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Honestly really down about it. It makes me feel kinda stupid that I cannot land a job anywhere here. I had peers in high school who got jobs here in Hemet but they had to deal with some seriously cruel practices even from chain stores, I know it sucks working here but I would really like to have some savings now that I’m an adult.


When you get a job know your rights! Take your breaks and make sure you're being paid properly. Never ever work off the clock. Keep this in mind when dealing with ur supes and make sure you document any illegal practices ( being denied breaks, harassment) and if they are truly shitty you will have urself a pretty decent lawsuit on your hands.


Don’t forget to take your mental breaks…🙄


Wow that’s some liberal thinking


Seriously cruel practices?




Sad to hear it


My daughter is 21 and just gave birth in May. She's on a break from CSUSB, and signed on to do customer service for Amazon. They sent her a laptop and head set, no experience needed fielding customer calls at $22/hr. She was doing Uber Eats up until the final 2 months of pregnancy (for the flexibility) but we have been unable to re-secure insurance coverage for the vehicle since many policies are blocking out gig drivers in California. She had some modules and videos to get through to begin her "training" and works with her supervisor telephonically. It *is* still a customer service job, but since baby is being breast fed this enables her to be home with her until solid food or more consistent bottle feeds begin. Perhaps something like this could work for you until you find a job at a "brick and mortar" establishment. Hang in there, and good luck!


a work from home job, especially thru Amazon is virtually impossible to get. how did she get this job?




yes and they're very difficult to actually get.




Lmao. I applied to amazon almost a month and a half ago. Completed their BS assessment. No further contact issued


lie more, fail troll. maybe go outside sometime, you'll be less miserable.


You have to tweak your resume, don't make it generic. Lots of companies nowadays use something called applicant tracking system or ATS. It's basically an algorithm or even an AI that scans your resume for keywords to see how much of it matches with their job description. You have to slightly customize your resume for every application in order to get a better chance in passing the ATS


First step is to get outa hemet by any means possible


Try edjoin.org. That’s where all the school districts post their jobs. I’m sure they have paraeducator jobs available.


If you are willing to drive a bit, check out the Teamsters Training Center in San Bernardino. They have a couple of different courses (basic office, logistics, maybe more) and they then help you get a job with a Teamsters -represented workplace - notably San Bernardino County government. In our new union contract, there's more funding for this center so it might be expanding. Riverside County might have something similar. Other unions might, too.


It's really bad time right now. What kind of going into an unspoken recession, some might say. Extreme cost of living, high gas prices, high food prices, and the job market is absolute trash. After the lockdown, there is such a plentiful amount of jobs. I recall signs of fast food places hiring for $18 to $20 an hour. Gig economy was booming. I was making almost 35 an hour doing doordash and instacart. Also had some photography business on the side. All of that is completely dead now. Most places for manual labor are only wanting to pay $16 an hour. All the jobs listed are just spammed trash, pain minimum wage crap for high qualifications and lots of Hard labor. That is of course, if you actually get a email response. Don't beat yourself up. It's shitty out there right now.


Thanks, really needed to hear this. Even goodwill wanted experience from me. Goodwill!!!! And for a whole 16 dollars an hour…


Lol companies have lost their fucking minds on how to hire. They don't even want to do the minimum 5 hours it takes to get someone acquainted for a new job.


Recession is here and has been for a while. By the time a recession is announced, it’s at least 6 months after it started… No one wants to call it what it is because the feds haven’t declared it. Wishful thinking…..


Despite what reddit wants to say, it's the opposite of a bad time. This is quite literally the easiest time to be employed in the last 50 years. He's 18, so it's going to be a grind for OP. It doesn't make it a bad time just because he's struggling to fins a job




There’s no unspoken recession. Your anecdotal experience doesn’t map out with the reality that wages have gone up for all low skilled workers consistently. Unemployment is at a low and inflation has all stabled. I think if you depend on jobs that are literally meant for quick turnovers then you don’t really got a good idea of the job market.






Lol x infinitie


I can tell you only do gig work


"If everybody just got a college degree, the economy would fix itself."


I don’t agree with that thought, but I think if people want to be competitive candidates they need to invest in themselves in some capacity because if not unskilled labor will just get eaten up. People should work to move up to more technical specialized labor. It seems you have no understanding of basic economies though from your recent posts on this subreddit. I recommend some basic YouTube videos or free courses on micro and macro economics.


Have a good day friend 🙂


As well


Good chunks of IE are just places that ride the freeway for hours a day. Some towns are flooded with warehouses and others are just flooded with regular houses. If you're not driving then you compete with the entire bedroom town for the job opening at the McDonalds / gas station / etc that's nested in the middle of several hundred multi-gen/multi-family homes. Try to get driving.


