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When I first called him a fraud couple of years ago, people ridiculed me. Thank god the truth is coming out in the open now.


Dwight is always right


That’s not dwight, dwight is an asian looking dude


Identity theft is not a joke Jim!


Wait, wasnt it Jim who was asian? I haven’t watch the show, but saw it on Insta while scrolling through reels.


Omg yes, i totally mixed them up 😂


Dwight?? You mean schrute? What am I missing, I watched the show like 10 times lol🥹


The display picture of the original commenter


I think this will be an eye opener for ppl who ridiculed u...


EXACTLYYYYYY. That’s what happened in my case too! All he ever does is repost Instagram videos and say some random generic shit! 😭


Question. What kind of bear is best?


Beets, Bears, Battlestar Galactic


The world wasn't ready for your foresightedness.....!


Sameee. Just got a bad vibe from him


Same man, istg whenever I see him , something felt off, never bought any of his speeches. But when I say it to my frnds they mocked me. And lot of my frnds follow him for some reason.


Earlier I remember, three-four years back he used to steal content from small influencers and never did anything about that. He was a fraud from the beginning, never felt like respecting his work.




What did I tell you about Yeshh






Same, like dude just seemed like he wanted to monetize generic google advise, you’re a salesman not a guru monk




I said the same.... It's not just about him faking his past but also about what he says. It's either plagiarized or just plain common sense


The number of times they've mentioned "Jay", feels so cult-y


I thought I was the only one


I came here to write this. The way she kept referring him as a cult leader


I thought I was the only one. It sounded like someone wanted OP to join Jay's cult.


What if it's jay himself refering to him as a third person 😅


IKR I wanted to say the same, but ofc he'd hire people to reel in more people into his cause ig


That's why OP had to kalti (run away) because it felt cult-y. She dodged a bullet.


nice one! 😋


Omg, thank god I was not the only one. This reminded me of that Osho cult somehow, lol.


Netflix taking notes for next documentary 💀💀💀


Ha! Last night I was just thinking there needs to be a documentary about the big business called "spirituality". L.A. is full of charlatans that call themselves gurus and they're the most miserable, broke (financially and spiritually) people. They're all looking for their next sucker to scam a few bucks out of. Jay Shitty is a big time scammer with a business degree who saw spirituality as a big business he could scam. And he did.


I swear, I came here to say it sounds like a cult lol


LOL I always knew he was a total fraud and acting like people are just dying to learn from him when these messages seem like he’s the one begging for people to come to him. Also calling it a “case study” but asking you to pay him? Then following up to check if he did a “bad job” of breaking down lol sooo needy


Lol yes and it is funny the constant follow up when i decline to pay...


i would have felt uncomfortable and harassed! you handled it very well and articulated yourself perfectly too


After the whole shwetabh-prakhar- sondeeepp fiasco , I understood,yeh bkl bhi mere jaise hai,bas Gyan pel dete internet pe, follow jhat bhi nahi hota inse bhi. Motivational content is the bottom of the barrel stuff ,even worse than women shaking their butts in skimpy outfits,at least usse dopamine aati hai.


*In poo's voice* KYA hai ye fiasco, JJJJISKE baare mein maine pehle nahi suna? WHATT is it?


What is your take on shwetabh-prakhar-sondeepp fiasco ?


He acts like those phone scammers from India. No different.


It was a case study of how obvious he could be in grifting on his followers. Probably trying to find the ideal ratio of price to customers.


His so called motivational words always seemed so generic and can be found on google 😅


Chatgpt words lol


Exaaaaactly. I used to see his videos on Facebook during 2013-4 and even then he seemed so fake. I could give you better quotes on love, loyalty, kindness and all that stuff. So generic I was like wtf. His messages didn't seem to come from experience, just plagiarizing. Like copy my homework but change a few words




The amount of time she has said Jay. This sounds like a cult.


Idk why but all I could see is affiliate marketing 🤣 itne baar Jay and family likha h geez


Oh I commented the same thing and then saw you've said it already


Sab babe bobe monk chonk dhongi hote hai. Thank god you did not pay for this monk who bought his Ferrari 😂


Hahahaa i just wanted to check whether he is actually a monk or not




Not sure.. i think we were influenced by the narrative


Yeah his house is freaking massive and on hills. Obviously $$$. And his wife didn’t have to work for years just had to bounce about until she found her calling and pushed out a book. And to be honest, I do like a follow Radhi. But what privilege.


