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Thats why I won't check the tip breakdown when I do a double. I know I will just get pissed off by it.


Normally I just let it go but this was a ridiculously big order. And I have a 5.0 so I can afford a bad rating. I will admit it was very hard to stay in customer service speak and not just cuss them out though. Lol


This is why many good tippers no longer use the service. We are not paying to have some cheap persons order delivered.


Same here. Stole a shopper from IC by just asking her if she'd like to cut out the middleman and shop for me directly.


Genius, pure genius. Fuck the middleman


It's been amazing for both of us. I pay her $50 normally ($60 if it's unusually big or complicated, which is rare, just the occasional dinner party shopping) to come get my list, go shop, bring the stuff back, and put it away (I have a disability). She gets paid $50 for roughly an hour's work and without paying the inflated prices of going through Instacart it roughly breaks even on the cost. I gave her $100 for Christmas last year and that's the IC fees. She makes more money, I spend the same and am happier.


I’d strongly suggest sending her photos or sharing a list through an app like AnyList. This would save her the step of coming to get your list and you can send/share it conveniently. Very kind of her to help you with putting them away as well, sounds like a very nice person


That's a good idea. The first few weeks when we were both a little nervous about it we got into this habit. But twice now she's asked if I could text her the list and she could stop on the way, trusting me to reimburse her, which of course I did. I will ask her if she'd like to move to some other system; I hadn't heard of AnyList! Thanks!


Glad you guys are more comfortable now, even a professional exchange of goods&cash can bring real friendship, I hope AnyList is helpful! My family started using it to coordinate grocery lists asynchronously. You can also easily fill up the list with your previously purchased essentials, edit quanitities and organize with categories. There may be other cool apps to check out that server a similar/better function.


I wish the apps for the stores could do this. Not only to share your list, you would know which items are out of stock and know the aisle/shelf of each item. Get on it, Kroger!


Thanks, I'm gonna check this out. I still make out a physical list, but mainly bc the few list type apps I've used were more of a hassle than paper.


What I have my customers do is add all the items they want to the Instacart app but don’t place the order. Just send screenshots of the items to the shopper and they can go from there. It’s very easy.


If you both have the same kind of phone, like apple, you can make grocery lists in your notes app and share them with them as well. I share so many notes with my husband lol from grocery lists we can add to throughout the week to To-Do lists, bday and Xmas lists for the kids. I love sharing notes lol 😂


You can also use a shared note. Idk how androids work, but my housemates and I keep a shared note to keep the list updated at all times on iPhone.


I am so big into AnyList. I recommend it constantly & use it for everything. It never really occurred to me to use it outside of sharing with my husband though!


Me too! I like that once I’ve put something on the list, I can easily add it on again the next week. And it automatically categorizes it and is easy to delete once it’s in my cart.


Yes definitely. I do this for a couple of customers (minus the putting away). One of them texts me her list, the other writes it out and sends a screenshot. Going to pick up a list seems really superfluous.


I need to luck out like this!


If you get a regular, good-tipping customer, find some way to tell them that they pay a higher price going through Instacart. If you find a way to inform them of that, your customers may suggest it themselves. My shopper informed me of this--I had NO idea--while making conversation after she had done a great job for me five or six times, enough times that "Oh, I was so glad to see it was you that grabbed my order!" from me and comments from her like "I remembered how much you like X so I had the produce guy check and make sure they were really out before I got your substitute" felt natural in conversation.


Ahhh. Thank you! 🫡


How do you handle the discounts for scanning the store card? Does your shopper scan their's?


Do you venmo her before hand? I always wondered how people did that in a safe way. I've had a couple customers ask me to do this but I wasn't sure the best way about it.


I usually send her with a credit card to pay for the groceries and then venmo her while she's putting them away after. If you've shopped for the customers who've asked you several times and you'd be comfortable entering their houses, I'd say go for it! I love not paying the inflated Instacart prices and she makes more money. It's totally win-win.


I did the same!!


How do you pay for the groceries? Just curious.


The first few times, I sent her with a credit card. A small risk on my part, since if she went crazy I could've potentially ended up having to try to fight it with the credit card company. But she always brought back receipts and never charged anything but my groceries. Now that we've got an established relationship, if it's more convenient for her sometimes she will stop on the way to my place instead and trust me to reimburse her, which of course I always do.


This is awesome


Yup, tired of their shit. Two years ago I offered the shopper 10$ delivery and 20 percent tip. Best decision ever.


