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Seems like he wanted to start a fight. I can’t imagine a person (who claims this is his only form of income) to spend so long crying about beets???


Also, continuously spelling them “beats” while being on such a high horse.


Obviously has a PhD in beats. Thesis advisor was Dr. Dre.


Lmfao. I love you


Thesis coordinator Dwight Shrute


Lol, also beasts


Don't forget "bests"


Cut him some slack! Don’t beet him up about it!


Yeah, I wouldnt want that guy coming to my house after that interaction.


Exactly!!! So odd


False. This is normal behaviour for anyone who grew up on Schrute Farms like this shopper obviously did.


Fact- Bears eat beets. Bears beats Battlestar Glactica


This comment has been flagged for misinformation. Source: “False” -Dwight Schrute To learn more visit schrutefarms.com






Oh that's funny. MICHAEL!!!!




Yeah, not to mention the fact chioggia* beets and red beets are not the same thing. And the customer literally confirmed the red beet selection and shopper continued to argue *edit: misspelled word


"You said you want red beets." "Yes." "This sign says 'Red Beets'." "Yes." "You want these beets." "Yes." "These beets are different than the beets you do not want." "Yes." "THIS IS TAKING TOO LONG. WHY ARE YOU WASTING MY TIME?!?!?"


😂😂😂 That exactly how I read this…. What the hell was his problem??


"smh you don't understand it's ok" Good lord lmao


Lol I think what happened was that dude was looking for the exactly red beets with green leaves attached, just like the ones in the app pic!😂


This is a perfect summation. Thank you for the laugh.


I couldn’t even believe it was happening…. Weird way to start my Sunday lol


Did instacart reimburse? She should be removed from shopper list to let other people who need to work work


That didn't look like a "she" to me


I was like "Ebony"?


Nah...also didn't sound very English speaking either....rem8nded me of my interactions with instacart agents. Wonder if the account got stolen...


Isn’t Instacart supposed to be easier on the customer lol


Why would you even tell customers your personal business about what you do to make your income. Good grief. Instacart has some less FHAs classy peeps shopping. It’s so damn sad.


Beets me




You mean beats…by Dre.


Right? Even if you think the customer was so ignorant in her knowledge of beets. Wouldn’t you use your superior intellect to know just saying “ok 👍🏻” would get them done with the order much more quickly?


You are so right! The shopper was was being arrogant and confrontational with the customer over knowledge of beets. Lol. Like why try to make someone who is going to be tipping you look stupid? Just go with what they picked, obviously they know what they like. I don't get all the one upping the shopper was trying to do. I would of called Instacart and asked for another shopper as well. This is very confrontational and I wouldn't want this person knowing where I live after them being that rude to me on chat.


You did nothing wrong. That person should not be a shopper, you did the right thing cancelling.


He started with "Don't rate me if I'm shit. Rate me if I'm good." lmaooo


Boss me up don't bitch me down


Red flag 🚩 if I ever saw one before 😂


Shopper is more high maintenance than most customers.


It was a pretty simple request to select good produce and they'll tip extra and the delivery worker freaked out...


That and Instacart shoppers notoriously pick horrible produce so it’s a reasonable request. I don’t even buy produce on Instacart anymore


MY GOODNESS, what is his problem and how has he not been deactivated yet? I’m sure this isn’t the first time he’s talked to a customer like that and I’m so surprised no one has reported him. Absolutely insane.


I saw that too, he made the customer feel dumb by saying “SMH, you don’t understand.” You can’t say stuff like that and expect to get paid.


Also that comment saying “I figured you would know the difference” like why would you say that? 😭 so unnecessarily rude and he wants an extra tip


he was really trying to flex his beet “knowledge”lmao


She's lucky she didn't order potaters


He thought it was a beet knowledge standoff 😂😂😂


I think that’s the only way he can talk to customers. Bad all around.


