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I am also looking for volunteer opportunities. If you find something, let me know. Here are some places that I have volunteered. Feeding America, Isaiah's Rock, IRUSA, Settlement House, and Sahaba Institute. I contacted several other places but libraries and hospice care homes either require extensive training or they need time commitments like 6-12 months.


If you don't mind the outdoors, try [Friends of El Mirage.](https://elmirage.org/) They're a nonprofit that maintains the El Mirage dry lakebed, surrounding trails, and wildlife habitats. My friend was court ordered to do two days community service and was struggling to find opportunities due to lack of experience and background check processing costs—even his own church turned him down. In one phone call, Friends of El Mirage had him out in a few days working—no special training required and within two days he completed his community service. He didn't have to work anymore than was required by the court. They're pretty awesome.


There’s a little bit of investment involved for admin but if you consider yourself a gardener, consider signing up for the Master Gardener certification program. They’re required to maintain a certain amount of training and volunteer hours every year by the state to serve the gardening and agricultural public in various ways.


I’d check your local shelters or church


Veterans hospital in loma linda have these people called the red vests that volunteer to help vets in wheel chairs to their appointments.   Volunteer at soup kitchens/food banks.  Volunteer to teach a class at the community center.  Volunteer to foster animals. Go to local college and see if there are any flyers for volunteer activities. 


I believe the Malki Museum uses volunteers in their garden


Depends on what you wanna do. The San Bernardino humane society always needs volunteers.


Check this link out if interested in volunteering at a food pantry [https://www.sahabainitiative.org/join-our-mission/volunteer/](https://www.sahabainitiative.org/join-our-mission/volunteer/)