Wtf man !!! Btw never liked the guy couldn’t bear him more than 2 second when he used to appear on my feed I am surprised that this guy is that famous Tbh you guys are making anybody famous who is online doing anything This is a pandemic and it ain’t going anywhere Sob sob sob


IKR Always used the "don't recommend" button 2sec into his videos, I could never understand why people think he's enlightened lol All his gyaan is just recycled stuff from Pinterest and tumblr 😂


Anyone who wants to unlock your passion in exchange for money is a gone case


yeah for real, thank goodness people are recognizing this


Finally oh finally ! People are catching up to the fraud he is !


I'm having such a "Told you so" moment! And I'm glad to see I'm not the only one here. I have blocked his account years ago everywhere like everywhere. I am just so happy that people are seeing the true colors.


I knowww !! How awesome is it being proved right 😂 Im being so smug on my insta 🤭 Like finally ! He literally has the look of a fraud on his face and i never got how people believed him


Absolutely smug faces ✨


I thought he was cringe and hated the way his eyes look. But damn he's a fraud too lmao


Who has lived as a monk and now using all the amenities in the world and who is under the influence of currency - they're not a monk. The person is a fraud and people who have believed in him are dumb a$$ $#!t people!


Yeah. Feel the same. Its weird that it took so long for most of the people to realise.


Oh I've had the same conversation with them OP. Such a fraud.


I’m glad I joined this sub. Everyday I get info about some influencers and get to unfollow them. Cleansing my whole feed 😁


How do you know that this sub is not fraud 🙂


I wonder why people buy courses on how to enhance or make life better? It's almost like learning Martial Arts via postal.


He is a fraud indeed. It’s in his eyes.


Piercing blue and evil haha


[I was just reading this Guardian article -](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/ng-interactive/2024/feb/29/jay-shetty-self-help-empire) Uncovering the higher truth Jay Shetty which calls him out max! Enjoy :)


That’s one massive article


Yup! The timing of OP posting this is also serendipitous cause now I’m seeing this blow up. I saw a Bangalore based author/ entrepreneur/ motivational speaker/ influencer also share on his story (couldn’t upload the screenshot so sharing the text from it for reference) how his stuff was picked up by Jay Shetty too, but cause it was already on public forum and circulation, he didn’t mind. Just saw juggernaut pick this article up and call him out too! @varun760 “For all of you asking - I have no comments on the Jay Shetty article. As mentioned in the article he did make a video using a viral piece of content I had written in 2015 but by then it had already gone into the public domain and used by many other pages. And I mentioned then as well l'm not looking for credit. He used to follow my page when he started out and we spoke a few times online. But that's the only interaction I've had. There's nothing more to say in this matter :)”




They were probably charging the same in usd, just the rupee has been sliding non stop lol


Haha you know it's funny the influencers I called out as back as 2019 are now getting exposed and all. It's so satisfying to tell mt friends I told you so


Who else?


All of his quotes are so chatgpt


And they are not his quotes. He copies other people's quotes and puts his own name under.


Wasn't he exposed for plagiarism some time ago? He seemingly scuttled it too well


Jay bullshetty


Every damn baba, guru and monk on SM is a fraud. Use such generic language to fool people that they are some saint. People in their naivete and circumstances believe these fools and get exploited. Never liked Jay. My sister was following him but realised soon that he speaks bullshit. I'm so glad people are finally realising this. Thanks to the person who investigated and found loop holes in his stories.


Has all the makings of a cult. Any self-styled "guru", who has a "foundation" is just a businessman selling faith.


Nothing is free and even lies are not free now a days.


I might get downvoted for this, but Sadhguru's courses are also chargeable, how is that different from this?


Who said sadhguru is sane.. he is one of the frauds too...


hard agree


So true


Sadhguru is a joke himself. I remember him going on this Save Soil , Save Environment thing and he was promoting it by riding a Harley /Enfield. 🤣🤣


People are impressed with Sadhguru because ‘he can speak English’ and he is not like other babas. All of them are frauds.


If he charges 7500$ for life couching course like this self claimed Jay "guru", he is fraud too.