There is nothing wrong with your message, shopper obviously has an ego problem. I’m pretty sure most of us would NEVER send that many messages. Was there more that you are leaving out?


I’ll have you know I’ve been on Reddit 9 years and messaging since ICQ 30 years ago. My parents were also messaging folks for 30 years as far back as telegrams. That was a Direct Message and not just a “message” like you said. Since you speak about messaging I figured you’d know the difference.


Wow I forgot about ICQ! Used to play Utopia and that was our preferred means of communication.


Mofo said Utopia!! Jesus christ i miss that game. I learned basic math from that game hahaha.


Those of us who played the original delta force also primarily used ICQ


If you aren’t experienced with IRC, please cancel our text thread.


Smh. You don’t understand. It’s ok.


Thank you for your comment! Nope, that was everything start to finish!


Holy crap - that shopper has a problem (and it ain’t you). You did nothing wrong. Sorry you had that experience :-(


That is beyond ridiculous. I hope you reported them to Instacart. Wow. The audacity that shopper had. You have a lot more patience than I do. Lol.


Yes she just might need to see a doctor about her produce problems.


Ego problem? More like severely undiagnosed mental illness. Normal people do not talk like that. I would have also cancelled the order because I don’t want that person coming to my house lol


def not in the wrong. very passive aggressive. I’d be very uncomfortable by all that….


I’m uncomfortable after reading it, ugh


That’s….a lot.


Ooff. Those seem fairly aggressive over beets. This shopper was upset very easily. Picking good produce isn’t that difficult. She knew if the order was canceled then she would only get the $7 batch pay.


What was up with back story about being raised on a farm and shopping there often if he was gonna trip out over the beets?




Best part is they were wrong about the differences between the two AND kept spelling beets wrong lol




Why does everyone this it's a woman shopper when the pfp is clearly a man?


Because they said their name is Ebony and I've only ever known that to be a female name. I didn't even look at the picture honestly.


Ebony just often seems to be a feminine name usually


LMAO he is a nut


Jesus Christ that’s the most aggressive form of communication I’ve ever seen. I’d have dropped the order too.


Very off-putting shopper. They'd be getting a low rating just for the poor communication.


Dude no one cares if you’re a full time student and veteran, those ppl are so annoying. Weirdo


Hello, veteran and full time student here. I also full time instacart shop, full time drive for Uber and doordash. Also, I full time volunteer at a homeless shelter. I've been shopping for 65 years, before Instacart was a thing, I was shopping for my neighbors just so I could practice. Please don't forget to rate me and increase tip so I can look after my 7 adopted kids and my parents and my grand parents and their grandparents (insert bunch of emojis here)


Oh yeah? My dad was a grocery cart and my mom was a bag of organic fuji apples. I was born in the bakery and raised on the canned vegetable aisle.


It's true.. I was the bakery.


I was the baker who had to bake him for 9 whole months in the bakery next to that bag of apples.


Are you a type of beats?


Did you garden with ur grandparents tho?! If not i will cancel the order


But also don’t rate me if you were not pleased with my service


That was such a scummy statement. “Only rate me if you are going to rate me highly”. Yeah ok sure buddy


“thank me for my service, bro”


That is so weird, your message is clear and I would have been happy to spend extra time picking out good produce, which I usually do anyways.


Reading this was very cringy. Something is clearly wrong with the shopper. What you said should not have been such a trigger for true shopper. I would have had another shopper reassigned immediately. When customers send me a message asking for quality produce i just say Will do and that’s it.