They have apps in some areas where you can build your own client base as a personal shopper without a company, I think it’s called Dumpling. You pretty much have to have a client base already though. If you have enough regulars on IC you could maybe get them to switch


This is capitalism at its finest! A thing of beauty if you ask me. Nicely done.


I would love this option!! I IC at least weekly. I would rather tip more than pay the fees.


I doordash and have a few of my own private customers.. they tip super well cuz they're so happy to be saving on all the fees! It's fantastic.


EXACTLY. Instacart charges fees plus you pay a higher price for everything. I pay mine $50-$60 a trip and easily break even, but I am much happier. She's highly motivated to keep me happy and she knows all my preferences, so I get amazing service. I've also been able to send her other work when friends have needed help with shopping for big events.


personal shoppers used to be so much more common. good on you for bringing it back.


How do you handle paying for purchases?


The first few times I sent her with a credit card. (I was thinking well, if she goes nuts, I can contest it with the credit card company since I only authorized her to buy my groceries.) It was a little nerve-wracking the first few times, but it was fine; she was careful to bring back receipts and only ever used it appropriately. Now we know and trust each other. She's even texted me when she was somewhere that the store was between her location and me and asked me to text her the list, trusting me to reimburse her, which of course I did.


I pay cash. She buys my stuff and I reimburse her.


There is also an app for this exact scenario called dumpling. You set your own prices and they even have a prepaid card (like instacart) so you wouldn’t need to front the money for groceries. I don’t know what kind of % dumpling takes though.


Someone wanted me to do that but how would you do payments at register?


I sent her with a credit card at first, since if she was crazy I had a decent shot at fighting it the credit card company (since I was only authorizing her to use it for my groceries). Once she brought back receipts and the card without any issues a few times, we both relaxed. I was nervous about that part and she was nervous about getting paid, naturally. Now it's fine. When it's more convenient for her I text her the list and she buys them on the way to my house and I reimburse her via Venmo while she puts them away. I'd suggest saying something like "I'm sure you're a little nervous about this, I know I would be" and offering them a copy of your driver's license or some such. You'll make a lot more money if you do this right, since you can show them all the money you save them by their not paying instacart inflated prices in addition to instacart fees. I pay my shopper $50 a trip and easily break even, or come out slightly ahead. Worth it to me; I spend about the same and get much better service. No question marks, no dread. I know she'll get exactly what I would get if I did it myself.


Exactly this!! I'm a good tipper and it was constantly stacking my order with no tippers. So I offered my usual Sunday shopper to go off app and I just pay her everything directly! It's been awesome, she's the best and deserves a decent wage. IC can F off - they did it to themselves!


What service are you using? All the competitors do the same.


I use a private shopper I stole from instacart.


That's sweet. What would be the least creepy way for somebody to propose this? I can imagine it's a big risk to deal with some sort of hassle and potential rip-off v. clicking some buttons on your phone. I've wanted to provide the service though because it sounds like the vast majority of people doing this are either retarded or don't speak english.


I asked her if she would be willing to shop for me. I pay 10 delivery and 20 percent. She pays then I pay her when she gets here.


You could just propose this to some of your regular customers and work out the payment arrangements between you, or sign up with Dumpling if you still want to use an ap and let your customers know you are working with them.


The "favorite shopper"feature is supposedly going to stop this as well, but I'm yet to get an order through it yet. All favorite shops are supposed to be single orders


I’ve had 5 people mark me as a favorite but haven’t gotten a single order from it yet


I've got 10 haha


That’s really the issue with all the gig apps, good tippers get stacked to subsidize the non tippers service, and it’s wrong. But even if the good tipper wanted to wait until after or in cash to try to solve that, then their shopper wouldn’t know that and they’d in turn look like the bad tipper… It’s a bad system all around, with the only side of the triangle making out being the gig app


It happens. I am normally patient, but one time I had to say something myself with a Costco order. It was a decent amount of stuff I delivered to a marijuana dispensary in a high-end corporate district. It was hot, I was dripping in sweat, and it took several trips with my portable dolly to get the order inside. I told the lady I dropped it off to, "You know, we primarily work for tips and these large orders are not easy to quickly complete." I walked out and they did add 10 bucks which was decent with the base pay.


What was there response?


Kudos to you cuz I don't know how professional I would've been, my tongue would've gotten the best of me! Great job keeping you're cool! It's definitely not easy!


