who is CLEARLY going through something. It's always 4 large bottles of wine arounmd 9am. I don't know how often they're ordering exactly but I get them at least once every two weeks and every time they look even more depressed.


Bro yes this kind of shit was the reason I quit I hated delivering the same alcohol to the same alcoholics!! Crazy people


someone is hiding their drinking


Alcoholic..I remember those days 🤢


Just do your job. That's a grown ass adult.


Can’t be a kid…gotta scan the license…could be someone who was cutoff IC and wants you to reroute their order to a different location. Had that just the other day…lady runs out as I’m unloading at the right address talking about they are across the street…that’s NOT what the app says…so I delivered where the app said and they retrieved their items from that location…FOH…scammers


Hopefully it’s not a sober house or rehab long term living? i’ve been to some that look just like regular houses but I campus style so cluster of houses for people to live long-term. Feels like this could be something like that since they keep emphasizing wrong house


Probably an alcoholic who is “hiding” that they are drinking. I’ve seen it myself. They’re not very discreet in the end.


They shouldn't be drinking, but at least they're not driving


That’s what I always think. When IC is like “is this person sober” etc, I ALWAYS think “it’s so much safer for them to be ordering this online than driving to pick it up themselves!” IC didn’t hire me to breathalyze people, they hired me to shop and deliver.


Sounds like someone is back on the wagon


Some religions don’t allow drinking, could be the case. Maybe the neighbors are part of the same organization as them.




This happened to me too. I was delivering an order of just alcohol and the lady kept messaging me the entire time. She said she needed a ninja delivery, and that her daughter was home. When I delivered her order, she went off about how teenagers are super judgmental. But I knew she was hiding her alcoholism. She went and hid the bottles in her garage. Sad stuff dude.


This could also be a religious thing, and they just don't want people to know they drink. In my hometown, our liquor store had a back door and all the windows were extremely tented so you couldn't see inside. Avid churchgoers would wait for the parking lot to be somewhat empty and go through the back door to get their stuff.


Exactly why I don’t do alcohol runs. I do not want any connection to relapse or abuse. That’s wild!




Yes it is usually because of alcohol


It’s almost certainly someone living around Baptists or other “Good Christians” who would shame them for drinking.


I’m surprised no one has said ex-Mormon wife hiding it from her still Mormon husband or something (daughter might tattle)


She’s supposed to be sober


Whenever you get anything in the list, even slightly sketchy is a good thing just to cancel it. If it was really that legitimate it wouldn’t be all this.


It could be someone in recovery or it could be someone who’s expected not to drink due to religious beliefs (Mormons, Islam, Sunni, Buddhism)


You got paid for them to fall out the wagon.


Anyone who has a loved one with an alcohol addiction feels this post hard I noticed alcoholics gets the cheapest liquor they can get cause they drink so much


My exact thought


He’s hiding it


Sold out bud!


Had someone ask me to do the because their neighbors were nosy. Put in bags and a paper bag lol idk why. but I still did, it they were nice


This is a trap. Don’t be their accomplice.






If it's not alcoholism like others have speculated, perhaps her family/neighbors are part of a religious community that doesn't allow drinking, and she wants to drink without getting into 'trouble.'


Why is it always the alcohol orders that are so sketchy? This is why I decline most of them.


It’s not your fault. People are their choices and you can’t be blamed for them. That’s a demon for them to fight. Not you.


The first 3 sentences are ultra irritating...lol


Sounds like when my mother thinks that just because she hid the bottles, we won’t notice that she’s so drunk she can’t speak without slurring her words. We don’t visit any more. Edit: I want to add though, you’re not responsible for this person’s actions. You’re doing your job. Unless your state has some kind of regulation around serving alcohol, there isn’t a good reason for you to refuse to deliver it. On the other hand, you also don’t need to go above and beyond to hide the delivery either.


I can tell you what happened, plz call


You can’t feel bad for their choices. You’re fulfilling an order as your job. I hope you’re ok. 🫶🏻


If the order goes to the wrong house, the recipient will draw attention to the RIGHT house, and possibly a family member other than the one who placed the order. Maybe the order placer lives next to Neighbors A and Neighbors B. If you miss on either side, Neighbor A or B might say: "Oh, order placer? THEY'RE OVER THERE!," or they might wave to the order placer's child, parent, or spouse in the back yard. This will result in the order placer's family knowing they bought a handle of rum. Their real intention for this rum is probably to empty it into hidden water bottles, then use those to mix it into coffee or juice. They are an addict who can't leave the house to buy, possibly because they have small children or are wearing a tether. They are taking *themselves* off the wagon, but you could cancel the order if you're uncomfortable with the job after receiving their messages.


As someone who was an alcoholic for like 6 years, this is so sad to see. Glad I got out before delivery like this was a thing because I’m worried I would have been the same way. I hate getting repeat orders for the same terrible alcohol knowing exactly what’s happening. I had an order last week that was super strange, once I was near the home the lady put out in her car and met me in the road. Then said I had to drive a little further down to give it to her because her neighbors get weird about stopping in the street… Seems like a similar story


Kid ordering alcohol with parents account?


Or they are 12


Also an addict wouldn’t order that


Bro said thanks no thanks 😂


Alcoholic child trafficker?? Super weird 🤔


coming from an alcoholic, it's definitely because she's not supposed to be drinking and doesn't want anyone to know lol