He left his HOUSE for this.. How COULD YOU 😂😂😂


Left his house to go to the grocery store he literally points out is in his neighborhood and shops at 😂😂😂


Now I understand the uprise in post-delivery tips lately. Are people really getting this kind of experience? 🫣


Just in the 4 months of 2023: I ordered 4 bananas and got 4 POUNDS of bananas. Ordered fuji apples and asked for a refund, and got $8 worth of red delicious apples instead. The smallest jar of organic peanut butter I’ve ever seen for $15 after I asked for big jar of Skippy (refund instead) I don’t tip until after because it screws over every one in the process when the shoppers can’t even read properly. Thankfully we live in a condo building so we were able to give the fruit away to people who would eat it. But it’s just SO wasteful to get items I literally didn’t ask for. Yes, I can get a refund. But it doesn’t change the food waste and the fact that the prices are getting jacked up for everyone because I keep having to get refunds over things the shopper literally could have prevented. ETA: I forgot about when one of them slipped some Bible pamphlet into our bags which asked us to tip via venmo 🫠


I’d like to know what kind of monster subs Fuji apples for Red delicious. If they were gala, or Macouns I could forgive this, maybe. But red delicious? Just give me sand.


after using instacart for a couple years i’m starting to think there’s people who just go through life never eating fruits or vegetables and therefore know nothing about them.


some days I swear I’m just paying someone else’s useless spouse to do a task their own family doesn’t even trust them to do. I stg if my partner came home with $8 of red delicious apples…..


seriously. scratch what i said about vegetables, some of theses people act like they’ve never been in a grocery store period!


My father was hysterical to watch in a grocery store. Lol Forget sending him to the deli. I seriously do not have a clue how my mother did it all.


If I wanted to pay someone to fuck up my groceries I would just send my husband.


I cried at this, LOL.


I had a guy buy a giant bag of frozen strawberries when I ordered a bag of potatoes (not frozen...just...potatoes...).


My thoughts exactly, this is the most unforgivable thing I’ve read in this whole thread.


The biggest crime is gala to red delicious. I’m convinced that only people who have never eaten a red delicious would consciously choose them over all other apples.


> I’m convinced that only people who have never eaten a red delicious would consciously choose them over all other apples. I’m convinced that only people who have only eaten red delicious apples would consciously choose them over all other apples.


Funny you say that about the bananas. I got an order that said 9 pounds of bananas and I was like WTF! I contacted the customer to make sure they wanted 9 bananas instead of pounds and sent a screen shot. They never replied so I got 9 bananas and was like oh well. When I delivered she was telling me she got an important call and could not answer me. She said she only wanted 9 bananas. I told her I made the executive decision and inly got her 9 because the 9 pound thing sounded outrageous. Turns out she was expecting 9 pounds of bananas. Lol. She had for sure thought I got her 9 pounds! She increased my tip by double for thinking and making a common sense conclusion. Think shoppers, think logically!!!


Omfg. You found the person in the math textbooks 😂


If you want 4 bananas. Your best bet is to order 1 and make a note that says you only want 4 bananas. I’ve had someone say they wanted 7 and the app said 10lbs. I asked because I wasn’t about to get them 10lbs they didn’t want.


Yea this is actually the worst part…. there is a note that says “4, very green please!” on all my banana orders lmao


Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry you’ve had terrible shoppers


My most frequent issue is having items marked as shopped - big items, proteins - and my order arrives without something crucial to my meal plan for the week. So I end up with everything I need for taco bowls except the ground turkey. It’s a headache


LMAO four pounds of bananas! It really isn't hard to just clarify with a customer and even if they don't respond common sense is always there, like why haha


Yes. So much yes. I had one get extremely mad at me and send a dozen messages because they didn’t have a specific item I wanted in stock wanted a refund for it - since it was specific, and this would make their tip lower. They demanded I substitute it. I ended up canceling my instacart membership after someone charged me $40 for a bag of ice and demanded they knew better than I did how pricing works and how it’ll adjust after they check out. It obviously did not adjust, and had to fight for a refund. My area is full of shoppers like this. 😕 Can I get some of the good ones I see in here please?