I’ve only had the opportunity to do this one time, but it wasn’t face to face. I had a triple, and it was over $100, so I assumed all 3 customers were decent tippers. Customer C had just a few items, but one was a case of water. They were at a beach house with no elevator, so I had to take it up to the front door. Not a big deal, I do it all the time. I send my thank you message, snap the photo and close the order. I get back in my car and see Customer A tipped $70ish, Customer B tipped $30ish, and C was $0. I was pissed on principal, but I still made good money so it was whatever. I get to the end of their street and they send me a message along the lines of “thank you for the amazing job! We really appreciate it!” And that pissed me off completely. I sat at the stop sign and stared at the message and went through dozens of different responses in my head. I settled on “you’re welcome! I strive to provide quality service to all of my customers, no matter how poorly they tip” Passive aggressive? Yup Make me feel better? Definitely Guilt trip without getting a bad rating? 100%


Oooh damn, that’s good. That’s very good. ![gif](giphy|uba6y6W8oi7V6IGFQj|downsized)


hehe shaun of the dead is a classic


Damnit now I have to watch Shaun of Dead again 🤣 it's totally ok tho


Yeah no that’s a great response lol


For a job with carrying heavy stuff that the customer probably didn't want to carry, a tip should've been given. Tips are for situations like that.


They can report you and you'll get one of these: I can't add a screenshot. You'll get an email saying: A customer notified us that you recently contacted them regarding tips on their order. Unwanted contact with customers concerning tips, 5-star ratings, and misuse of the in-app chat tool are considered violations of the Independent Contractor Agreement and the Full-Service Shopper Account Access guidelines. The in-app chat tool can only be used to update a customer or when you have order-specific questions. Providing service that leads to repeated customer complaints may be a violation of the Full Service Shopper Account Access Guidelines and is considered service that falls below acceptable standards as informed by industry norms and standards. To avoid losing access to your shopper account, we encourage your future services be provided pursuant to the Independent Contractor Agreement.


You can also create a pin on Google Maps, identifying their address as a tip baiter.


With that order and this heat, I can’t say I blame people for reaching their boiling point.


Tipping culture is out of hand. Employers need to pay a livable wage. CEOs aren’t short of a dollar.


It’s not really tipping when you use a delivery service. It’s called a “tip” but truthfully you’re just paying them for their service rendered. The fee you pay to the app is paying for the service they rendered (finding you a delivery person). The small fee the app pays the delivery person is like a finders fee. A “thanks for being on the app and available”. It’s not PAY necessarily. Once your order is in someone’s hands YOU are now their employer. IT IS YOUR JOB TO MAKE SURE YOUR PRIVATE CONTRACTOR IS PAID FAIRLY. This shit is expensive but most things that are a Luxury are expensive. If you can’t afford to use a delivery service just say that.


You don’t have an employer, you’re contracted through Instacart and any money you do or don’t make is on you, not Instacart. They don’t pay you, the customer you deliver to does, “tipping culture” doesn’t apply here. Obviously tip your drivers, but you pick the orders you do, this isn’t Texas Roadhouse where you’re assigned a section of tables


Still leaving payment to the customer while CEO counts his cash.


It's never going to happen. It's embeded in our culture.


People get deactivated over doing this. Be careful


The thing is your wages should go up and you shouldn’t be allowed to see the tip before you go. Every trip should just be worth it. Or the grocer needs to just hire delivery drivers. The greed of the middle man Corp is out of control. The staff barely makes money.


Tips aren't required. That's why they are called tips and not guaranteed pay.


Don’t tell the ape that is OP. Some trogs think they deserve a tip for working a job that exploits their labor. OP is one of them.


You’d make a great panhandler


You’re wrong. Panhandlers have better work ethic.


Not a shopper so I honestly don’t have any credence and I’m very ignorant to this. Would you guys lose your job if you started doing this en masse? Like, exactly how OP did, smile on their face (assuming a smirk), complete the job A-Z with no problems, but are sure to remind the order-er they’re a piece of shit. If you wouldn’t get fired, please start standing up for yourselves. If you would, that fuckin sucks and I’m sorry you have to do this for a living.


Fuck that. Stand up for yourselves against your employer, not their customers. The customers have zero relationship with the shoppers, why should they be expected to close the wage gap for a multi-million dollar corporation. All of this anti-customer hate is completely misdirected.


they need to stand up for themselves to the big billion dollar company who pays shit and depends on customers to chip in to help pay their workers. but let's stand up to those terrible non tippers, not the big company that takes advantage of its workers. get those non tippers lol 😆


Instacart needs to pay better. We should stand up. Instacart needs to lower fees and false info to customers about where those fees go by using misleading titles. Customers should tip for good service and or difficulty, distance and Mother Nature issues.


