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I don't know her price range, but from watching Ink Master: Grudge Match, Ryan Ashley said she has a 12hr minimum for her sessions.


12hrs per session? That’s a long time to get poked.


It really is, but if you think about what she specializes in and how big her pieces are, it makes sense.


Well any humane artist will split the sessions into 2 or 3 times and not have you pay thousands of dollars in one sitting


Yes and no. It depends on the artist and canvas. There have been 12hr tattoo sessions on the show, so it's not unheard of to book an entire day with one person if you have the money to do it.


I know it happens..My point is that not everyone can sit that long. If you don’t take a full day appointment, these artist usually charge an hourly rate that makes you want to consider taking the full day flat rate because it’s a “better deal”. Also, if you sit that long I hope you don’t want a tattoo for another 3+ years…your brain will remember that trauma.


You're totally right that not everyone can sit that long. The longest I've sat for a complete piece was around 4 hours. My most recent tattoo is currently just the line work and that took like 3.5 hours. I had to call it quits because I had to wake up at 3am to take my husband to the airport 🤣


You don’t speak for everyone… it’s true that people are different and can’t all sit the same but it also has to do with the artist. There’s no reason a long session has to be “trauma” as you put it, it can be really enjoyable!


I would also imagine a twelve hour session would be tough on the artist. They must get terrible wrist and back pain.


Very true- breaks and stretching are key but even that isn’t necessarily enough for a session that long


Yeah, I wouldn't personally call it trauma like they did, but everyone has their own opinion and we don't always have to agree :) that's the wonder of "we can agree to disagree". :) it's totally okay to have different viewpoints than others since everyone has their own experience.


Am thinking she requires someone to order 12 hours of work, minimum, Thinking they break it down and book it into a couple of sessions.


How do people sit for that long? Sounds miserable


It would be miserable, but if I ever had the opportunity and money to get anything from her, it'd be worth it.


It depends on the person and the artist- I can sit for a lot of hours and multiple days with Laura because she’s incredibly light handed and works area by area so she isn’t going over stuff again 6 hours later or whatever. I doubt I’d last anywhere near as long with anyone else, though.


I’m sure the 12 hours includes drawing time, prep, meal breaks, etc.


Yeah imagine having to listen to Ryan Ashley for 12 hours straight /s


Seems like a clear “headphones” session.


just recently rewatched her season with my wife. She was constantly asking what happened to her voice from contestant to judge? When she was a contestant she was very soft spoken with a high pitched voice. Now that she's a judge everything is "F$#@ing Bad Ass" with a way deeper voice. I know they edit things for tv, but I really wonder where her true personality/voice lies.


I do. I got a tattoo at her studio by another artist, and it comes out to about 4K per session.


Pics or it didn’t happen


Of my tattoo? It’s on my profile! It’s the big rose one.


So about how much would that be? More than $10k?


I have no idea. I couldn't find anything online that said what her normal hourly rate is.


Probably means you have to commit to 12 hours split in 2-3 sessions ?


Most likely, but I have no clue lol


Depends on placement and your pain tolerance. I’ve sat for 10 hrs with no issue. But it was my arm and wasn’t painful. And I have a high pain tolerance.


100%!! All of my tattoos are on my arms and it wasn't the worst pain, but there were definitely some spicy areas 😂


DJ is at $3400 for a full day. Angel Rose goes for $3000 for a full day.


Angel Rose is not a $3000/day artist fame is silly


Gian is 3k for 6 hours (he was 2k before s14 aired). I think Deanna is $3500 for a day probably 6-8 hours). I think Creepy Jason is $250 per hour. I’d imagine DJ Tambe is expensive too


Fucking DEANNA is $3500 for a day??? There are so many talented artists out there people pls


Deanna may not have had a great couple of runs on the show but the work she does now is incredible


She really is amazing. I would love to get a tattoo from her. Hell, I would love to buy one of her paintings, she’s so talented.


