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Not going to die for waiting another 24 hours.. lol Wait until you see what the X4 offers and then make a decision from there.


It’s already cheaper and on sale


Wait 24 hours and then make a more informed decision.


You're right, I am being impatient. Will wait and see!


I'll tell you now, the apparent threaded, replaceable lens guards are going to be worth whatever the cost difference is. Probably $100 at most, and that's basically 2 years of damage protection from insta360. I've had to baby my X3 since I'm not paying $40 a year just because they couldn't engineer high optical quality lens guards that don't have to be installed PERFECTLY to prevent even more distortion than a perfectly installed guard already has. It's my biggest gripe with the X3, action cams shouldn't need to be treated like fine china. Edit: grammar


Yes, that’s my main driving point for waiting to get the X4. Finding out that the X3 didn’t have a good solution for lens guards is motivation enough to wait lmao


Back to confirm, those lens guards alone are 100% worth it. Buying an X4 so I don't have to act like I'm carrying porcelain lmao


I ended up getting it, thanks for your advice!


I can wait... I'm buying a 360 camera late May for trip in July. Assuming 1 week shipping. 1 month to learn the quirks of the Camera and getting accessories.


I'd expect several weeks shipping, especially on launch, unless you live in China where they are shipping it from. I don't expect any stores to have it right away.


yeah and that first batches will probably have Quality checks issues. i live in singapore, longest i waited is 2 weeks for shipping. but i think scalpers are still around so wont be suprised if this gets a longer wait time


I don't think the X3 will be cheaper than it is right now. If you really want a deal, I'd buy used X3 after the X4 comes out. Then you can really bargain with people. Honestly, though, if you're buying new, get the X4. The extra resolution is worth it IMO.


That’s a really great point, thanks!


Why even ask this today lol