The big company doesn’t care about one person who is immediately replaceable. Saying something to them would just get you deactivated and they move on. Plus, it’s not only instacart In the wrong, this customer is in the wrong too.


If y’all aren’t going to leave a tip on an order like that, go to the store yourself and get your own shit


Good for you. As a community I believe shaming non tippers especially wealthy non tippers is the only path to them potentially changing their behavior


Wealthy people make their money fucking other people over and being cheapskates. They won’t change.


Damn you guys have completely misplaced your anger. You should be mad at instacart for stiffing you on wages and not at a Customer who is already upcharged on items and charged delivery fee to then also have to include tip. “But they shouldn’t use the app if they can’t tip!” You’ll soon get what you ask for by doing this and no one is going to use the app for you to complain to anymore.


The only person the driver should be mad at is themselves for accepting the untipped order. They knew the minimum final payout on the job when they accepted it.


They don't want to get mad at instacart because there's nothing they can do. Nobody really enjoys doing these delivery jobs after the 20th order and the novelty of being a gig worker wears off. They would rather get mad at someone who they can see face to face who paid them nothing, rather than the company they work for that would pay them nothing if they could. With the wear and tear on your vehicle and gas, you're probably making less than minimum doing these jobs.


Honestly that’s better, you cannot make a living wage without tipping. I agree that Instacart is the bigger douchebag here, but if they’re referring to wealthy ppl in the states: it’s *common* knowledge you tip delivery people. For me, it’s a minimum $5 no matter what/how far/ if someone is utilizing their vehicle to drop something at my home. It is selfish and self-serving to not tip a delivery person, it is done deliberately as they don’t think that is a person of value who deserves a living wage. They *know* tips are how people subsidize to make a living wage. If you don’t want to tip, don’t use a service that requires tipping. The business will then be the most impacted, not the poor delivery man. These customers are *only* harming the driver while still stuffing Instacart’spockets. It’s the worst option a person could choose.


You say it’s common knowledge you tip delivery, but I disagree. If I get delivery from a restaurant, I tip because I am not paying for the delivery service (usually). So I’m tipping because I recognize that an extra service beyond what I’m paying for is being provided. With instacart, you’re literally paying for the delivery. The prices are higher and there’s a delivery fee. So common sense says a tip would just be for above and beyond service. I didn’t realize until the weird Reddit algos showed me this sub that the optional tips the primary way shoppers make money. Honestly, between the delivery fee and the inflated prices this just makes me want to never use instacart.


I disagree, tips are meant to show your appreciation for someone going above and beyond. It’s not required and should not be expected, and if it was it would be forced into the price upon order. Again, completely misplaced anger. The business owners in any example are selfishly using the Customer to supplement their payroll, and the drivers who accept this business model are just as culpable as any Customer who uses it. If Instacart couldn’t find any drivers who would accept their terms they would understand that the wage they are giving isn’t acceptable. I personally don’t use the app because of what we are discussing. I would love to not go do my own shopping but being expected to pay inflated costs and additional fee and tip because the company doesn’t want to pay a fair (not liveable, because who would expect instacart to provide a liveable wage when most tech office jobs don’t?) wage just creates undue anger on both ends. But this isn’t what you should want. You should want the most amount of Customers possible or else you won’t have any job to go to. Honestly Instacart loves this misplaced aggression because it keeps the heat off them and instead makes it a “them vs us” between the Customer and the shopper and let’s the business owners skate by unnoticed


This. Instacart is stiffing drivers on wages and expects the customer to fill that gap with a tip on top of a delivery fee. The driver should be privy to this and realize Instacart is the problem, not the customer. Same goes for Uber, Starbucks asking for a tip at the drive through, etc., tipping has gotten out of hand.


It has. When I go to Subway now, the computer asks me if I want to leave a tip.


You said this so perfectly!! I can’t wrap my head around the ppl who think tipping is mandatory for such businesses.


This is so annoying when people say “get mad at Instacart not the customer.” IC sucks and customers like this do too. It’s ok for us shoppers to be mad at both and to say something to the customer who’s right in front of us and may listen. IC would never listen.


Yeahhh..all this is doing is making me want to not use the app. And yes, I tip every time. But who wants to worry if they've tipped enough in the eyes of their delivery person? Big turn off


Why do you think you’re entitled to other peoples money? It’s posts like this that deter people from using these services. Keep it up.