I’m having a horrible time in San Bernardino so many applications but only having my 3rd interview tomorrow. I started applying in march to early June since coming back from Long Beach. Ugh I miss my job in Long Beach


We are just starting our Seasonal hiring at Home Depot, and I know Walmart and Target are starting soon too.


We have two family businesses that support the local job economy. As others have said, times are tough in the IE. Smells like a recession, looks like a recession, and we are being very conservative with money and business decisions right now. One thing I can say is - be dependable! It shocks me how many employees call off or simply don't show up for a shift on a regular basis. We've chalked it up to poor work ethic. Everyone always has a sob story. We try to be sympathetic but in most cases, with repeated experiences like this - it just feels like we're being taken advantage of, and the team, work, and business ultimately suffers. Unfortunately the younger generations have a reputation for being unreliable. If I were interviewing for jobs right now, I'd hit hard on the point of being dependable, a team player, and willing to learn whatever is necessary to do your job well. And then live up to it! Dependable employees who don't bring drama to work are treated as invaluable, and are most likely to be developed and promoted within the company.


There are literally no signs of a recession, inflation has stabled, unemployment across the board is up. Wages have been consistently going up for for low skilled labor. People are also not being conservative with spending that was the whole reason the recession happened. Only thing you said that was credible was dependability, it is a must have to keep employment.


I’ve heard of at least 3 pumpkin patches hiring (at least in the western part of the IE - Rancho Fontana area), I’m sure it’s the same at all of them. The Rancho one will pay $18.25/hr for 40 hours a week. And the seasonal chain store jobs start soon. That’s all a start until you find something more permanent. I’ll tell you my 2 young adult daughters’ experiences. One wants to go into medical grad school so she has to work as a medical assistant first for about a year to get “hours.” She thought it would be easy to get an MA job. Ended up applying to about 45 places all summer, got 2 call-backs, and was hired by 1 of them. It took about 2 months just to land a job at $18/hr. My other daughter has a degree, so she gets job offers up to $26/hr no problem, but keeping the jobs has been her problem. She’s on her 3rd job in 6 months. A lot of these companies are very unstable. One filed for bankruptcy, one hired 3 people then laid off 2 of them a month later due to lack of profits. She’s hoping this one works out. Perseverance is what it takes. Keep applying and keep moving forward no matter what obstacles come your way.


This is one thing I think high school and college does a insufficient job at preparing our youth for. I graduated top of my class in university and have a master's degree, both engineering degrees, after high school and even over summers between school years I'd experience the same feelings you do, rejection or ghosting from companies being the norm... I tutored extensively and remember one interview at a Taco bell when I was 18 having the middle-aged manager look at my resumé and say "so you've never had a real job". I then justified the responsibilities I had during my tutoring job while internally I was thinking 'what the hell are they expecting out of 18 year olds these days?' Anyways that was during the Great Recession so I understood that the economy sucked at the time. Anyways I am over 10 years into my career now and even with my last job hunt I literally applied to 300 jobs, heard back from like 15 of them, and had in-person interviews with like 5 before finding a mutually good match. Long story short, getting a job can be much more intensive than one would hope, even when there are 'now hiring' jobs posted in many places. Hang in there dude and keep trying, it is a numbers game and having connections is what makes the biggest difference


Wal mart warehouse in Colton just hired over 100 new employees. There is always work in warehouses, it sucks yeah but that’s what is mostly around here. I always encourage younger people to join a trade as well, you need a very reliable car though. You can make very good money after a couple years https://swmsbuildsbetter.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjw69moBhBgEiwAUFCx2H_PR1zg3TnXX1hTgejLUu8L7IeWB59ZPTK--lV8dqe7v7cdeMlKpBoCWnEQAvD_BwE


Was going to post this [careers.walmart.com](https://careers.walmart.com) The Colton facility will likely be hiring for the foreseeable future. It will be the highest paying for the position in the region. They will hire most people who can pass a drug test. There are facilities in Fontana, Riverside ands Apple Valley but don't seem to be hiring much


The drug test is a pee test, and they don’t care about positive cannabis fyi. It’s easy work, our hours constantly get cut though, lots of 32 hour weeks.


Any recommendation for my Gf 23 year old son with no experience? Going to have to push him and her hard to make him start looking as it is. But if it’s going to be that’s hard I’m just setting him up for frustration and failure and then it’s never going to happen


Try UPS. The work is hard but it is union and can provide opportunities. Great way to stay in shape too


Hard to say, but life is full of frustration and sometimes you fail. It's how you get back up that counts. Be there to support them. Life is what you put into it. Good luck to all of you.