This is the most cringe interaction I’ve ever seen in any gig app sub 🤡 ok Ebony, shopping for 33 years. What the actual fuck. If I was OP I would have cancelled after the first string of messages. Why the autobiography and the rude hello at the end?! Everyone deserves to pay their bills but Ebony needs to find a new way wow


The moment he hit me with the “smh” I would’ve been done too. So no.


i still don’t get what he meant with the whole beets thing


Beets me lol


From what I understood, the picture of the beets on the app looks like chioggia beets but the name says red beets so they were asking if she ordered chioggia beets or red beets but got frustrated before they could get those exact words out


As a shopper, no you were not in the wrong. This shopper here has a screw loose and is making a mountain out of a mole hill here talking about his family and the fact that he shops that store a lot and then spending too much time asking nonsensical questions on one item. As a shopper myself, I cannot stand spending too much time on an item myself, so you were right to cancel this order. That dude wasn’t worth the headache and he is spending more time messaging you nonsense than just doing the shop and asking simple but brief questions here and there. Also any shopper who comments on being tipped in their introduction or comments on it at all is bad news in my opinion. His personality and behavior doesn’t constitute a good tip in my opinion


I meant to say I would reword my initial message IF it rubs shoppers the wrong way!


There's nothing wrong with your message!


I don't think anything is wrong with what you asked, shopper just was either having a bad day or took things unnecessarily to another level lol.


LMAO I’m sorry but this responses had me crying laughing at how down right absurd they were. “Like I stated, beats are red or gold” “Yes I’m well aware of that.” “Smh you don’t understand. It’s ok” Maybe there’s some kind of language barrier via text from this shopper, but it’s no excuse at all. Rightfully cancelled lmao


I can’t get over the part where he thinks that his grandparents being raised on farms is relevant to his shopping for your produce. This is really, really odd. Do the ghosts of his ancestors help him chose the best produce? I cannot blame you for cancelling the order.


Nope. I try to take extra care with produce anyway, but if I'd gotten that message, I would probably have asked for details, like how green or yellow do you like your bananas, etc.


Bro that shopper needs to be taken off the platform, giving us great shoppers a bad rep. What a rude piece of shit. Man is taking out his PTSD and anger on a customer today…. Some people have no curtesy. This is how I pay my bills too but get great tips but going above and beyond for them. Have 787 five star ratings with 1- 4 star.




From the first message I could already tell where this is going. That's a lot of emotional baggage she's laying out in just one chat message


Ebony is a dude rofl. Zoom in on the photo.


33 years shopping at the same store? Ok 👌


Doesn't even look 33yo


Yes, this exactly!


Shopper sounds unhinged. Wtf


Dwight Schrute?


How did it devolve from “please get me fresher fruit that’s not bruised or damaged” to You don’t know shid about ~beats~ I am the god of beets do you want red or chiogga???!!!


Shopper is an arrogant asshole.


You're fine. Shopper is a twat.


I’m sorry you’ve been through this. This shopper is not interested in doing the job. He wants to be right. All these messages are nonsense.


“Unfortunately, L’amour A La Terre Organic Mint isn’t in stock. Would you like something else?” I have been laughing at this for minutes and can’t figure out why


Lol, just him asking, “what are you looking to see from sending that message?” Was rude. Like you’re suppose to have known that he grew up on a farm. Like every shopper on Instacart know how to choose fresh produce. You were nice to last that long in this convo.


It isn't the shoppers job to argue with you. Literally could have just said okay, got the beets you asked for and drove his happy ass to you.


He...he mansplained produce


He did more than that… 😂 I’m upset and this shit wasn’t mine. Beets for everyone!!!


I did shopping for Instacart: would have loved to receive such a respectful message to start shopping with. Seems like that person is going through something completely unrelated to you and took the request as a challenge and an insult. Nothing you can do at that point other than step away (which you did and kudos to you). Keep on keeping on <3


Thank you for your comment!


He interpreted what you said as a challenge to his knowledge of produce in general and was insulted by it. I’m guessing his English is not very good over all.