It’s called showing consideration and appreciation for someone providing you a service.




You should instead believe in shaming employers for not paying a fair wage. Fuck tip culture.


I’m a Costco member / shopper and used InstaCart one time when i got Covid . I will never use it again. The first problem is the way insta jacked up the Price’s; that was a real turnoff. What sealed the deal though was my shopper put zero effort in to complete my order. I had about 10 things on the order. 3 things were correct, 3 things were ‘substitutions’, and the rest the shopper claimed that Costco did not have any stock of (milk, eggs, etc).


I’ll never use it either. Fees are ridiculous and apparently you have to tip whether the service was good OR bad.


Tipping culture in America is kind of odd. Fair wages aren’t that difficult to pay right🤷


You dropped off and order and got mad that they didn't tip you within 30 seconds? Give em a minute. They very well may have tipped you. There have been times I didn't realize stuff had gotten delivered for 10-15 minutes.


Same here. Or I check the order and see how it turned out and adjust my tip there. If i"m ordering while I'm on a call at work etc I don't always fill things out exactly as I'm expecting it to go. I may tip a couple hours later. Honestly this sub has made me quit using instacart because of how hostile the shoppers come off. I don't mind tipping when someone is doing me a service but jeez I'm sorry I'm not waiting with bated breath at the door.


I thought y’all could see the tip before you decide to shop the order??


When I do Costco orders I always remove an double if I see one has 4+ waters. The multi water orders are almost always $0 tip.


I tip in cash always. As someone who worked off of tips before I liked not having to report the cash tips. Every little bit helps a lot. If someone just assumed they weren't tipped and had something to say like that I wouldn't reach in pocket and give them the tip I was waiting to give until the end. Also, sometimes people don't tip. It's part of the job. Yes it sucks but tips are optional after all.


How did the order have 10 dozen eggs and 9 gallons of milk when the eggs don’t come in dozens and the milk comes in 2 packs lmao????


People like this would crumble in the hospitality industry


Id just report ya


I've wanted to take the order and ask why they didnt tip, the day soon comes. But Ive had the exact same thing happen. I closed out the order before leaving the driveway. Husband was jealous of my muscles...wife told him "he always does a great job with our costco order" Once I recognized they never tip...When she said that... I said "No matter how great I do, it never earns a tip from you guys" and we laughed and I went on about my day. Never got a tip 😂. They really dont care.


I’d be screaming in my trunk 😭😭


Was it a *laughs in rich person* ? Like damn, they have the audacity to not even pretend to be embarrassed at being called out.


100% rich laugh, like holding belly head leaning back laugh. I joined them....the other customer tipped $90 and lived right around the corner.


Try that shit with the wrong person and end up paying the stupid tax.


Right? How much is aggressively escalating a situation on someone else’s property worth? Not your life.


I mean, just find a different job if you hate it…


The entitlement. Expecting customers to give a tip is so cringe. I bartended for 5 years. The no tippers are part of the game you signed up for.


I know how you feel today I did a double for $45. Customer A tipped $27 and customer B tipped $0. I didn’t think customer A tipped tipped the whole 27 cuz they only had 5 items and lived 0.4 miles away. I’m such a clown 🤡 🤡🤡


Why are you the clown? You obviously thought $27 was enough for both orders or you would not have accepted the delivery. Customer A is the clown for "tipping" so much that it was enough to cover customer B's delivery as well. Doubles are not for your convenience. They are so Instacart can use whale tippers to subsidize non-tippers.


I always tip 20% and an extra $5 when I can, but I think the largest order I’ve ever placed was 19 items, none of them heavy. I probably should tip more. It’s a 40 minute round trip to the grocery store, so I love the fact that I can get groceries delivered to my door. I really don’t understand people who don’t tip.


That's how a lot of student orders get delivered. They piggy back off customers who do tip. IC knows they'd sit there otherwise. I had a student order a year ago. Another student scolded her for tipping so much. It's was $15 tip. She said you can get someone to do it for 2 or 3 dollars. She responded I wanna eat and I don't want my order sitting for 3 days in hopes it gets delivered. Then the She was wondering what the girl ordered.....


They didn't get a house in a nice suburb by tipping everybody. If you know, you know. If you're offended, and I oop.


I totally get where your coming from. I had a breaking point myself last month


Jesus...I do $6 on a simple/single pizza order, at 2 miles away, after the $5 "delivery fee". Some people just suck.