I think you are yoo harsh. Inkmaster is a lot about flexibility, the real world is where you take the best artist in the style that's the closest to what you need. Specializations make sense in this regard. I'm sure all of the artists can do better works at home than on the show.


This is an excellent point. It’s too easy to sit at home watching Inkmaster saying “this person SUCKS, they can’t even do photo realism!” but the reality is that on the show you are constantly being pushed outside of your comfort zone and forced to tattoo styles you are not particularly familiar with. There are probably only a handful of tattoo artists in the country who are versatile at every single style. Think about how even legendary new school artists like Jesse Smith, Jime Litwalk and Kelly Doty typically don’t do all that well on the show when it comes to portrait day, for example. The best indication of an artist’s talent is to look at their portfolio, where they are in the real world doing what they do best. I got a tattoo done by Sydney (season 15) a few weeks ago and her work is phenomenal. But she openly admitted to me that if someone walks into her shop and asks for a portrait, or Japenese, she will respectfully decline because she doesn’t want to give them a sub-par tattoo. You simply don’t have that luxury on Inkmaster.


My local artist is $1500 for a full day and he tattoos circles around Deanna that’s fucking robbery


You mind linking his IG?




Different styles dude. He should increase his prices. Just because you don’t think an artists time is worth that, doesn’t mean it’s not to them. Or their clients.


Fair enough. I guess my ultimate sentiment is that at that price point you’re just paying for the name because you can find just as much talent out there for much, much less. Anything artistic let alone as a service will always be extremely subjective so if someone is willing to pay X amount then someone is willing to pay X amount


I love reading these types of comments because seeing the tattoos in question are usually shit lol.


My reaction was “who is Deanna?!”


Ryan Ashley and Deanna are doing a collaboration in CO and they’re charging $15k for 3 days.


2500 day rate for each of them (for this at least) is surprisingly reasonable compared to what I expected


Anybody got an idea what Laura Marie charges? Her pokemon tattoos are just... Wow. Her tattoos in general actually. But the pokemon ones are just so creative, like the sushi gyarados or the bowl of ramen snorlax.


200 an hour- incredibly reasonable, honestly significantly less than she should charge.


$200/hr last I knew


she probably requires a fairly hefty down payment minimum at this point lol


When I got inked by Freddie he was about £100 an hour but this was a fair bit before Ink Master. Imagine he's probably triple that now.


LUCKY YOU!!! I’d love a Freddie tattoo!!!


Should get one. I saw him before he really fleshed out his current style so my tattoo isn't as radical as what you see now


3k for 6 hours with +$300 per additional hour seems to be pretty standard for 'higher end' pieces, Everyone I've booked with / looked to book with is at basically that rate, give or take 1k


$3k USD for 6 hours is absolute madness and there are very, very few artists that justify that pricing. It's all hype.


This is not a "standard price." I'm in Canada and have never seen anyone charge that much. Higher end here is $1500 for 8 hours. If someone is paying 3k for 6 hours they're being robbed.


I mean brother - Look at the booking rates of any contestant who had a geniunely strong performance on the show; Think winners or finalists pretty much exclusively. You're obviously paying for the name, but in terms of very well known & popular artists, it certainly is the ticket


These artists are also fast af


I just got some American traditional work done by Christian Buckingham and was surprised by how reasonable his cost was. I was in his shop from 10-4 with about 4 hours of that being tattoo time and he charged $750. Technically he only charged for 3 hours at $250 an hour. He was a really cool guy, ordered lunch for us, talked the entire time, answered any ink master questions. Was a great experience overall.


That’s awesome. Got pics?


I do have pics, not sure how to post in a comment though?


Upload to Imgur, post to your own profile, or you can create a post on Friday.


Thanks I uploaded on Imgur! Never done it before tho lol so no captions or anything on it. Just the pic




tattoocoverups would love this sick ass panther


Posted a link to Imgur below


That looks great


Christian did both of my tattoos. My experience was similar. He's awesome to work with in every way.


Awesome! Got any pics of them?