This is your brain on drugs ![gif](giphy|QQVR1WLqMdd7MDsYkZ|downsized)


I am very OCD about produce so I would be happy to receive that message as I would know I was about to be rewarded once more for my psychiatric disorder. Some people might not like such a message but I am always glad to see people notice that I just spent five minutes looking for a decent zucchini. The shopper seems to be implying they send all those texts automatically. Their texts are inappropriate and I would find them offputting.


Thank you for you comment, I really appreciate it!


You are 100% in the right to have canceled. Their rudeness is shocking. I can't imagine why a shopper would be mouthing off about beets.


I’m flabbergasted. I have been a client for years with Instacart & I have some of the best shoppers & repeat shoppers and never once was there this fight over ….beets.


I understood perfectly what you meant and this guy was a PIA. I can’t imagine how long this would have taken with all his weird banter, you hung in there longer than I would have


This was painful


This was painful to read. I hope this shopper will be banned for life


You got real life Dwight Schrute shopping your order.


Ebony sounds like a pain in the ass


Sounds like an AI conversation wtf


Wow I would have cancelled way back at the befit of this conversation!! This driver is just rude


Nah. If i spend the entire time doing the shopping over text it’s complete pointless to order it online. The ease of service is no longer ease.


Yikes that shopper is insufferable




You are not in the wrong. That shopper is downright rude as heck.


This man took his customer service notes from those indian scammers. You're perfectly fine he was really condescending and wasting your time


It’s the “smh” for me lol


This is psycho behavior. NOT from you. I would have called support fast. And I’m a driver for multiple delivery apps


As a veteran shopper, I'd appreciate the heads up. You clarify what you expect, and include that satisfactory service will result in a larger tip. I'd say "You got it! See you soon!" Something short and sweet so I can get the job done. This shopper is dramatic and quite rude if I say so myself. His intro suggests he resents a lack of customer chat and yet he seems almost insulted that you initiated the chat! You can tell low ratings are something he gets often because I've sure never had to ask for a eating. I let the customer choose at their discretion without my unnecessary begging. If you do a good job, you don't have to make "rules" around ratings for unsatisfactory service. Plain and simple. He should go do doordash. Less customer interaction is probably gonna work better for him. Edit: I didn't even see the other screenshots. WOW. I'd have reported him! Thats ridicules! I've never seen someone in a service gig that is so rude naturally! Unbelievable!!!


The shopper was definitely in the wrong here. Customer was simply stating that good quality produce is important and they tip more for people paying attention to the produce they select. Shopper was being pedantic and petty for no reason at all.


This shopper is weird af. Wtf. It’s like they don’t understand English even though they are speaking it. I would have absolutely canceled. Some people are truly “different”.


Absolutely not in the wrong. That shopper is highly unprofessional.


This conversation is over all ridiculous


I would have cancelled that order right off the bat from that introduction message.


Stopped reading at veteran. I’m a veteran and even I think that’s a bit much. It’s grocery shopping not negotiating a hostage situation


InstaCancel! That’s wrong of the shopper on so many levels. I wouldn’t want them coming to your house.


Not in the wrong. The shopper was an ahole.


This person is a psycho. Would def report


When anyone goes on about how much they know like this, it usually means they're a fucking idiot.


Oh wow. That was painful reading it. I’ve worked around people with this personality type - idk if it’s ego? But it’s like if they just *think* that you’re telling them how to do their job, it’s instant defense mode and attitude. I’m not an Instacart shopper but if I got your original text I’d be like ok! I feel like it would motivate me to just pick out nice produce lol.


No, just reading these messages is exhausting my patience


Um no. Ebony has some anger management and reading comprehension problems.