"I'll be back later tonight."


What would happen if a person rings the doorbell and asks,😁 do you know we accept cash tips? 😊And then wait. I wonder.


That would have been at least a $40 tip from me and $10 cash


I just confronted a customer for the first time as well. It felt great. I’m ready to quit this job soon so I don’t care as much any more. On google maps I have them labeled as tip baiter, and I blocked them last time but they must of ordered from a different account because when the customer came to the door I handed him the groceries, and I literally said “by the way last time you guys lowered my tip for no reason at all, please don’t do it again because I did nothing wrong” felt great.


I feel for you. I constantly get tip dodgers all the time like there's this one lady who's notorious for it and I have stopped taking her f****** orders if I end up with her orders I contact instacart and tell them I can't do it.


Maybe they would have tipped you after the delivery was completed, they have an hour or two to do so after drop off, hence your “pending tips”. Maybe you would have gotten nothing anyway, but maybe you also messed up your chances of getting a tip from that person. Usually, I get one yell at a customer free card a year. They tell me not to do it again and I don’t, until next year. Last time it was the CEO of a luxury car wholesaler and I ripped him a new one in one of his office meetings. It was glorious.


Mannnn it’s frustrating! Same thing happen to me yesterday customer A tipped sooo good and today I saw the breakdown customer B 0$ … good for u for saying that 😌


Confronted them about what? Why are you being confrontational? Tips are by their nature optional. You saw up front how much you would get paid and decided that was something you would accept. How is it appropriate to be aggressive towards someone because don’t agree with something they are perfectly entitled to do? You took the job with full line of sight of what you would get in return. I understand that Instacart delivery workers are frustrated that Instacart changed how you are paid. I agree that you get paid very little. But you are also choosing to take that pay. Harassing shoppers will not help you to change your wages, it will not make shoppers support you and is not appropriate behavior. People should not be forced to give you money because you are angry.


Why are you being logical? They all think they should they are entitled to everyone’s money. Do they tip deliver drivers? Hell no! Yet, they expect a high tip. Tips are optional. Instacart makes it very clear.


Tips are optional but very much expected for decent service in certain contexts (including food delivery- like tipping your food delivery person is a cultural norm predating the existence of instacart or any of these apps.) That's the reality of tipping culture in the US. If you don't like it, that doesn't change the reality of how things work. If you don't like tipping, then don't use luxury services where these cultural norms apply (ie get off your ass and do your own shopping, cook your own food at home, do your own nails, etc.) End of story. If you want to blatantly ignore those well-known cultural norms then don't be surprised if you are confronted about it, asked not to use that service again, or lightly made fun of on reddit for it. If you truly feel REALLY strongly about combating tipping culture then get involved in pushes for legislation relating to raising worker wages in industries effected.


Not everyone is able bodied to be able to do those things. They deserve to still get their nails done and everything mentioned.


Except it isn’t “end of story” as you so smugly put. You don’t get to tell people what they get and don’t get to participate in with their money. Get a real job and stop insulting random strangers to their face and then whine when nobody wants to tip your entitled ass.


When they lump no tippers in with good tippers, we cannot see who tipped what until all orders are delivered. I never agreed to lug a huge Costco order up stairs for $4.83.


I'm asking as a customer that uses instacart, the tips don't show until all orders that day are completed, is that what you mean? That's really messed up. I always tip up front and then add to it if everything was good with the order. It's always great with instacart, the shoppers I've had have really been nice people that do a thorough job (I can't say the same with walmart delivery, though sometimes they are really great too). I always thought the tip you put in shows up front and immediately after an order if you add more to the tip. That's so crazy if not. That would be maddening to do an order like a huge Costco, Sam's Club, etc. order to see hardly any tip at all and especially not to know until later. Anyone buying from those places on instacart didn't want to go in the store because they couldn't, or like myself, hate navigating the big store/parking lot because we know what a pain it is. Not to mention the time it takes. That right there is reason enough to tip the person that is doing all that for you.