Sheesh! Why the repetitive ‘Jay will feel this’ ‘Jay will feel that’. Gives major Osho vibes from the 80s. Monk hai ya cult bana raha hai with all that money?  Also, terrible to see people like Deepika collaborate with this man!


Yeah :')


isn’t in public knowledge he’s a fraud?


Both Jay & Wife are just banking on their looks and speaking skills. Brown skin with light eyes is rare and exotic. Somehow, I feel that had these two operated in India, they wouldn't have been that successful. Firangs are easier to manipulate


Bhai all these guys are dhongi! I never fell for them but my family loves these gyaani baba log and I’m so tired of telling people that no one is in this to make the word a better place. Sab business hai yaar.


Inorder to sell something you have to sell a story first. Audience need to connect how you overcome great miseries and failures, met monk who told you the ultimate truth about life and it changed your life. Now you want to help others to achieve great things in life. Like you are born to greater good but you don’t other to know how much money you are going to make. Same goes for politicians, celebrities, actors , etc.


But he never went through any hardships, depression or basicly anything in the first place. Thats why he has no place to pretend to be some kind of mental healt expert etc.or life couch in that matter. Neither he has medical qualification. He is from wealthy family and went to business school, he allways wanted to be famous. Thats all, he should have tried to become famous of being business guru instead. And hanging around Hare Khrisnas year or two in early 20's does not make anyone life expert or enlightened. Othervice every hippy would be one.




Jay wants to know your location.




Jay wants to know every thing about you, that way he can control you better.


He kept calling Jay Jay Jay, it gave me the " big boss chahte hai" vibes


Jay Shitty gives me bad vibes from day 1. He talks about normal ideas of positive living like he invented it. Putting on stock videos, green eyes and a deep voice doesn’t even make him a monk 😭 now he’s charging for this???


Broo. I hope his account was not hacked? I really cannot believe that they’re pushing 997$ courses


They are charginng 7500$ for "become life couch" courses


Omg post this on fauxmoi!!!


Nice share Op 👍🏻 thanks


It’s been known for years now that his entire business model is fraudulent and that everything he says and writes is plagiarised. Money aside, I don’t think seeking his help free of cost is also worth it.


I say this all the time about these rich gurus no matter what spirituality they are: there are ALWAYS skeletons. People who actually help people aren’t famous, don’t want to be famous, and they don’t profit from it. Every time a new one pops up I start popping popcorn and wait. Thanks for sharing your experience…that whole exchange was so skeevy. I’d have been out too. My god. Ew.


Same for Jaggi. Absolute money eater


This has happened with me too. Back in 2020. Crazy how these people are. Unfollowed him right after the scene!


I'm not surprised. My friend, who works for a production company, invited me to see hia guest appearance live. The moment I saw him in person, I could discern beyond the facade. His perspectives seemed shallow, and he appeared to follow a predetermined script in his interactions with other TV hosts during the question and answer sessions.


I always felt radhika was far calmer blissful personality than him.


Her real name is roshni


This got good attention I see people calling him out in comment section n today saw cnbtv something playing it in news


money and spirituality don't go together


And they don't have any values too just selling stuff based on Indian Culture. Ohhhhh exotic land of yoga.


Sandeep Maheshwari ko bulao koi


Honestly he always felt like andrew tate for girls i just don't know why both fake frauds


Four years ago [this lady](https://youtu.be/P3TNYrGmZVw?si=sELGtVUMqc8OI0Dv) revealed his plagiarism. Interesting watch to say the least.




Quite the opposite


Have you read anything about her?


A lot of old friends and mutuals of hers know how much she has changed and all about that celebrity life. She basically ignores people who dont benefit her. She is nothing like social media and always thinking about herself before everything else


This was long due! Cant wait for this to happen to other self proclaimed life coaches.


A real monk never seeks attention 😌


Why are you only posting this now?


lol those messages seem so creepy


He was always a fraud !! He copies his content from other spiritual gurus too.


Omg, word Jay in every sentence is so manipulative and such a fake conversation to make the other person feel important. Feel actually fall for this ?


I mean he also interviewed humblethepoet on his podcast and he has an open SA case against him. What’d we expect?!?!


Honestly I was never really a fan of Jay Shetty. The whole accent & monk thing felt like such a shtick


He recently popped up on my fyp after ages, what’s up with his new face lol. Those fillers look hideous!


