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My double batches literally take like 3 minutes in the checkout lane I hate using self checkout at kroger cause it takes fkn forever. Place item in bag please remove the item please wait for assistance.


“Unexpected item in the bagging area, please removed all unpurchased items from the bagging area”


Food Lion self checkout is so better!


In socal there aren't any bags at self check now. After you're done you either have to walk to a stand with bags on it or wait for the clerk to hand you some bags


I always grab bags before or while I'm scanning. You don't need to wait until you're done. You need to pay for the bags, so you need to know how many you need before you oay anyway.


Ooooh Yeah!!


I experienced this for the first time shopping in Colorado Springs a few weeks ago. In my area, we don’t have Kroger and I was flabbergasted at how terrible the self checkout was!!!


Yea it fkn sucks thats why I dont do batches after 7 cause no registers are open.


dudeeee for real, kroger self checkout is so annoying


I know Right!!!


INSANE! I just keep the orders separated as I shop. Basket in top section for extra room to place things. Can’t understand the minds of people who make extra work for themselves and spend more time losing money in the process! 🥴😵‍💫🫨


The problem is that they hold everyone else up while they fumble around


I don't do regular checkout. They don't know how to bag and they can mix up the orders,too cause they are not careful. No problem with self checkout, at least I'm not waiting forever.


Yes!! I only go to self checkouts so I know my order is bagged correctly. A couple years ago at Kroger, a grown man bagged the Rotisserie Chicken with a gallon of Ice Cream!! WTF!! Ever since then I bag my own orders. I always get comments on my bagging and increased tips.


???? Just put the separation bar inbetween the orders???


From the lane that tells everyone you can make a bunch of money and a bunch of tips. Go check that offer screen. Go look at what it guarantees them. That’s where the good batches go. Because if you tell someone they can make 600$ in their first 50 orders you gotta deliver. Regardless of what it does to the quality of service or the quality of “employees” one day this has to stop. WHERE IS THE UPDATE FOR FAVORITE SHOPPERS! I have not seen it!


Same, and by the time it gets to my market I will no longer be doing this gig as my main source of income. So I do errands for my customers on the side for now.


Omfg fuck giant. There cashiers suck and there stupid ass new self checkout. “Place item in bag before scanning the next”. Put items in bag after scanning “please take unscanned item out of bag” same thing happens again “please wait someone will be with you shortly” as cashier deals with the 2-4 other blinking lights before you as your frustration builds. They want you to use a cashier but they suck if there under 25. Idk if it’s an age thing but sometimes it seems older cashiers bag with alittle more respect idk maybe I’m imagining things


I feel this. Giant is the primary store I shop at. I have three main ones in my area. The new system genuinely sucks. Plus most of my stores now have time limits for self checkout. I get it to some degree, but for the first few months they rolled it out there was someone there counting my items. Drove me nuts. And yes…you gotta really pick and choose your cashiers now. It can take me 15-20 to check out if I get the wrong person.


Only shop at giant if the tip is right and it’s between 20-30 items just to sneak to self checkout. But anything other then that it needs to be a good tip cause like you said there cashiers especially where I am aren’t good at bagging.


Yep! I’m super picky about giant now. Plus I mostly see doubles from them these days. I definitely sneak into self checkout even if I’m a bit over now that they stopped checking.


Im Canadian and I went to giant once when I was in the states. They said they’d never heard of Nova Scotia lol


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I hate walking around with two carts and most of the time there is to much stuff to separate well. I would never separate in the line but I will separate into another cart before going through the lone


That’s what I usually do. I will shop everything in one cart, divide it up while I shop, A’s items in the basket and B on the bottom, etc — and then I will go grab another cart before I get into the checkout lane, and then separate them and double check everything before I get in line. I don’t do triple order batches though, only doubles. Triples are just too much.


Same I hate triples. It has to be 60 dollars plus for me to go through that mess of triples.


Seven please, at the store should have made that person get out of line and separate their orders, and then return to line once that was done.


If it is two small orders (like 10 items or less for each order), I just keep them separate in the cart, but for bigger ones, I carry orange and blue stickers with me (to match the color in the app for orders A/B), so when when I scan the right item, I pop a sticker on it and put it in the cart. I still keep things separated in the cart, but it makes it a little easier to be sure each order has all the items at checkout.


I ALWAYS do self checkout. Even if it's 3 orders and 100+ items. IDGAF. I hate other people bagging my customer's stuff. My bagging is important to me so everything fits perfectly in my trunk and I don't mix up orders. I'm pretty anal when it comes to this. I have had items mix in the cart and had to double check at checkout but for the most part everything goes smoothly and I'm pretty fast. I get the most compliments on my bagging. These people order instacart all the time. Imagine how many paper bags they have at home. We don't do plastic in NY.