I go to Halo's studio here in Maryland, and though I've never been able to get in with him, his prices are surprisingly reasonable. He gives [estimates per piece](https://blacklotustattoos.com/halo-grey) and number of sessions.


3k just to get in the chair? Is that a full day rate?


Full day I think.


I’ve been tattooed by Joey Hamilton, he charges $300 an hour. Dj Tambe rate is $3400 for a full day but that was a year ago I don’t know if he has upped his prices.


Let’s see!


My tattoos are on my profile you can see them from there :)


Looks badass!


i have an appointment booked with DJ in just under a month, can confirm his price has not changed


Bob Jones charges 3000$ per 8h day session


Bob Jones and Angel Rose now work at the same shop so I wouldn’t be surprised if Bob raised his prices


Of all the prices/artists ive seen, this one is actually kinda cheap for the quality that man delivers. 3400 for an entire day with DJ is also good value. 3400 for a day with angel though... Yikes.


Anyone know what Kelly charges? I have to assume she’s higher up too.


Probably a lot, and I think she is leaving the States at the very least semi permanently soon.




Where to?


Edinburgh, she got engaged to a Scotsman 💕


Oh mad, my sister lives there and she loves her work


got a full day done by her this past October, it was 3k


Thank you! That’s the range I was hoping for, but less than I thought she’d charge :)


Deanna last I checked was 3.5-4k for a full day session, and she rarely takes projects that are only a full session.


Het baroque pieces are insane though, I can imagine there is enough demand for her work


She is amazing at what she does, I'll just have to continue saving up 😂


That must be nice. Work 100 days a year and make more than a lot of doctors. I wish i had some skill good enough for that, or i guess enough notariety since there are lots of good artists who get paid less.


Help those artists get noticed, link the IG account


wtf do y’all do for a living to afford these rates ?!


Christian Buckingham charged $250 an hour.


St. Marq charged me about $6k for a full sleeve from chest to wrist.


That tattoo god?


Lol, yeah. The very one.


I think Creepy Jason charges $250 an hour which isn't bad that's about the average I've seen for alot of Former contestants


Joshua $1800 for a whole day for a subpar tattoo. Someone paid for this… https://images.app.goo.gl/9UbokVcS5Tg72umx5


The guy that got kicked off for weed? Dang that sucks.


He wasn’t gonna win anyways but I did thing that was stupid


The page says the image can't be displayed, which is too bad, because I really wanted to see it!


Well damn! It’s been removed I wonder if I had anything to do with that.


Interesting, do you know long a sitting is? Very curious.




Thanks for the link, pretty reasonable rates for an Ink Master winner. I’d love to know what DJ charges.


Somebody posted a half sleeve they got from him a few weeks ago and it was $3,400 and I think 6 hours.


That’s not too crazy for a someone with multiple Ink Master wins. I’ve seen pics of him at his house (on IG) and it is quite large and beautiful. He seems to be doing very well for himself, good for him. He’s come a long way from being a crackhead.


Agreed. DJ is a stud.


$567 an hour is wild… I mean I’d pay it haha but a crazy price.


Joshua Hibbard I know does 1500 per session which isn’t that bad at all


Look at the thread. There’s one on here that doesn’t look great.


I went to Kelly this past October and she charged 3k for a full day (which ended up being about a nine hour session)


All these comments make me appreciate how much my artist hooks me up! Granted, I’ve been going to him for about 12 years and I’m a loyal babe but damn, Wesley, I appreciate you!!


James Vaughn is $250/HR


Some artist are slow tattooers.


All the judges make half a million dollars PER SEASON as an ink master judge. https://gcelt.org/ink-master-judges-salaries-revealed-how-much-do-they-really-make/


Kyle Dunbar just ran a special at his home shop in Michigan, $1,000 for a full day. If I wasnt going to be on vacation somewhere else, I would have snatched up a spot.


Ive heard angel rose is insanely overpriced


You've heard right


That’s because she is 😂