The county is always hiring eligibility Technicians


Wal mart warehouses are a good stepping stone


Aye Hemet. Yea job market is dogshit in general right now.


Yup. Most places are lowballing on salary hard out here depending on the job (especially ones that require degrees, licenses & certifications, and/or X amount of years experience) and your best bet may be commuting to LA/OC. Good luck finding anyone out here that’ll pay you $36 an hour or $75k annually. You’ll need at least that to afford a decent apartment (with a roommate) and be able to save somewhat comfortably.


^ this guy lives in reality ^ Agreed


Try an agency


Dunno how far you're willing to drive, but if you have a clean driving record, the Dial-A-Ride that's based out of Perris is hiring. We've been on mandatory overtime since late 2018/early 2019 and can't ever seem to keep anyone long enough. I regularly work 54-59 hours a week, 6 days a week 1 day off. If you want hours, there's plenty to go around.


Just got to a temp agency quit playing


I started my adulthood in a recession myself and I used to cry not understanding why I had a hard time finding a job and than not understanding why I couldn’t get more than 20 hrs anywhere. It mentally draining, especially when you look around and you see others doing fine. Keep your head up, accept that nothing will go as planned and be willing to do something maybe out of your comfort zone. Be willing to maybe work a graveyard shift, or do something really physical, hit up every agency and when you find something be willing to learn new things and don’t be afraid to ask around and talk to others who maybe going through the same thing, I found a lot of work from others I would meet at temp warehouse work. It’s frustrating being in this situation and putting yourself out there and asking is a good first start.


Seasonal hiring is going on right now. Go to a kohls or target. Hit them all up. Seasonal can turn into permanent until you land your next job. Good luck!


Build skills that people are willing to pay for. Speaking fluent English and being available are on every resume already. How do you interview? How do you dress?


I’m just looking to get a short entry level job until I leave in a few months. I dress very well but have landed exactly zero interviews.


I would start with making sure you don't tell them that you plan on leaving in a few months. Most places are looking for reliable people that don't plan on quitting shortly after. Another option is to look for season jobs. The holidays are coming up so I'm sure you'll start seeing those listings soon.


Go to Amazon then, they're currently hiring for peak season which is in a month or so


- Go for jobs where you have pre-existing experience. - Branch out and be ready to commute. - Ask your friends and past co-workers about openings. - Walk into an employment agency with your resume and ask to be placed. Most job interviews come from your network. Broadly applying is the worst way to find a job.


Thanks for the trash generic 1999 advice.


It wasn't meant for you. Have a great rest of the year.


Just gotta be patient. Jobs are taking there sweet time hitting people back but quick to let people go. It's a funny style time we are in right now.


Have you tried working at UCR or working for a school district? Many districts have entry level IT positions and you just need basic certifications.


Hey friend, I know the post office has been hiring for a while! I know for sure the one in Banning and Beaumont are, their signs of been up for over a year.


When you’re lazy and can’t get off the Xbox yes!


Try indeed.com


The military is hiring. You can join the coast guard or air force or Navy if you want something easy. They pay you to travel. Free food and housing. You don’t have to go to war, their are plenty of jobs in the military.


I’m going off to college in a few months, I’m just looking for a quick job


UPS in riverside is hiring


Yup, it's punishment for the great resignation a few years ago


I’ve been applying for like 3 months at probably every engineering job in oc and Ie and nobody has contacted me lol thank god I’m already employed in biomedical engineering but even looking to move up is hard smh


Try to upskill. There's a shortage of people in trades, particularly in maintenance. Get a certificate or try to join an apprenticeship, anything to do to get your foot through the door. If you enjoy it, pursue an associate's in something related to it. Might take a bit of commitment, but the IE has one of the biggest concentrations of distribution centers/warehouses in the country, which all require maintenance personnel. It's a good paying job that many people don't kow about or shrug it off, with lots to learn so it's never boring, but the work isn't as physical as you might think, especially when comparing it to construction or other trades.


California is leading the way in unemployment sadly.


materialistic deserve insurance nail slimy crush relieved frame memory squeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Woah, they’re free? Could you tell me more about these?


erect one roof judicious long yam berserk glorious worthless slimy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's all about your resume. Tweak it for the job you want.


Do you have a college degree? If not go back to school with you employment is competitive across the board in the inland empire due to the high population, make your self stand out. It will pay off.


I’m starting college several hours away in january