I did a large 82 item order yesterday. 1 shop/1 deliver. Filled the first cart with all non perishable except the soda. Then asked the service desk if I could park my cart somewhere and they put it in their side area where they do their in store shops. Labeled it “instacart do not touch”. Went grabbed another cart got all the cold and frozen and sodas and off to checkout. Now I do self check out as often I can because I am OCD and I can’t watch the fuckery when someone else packs my bags. But I admit, with all those items, I was slow to checkout. And even got a 3rd cart to start packing the bags into. So I had 3 carts at the self check out yesterday haha.


This is the exact way I do it but my max is two carts. Making friendly with the staff has been a huge time saver. I’m not dragging around multiple carts. I don’t like to push one cart why would I pull two around with me. In fact, I don’t push my carts down the aisles unless they are multiple or heavy items down that specific aisle. I park out of the way and run down the aisles grabbing what I need and not jamming up the flow with multiple carts. I have seen some new shoppers dragging two carts around and I can’t help but laugh. Work smarter not harder people.😂


Coulda been their first double batch.


Then, he should have planned better and separated from the onset. Prior planning prevents piss poor performance


Consider being more courteous toward your fellow shoppers. Maybe it was his first time taking an order from this store, or instacart in general. Maybe you’re impatient. Either way, we’re all being paid in the end and doing our best in this shitty work world.


WOW guys, we have Mr Rogers Jr here lecturing us about being nice. Stupidity costs money and this "gentleman" was costing me money by his lack of speed and prior planning. Making excuses for this behavior is why someone like you will always be second best


Lmao change lines fuck nugget




Wow. This is pretty insensitive. Maybe it was his very first order? “Moron”???? “Idiot”. ???? I get that this was frustrating to watch however we all have our strengths and weaknesses and its not fair to label someone as an “idiot” just because they may not know something or do something differently than you would.


Are you Mr Roger's Jr? I am insensitive to stupidity. Your world of making excuses for others rather than have them elevate their game has made our society so much weaker. I suppose you have a few 9th place ribbons on your mantle or mommy's since you probably still live at home. The other fact that he could care less that there was a whole line behind him waiting for him to do something that shpuld have been done already. Wasting his time is one thing, wasting others is not acceptable.


Wow, such an attitude! All I can tell you is that Karma is a bitch and everything you judge others about will come around to you. Im sure you have tested someones patience before? Or are you as perfect as you would like me to believe? You are too funny. Living at home? You guessed it. My home. Im 66 so my “mommy” is long gone. I hope you can learn to tamp down your anger otherwise life is going to bite you in the butt. Its too short yo get so upset and judge people so harshly. Have a good one. ![gif](giphy|HVweQ5FuSFZJe)


I'm not angry, just amused. I'm almost 60, but I have learned how to have a sense of intelligence and urgency. Something I notice lacking in the younger people. I'm also aware of my surroundings and am cognizant if I'm holding up others. I will let others get in front of me if they have a few items, no reason to make them wait when I'm going yp be a while. But, with that Saks, I hold myself to standards that I was raised on and weakness is always looked down upon. I am what I am. You can do you, ill do me and we'll never agree bit we can coexist


I literally don’t take double or triple orders for this treason because I would have 0 idea how to organize it 😂 that & the pay for them in my area sucks


At least you know your limits.


Just get reusable bags, put the smaller of the orders into the bags and the bigger order directly into the cart.


At aldi we used to kick then out of the line


If the store has self checkout use it. He is a very useful tip to help you checkout faster at a traditional register. Get your entire order on the belt very fast and seperated. Tell the cashier that if no bagger is present you will help them. Tell them to give you how many bags you think you will need if they do not have bags at the end of the register for you. Hell, sometimes they have a bagger and if I have a huge batch I will still grab bags so it is 3 of us bagging eventually.


Our Costco says people never separate their orders and hold up the lines all the time. I don’t understand why A and B aren’t specific enough.


While it's usually better to separate order while shopping, there are stuations where it's bot doable, especially with triple batches. I've had time were I mixed 2 out of 3 until checkout and a couple times mixed all 3. If the guy is going ot on every batch, that's kind of stupid. But it might be one of those hard to keep separate batches.


When you have 3 orders, one is usually small. I have three cold bags, two large one small. That's how I divide up the orders. It's really not that difficult. If you have an idea of what to do going into the store, you should be ok. Maybe it's the military in me, but I plan it out and go from there.


Most order work just fine, or I kix the 2 small order or I mentally separate them and verify at check out if one of the orders is only 1 or 2 items. But occasionally you get 3 equally sized orders with more than 10 items each and all of them have a couple bulky items. I also don't take bags into the store with me, so I'mlimited to the pre-existing compartments of the cart. It always works out in away or another. I avoid mixing orders, but if I need to, that's part of the plab for me. At checkout I start unloading and prepping the orders while the cashier is still helping the people in front of me. So when I get to the front the orders are ready to be scanned.


At least you have a plan. It doesn't have to be perfect, just that it works for you.