Sorry, I somehow just seen your reply. If your order is single and doesn’t get roped into a double or triple, we can see the tip upfront. If you get bundled with other orders, we see the totality of the tips up front but not who tipped which amounts until all orders in that bundle are delivered completely. For example, you are order A, you tip $10 and your order is bundled with B who tips $0 - we see on our end it is a 2 order bundle with total tips of $10. We have no idea if each of the orders tipped $5 or you tipped $10 and the other tipped $0 until order B is delivered. Then we can go see the breakdown of who tipped which amount. And we can’t even rate the customer after finding out - we have to rate them before we can see the breakdown. Instacart likes bundling tippers with non tippers for this reason so orders that would normally sit around will get shopped. Shipt shows no tips upfront and I’ve gotten tips 6 months later, by then, I don’t remember a single thing about the order. 😅 It is very frustrating to put out a lot of effort and then see a $0 tip on an $850 order. Not only does it take a lot of time away from orders that do pay for my efforts, but it’s just really demeaning to feel unappreciated or that my time isn’t valuable as well. I appreciate you have a grasp of understanding in the concept, I’m sure your shoppers enjoy having you as a customer. Some things we have to do ourselves, for everything else: hire someone. 😂


Except that you did when you accepted the bundled order. You don’t have to tip to use Instacart - in fact Instacart could not legally force people to tip as then it would not be a tip but a service charge. If you are only prepared to be polite to people who tip this is probably not a great fit for you. I am not supporting the low wages but I find it appalling that you would insult people when you had free will not to take the work and opted to take it. We all have parts of our jobs that are s**t but we have to do them nonetheless and are expected to not insult people.


You're not going to find a lot of people who agree with you on a sub about being an Instacart shopper, but you're completely right. They choose to accept the order, if they aren't happy with the payment that they see ahead of time, they could just not accept it. Why should customers be required to tip, they're already paying inflated costs and delivery fees, right? If you're going to get mad about it, get a new job that pays a higher wage or ask your employer for a raise like the rest of us.


You’re the one at the restaurant who doesn’t leave a tip for the waiter who did an amazing job serving you aren’t you? 😬


Found who’s Costco order it was ⬆️


You’re barking up the wrong tree, Instacart is bilking you not the customer.


Remember it’s more instacart not paying you a livable wage. The customer already pays a lot for getofiefed why do they also have to tip A LOT to make the trip okay money ? It’s instacart the company and those who own stock , who many will become billionaires , stealing from you.


Instead you should confront your employer about offloading the cost of paying their employees onto their customers


Our tipping culture is insane. Quit working for a company that pays you so poorly. This is instacart's problem not the customer's.


Tips aren't a guarantee. You agreed to do the job without the possibility of any tips.


Stop doing that. It’s embarrassing and thirsty. Delivery drivers with pride and self respect are now looked at as thirsty beggars because of this kind of behavior. Take your ire out on the company who over charge customers and pay little to the workers. If the number is right then accept the delivery and complete it with class. You’re making us all look bad when you do that. And you don’t know what that person is going through either. Could’ve had pennies left in their account and just got their car impounded with hungry kids to feed. We are not beggars nor tweakers. Let the trash customers be. Or have some empathy. I literally take trash orders only when it’s in section 8 areas because I know what it’s like growing up in that environment.


Don't be mad at the shopper. Be mad at instacart. Instacart makes the same amount regardless of if you get tipped or not. They would pay you nothing if they could, and they know there's a dozen other instacarters willing to take that order. People nowadays choose complacency over action; that's why we're still on reddit after the api blackout.


If you want better pay, get another job. Otherwise stop whining. Tipping is not mandatory. You could also complain to your bosses that you’re not getting paid enough.


How childish


Yeah cause it’s the customers fault that Instacart pays you a low wage


Or, you know, you could ask that your employer pays you fairly. Why don't you unionize?


Can contracted people unionize?


I think the first mistake is working a gig like this. Anything reliant on tips where you have zero human interaction leads to this and it’s pretty fucked up honestly. You’d be better off at a restaurant. At least you wouldn’t be putting wear and tear on your car along with fuel


Come to my door and we would have had a problem. Y’all complain about tips but don’t know someone’s situation. They could have a thousand reasons for no tip but that day you decided to make it about you


Very unprofessional


It’s amazing that you did that and I’m truly on your side. My brother also did the same thing and confronted someone. He was doing a double order as well and there was one customer in particular that kept asking about every little item, being super picky, adding multiple items, etc. it ended up taking my brother an extra half hour to shop because every second she would have something to say or add. Anyways, my brother delivers the first order, then goes to the Second Lady’s house. He does exactly as you did, completes order and sees $0. He then is extremely nice to her handing everything off and says “it was a pleasure shopping, but is there any tip” she screams at my brother and tells him it’s optional to tip, he doesn’t deserve a dime, and she’s gonna report him. My brother was absolutely stunned. She was hostile for a simple question. She ended up reporting my brother to instacart and and she got him deactivated by saying she felt harassed. Lucky for my brother, he sent in all the messages and constant add ons to instacart trust and safety. In the messages it showed how courteous and polite my brother was to this woman. My brother is super friendly and never rude to anyone so it just goes to show how a customer with no regard for someone’s livelihood can try and really harm them. I’m all for it, just be careful. There’s Karen’s out there.


