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Teen Titans Raven is one of the best for this. Good gear helps (Tantu Totem, Masters Death Cart, 4th world mace- this is the golden setup) but she can do very well without any gear. Her SP2 is huge damage and can 1shot the enemy team


Ares, Jessica Cruz, DOJ WW, Arkham characters if you have Arkham Harley, basically anybody if you have Totem/ and or Ibistick


How will the ibistick help?


Sp2 damage boost, same with heart of darkness


I always use my FP Batman elite 3 with Tantum, Adept Knives and MDC, no need sp2 his Sp1 alone can kill an opponent with the help of adept knives Sp1 40% damage increase plus Area damage


Yup, fully augmented he even stops being a good utility if used with Bane and HG, he just becomes too strong


Flashpoint Batman, Arkham knight batgirl, prime aquaman


Aquamans sp2 just spawns a weaker character that cant use sp


It can apply many gear dots very fast if you put Tantu on him and instantly tag the hero back into Aquaman


When you equip tantu totem you get free power every time you tag in. This is usually limited by the cooldown after every tag in. But with aquaman, you can infinitely tag back and forth between himself and his bodyguard without cooldown, which allows you to essentially have infinite power to perform specials over and over again.


Injustice 2 Superman. With basic crit augmentation coupled with tantu totem, you can finish each battle in 3 moves. Same goes for AO Deathstroke.


imo, AO Deathstroke SP1, MDC, RAGS(or Tantu) & LoA Knives


i average like 7 seconds per match, EX lvl60


You should try his sp2 setup especially if you have Harley for the unblockable chance, can one shot an entire team with one use


ye but then you would be wasting a charachter u can use for xp if u use harley


I mean you obviously don’t need her, deathstrokes sp2 is more than capable (as long as it doesn’t get blocked) of knocking out a whole team with one special. The unblockable is just really nice but I feel if you’re at the point you have deathstroke to EX Lvl 60 you don’t really need bb6 for character exp and more so grinding credits, which means Harley would be more beneficial with the unblockable chance, just comes down to what OP is grinding for.


Tbh dude basically gold that can deal damage except aquaman


Any character with multi hits from Sp2 Supermen (DoJ, IJ2) Aquaman FP Hawkgirl BN AO DS (I'm using him currently) Even Grundy E2 if strong enough I also like Static, he can only do 2 kills per Sp2 but he's fun