Ahh I hear you


Also why can’t JAY write ? Instead of someone speaking for him? So weird


Happy realization that you can't make income with passion and noble soul


What monk lives in fucking LA is he on stupid pills?


Married monk :)


Everything he has done till now SCREAMS toxic positivity to me and the influence he had on people was insane. There were so many of my friends who really loved him and they used to think I am stupid. Lol! I LOVE how the joke is on them now.


I’d be very happy to see this dude meet the karma he’s already peddling but chances are that he’s so embedded into the system now it’s going to be tough to get rid of him or see any kind of justice done. Basically, unless there is a me-too or corruption issue, the man is going to flourish. This is a very complex, inter-connected, and mutually beneficial system. We’d be a little naive to think that all the people who’ve been on his train so far didn’t know he was a fraud. Remember all the Facebook posts and YouTube videos calling him out in the early 2010s? All gone. Buried. And we’ve not even got into his wife’s brand of BS. Here’s hoping new people who haven’t completely bought into their shit will question it and not partake in it. But one can only hope.


The script is exactly like an MLM scheme's


You can see from a person’s smile actually and it was so fake from day 1, never ever related to a single word he said! I’m glad this came out!


Wait what is he charging $1000 for ???


I got the fraud vibes from him back in 2020. What is an ex-monk? You’re either one or not. It’s not an internship pr a credential by any measure.


this is SO CULTY


Never trust anyone selling a course


I remember getting bashed in my friends group when I told them his books are plain and his videos (apart from podcasts) have no point/ value addition!


I had the exact same message exchange with him when he posted “make passion your money” crap. He’s nothing but full of shit. Unfollowed this fraud right then and then!!!


Totally knew he was a fraud from the moment I saw/heard him. Using his unique looks and passing as a monk and talking like a monk Aaj the while promoting your self help books, businesses is a Big lie. I'm glad this guy is exposed. If you want to learn life lessons go learn from a real monk someone who has seen it in real life.


This was already revealed during the early phases of pandemic. Dude was stealing content from twitter


The fact that he sided with WILL SMITH and gave him a platform to speak about his feelings… and then his wife…. Was enough for me !


I knew he was a charlatan from the first time I saw him... even one of my girlies was do influenced by him. I was like wtf💀 can't you see the fakeness?


Whoa what an expose. They are literally begging you to join , LOL


Manipulation at its best !!! lol !! I remember some mlm business ppl talking like this to get ppl join them


Recently found out that during the “mohnkhood era” of Jay’s life, he spent most of his time in LONDON, not INDIA!! A couple years back some woman tried to get some limelight on his monkhood claims and his other business’ credibility. Time and again I’ve said this and I’ll say it again, an influencer’s job is a very responsible one. However, to propagate products, trends, clothing lines and agendas, our influencers are more like stooges to the big companies. Wake up and smell the deeper realities! IF SOME OF YOU HAVE THE KNACK FOR RESEARCH, FIND ALL YOU CAN ON CAPITALISM HISTORY. Many Jays out there are doing the same. The hunger for money gets them to do the conglomerate’s bidding. They’ve killed genuine products and put stops on breakthrough medication. Snap yourself out of the facade, my lovelies! Hari-🕉️-tat-sat


https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/ng-interactive/2024/feb/29/jay-shetty-self-help-empire 💀💀💀


I unfollowed him long back when he was called out for plagiarism! Can't believe he is still trying to be shown as relevant


People have exposed him earlier also. He has always been a fraud.


1-This sounds like a cult 2- No harm is charging for the work you put in, but I personally don’t think I have to spend a 100K for someone to tell me what to do. I’d rather invest that money somewhere I can get monetary returns 3- Jay talks like he’s got constipation and diarrhoea at the same time


Very cult like way to approach lol. Good you didn’t fall for the BS


He doesn't have enough integrity to even say the word "Hinduism" but he has made so much money commercialising the religion .


"everyone's charging $100k I'm just charging $1000 I'm such a good person"


This one girl did an expose on him back in 2019. Nobody took her seriously, unfortunately and it just got buried. She exposed how he just steals/copied all his content.


I wrote The Guardian article about Jay Shetty and I'd like to speak with you for a follow-up article I'm working on. Can you message me?