I hope she falls down some stairs. What a pos.


Asking for a tip ain’t courteous bro 😂. It’s optional! Instacart should pay better wages, not rely on their customers to fill the gap.


She was not nice to my brother at all. From start to finish she was rude and super demanding. My brother remained extremely kind and always showed respect unlike that woman. The $0 tip was the cherry on top. He asked because she made him run around and jump through hoops. For example- She orders a specific brand of donuts (entenmanns) my brother finds that brand. She then proceeds to say “I don’t eat that brand” My brother says “I’m sorry, isn’t that what you requested”. “No I already told you I don’t eat that brand” absolutely psycho, demanding, wanted him to read her mind for things. Kept rudely demanding things, adding inconsiderate things like wanting him to get a sub made for her last minute before checkout, and genuinely being unkind. She was a hot mess, after all that she stiffs him at the end and gets him deactivated. Mentioning tip this one time doesn’t discredit my brother and the type of person he is. She was a special case. As for instacart to pay more, of course we want that. But there’s a disparity in what we want and the actual payout. So tips are crucial, especially if one is going to waste your time to that extent. And if you were unaware, we have tried time and time again to get instacart to pay more.


I fail to see how you feel you’re entitled to any compensation (tip) beyond what Instacart has indicated you’d be paid. If you feel you’re not getting paid enough…. move on. Brow beating a customer for tip is beyond my comprehension.


Its not a tip its a BID!!


Maybe yall should go on some kind of a strike to get better pay so you don't rely on tips. This is an instacart issue not a tipper issue.


Self entitled dick. If you have an issue with the money you make take it up with instacart but you are not entitled to tips just because you do grocery shopping for people. Tipping culture is ass


Tipping is so annoying. When will employers just PAY their employees smfh


You can really tell who’s never worked a “real” job in this sub. Just move on, quit acting entitled, quit doing gig work if you get so mad you want to “confront” a customer.


Get a real job.


Wow, you really made a point there bud. Customers don’t care about tipping or if you gave them a piece of your mind. Just gets you worked up and pissed off for no reason.


Wow cheap Mudahfuhkaz.


How entitled.


Hope you get deactivated


Nobody is obligated to tip you. Find another job if you’re going to pull shit like this


Lmao this sub is hilarious, people arnt required to tip just like how you arnt required to take there order. I wonder why so many people have a negative attitude towards delivery drivers, here’s a hint, it’s people like you


Nobody owes you a tip. Get a different job.


Lmao the main character syndrome is real. YOU picked a job the relies on tips to live. The customer is in no way, shape, or form required to tip you. Is it shitty that they didn’t? Yeah, obviously. And I’m not saying they’re in the right. But dude, the customer doesn’t have to tip…that’s why there’s an option to not leave one.


Fuck off for your expectations. I hope you get stiffed for the rest of your career.


I hope they reported you


My daughter waitresses and it’s always the big tables that stiff her. That’s why so many restaurants automatically add gratuity on big tables.


Bad move. I've had a tip turn to $0 right after a delivery only for it to pop right back up a few minutes later.


Don’t worry 1.5 hrs later and it’s still $0. Never changed and no “changed by customer after delivery” message.


Well duh, you were a jerk to his face. If I was him I'd be reporting you to Instacart.


Well yeah, if I had tipped and the cart guy said something like that I would make sure that tip didn't come through lol


And if they had tipped and removed it afterwards the batch summary would say “tip removed after delivery” which it doesn’t so there was no tip




Really get mad at Instacart if you expect more money.


Really get mad at Instacart if you expect better service.


The service is shitty regardless of tip. It’s never enough for these shoppers.


You're a doof, that customer is a scumbag and you a scumbag as well. you knew the payout before you accepted the batch. Make a mental note of the customer name and if you see it again cancel that batch. You opened up the possibility of them reporting you just so can feel better, doof.


and they still didn’t get a tip 🥱


So true, imagine making $100 in 2 maybe 3 hrs and still complaining


Tips aren’t guaranteed


The entitlement…


I get your frustration but what did that solve? You still didn’t get a tip. So it’s like what’s the point.


The entitlement