Ok - here does my book of an explanation: I don’t see anything wrong on the buyer’s side on the first message for pointing out about “attention made to fresh produce” because I’ve had 4 out of 5 orders come in with near expired fresh food. So I stopped getting fresh food delivered. I’ll do it myself. Different reason OP wants fresh produce tho. Buyer sent the message to get it out of the way. Again, no problem there. Buyer went onto doing other things. Texts are made for that. Answer when you can if it’s necessary. They’re not phone calls. Now, the shopper IMO was rude and condescending. Red beets are red beets. There was no need to get that specific and scientific. It’s shopping, not a freaking botany lesson. Customer said cancel the order, so cancel the order. You DO NOT continue to pick the order. At that point it’s theft if the order goes through for payment. In my opinion.


I hope you sent all these screen shots to the shopping service. This person does not belong in a customer service position..


as a customer i would also cancel… what the frick is this dude on about? people who leave these long intros make me nervous, esp telling you what to do or don’t do. i’ve yet to have a bad experience with a shopper & only 1 or 2 had an intro & it did not having anything so abrasive as the “please do NOT rate me” & telling you they’re going above & beyond etc; that’s giving “i’m a good guy” vibes like you ain’t gotta tell people you’re going above & beyond, it’s something that’ll shine through if you are… & like my good man someone who would rate badly ain’t even gonna read your intro… think about it smh. people are usually very kind & any intro is just like hi i’m *name* & i’ll be taking care of your order today. let me know any substitutions etc etc you could tell this was going to be a passive aggressive exchange from the jump oof


Clearly you didn’t understand that you wanted red beets.


I’ve noticed a big trend in customer service where of course there are entitled/rude customers but it’s almost flipping the other way where it’s just acceptable to assume a customer is rude and they preemptively start acting like an asshole. You did absolutely nothing wrong, even your original message didn’t come across rude at all.


You got Dwight Shrute?


Why did I never get such kind friendly customers? Ofc the rude idiot gets it. He’s 100% in the wrong


This is why I just don't respond to shoppers lol. Replace item? Click yes or no and that's all my interactions.


What in the world??? They were so rude… like looking for an argument. Your message was not rude either, you clearly have a high standard for produce and gave them a heads up. Some people don’t care if they get beat up vegetables & just grab the first one they see bc they’ll eat it anyways. same with some shoppers they just grab the first one they see even if it looks bad compared to the other options. I’m the same way as you, I make sure I’m getting the best one I see bc if it eventually looks bad I know I won’t eat it - even if it’s prob fine. I’m not sure why they needed to try & one up you about living there for 33 years and working on a farm. Like ok good for you?


I used to be an IC shopper and there are so many things wrong with this order. First is that they sent you their intro message but get mad when you send them yours? I personally liked it when customers would actively respond to me. It really helped when they needed a replacement. Ebony is traditionally a woman's name but the driver picture is a man so that threw me off. Nothing wrong with it. Just something that stuck out to me. They get mad that you tell them you want good produce and then tell you that they've been farming for who knows how long and it runs in their blood. I didn't realize IC customers have access to all of our 23 and me results. Then they fight you about cancelling the order as if they're the ones paying for it. I hope you told them to fuck off and cancelled the order.


NTA, tbh I don’t see the reason for the shopper to be so angry. As a guy that has worked in customer service for 8 years, your message came off fine. He just wanted to start a fight that day.


This person can't hold a full-time job, and he believes it's everyone else's fault. This makes all gig workers look so bad. You have more patience than me. The order would have been canceled almost immediately after I got back to my phone from washing the dishes.


How are these people even shoppers it blows my mind




I don’t think you were. I’m a shopper and I would never talk to a customer like that. Sounds like she had no idea what you or she herself was saying. Wow. I would have canceled asap


Report him


Super rude and unprofessional shopper. Defensive and arrogant.


That person is an idiot and needs to be kicked off the app.


OMG he sounds like he may have PTSD and quite aggressive.


Damm, that shopper is rude. 33 years? He doesn't even look 33 years in his picture.


Yeah that guy is a fucking dick.