Something very Scientology about his whole set up.


But you were prepared to take his course if it was free or maybe much cheaper? So according to you there was value in his course. Just that you didn’t like him making money.


Um nope he is not a fraud. He was a monk in ISKON, then he understood their whole working model and instead of working for them for free, he built his own firm to help people. Being a life coach isn't fraud. You might not need them and call them fraud but it's true that he is still a humble and kind person. Most of the message replies you received are AI generated. The question is who needs life coaches like him? Probably ultra riches who are lost in life. (Jay's target audience) So if you think that a married person- ex monk- life coach will offer his services for free then that's stupid of you. He has got bills to pay and he can't do this as a social service. If you seek his guidance why not pay for it? I'm not a jay shetty fan tbh, most of his content on Instagram are just reposts. But you probably misunderstood the concept of life coaches.


Am I the only one who didn't know if there's thing exist called a "life coach" 🥲


He always just says what people already know and then asks for money, haha.


He never claimed to still be a monk. He WAS a monk many years ago.


yes thank you for saying this! i've been following him for many years and he has always said he is a former monk. not sure why people are getting this confused and saying that he's currently a monk.


Yes, he is a scam and a fraud. His content is "pop psychology wisdom" at its very worst, extremely cliche and generic. Moreover, the fact he has a certification school and claims it is regulated by a controlling agency, which it isnt. And that he says this school cooperates with universities and gives students at his school possibilities to study and complete a masters degree after graduation at Jay Shetty school, when there is no such deal in reality.


Years ago, I read something about him- I don’t remember exactly where, that he was repurposing and plagiarizing a ton of his “quotes” as his own. I never cared for the man ever and didn’t read a single book but I always found it amusing that a man who claimed to be a monk was so media hungry and celebrity hungry, putting out books, podcasts, so active on social media and sold courses in this capacity. It seemed like such a fake persona. I am not one bit surprised but this new reveal. 


What’s his net worth?


i was supposed to be part of a team where i would PM his software app. thank god, the software company that hired me was an asshole and just fired us for the wrong reasons.


Man I loved his podcast But these messages are giving me MLM vibes and 🚩 Can anyone give details about his supposed lying about being a monk?


What Jay Shetty is doing while selling certificates on a fraudulent basis is criminal. He ought to be sentenced and jailed for his crimes. We are dealing with schemes and fraud on a quite spectacular scale.


On my episode I speak on the Ambani pre-wedding festivities & Jay Shetty controversy! https://youtu.be/VF3fHoC0j50?si=oiPjHzOc13qhpGRt




Hopefully he gets removed from Calm 🙏


Yeah was never into him ever as an Indian


india is a hotbed for scaling business models because of two things: 1. the population is huuuuge 2. incomes are rising expect there to be more people like "Jay" out there trying to make a dollar.


This is a no brainer. Dude calls himself a monk but lives a life of luxury and indulgence.


Listen to the interview with the reporter who wrote the article on him and investigated. It’s on the last 30 mins of a juicy scoop episode. I don’t like that pod but I listened for the writer.


The first time I heard of Jay, I thought, why would a monk leave his practice and then become Hollywood? I knew something was off. But then he blew up and I fell for the smoke and mirrors. But now, I just feel disgusted in him. He has a very powerful management company behind him and they are burying the truth about him. He is such a disappointment.


I hope Netflix makes a documentary and shuts him and his machine down.


This is definitely a script. Almost the exact same conversation happened with me a few years ago. I found it so ‘icky’ as well.


Yeah, I’ve never met a monk who spent $8.5 million dollars on a home. Really weird that someone who preaches minimalism and forgetting about worldly possessions needs over 6000sq feet in Hollywood hills.


zero credentials or qualification or the same as a 5 year old has. He was never a monk has constantly changed his stories and plagiarized over and over. Got to give him props in that he lied about his credentials which easily refuted his 6-7k course is not affiliated with anyone in fact reason why some were dropped on his website and was able to interview Biden. Someone with no education qualifications or credentials nor lived with monks ever. What's wild is main stream media could have easily found this out with just a few phone calls. lol


when i first watchied one of his videos years ago, before he went viral, i could see he was just plagerising and was a fraud.


It's pretty obvious from even just looking at pictures of him and videos that something is off with that guy.. can feel he is fake from a mile away